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Bangladesh v. Radical Islam

Islam is Islam. There is nothing called radical or moderate Islam. To be a Muslim one has to submit to the tenets of the faith v clearly lad down by the Almighty. Islam is a simple faith. Only our enemies try to introduce complex ideas to confuse us.
Complex ideas like? Secularism, democracy etc? Please give an honest answer, I don't wish to offend you.
Islam is Islam. There is nothing called radical or moderate Islam. To be a Muslim one has to submit to the tenets of the faith v clearly lad down by the Almighty. Islam is a simple faith. Only our enemies try to introduce complex ideas to confuse us.
Lmao, "wahaabism". There is no such thing as 'Wahaabi'. It's simply a term to refer to misguided muslims. Now, where did 'Wahaabi' come from? Well Wahaab comes from a Shiekh Ul Islam (Scholar in Islam) and his name was Abdul Wahaab Najdi.His last name was Najdi as he came from a place called 'Najd'. Abdul Wahaab tried to revive Islam from it's corruption such as Shirk and Bidah, he tried to take Islam away from groups such as Brelvism. There is no such thing as a Wahaabi, it's not a extremist group, it's nothing. People need to do research before touching these topics.

In fact, Abdul Wahaab produced many top books such as Kitaab Ut Tawhid, although I don't close follow his books/teachings I can say that all scholars make mistakes, we are human at the end of the day.

In terms of Bangladesh, there will never be a Wahaabi influx there. The term Wahaabi has been provoked by the west, wahaabi is not a sect, it is not a group, it's nothing.

Bangladesh has always been the centre for Deobandis, Tableeghi Jamaatis, Brelvis, Fultali and all these Suffiyah sects.
While most people in Bangladesh are Sunni, they are also blanket Deobandis/Brelvis which they don't realise.

Like brother @Skallagrim said, Islam is Islam, don't cherry pick, you follow the Quran and Sunnah.
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But hey, according to Indians, a man with a cap, jubbah and beard is a Razakar, so all our Dada's are terrorists :laugh:
Complex ideas like? Secularism, democracy etc? Please give an honest answer, I don't wish to offend you.

1. Islam is a simple faith followed by peoples located in vastly different environments. It cannot be covered by the definition of "religion" you find in the dictionary. Islam can best be understood as a continuous revolution to reform human society. Everyday what we pray to the Almighty is not any "mantra" but our submission to be righteous.

2. The essence of true secularism and pure democracy are ingrained in Islam. We Muslims were the the first to practice, present and propagate these in all corners of the globe. These have been sent down to us through the Holy Quo'ran. However, these are not political secularism we find in India or democracy as a weapon of war used by the West.
1. Islam is a simple faith followed by peoples located in vastly different environments. It cannot be covered by the definition of "religion" you find in the dictionary. Islam can best be understood as a continuous revolution to reform human society. Everyday what we pray to the Almighty is not any "mantra" but our submission to be righteous.

2. The essence of true secularism and pure democracy are ingrained in Islam. We Muslims were the the first to practice, present and propagate these in all corners of the globe. These have been sent down to us through the Holy Quo'ran. However, these are not political secularism we find in India or democracy as a weapon of war used by the West.

Thanks. Let me ask a few things. Bold phrases/sentences
1. 'continuous revolution' - Can you explain how Islam has evolved or changed from the way it was practiced before. That is what revolutionary change in Islam has been witnessed?

2. '...not any 'mantra'...' - Great! We have a lot similar then :)

3. 'true secularism and pure democracy' - Are you sure secularism or democracy is compatible? Please quote some verses. Preferably from the Koran. Not read the Hadiths much :D

4. 'Muslims were the first to practice democracy' - Please go through this - 'R. Po-chia Hsia, Lynn Hunt, Thomas R. Martin, Barbara H. Rosenwein, and Bonnie G. Smith, The Making of the West, Peoples and Cultures, A Concise History, Volume I: To 1740 (Boston and New York: Bedford/St. Martin's, 2007), 44.' - documents how it existed (in records even) in Ancient Greece in 500BC!!!
Who set the goal? The individual? or Islam?

Individuals. Anyone can feel peace by submitting to anything, be that Islam, Hinduism, God and any other men made deity according to my observation. And this is the reason of my weak believe now on Allah, although I am still reading and learning, so do not want to discuss more right now.
Lmao, "wahaabism". There is no such thing as 'Wahaabi'.

^^It's kind of scary how Wahabbism/Salafism is luring so many young Muslims into radicalism. Note how they talk about "revival" - one cannot "revive" something someone else started, without His participation. In fact, such "revivals" create new ideologies (e.g. Protestantism).
But hey, according to Indians, a man with a cap, jubbah and beard is a Razakar, so all our Dada's are terrorists :laugh:

Hey you don't have to scapegoat the Indians to call the Bangladeshi Hindus terrorist! You are a British Muslim of Syleti origin, just be yourself man, maybe you will outshine even the Mirpuris! :tup:
^^It's kind of scary how Wahabbism/Salafism is luring so many young Muslims into radicalism. Note how they talk about "revival" - one cannot "revive" something someone else started, without His participation. In fact, such "revivals" create new ideologies (e.g. Protestantism).

Do you always talk this much sh-t? If you really believe Wahaabism is breeding radicalism then you are a funny lad. My point was Wahaabi isn't a sect, Abdul Wahaab wanted to take Islam away from corruption, maybe the word revive wasn't used properly, my bad. But yeah, stop talking sh-t.
I would like to wish Bangladesh all the best on this war against radical Islam.
Thanks. Let me ask a few things. Bold phrases/sentences
1. 'continuous revolution' - Can you explain how Islam has evolved or changed from the way it was practiced before. That is what revolutionary change in Islam has been witnessed?

2. '...not any 'mantra'...' - Great! We have a lot similar then :)

3. 'true secularism and pure democracy' - Are you sure secularism or democracy is compatible? Please quote some verses. Preferably from the Koran. Not read the Hadiths much :D

4. 'Muslims were the first to practice democracy' - Please go through this - 'R. Po-chia Hsia, Lynn Hunt, Thomas R. Martin, Barbara H. Rosenwein, and Bonnie G. Smith, The Making of the West, Peoples and Cultures, A Concise History, Volume I: To 1740 (Boston and New York: Bedford/St. Martin's, 2007), 44.' - documents how it existed (in records even) in Ancient Greece in 500BC!!!

1. The Holy Quora'n has been preserved intact as divinely revealed. The Quo'ran, revealed in a period of 23 years through the Holy Prophet pbuh, is eternal.The Quora'n lays down the basic principles which are unalterable. When the prophet-hood came to Muhammad pbuh, the Arab society had degraded itself into the worst imaginable. The societies around were little better. These changed with imposition of Equality, Brotherhood, HR, Social Justice, Economic Justice and Social Welfare. Near home to you, Qurubuddin Aibak was the first Muslim ruler of Hindustan. He was a freed slave. That is social revolution.

2. The philosophers/thinkers you have quoted have enunciated ideas. These cannot be compared with divine revelation which is enjoined on the Muslim to observe and obey.

3. May I recommend the Noble Qu'oran to you ? The Noble Qur'an - ?????? ?????? . Therein you could find answers to your queries.
I have read the Koran... :-)
1. The Holy Quora'n has been preserved intact as divinely revealed. The Quo'ran, revealed in a period of 23 years through the Holy Prophet pbuh, is eternal.The Quora'n lays down the basic principles which are unalterable. When the prophet-hood came to Muhammad pbuh, the Arab society had degraded itself into the worst imaginable. The societies around were little better. These changed with imposition of Equality, Brotherhood, HR, Social Justice, Economic Justice and Social Welfare. Near home to you, Qurubuddin Aibak was the first Muslim ruler of Hindustan. He was a freed slave. That is social revolution.

2. The philosophers/thinkers you have quoted have enunciated ideas. These cannot be compared with divine revelation which is enjoined on the Muslim to observe and obey.

3. May I recommend the Noble Qu'oran to you ? The Noble Qur'an - ?????? ?????? . Therein you could find answers to your queries.
I have read the Koran... :-)

I don't know which version you have read. There is no, there can be no translation. These are transliterations. The best, of course, is to learn Arabic, history of Arabia, etc just like we in SA learn the English language. But I would recommend the Noble Quora'n version.
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