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Battle and Combat History Series

3 battles report restored....

Countdown To Gallipoli - Landing at Sulva Bay

Countdown to Gallipoli - Battle of Lone Pine

Countdown to Gallipoli - Battle of Battleship Hills

Hi Gary
I hope you'd saved your threads which came in this series after "landing at Cape Helles", because after the DDOS attack on saturday, the threads and posts of saturday and sunday have gone missing.
Could you repost the other 2 threads which were posted on saturday and sunday?

I actually made 5 battle, but I can only restore 4 as I found out I haven't saved the Landing at ANZAC Cove on my hard drive..... It's gone, I am currently working on 5 Ancient Battle that Change the world (Including one with indian King Porus) and I will try to reform my landing at ANZAC in after that..

Curse the Server Reset.......
I actually made 5 battle, but I can only restore 4 as I found out I haven't saved the Landing at ANZAC Cove on my hard drive..... It's gone, I am currently working on 5 Ancient Battle that Change the world (Including one with indian King Porus) and I will try to reform my landing at ANZAC in after that..

Curse the Server Reset.......
Something is better than nothing!!
I'm glad that you could bring back atleast 4 of 'em. :-)

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