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Bangladesh to export warship: PM

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BD needs to build more ships. Bigger and more advanced ones of them.

Exporting warships was a bit overambitious by the PM at this point of time.

Yes, But to excel you have to set your goal higher, no?

I see some of the immature gentleman's comments but I think the posters in this thread should take a step back and analyze this ship based on its features and consider the price. For a huge country forexample like Canada, I think our navy should consider these cheap Patrol boats based on our geography and probably the second largest coastline in the world. So before opening your mouth , consider looking at why they made the patrol boats in the first place. I have to also give credit with respect to Bangladeshiè governmente parceque their government is very export oriented as of lately, damn even my le Chateau clothes (decent brand) are made in bangladesh :azn:

So congratulation to bangladesh and I am sure there is an export market out there especially for south americanne countries like Bolivia, uraguay, nicaragua etc...
Imagine a whole regiment of those, charging forward... No wonder US is scared of small boats overwhelming their warships defences :woot:
By saying that you just insulted Chuck norris, He needs more than one to destroy US?? Watch your back son :sniper:
Imagine a whole regiment of those, charging forward... No wonder US is scared of small boats overwhelming their warships defences :woot:

Trolling aside...

USN can obliterate any opposing navy.


Don't trust everything in one of those silly simulation exercises they had over 10 years ago.

By saying that you just insulted Chuck norris, He needs more than one to destroy US?? Watch your back son :sniper:

Chuck Norris is a Republican.

I see some of the immature gentleman's comments but I think the posters in this thread should take a step back and analyze this ship based on its features and consider the price. For a huge country forexample like Canada, I think our navy should consider these cheap Patrol boats based on our geography and probably the second largest coastline in the world. So before opening your mouth , consider looking at why they made the patrol boats in the first place. I have to also give credit with respect to Bangladeshiè governmente parceque their government is very export oriented as of lately, damn even my le Chateau clothes (decent brand) are made in bangladesh :azn:

So congratulation to bangladesh and I am sure there is an export market out there especially for south americanne countries like Bolivia, uraguay, nicaragua etc...

This man is Quebec through and through. Salut!
Yes, But to excel you have to set your goal higher, no?

True. But still you are far away from exporting warships. There is a lot more you would have to do before you can think of this milestone.

By just building a few patrol boats you can't become an exporter of warships.
This contraption.


Dude only one thing is missing from this ship, a signboard saying "Happily Married". :lol:
Bangladesh to export warship: PM

DHAKA: Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina Monday said the country would export warship in near future.

Looks like captain of Awami pathological liar has new sidekick and posting every single lie that comes out of Sheikh Hasina and Awami League leaders. Congratulation Gyp for being laughing stock of all.
This man is Quebec through and through. Salut!

hehe, trying very hard to learn anglais, couldn't find a word to substitute for salut in anglais. Btw are you an anglophone canadienne, just wondering.
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