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Battery Powered Uniforms For Chilly Chinese


Oct 12, 2010
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Battery Powered Uniforms For Chilly Chinese

January 18, 2011: Chinese media recently ran stories about battery powered Winter uniforms for the army. The purpose of this kind of story was twofold.

First, to show off the neat new gadgets China is producing, and then to show how modern and high-tech the Chinese armed forces are. Unspoken is the admission that China has traditionally treated the lower ranking soldiers very poorly, especially when it comes to decent food and special equipment. During the Winter of 1950-51, American troops in Korea frequently came across Chinese troops who had frozen to death in their positions, being equipped with inadequate Winter clothing. No more, as the Chinese TV and newspaper stories about the battery powered heated uniforms.

Such military clothing has been around for over half a century, using external power. The battery powered stuff showed up more recently as lithium battery technology advanced. This type of battery can be made in just about any shape. Many brands of battery powered clothing are made in China, and exported for the outdoor market.

China has been building up its troops levels in Tibet, especially its high-altitude areas that border India. This is difficult, and expensive. To survive for extended periods at high altitudes you need sturdy barracks and roads built through very difficult terrain. Battery powered clothing is great for this kind of work, as temperatures often go way below zero (-30 degrees centigrade/-22 Fahrenheit). You can wear unheated clothing in this weather, but it is bulky and limited movement. Troops on patrol or guard duty in this weather are quite happy to have a battery powered shirt and trousers, in case the extreme cold gets unbearable.

When China and India fought a brief 1962 war on their high-altitude border, it was the Chinese who were better equipped and supplied for this kind of war, and the Chinese won as a result. The Indian Army has not yet adopted battery powered clothing for its troops, so the Chinese score extra points for getting there first. Both nations are still preparing for a rematch in the mountains.

Infantry: Battery Powered Uniforms For Chilly Chinese
China shows off new battery powered clothing and someone has to troll about 1962 war and China vs India. If the Chinese were ill equipped back in 1950's then shame on India for losing the war to ill equipped Chinese in 1960's

so conclusion..

India is still behind China.
End of all arguments.
its a nice move by chinese here .

india will suerly take a few lesson and may be from history too. but as usual india will lack behind.


somebozo - i seen all you post in sections - like taiwan fizzle or battery or chinese space.

you are faster than Chinese to go - and show others are not close to china or chinese are superior .

enough of .this licking .

even without reading the article you show your - obsession with red flag. dont be blindfolded.

the artical said When China and India fought a brief 1962 war on their high-altitude border, it was the Chinese who were better equipped and supplied for this kind of war, and the Chinese won as a result.

so indeed chinese were well equiped

unlike what u said
If the Chinese were ill equipped back in 1950's then shame on India for losing the war to ill equipped Chinese in 1960's
:hitwall:Recently,the lowest tempreture has dropped to -48℃. Hopefully these uniforms can help the soldiers against the extreme cold weather!:tup:


So, ultimately the Chinese lower ranking soldiers “were better equipped and supplied…” than those of some other country, even long, long time ago.

Funny article! :lol:
We treated our low ranking soldiers badly? Mao's own son died in the Korean War. Where was Truman or Eisenhower's son? Where was McArthur's son? Everyone was treated equally badly back then, because we were too poor, and we still beat the s* out of some large country in north america and some other large country in south asia.
Jesus why is anyone even giving this idiot the time of day. The only reason he's posting this is because it says

1) China also treats lower soldiers badly (nevermind it was the only fcking army in history to abolish rank and rank insignias)

2) China is being aggressive in Tibet. Yeah... aggressive on its own soil that makes sense.

3) China only beat India in 1962 because it was better equipment, no mentions of more experienced fighting men, better esprit de corps, better strategy and better preparation. (by the way better equipment is definitely debatable, since the IA had tanks and the PLA didn't)
3) China only beat India in 1962 because it was better equipment, no mentions of more experienced fighting men, better esprit de corps, better strategy and better preparation. (by the way better equipment is definitely debatable, since the IA had tanks and the PLA didn't)

But isn't these what matters in an Army? I mean what else are people gonna rely on in wartime? Rambos?
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