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Bangladeshis show passion for fellow Arabs

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New Recruit

Jul 19, 2014
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Anti-Israel protests have intensified across Bangladesh, with a call going out from most quarters for a halt to the ongoing "genocide" and "freedom for Palestinians".

According to the Daily Star, waves of protest against Israel's military attack on Gaza continue.

A cross-section of people in different parts of the country are condemning the attack, and called for an immediate end to the atrocities.

They also urged the conscious people of the world to stand firm against what they said was an act of genocide by Israel.

The protests in Dhaka were held near the Shahbagh Square.

In Chittagong, the Hefajat-e Islam also staged protests against Israel's attack on the Gaza Strip.

They urged the United Nations (UN) to declare Israel a terrorist country, and demanded that the government confiscate all Israeli products in Bangladesh.

In Rajshahi, over three hundred students and teachers of different educational institutions formed a human chain at Shaheb Bazar to protest Israel's atrocities.
Well, it's in their religion that Muslims will be friends with other Muslim only except the Muslim with the characters of Intelligence(Murtad) and secular. a Bangladeshi who will have affinity towards Arabs or Persians. It's not erasable. programmed like this way only.
Indeed, there have been massive protests against the Israeli actions in Gaza. Many organizations have been collecting donations for the Gaza victims,

Also I think the thread title should be "Bangladesh show compassion for victims in Gaza", can it be changed? @Chak Bamu
All I can say is that Bangladeshi brothers put Pakistanis to shame. There is hardly anything going on in Pakistan - and it is so unusual. All because of internal war, political bickering, etc...
Well i cried everytime i saw photos of dead kids ....

This friday, when the Imam during prayer said -

' O Allah

Help our brothers in palestine.
Muslims have forsaken them,
You are the one who can help,
Cant tolerate this anymore.
Give hidayat to Bani Israel
or Destroy them ... '

The imam cried,
and with him everyone around me.
Why, truth too hard for you? No wonder the whole country is living in denial.

These guys are giving their support to Palestinians. This has nothing to do with a racist Saudi.

There is a time and place to troll.
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