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Bangladeshi hostage gave life for his Indian and American friends

So far only jamati social media is actively promoting this conspiracy theory.No Bangladeshi or international mainstream media have yet raised this question.Jamati is using 1/2 very blurry picture,where the allied person is not like that of Faaraz .This jamatis are master manipulator,they circulated sayeedi's face in the moon by doing computer photoshop and thousand's of dead hefajoti molla in govt. raid in 2013 by using dead Iraqi and Syrian picture.

This video was taken by a Korean guy living next door and picture says thousands word - one does not has to have political association to see through pictures. Besides, there IS NOT A IOTA of CREDIBILITY in Bangladesh govt and its organization. US had asked to let FBI investigate and that is what should happen to clarify all answers. Jamatis are Bangladeshi and have same rights as any other, period.

Int'l media has no clue and local media is controlled by indo awami thugs and prothom lie. That being said, you and your fellow awami cohorts and illegal indian posing as Bangladeshis can not hide behind "conspiracy" theory. By blaming Islam and killing Islamic minded people, look where awami indian stooges taken the country. Now Bangladesh facing ban on garments and major development project is in jeopardy. There should be list of people like you to take them to justice for instigating killing and violence against Muslims in Bangladesh.
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Anyone other than a blind jamati can see, this picture is not of Faaraz.Faaraz is smaller and slimmer stature than this and Faaraz's face is not that bulky like this face.

IMO,This guy looks like 3rd f@rt of the top row..


Though I doubt even if it is a pic from the operation.

And you stole my hardwork..

So I give it some thought.

The news about Faraaz's refusal to leave his friends was first published by New York Times , quoting a Hostage Mr.Barai in the morning of July 2,2016.

Here is the link : http://www.nytimes.com/2016/07/03/world/asia/bangladesh-hostage-standoff.html?_r=0

Now my thinking is:

1.By now there is no doubt IS was involved.They claimed responsibility,and Site led by Rita Catz(an Israeli Jew and self proclaimed Zionist) confirmed this claim.

2. ISIS newspaper "Amaq" Published Pic of five attackers, Faraaz's wasn't among them.

3. If Faraaz was a IS fighter in that restaurant, they(ISIS) don't have any reason to not publish it . Both IS and SITE or Rita catz (an Israeli Jew and self proclaimed Zionist) has no reason to lie specially SITE(why they will protect a ISLAMI terrorist?)

Personally I don't see any logic to dispute IS 's claim or Site's confirmation.

4. According to victim Tarishi Jains father, Tarishi last called them very early in the morning few mnts before 6AM ,she said she is hiding in the toilet of the resturant . Tarishi never told to his father anything about Faraaz being with the terrorists. IF she did I think Mr. Jain has no reason not to tell it to the media or the Indian authority.

Mirror UK, India Today both said the three were hiding together in the toilet quoting her family(the first time she called after the attack around 10 o'clock).

5.A employee of the restaurant who was also hiding in the toilet,told local media that they were hiding there hole night,in the very late in the night the attackers made some other employees , who were a hostage too, to tell them to come out,told them they won't harm muslims.

6. Five hostages were let go by the attackers just few minutes (maybe 15 to25 /30 minutes).

7. One hostage told media that he thinks the terrorists realized by dawn that authority will surely raid the cafe in the morning, he was being held in the main building and were observing the the terrorists behavior and heard them talking among themselves.So they gathered the other hostages and let few of them go.

8.All the terrorists were missing for minimum 4/6 to 8 months. No connection with family no Facebook post or activity.

Faraaz last updated his Facebook cover photo in March 31, Returned home from US In first week of April and were home with his family and friends, According to a well known writer he visited Prothom Alo's HQ after returning for a vacation.

And also keep in mind he went to the restaurant with Tarushi and Abantika Kabir who were his friends from Junior school. This point alone proves that he wasn't missing from his family and friends like those mofos,at least two of their families filed GD with the police after they had gone missing.

9. ISPR after the commando raid confirmed 20 dead. A commando told local media, I think it was Jamuna TV that they found 20 bodies among them 18 victims were foreigner and two other who isn't "foreigner". It was reported between 8.30 to 9.00 Am AFA I recall.Now it's confirmed that Faraaz and his friends were already killed before the raid

What will a commando gain by lying anonymously ?

10. Faraaz like other victims were killed with a sharp weapon (slitting neck and especially his right hand were chopped under the wrist according to his family).

This whole thing is to tarnish Faraaz 's name and is all about negative propaganda from the likes of you know some of the members here. The blurry screenshot and rumor was posted and by a online news portal, which know one knew existed,with no credible logic or proof or whats so ever.I believe I don't have to tell the logical sane members about these so called news portal.you already understand.

But again only investigation will establish the truth. I am waiting for the Inquest report and the postmortem report. If Faraaz is proved to be a terrorist by the law, only then I will accept it ,not by the saying of people who is not respectable.

I am saying it again I will accept only the decision by the authority after the investigation .

And proven otherwise than this post, I will apologize openly to all of you. Remind me about it. You can choose the section where I have to post my apology thread.

I wouldn't have posted this ,but these people don't surely respect the law and legal process, but they are using it to gain filthy interest. And the vile way this propagandists are using is simply disgusting.

P.S. I wrote this last night but posting it now. All info were taken from local BD,Indian and New York Times. So I have given it some time I think.

@Maira La @Bilal9 @BDforever @bongbang @Doyalbaba @PersonasNonGrata @SHK

@Nilgiri @GR!FF!N @ito @American Pakistani
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Short translation:
Faraaz Ayaaz Hossain, who was glorified as hero could be one of the member of terrorist team. By analyzing frame by frame video footage above it was quite clear that Faraaz was guarding the door and working along the terror group. Also, released picture of dead terrorists on the ground (First from right, circled in blue) shown Faraaz was part of the group.

One needs to understand identity and background of Faraaz Hossain; his grandfather (Latifur Rahman) is owner of pro Awami League media group Daily Star, Prothom Alo newspaper. That is why Prothom Alo and Daily star news papers going out of their way to put propaganda spanner and using their media connection to glorify Faraaz. Interestingly enough, one need to consider the fact that Faraaz grandfather Latifur Rahman had allege connection to ULFA seeking independence from india, Latifur Rahman was working as proxy businessman for ULFA and laundered money for ULFA.
Is declassified their members. Faraz was not in them.case closed
So I give it some thought.

The news about Faraaz's refusal to leave his friends was first published by New York Times , quoting a Hostage Mr.Barai in the morning of July 2,2016.

Here is the link : http://www.nytimes.com/2016/07/03/world/asia/bangladesh-hostage-standoff.html?_r=0

Now my thinking is:

1.By now there is no doubt IS was involved.They claimed responsibility,and Site led by Rita Catz(an Israeli Jew and self proclaimed Zionist) attested about this cailm.

2. ISIS newspaper "Amaq" Published Pic of five attackers, Faraaz's wasn't among them.

3. If Faraaz was a IS fighter in that restaurant, they(ISIS) don't have any reason to not publish it . Both IS and SITE or Rita catz (an Israeli Jew and self proclaimed Zionist) has no reason to lie specially SITE(why they will protect a ISLAMI terrorist?)

Personally I don't see any logic to dispute IS 's claim or Site's claim.

4. According to victim Tarishi Jains father, Tarishi last called them very early in the morning few mnts before 6AM ,she said she is hiding in the toilet of the resturant . Tarishi never told to his father anything about Faraaz being with the terrorists. IF she did I don't think Mr. Jain has has no reason not to tell it to the media or the Indian authority.

Mirror UK, India Today both said the three were hiding together in the toilet quoting her family(the first time she called after the attack around 10 o'clock).

5.A employee of the restaurant who was also hiding in the toilet,told local media that they were hiding there hole night,in the dawn the attackers made some other employees , who were a hostage too, to tell them to come out,told them they won't harm muslims.

6. Five hostages were let go by the attackers just few minutes (maybe 15 to25 minutes).

7.One hostage told media that he thinks the terrorists realized by dawn that authority will surely raid the cafe in the morning, he was being held in the main building and weer observing the the terrorists behavior and heard them talking among themselves.So they gathered the other hostages and let few of them go.

8.All the terrorists were missing for minimum 4 ro 6 months. No connection with family no Facebook post or activity.

Faraaz last updated his Facebook cover in March 31, Returned home from US In April 1 and were home with his family and friends, According to a well known writer he visited Prothom Alo's HQ after returning for a vacation.

And also keep n mind he wnt there withi Trashi ans Abantika Kabir who were his friends from the Junior school. his point alone proves that he wasn't missing from his family and friends like those mofos( two of those families filed GD with the police after they had gone missing.

9. ISPR after the commando raid confirmed 20 dead. A commando told local media I think it was Jamuna TV that among 20 victims 18 were foreigner and two other who isn't "foreigner". It was It was reported between 8.30 t 9.00 Am AFA I recall.

What will a commando gain by lying anonymously ?

10. Faraaz like other victims were killed with a sharp weapon (slitting neck and especially his right hand were chopped off according to his family).

This whole thing about tarnishing Faraaz 's name is all about negative propaganda from the likes of you know some of the members here. The blurry screenshot and rumor was posted and by a online news portal, which know one knew existed,with no credible logic or proof or whats so ever.I believe I don't have to tell the logical sane members about these so called news portal.you alredy understand.

But again only investigation will establish the truth. I am waiting for the Inquest report and the postmortem report. If Faraaz is proved to be a terrorist by the law, only then I will accept it ,not by the saying of people who is not respectable.

I am saying it again I will accept only the legal decicsion by the authority.

And proven otherwise than this post, I will apologize openly to all of you. Remind me about it. You can choose the section where I have to post my apology thread.

I wouldn't have posted this ,but these people don't surely respect the law and legal process, but they are using it to gain filthy interest. And the vile way this propagandists are using is simply disgusting.

P.S. I wrote this last night but posting it now. All info were taken from local BD,Indian and New York Times. So I have given it some time I think.

@Maira La @Bilal9 @BDforever @bongbang @Doyalbaba @PersonasNonGrata @SHK

@Nilgiri @GR!FF!N @jaunty @ito @American Pakistani

Really excellent post.
Haha dnt wait for investigation

Its all bais
ha ha... indo awami chamchas are too desperate to close case when evidence with picture still hanging there to answer.
Whatever you say but soon you will be in history too like your jaamati leaders.
Whatever you say but soon you will be in history too like your jaamati leaders.
How dare you to threaten a member over here like that and where are the other Dalaler Bacchas now to call the MODs? Every JI-Shibiri leader/activist's killing would have been considered a recipe of revenge, hadn't the world run by might was right mantra, IMO.

This video was taken by a Korean guy living next door and picture says thousands word - one does not has to have political association to see through pictures. Besides, there IS NOT A IOTA of CREDIBILITY in Bangladesh govt and its organization. US had asked to let FBI investigate and that is what should happen to clarify all answers. Jamatis are Bangladeshi and have same rights as any other, period.

Int'l media has no clue and local media is controlled by indo awami thugs and prothom lie. That being said, you and your fellow awami cohorts and illegal indian posing as Bangladeshis can not hide behind "conspiracy" theory. By blaming Islam and killing Islamic minded people, look where awami indian stooges taken the country. Now Bangladesh facing ban on garments and major development project is in jeopardy. There should be list of people like you to take them to justice for instigating killing and violence against Muslims in Bangladesh.
I'VE watched the video over and over dispassionately and I don't have any doubt that the guy roaming with arm is FARAAZ. I'll try to write the thesis statement in that regard. I also understand that Latifur's haat bhi bora lamba hai, ahem!
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I'VE watched the video over and over dispassionately and I don't any doubt that the guy roaming with arm is FARAAZ. I'll try to write the thesis statement in that regard. I also understand that Latifur's haat bhi bora lamba hai, ahem!

Do you deny the accounts given by the other hostages w.r.t Faraaz? I would like to see your thesis on this and compare it to @Khan saheb

BTW which video are you talking about? Can you post the link?
But he has sanctuary in the great Satan America :P
I can see his future encounter by RAB

How dare you to threaten a member over here like that and where are the other Dalaler Bacchas now to call the mod? Every JI-Shibiri leader/activist's killing would have been considered a recipe of revenge, hadn't the world ran by might was right mantra, IMO.

I'VE watched the video over and over dispassionately and I don't any doubt that the guy roaming with arm is FARAAZ. I'll try to write the thesis statement in that regard. I also understand that Latifur's haat bhi bora lamba hai, ahem!
Get the fuq outta here .You jaamatis are spreading this to hide your own true colour. Don't worry soon the law enforcement agencies will wipe you out. Eid mubarak.
Since you live in chander deshe and here to work as Awami spokesperson, it is natural for facts to be "ridculuous". It does not matter what YOU think.

You must be eating too much prothom aloo lie. Well, how long you known Farazz and should you be interrogated to find out your and Faraaz activities?

Its time to gather ids who are promoting Farazz and awami mantra here all these people, their background should be investigated.
Why hasn't any of the hostages come forward with this? I mean they are obviously seeing Faraz being glorified...they know who the terrorists are...wouldn't they be an easier source of info than a blurry video?
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