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Bangladesh protests Pakistan Parliament resolutions

this is what happens if one interfere in things that doesn't matter to him/her :lol:
Pakistan is very right to adopt the resolution regarding this framing and eventual murder of an opposition leader. he got murdered for his anti-india political ideology. Abdul Qader Mullah is commemorated all over Bangladesh. this murder and it's plan has been condemned by UN, US, EU, Middle East countries esp. Turkey. we Bangladeshis owe Pakistanis for their candid and rightful stance on this. we patriotic Bangladeshis do not give a rat's *** to what the dirty murtad league supporters make out of it
Next Bangladesh will not allow any Pakistani stall in Dhaka International Trade Fair starting from 11th January. Previously there had been Pakistani stalls in Trade Fair.

Thats is too bad....Last time when there was a trade fare from Pakistan in delhi, all the designer clothes from Pakistan were rocking in Delhi..Primarily it was very good....You guys should have gifted something for your PM and your opposition leader...they must have liked it...
Actually we had quite some discussion over this and implied that bengalis actually translated barking in burking because of their ascent just like they call machli(fish), "moochli" but anyways i didn't expect this from a student league.
Student league is "Chatro League"...this is 'Juboleague" which means youth league....different stuff!

Yes, I think so.
Dude....did you just agree with yourself??o_O
You do not need permission from MMCH to run JCD...All I'm saying is a certain Chatrodol activist from MMCH and apparently another activist from DMCH has never heard of All Bangladesh Jatiyotabadi Chatrodol Private Medical College Branch....I mean it is possible that private medical colleges(many of which do not allow student-politics) might have Chatrodol wings.....but I have never heard of an All-Bangladesh Private MEdical college Branch of Chatrodol...are you guys officially part of JCD-BNP or just ideologicaly associated?

Trust me he is one of the oldest Bangladeshi members here and many people here know his real name!

Could you please stop this non important stuff?
The Pakistani parliament should not have brought up the resolution on Qader Mollah's hanging. This did a great disfavor to the nationalist movement to Bangladesh. This incident has allowed the Haseena regime to blame everything on Pakistan just as everyone was starting to find out India's deeds and the anti-indian sentiment was on the rise.
i see where you coming from but at the same time it's BS. why do you give a rat's *** to what those filthy murtads make out of it? as far as i'm concerned, by passing their resolution, Pakistan stood with the Bangladeshi public, as other Muslim and non-Muslim countries did. Pakistan doesn't owe anything to us and they can condemn this heinous political murder as they please. they stood against BAL's murder spree, so they stood with Bangladeshi public. let BAL murtads make an 'issue' out of it since they are willing to do so anyways, ...and in the process become murderers by justifying Abdul Qader's murder

loving it, pakistani's invited hate by making a rapist a martyr.
since you at least know this concept of inviting hate from someone by supporting his rapist, you possibly now understand why india and its agents are squarely hated in Bangladesh whereas Pakistan naturally is considered a brethren by many
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hehehe...pakistani's shouldn't cry though, openly meddling in bangladeshi's affair.
this move by BAL through their 'ganaganjakhor stage' is the ultimate definition of fascism. i wonder how these 'morally challenged' little monsters even exist in a place like BD. these little monsters will not settle for anything less than banning every trace of Muslim symbol outside people's closets. and these are the people who run our country. imo Pakistani channels are great and they should probably even get some special provision in Bangladesh.

to BNP-JEI: 5 basar dhore boshe anda parso

to Indian hindutva terror outfits: learn something from these 'ganaganjakhor stage' retards

PK channels should be promoted more, and Indian channels should be restricted to retain our moral and social values.
PK channels should be promoted more, and Indian channels should be restricted to retain our moral and social values.
this is the irony here - banning Pakistani channels for no reason and not saying anything about those erotic indian channels even as there are a hundred reasons to
this is the irony here - banning Pakistani channels for no reason and not saying anything about those erotic indian channels even as there are a hundred reasons to

this is not irony brother, i guess, it is a motive to change our society in favor of India, so that our future generation never shows any resistance to accept the vulgar indina culture/ They would cordially accept the ula la ula la culture.
Tbh, I don't watch these Asian dramas, but it's really stupid when the Star Plus ladies go sleep caked in make up, overloaded with jewellery and it seems to me they have ran out of names.
Plus wearing sarees at home even while sleeping. There are plenty of funny things in these dramas. Some people even live up to 600+ years :D
Plus wearing sarees at home even while sleeping. There are plenty of funny things in these dramas. Some people even live up to 600+ years :D

et tu Srilankan? How you understand Hindi shows? Bangla and Hindi are still similar but Sinhalese is no way near hindi.
et tu Srilankan? How you understand Hindi shows? Bangla and Hindi are still similar but Sinhalese is no way near hindi.
Those TV shows are dubbed but I do understand Hindi up to some extent and my sister can fluently speak. At least I know enough Hindi to watch a movie and understand it perfectly.

mujhe hindi aati hai lekin main fluent nahin hoon:P
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