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Bank accounts for overseas Pakistanis


Dec 18, 2016
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United Kingdom
what bank accounts can an overseas Pakistani open to hold PKR or shall I say which bank accounts are good to have? As I want to open a bank account so I can send money or hold money in it for when I do travel to Pakistan.
what bank accounts can an overseas Pakistani open to hold PKR or shall I say which bank accounts are good to have? As I want to open a bank account so I can send money or hold money in it for when I do travel to Pakistan.
rupee always falling like rock why a sane person need a rupee account ? please go to bank and make dollar account in Pakistan its called foreign currency account .
rupee always falling like rock why a sane person need a rupee account ? please go to bank and make dollar account in Pakistan its called foreign currency account .
Don't even do that. My dad opened a foreign currency account with Citibank, Islamabad branch in 1994. Transferred about £400,000. It appeared to be neat way to park cash in Pakistan as dollars away from the prying eyes of HM Revenue Tax inspectors. Instead Nawaz locked the accounts post 1998 nuke tests and offered the money back as PKrs. We lost a fortune. If we had that money in UK and invested in houses it would have been worth about 4 million pounds. Me and my brothers would have been millionaires.

Moral of the story. Don;t keep cash in Pakistan. Do what Pakistani elite do. Keep money in the west, invest in the west or maybe Dubai. Nawaz Sharif > Avenfield properties in UK??

So don't be sucker ...

Ps. The only thing worth keeping in Pakistan is your land. Even that you need extended family you can trust to make sure nobody encroaches. It also helps to have 'reach' in local administration/police etc
what bank accounts can an overseas Pakistani open to hold PKR or shall I say which bank accounts are good to have? As I want to open a bank account so I can send money or hold money in it for when I do travel to Pakistan.
Man why? if you dont live in a country, just use your credit card to withdraw what you need.

That is what i do when travelling; or carry cash as needed basis.
Unless in a given country you have investments to park into, it makes no sense for the overhead.
what bank accounts can an overseas Pakistani open to hold PKR or shall I say which bank accounts are good to have? As I want to open a bank account so I can send money or hold money in it for when I do travel to Pakistan.

I think Standard Chartered is probably the best bank in Pak, rest all of them are more or less same, if you have a computerized card, and an address in Pak then it shouldn't be a problem. I see you are based in UK, you can try to discuss this with Pakistani banks operating there
Don't even do that. My dad opened a foreign currency account with Citibank, Islamabad branch in 1994. Transferred about £400,000. It appeared to be neat way to park cash in Pakistan as dollars away from the prying eyes of HM Revenue Tax inspectors. Instead Nawaz locked the accounts post 1998 nuke tests and offered the money back as PKrs. We lost a fortune. If we had that money in UK and invested in houses it would have been worth about 4 million pounds. Me and my brothers would have been millionaires.

Moral of the story. Don;t keep cash in Pakistan. Do what Pakistani elite do. Keep money in the west, invest in the west or maybe Dubai. Nawaz Sharif > Avenfield properties in UK??

So don't be sucker ...

Ps. The only thing worth keeping in Pakistan is your land. Even that you need extended family you can trust to make sure nobody encroaches. It also helps to have 'reach' in local administration/police etc

This is the sad realty of FDI by overseas Pakistanis. We want to invest in Pakistan, but get screwed over if we try. Hope Imran Khan and his party read stories like this. We are a reliable source of investment if they play their cards right; each person in countries like Britain, Canada, and the US has the potential to save up and invest thousands of dollars a year in Pakistan. So sorry to hear this happened to your family. Do you think you or your family would be willing to talk to PTI strategists to help them see these shortcomings, and help correct it so it never happens again?
Pakistan has to implements the idea of international money accounts with simplicity and not forcing people to lock down currency in particular local unit i.e Rupee etc

a) Chinese currency
b) Russian
c) Dollar (Debt ridden country avoid)
d) Pound
f) Gold

And let people decide what currency they want to keep their savings invested in

As more foreign currency or gold/silver assets develop locally in banks the power of Pakistani banks will rise exponentially too allow for local micro financing for business and credt

  • More money for Banks means , they lend out more money to small business and consumers
  • They invest the money wisely to make more money from existing money
  • More money Pakistani banks have the more money gets invested in Pakistan/Chinese stock exchange by Bank managers

The whole cycle of investment is driven by simple formula , how many people are opening and saving in a Pakistani Bank !!

All world banks are run on that Principle , Users deposit their money in their Bank Accounts
some % goes into investment accounts. Banks use the BIG POOL of money for Growth investmemt project which return 10x or 100x profits and then that profit is given back to people who invested


Bank 1 : Has total Bank accounts with total value of 20 Million USD , but in Pakistani rupee
People are reluctant to save in Rupee and the 20 million profile is not worth much

Pool of money avilable with Bank 1: 20,000,000 USD (Tiny drop of money)

Bank 2: Has total Bank accounts with total value 5 Billion USD, they allow International
currency account and it allows people to hold international currency

Pool of money avilable with Bank 2: 5,000,000,000 USD

In this example Bank #2 will be able to Offer (Credit card, Loans , and business loans ) to local community. Also they would be able to invest in local and international stock exchange
To make more money. This is exactly what folks do in Financial hubs across western world.
Bank 2 will also be able to offer more jobs locally in cities

Banks create MONEY from Money

By the way isn't it funny behind every Anti Pakistan policy the name Nawaz sharif comes up
who again prevented the ability of Pakistanis to hold foreign currency bank accounts
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They seize your bank account if you do not use it i think for 6 months.
pakistan new Islamabad airport already robbed me/family 9000 rupees for bags and 120 rupees for airport tax each person.

robber baron country. They all play their part to fleece you.
They seize your bank account if you do not use it i think for 6 months.
pakistan new Islamabad airport already robbed me/family 9000 rupees for bags and 120 rupees for airport tax each person.

robber baron country. They all play their part to fleece you.
you must be kidding me. why? is airport tax not in the flight fare?
you must be kidding me. why? is airport tax not in the flight fare?

brother i swear on allah i was told you need to pay 120 rupees each for airport tax which i asked what exactly is this for ? i was told it was for the new building.
brother i swear on allah i was told you need to pay 120 rupees each for airport tax which i asked what exactly is this for ? i was told it was for the new building.
It probably goes into a collection bucket to be distributed amongst the mafia operating the airport. In all my travel i never had to pay tax seperately. I heard this same story from someone else who had it paid on his ticket but was asked to pay because it had increased!.

Amazing when the soul of an airport is sold... why worry about foreign invasion when it is completely corrupt inside.
brother i swear on allah i was told you need to pay 120 rupees each for airport tax which i asked what exactly is this for ? i was told it was for the new building.

The airport tax has been around since 2016 i think. I remember paying it a couple of years ago. idk why they don't build it into the airfare, but it is a real thing.


the best thing to do is transfer money or take cash when you go over yourself. Banking sector seems a bit fishy in Pakistan.
brother i swear on allah i was told you need to pay 120 rupees each for airport tax which i asked what exactly is this for ? i was told it was for the new building.

to be entirely honest bro you just had a bad experience you can have such an experience anywhere but the main thing is that we continue to educate our people so we wont have to pay bribes and these kind of unfortunate incidents
what bank accounts can an overseas Pakistani open to hold PKR or shall I say which bank accounts are good to have? As I want to open a bank account so I can send money or hold money in it for when I do travel to Pakistan.

Use western union for transferring money to your relatives back in Pakistan. And use cash or credit card when travelling to Pakistan. Opening an account just to hold money in it is a bad idea. It will just sit there depreciating in value. Putting dollars or pounds under your mattress is a better idea seriously. Plus because of all the new FINCA and KYC regulation you'll have to provide a source of income to your bank before they open your account. And then you'll have to do periodic transactions to keep the account active.

brother i swear on allah i was told you need to pay 120 rupees each for airport tax which i asked what exactly is this for ? i was told it was for the new building.

It's toll tax for the road that leads to the airport from Golra onwards. Someone gave your incorrect information. Airport taxes etc are included in the airfare.
Use western union for transferring money to your relatives back in Pakistan. And use cash or credit card when travelling to Pakistan. Opening an account just to hold money in it is a bad idea. It will just sit there depreciating in value. Putting dollars or pounds under your mattress is a better idea seriously. Plus because of all the new FINCA and KYC regulation you'll have to provide a source of income to your bank before they open your account. And then you'll have to do periodic transactions to keep the account active.

It's toll tax for the road that leads to the airport from Golra onwards. Someone gave your incorrect information. Airport taxes etc are included in the airfare.

we already paid fee at the road check point.
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