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Barak-8: Details from Paris Airshow 2009


Feb 7, 2009
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The new generation Barak-8 Air and Missile Defense weapon system currently provides a complete solution to every type of airborne threat, whether that threat be from aircraft, tactical missiles, helicopters, or unmanned aerial vehicles. The system has two versions - maritime and land-based - each relying on an advanced, phased-array radar integrated with an advanced launch system containing “smart” missile interceptors, and a state-of-the-art command and control (C2) system, altogether providing full 360° coverage.


Barak-8 is unique in that it has a built-in ‘intelligence’
within the missile battery’s C2 system. The C2 system can ‘talk’ with other missile batteries, with external radars, and with air traffic control systems, creating an optimized scenario for detecting, engaging, and destroying the target.

- How is this optimization manifested?
It is manifested by the threat being automatically neutralized through the most appropriate missile battery launching the missile. Especially impressive is that a radar connected to a given missile battery that may have detected the threat may not necessarily be part of the same battery that will respond to the threat. This allows us to maximize the system’s capabilities and create the most optimal interception scenario. It should be noted that the advanced, digital, phased-array radar was specifically developed by IAI Elta Systems, Ltd.

- Is the system capable of neutralizing every missile that is launched?
The system is designed from the start to intercept planes and tactical missiles such as air-to-ground missiles and naval anti-ship missiles. The Barak-8 is based on advanced concepts of defense system architecture, including advanced seekers, warheads, high performance maneuvering capabilities, and the ability to be optimally controlled. The missile can receive and process continuous updates on the position and flight trajectory of the target, and use these updates to adjust its own flight to best intercept and destroy the target. The unique missile propulsion system allows the missile to maintain energy, even after it has been airborne for an extended time, and reserve sufficient energy for the end-game or the target’s final engagement and hit. It must be remembered that the enemy missile is also trying to maneuver and evade the Barak-8.The battlefield does not only have one or two threats that the Barak-8 must neutralize; in fact, there are a wide range of threats, coming from all directions and creating a number of potential targets, including our own forces’ airplanes.

- How does the system discern all these targets?

Everything that was mentioned up until this point applies to any number of threats. Of course, no one battery, no matter how sophisticated, will be able to deal with dozens of missiles simultaneously.Integration and network coordination of resources creates synergy among the batteries and helps to successfully deal with a battlefield.

The system is designed from the start to intercept planes and tactical missiles such as air-to-ground missiles and naval anti-ship missiles. The Barak-8 is based on advanced concepts of defense system architecture, including advanced seekers, warheads, high performance maneuvering capabilities, and the ability to be optimally controlled. The missile can receive and process continuous updates on the position and flight trajectory of the target, and use these updates to adjust its own flight to best intercept and destroy the target. The unique missile propulsion system allows the missile to maintain energy, even after it has been airborne for an extended time, and reserve sufficient energy for the end-game or the target’s final engagement and hit. It must be remembered that the enemy missile is also trying to maneuver and evade the Barak-8.

The battlefield does not only have one or two threats that the Barak-8 must neutralize; in fact, there are a wide range of threats, coming from all directions and creating a number of potential targets, including our own forces’ airplanes.

- How does the system discern all these targets?
Everything that was mentioned up until this point applies to any number of threats. Of course, no one battery, no matter how sophisticated, will be able to deal with dozens of missiles simultaneously.
Integration and network coordination of resources creates synergy among the batteries and helps to successfully deal with a battlefield
saturated with targets.
For instance, within a given formation or fleet of naval ships, each equipped with a Barak-8, they communicate with one another through the secure communication channels and data link within the integrated system. In an automated manner, the system knows how to optimally allocate targets throughout various batteries of the naval formation, and among the various batteries of the network; and eliminate every threat, be it missiles, planes, or helicopters.
Similarly, land-based versions of the Barak-8 system can be easily and quickly deployed across tens of kilometers between the individually deployed batteries, and provide 360° coverage over the widest possible protected area against cruise missiles, airborne munitions launched from planes or ships, and other threats.

- Can the Barak 8 ‘talk’ to other systems, ones that aren’t produced by IAI?
Absolutely. The system has the ability to interconnect
with other systems and can thereby receive information on the threat from a wide variety of sources.

- What stage is the system in currently?
It’s in its final stages of development, to be completed in 2010-2011. IAI already has customers for both the maritime and the land-based defense systems.
India is supplying the dual pulse rocket motor for Barak 8, a solid fuel based propulsion system which is a improved one derived from the Akash SAM project.
any information Indian army Inducting barak missile-8 into its artillary........
Barak 8 for Navy,MR SAM-for Airforce,the Army AD will be having Akash SAM along with SPYDER,S-300V & the upgraded Pechoras,Tungushkas etc.
is this system more advanced that arrow system??

m not talking about range just about capabilities
is this system more advanced that arrow system??

m not talking about range just about capabilities

Arrow is a different class of missile system... Its role is Anti-ballistic... So no point in comparing both...

But to your question, Arrow must me better when compared to barak.... Thats all i have... ;)
Arrow is a different class of missile system... Its role is Anti-ballistic... So no point in comparing both...

But to your question, Arrow must me better when compared to barak.... Thats all i have... ;)

When Arrow is a different class of missile how did you say that Arrow is better? Can Arrow beat highly maneuverable low flying cruise missiles? fighter aircrafts? NO. Its developed to destroy high speed ballistic missile at high altitudes. so each one is the better in its own area.

Barak-8 at a glance

Barak-8 incorporates many new technologies like flexible dual pulse rocket motor technology. Its second pulse fires as the missile approaches its target, this ensures that the missile isn’t just coasting in the final stages, giving it several chances at a fast, maneuvering target with deadly accuracy. Another system on board the missile is its new active radar seeker which has capability to intercept very low RCS targets. The missile itself has very low signature that makes it almost undetectable when launched, giving an extra advantage for stealth operations. New high performance warhead. It also supports Network Centric warfare capabilities. The missile is equipped with a two-way datalink, supporting mid-course updating and terminal updating and validation.

One wild card is the Barak’s potential use in a point defense role against ballistic missiles, a role that can't be played by some of its competitors on land or sea.
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which one is BARAK-NG , in which india is a partner..?
which one is BARAK-NG , in which india is a partner..?

Both. Actually there is no official mention of Barak-NG. In India it is known as LR-SAM for the navy and MR-SAM for the airforce. In Israel it is known as Barak-8 as well as it's ER version.
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