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Bangladesh’s Identity Crisis: To Be or Not to Be Secular

Ask him to be secular following what you have just said!
Lol! Absolutely not. A person can't be secular, he will hold his beliefs and wear it wherever he wants. That's personal liberty.
The Government of India is a secular institution and our country is secular. Modi is a person he is free to have his own beliefs.
You're a declared Islam as the state religion which effectively makes you an Islamic state and hence not secular.
It is good that you have managed to find fault in secularism in European Christian societies.

So, we should take lessons from them and create a purer secular country in BD.

Don't you think it is better that way? Better we discard the bad parts of their society and follow a better secularism.

Abolish Madrassah to start with. They teach superstitions such as the Sun revolves around a flat Earth.

Majority of the Europeans are atheists at the moment. Due to that naturally religion plays a minor role there. But this is completely opposite in Bangladesh where majority of the people are religious and supports Islamic identity of the country but allowing freedom of all religion at the same time.

To me if Bangladesh needs to discard Islam as identity then what was the point of separating from India? So you can not just bring western version of secularism in Bangladesh at the moment.
Lol! Absolutely not. A person can't be secular, he will hold his beliefs and wear it wherever he wants. That's personal liberty.
The Government of India is a secular institution and our country is secular. Modi is a person he is free to have his own beliefs.
You're a declared Islam as the state religion which effectively makes you an Islamic state and hence not secular.

He imposed his belief on Indian government institution.
Majority of the Europeans are atheists at the moment. Due to that naturally religion plays a minor role there. But this is completely opposite in Bangladesh where majority of the people are religious and supports Islamic identity of the country but allowing freedom of all religion at the same time.

To me if Bangladesh needs to discard Islam as identity then what was the point of separating from India? So you can not just bring western version of secularism in Bangladesh at the moment.

He imposed his belief on Indian government institution.
Why do you keep on talking about Europe? Come down to the BD ground and talk about how are you going to make it a real secular country. Europe is irrelevant although BD can still follow its faulty secular system.

Who told you that we have to follow European bad things in BD? Tell us if BD should remain a Madrassah country. Oh!! I understand to support this would take you to Hell!! You remain a strong part of superstitious BD.
With a hindutva extremist communal India on one side and a crazy Buddhist Myanmar on the other

What use will being secular be?

Yeah we are caught between a rock and a hard place.

It's like sitting in the middle of full blown rioters and murderers setting the place alight, and us trying to hoist the white peace flag and saying "om shanti". These rogue forces only know one language, that of missiles and bombs.
Shafi Md Mostofa
Shafi Md Mostofa is Assistant Professor of World Religions and Culture at the University of Dhaka and an Adjunct Lecturer at the University of New England, Australia.

I think "Shafi" should re-name himself Shiv-charan and remain in Australia, where his disrespect to his own declared Muslim identity cannot be called into question. We have enough of these India-shill munafiq fakes in Bangladesh (aka chetona dalal) who have never attended even one Jumma prayer in their whole life and think it's perfectly OK.

Be a munafiq if you want, but don't disrespect those that have a minimum devoutness toward Islam.

I notice some Hindus have the gall in Bangladesh (of all places) to disrespect and criticize women who follow Hijab principles. Hasina has lifted these monkeys to new heights of overt Hindutva pride.

These are the type of Hindutva Hindu a$$holes we should give a swift kick in the posterior and send to India.

You don't respect neutrality in religion and equal rights, you don't belong in Bangladesh. Go be Hindutva all you want in India...
Their societies are not allowed to send their children to Missionary schools instead of secular schools.

This is not entirely correct @bluesky bhai.

Depends on the neighborhood and parents.

In all states, there are Private Christian schools and parents do elect to send them there. Here is a list of Christian schools from my neighborhood.

In some neighborhoods with Muslim majority - there are Muslim schools too, as are Hindu, Buddhist and other religious schools. The curriculum of these schools is however approved by curriculum boards which is a state controlled entity.
We are true secular. Sura Kafirun clearly ordered us to become secular.

Secular means freedom for all religion.

Bangladeshi so called secular aren't secular , but they are pseudo Hindutva aka bootlicker of Narendra Modi and gong.

{ Say : O ye that reject Faith!

I worship not that which ye worship,
Nor will ye worship that which I worship.
Nor will I worship those whom you have worshipped;,
Nor will ye worship that which I worship.

To you be your Way, and to me mine.

~ Surah Kafirun }

So Holy Quran clearly teach us secularism , mean freedom for all religion.

We aren't like hindutva swine who kill human being because of eating beef!

Ps - Kafir = non believer; it's not any derogatory term .

(Although unfortunately it now use as derogatory term by ignorant people) .

Your misinterpreting Quran verses to fit your view. Islam has shariah law does it not? If we were truly suppose to be secular why wasn’t Rashidun caliphate secular?

Also a question for all Muslim secularists:
You believe Allah SWT believe is so superior that he created man in such amazing detail from our veins to our fingerprints, created this vast universe impossible to even comprehend, Yet he didnt give us any laws or their laws are superior?
Also being secular means you believe the laws of the people are most high. But we know the law of Allah is highest. So secularim is clear kuffar!
Your misinterpreting Quran verses to fit your view. Islam has shariah law does it not? If we were truly suppose to be secular why wasn’t Rashidun caliphate secular?

Also a question for all Muslim secularists:
You believe Allah SWT believe is so superior that he created man in such amazing detail from our veins to our fingerprints, created this vast universe impossible to even comprehend, Yet he didnt give us any laws or their laws are superior?
Also being secular means you believe the laws of the people are most high. But we know the law of Allah is highest. So secularim is clear kuffar!
Not interested to talk to you on this subject. Because it will launch religious debate. But I already said what secular is.

Also Follow the constitution of Medina, if you are interested. It's the constitution for state , not for religion!

Just one thing , 4 madhab , ahle Hadith and different sector of Islam has different understanding of Quran.

Unfortunately no one can understand the holy book without contradiction , because they rely on the narratives of Mullahs instead of Allah himself.

That's the reason division among Muslims are increasing and screwing the nation who once rule the world!

Quran is the word of Allah and everything is written very clearly. We don't need any other book to justify the book of Allah.

You can take help of some pure Hadiths ( without any marketing term ) that doesn't contradict Quran that's all.

But let's agree to disagree , as we can't reach to any conclusion!
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The purpose of secularism is to simply limit religion to personal religious freedom of individuals and out of state machinery.
Secularism is what propelled Europe through industrial revolution. The quicker we realise this the better.

“Whoever wishes for the quick-passing (transitory enjoyment of this world), We readily grant him what We will for whom We like. Then, afterwards, We have appointed for him Hell, he will burn therein disgraced and rejected, ( far away from Allah’s Mercy)”

[al-Isra’ 17:18]

We as Muslims aren’t concerned with this world. In this world kaffirs will always be doing good.
Secularism is kuffar and if keeping our country Islamic means being “backwards” than that’s fine to us!
Not interested to talk to you on this subject. Because it will launch religious debate.

Just one thing , 4 madhab , ahle Hadith and different sector of Islam has different understanding of Quran.

Unfortunately no one can understand the holy book without contradiction , because they rely on the narratives of Mullahs instead of Allah himself.

That's the reason division among Muslims are increasing and screwing the nation who once rule the world!

Quran is the word of Allah and everything is written very clearly. We don't need any other book to justify the book of Allah.

You can take help of some pure Hadiths ( without any marketing term ) that doesn't contradict Quran that's all.

But let's agree to disagree , as we can't reach to any conclusion!

Read full Quran don’t pick verses out to support your narrative only.
Secularism is kuffar
Secularism is kuffar
I'm not surprised by your remark. Our mullahs also used to say the same thing. As a result BAL needed to make a pact with India in order to survive in Bangladesh politics.

Anti Pakistan rhetoric and indian dalali became bread and butter in order to counter those paid mullahs.

Finally after neutralizing them we are are freeing ourselves slowly from such condition,and saved Bangladesh from sinking into oblivion!

Both mullah and atheist ( pseudo Hindutva) never amused me ,as they are just different sides of the same coin!
[al-Isra’ 17:18]

We as Muslims aren’t concerned with this world. In this world kaffirs will always be doing good.
Secularism is kuffar and if keeping our country Islamic means being “backwards” than that’s fine to us!

Read full Quran don’t pick verses out to support your narrative only.
Secularism is kuffar
Saying all this while living in Canada
Secularism is a guise to attack religion, if you don't know see that you're blind. Anyone living in a western country knows this.

Either our sisters are attacked for wearing a veil or your son or daughter is told it's okay to be a lesbian or gay.
Secularism is a guise to attack religion, if you don't know see that you're blind. Anyone living in a western country knows this.

Either our sisters are attacked for wearing a veil or your son or daughter is told it's okay to be a lesbian or gay.
@Saiful Islam , ভাই, সেকুলারিজম বলতে আমি বাংলাদেশের সেকুলারিজম বুঝি না। বাংলাদেশে যারা সেকুলার ভং ধারী আছে ওগুলা আসলে সেকুলার বা নাস্তিক কোনটাই না। ওরা হল ছদ্মবেশী হিন্দুত্ববাদী আর ইসলাম ও মুসলিম বিদ্বেষী।

আমি সেকুলারিজম বলতে বুঝাচ্ছি সব ধর্মের মানুষের সমান অধিকার, যেটা আসলে ইসলামেরই শিক্ষা!

ইন্দোনেশিয়ায় যেমন ৫ টা ধর্মের অফিসিয়াল স্বীকৃতি আছে, আমাদেরও তেমনি হোক সেটাই চাই আমি। সংসদে মুসলিম সাংসদ রা বিসমিল্লাহ বলে শুরু করুক, আর অন্য ধর্মাবলম্বীরা তাদের ইষ্টদেবতার নামে যদি তারা সেটা চায়।

হুদাইবিয়ার সন্ধিতে কাফির রা রসুল ( সাঃ) কে আল্লাহর নবী লিখতে দেবে না কারন তারা তাঁকে মানে না ( আমার ভুল হলে শুধরে দিন প্লিজ) এর পরও কি এই সন্ধিকে আল্লাহ মহা বিজয় বলেন নি?

তাই এখানে সেকুলারিজম/ধর্ম নিরপেক্ষতা কে আমি সাম্য অর্থে বুঝিয়েছি ( মদিনা সনদের ১৮ নং শর্ত দেখেন) , ধর্মহীনতা বুঝাইনি। এর কোন প্রশ্নই আসে না।

সব ধর্মের সাম্যই ইসলামের শিক্ষা।

যদি কেউ হিজাব পরার জন্য আক্রমণের শিকার হন, তবে যারা আক্রমণ করেছে তারা সেকুলার না, তার সেকুলার নামধারী সেই নির্দিষ্ট ধর্মের অন্ধ সমর্থক। তারা ইসলাম আর মুসলিম বিদ্বেষী; ঠিক বাংলাদেশের ভং ধারী সেকুলার দের মত, যারা মুলত সেকুলারের ছদ্মবেশে হিন্দুত্ববাদী।

আশা করি আমার অবস্থান পরিষ্কার করতে পেরেছি। ধৈর্য ধরে পড়ার জন্য ধন্যবাদ।

( In Bengali I politely explained my point of view on secularism . Moderators please don't delete it)
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“Whoever wishes for the quick-passing (transitory enjoyment of this world), We readily grant him what We will for whom We like. Then, afterwards, We have appointed for him Hell, he will burn therein disgraced and rejected, ( far away from Allah’s Mercy)”

[al-Isra’ 17:18]

We as Muslims aren’t concerned with this world. In this world kaffirs will always be doing good.
Secularism is kuffar and if keeping our country Islamic means being “backwards” than that’s fine to us!

Read full Quran don’t pick verses out to support your narrative only.
Secularism is kuffar
People can pick verses as they please and run with their own narrative.
Bangladesh is better off running with what is proven to be most supportive of peace, prosperity and advancement of society at large. Secularism is indispensable.
Unfortunately there are not many Muslim countries BD can learn from as we are already ahead of most. We need to tailor our own path and move forward.
Secularism is a guise to attack religion, if you don't know see that you're blind. Anyone living in a western country knows this.

Either our sisters are attacked for wearing a veil or your son or daughter is told it's okay to be a lesbian or gay.
Yet Muslims choose to live in Western countries. There is nothing secular about attacking people for their religious choices.
Lynching and bombing because of "hurt feelings" are more of an attack.
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This is not entirely correct @bluesky bhai.

Depends on the neighborhood and parents.

In all states, there are Private Christian schools and parents do elect to send them there. Here is a list of Christian schools from my neighborhood.
I believe that a country like America or any other Christian country would blindly allow a child to attend a Missionary school without conditions that satisfy the state or national education standards.

As because the name is Missionary, it does not mean they are taught the Sun revolves around a flat Earth as it is done in Madrassahs of BD. So, please educate us about the curriculum of those Missionary schools.

Do they teach only meaningless abstract things that we see in our Madrassahs?

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