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Bangladeshis in India send back $6.6 billion–6% of their homeland’s GDP

The amazing power of Google !!

I assume Bangladeshi folks from India just toss the $6.6 billion over the fence unbeknownst to BSF hence its not showing in the official remittance record !!!!

Common man they are SUPA PAWA, soon they gonna recruit migrant workers from Mars, they will invent new inter-planet monetary system to help the Martian workers remit their earnings. :lol:
As we have enough talent in India,we don't need Bangladeshis help.Bangladeshis are eating local Bengali's job in India..They need to be kicked out & will be soon as it has already been started....Good days are ahead..Mamata will also lose her election & BJP is coming to power..:coffee:
is it possible for BJP to win in Bengal? do they have party workers at grass roots level as the communists and congress?
Look at this data from world bank....the data is updated till 2012.
But anyhow offers a non biased view of the actual Migrant remittance outflows...
Prospects - Migration & Remittances Data

Download the "Outflow" xls : http://siteresources.worldbank.org/...990760745/RemittanceData_Outflows_Apr2014.xls

Total outflow of remittance from INDIA -4963 MIllion US $
Total outflow of remittance from BD - 11.7 MIllion US $

Clearly one can see that BD by no stretch of imagination or blind patriotism, can support a large workforce of any nation , let alone India.
Nobody said that but you lot.Funny how that turned out to be. 1.5 million indian working illegally in Bangladesh. Why may I ask are they coming to BD for work. What I gathered from Indians post here,you people have so much that all you do is open your mouth and food comes in....
Got stuck in your own lie...
Remittance means they are all working there legally.
LoL we have better life than the bangladeshis that is why your people come here illegally.Since your nation cannot feed them. Where did you get the figure 1.5 million indians working in Bangladesh illegally, Why would anyone leave a country where they can earn more and go to a country which pays less?mUST BE A bangladeshi mind to think that way.Strange
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