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Bangladesh Media Watch

This thread is to discuss about Bangladeshi Media, its role and influence on current political situation of Bangladesh....

Here is Al Jazeera Listening post report On Bangladesh Media

@LaBong even Al jazeera knows him well.....

I have always been a prothom alo Fan since my childhood..... But Recently Amardesh is attracting all attention...........

Here is alexa Ranking

1. Prothom alo.

2. BDnews24




6. The daily star



9.Daily Naya Diganta


amardesh Traffic


Social Site Growth Rate - Top Pages in Facebook by Country


@Loki please merge the following thread here in this thread.

Wrong info. Daily Star alexa ranking in BD is 26 and Amardesh 183.

Amardesh.com Site Info

Thedailystar.net Site Info
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. .
Sheikh Mujib and or even AL on any sane country would be considered a far left party. Leftism pose a great threat not only to Bangladesh but to the sub continent and it is highly left alone by the media.
Sheikh Mujib and or even AL on any sane country would be considered a far left party. Leftism pose a great threat not only to Bangladesh but to the sub continent and it is highly left alone by the media.

How about Bhasani's Islamic Democratic Socialism?
. .
another Good report by ManabZamin on Local Media.... Its in Bengali.......

অমিত রহমান, অতিথি প্রতিবেদক: ঘুম ভেঙেছে মিডিয়ার। তারা এখন বলছে, অনেক হয়েছে। আর নয়। আলোচনায় বসুন রাজনীতিকরা। এতদিন এই মিডিয়া উস্কে দিয়েছে সব কিছু। ঘটনার এক পিঠ দেখেছে। অন্য পিঠে কি আছে তা একবারও তলিয়ে দেখার চেষ্টা করেনি। অভিযোগ সামপ্রদায়িক দাঙ্গা বাধানোর চেষ্টাতেও রসদ দিতে চেয়েছিল কতিপয় মিডিয়া। দু’সপ্তাহ আগে
কলকাতার আশপাশে দাঙ্গা হয়েছিল। একজন পেশ ইমাম খুনের ঘটনার পর। বিবিসি এ খবর দিয়েছিল। আগ্রহবশত অনলাইনে পরদিন খবরটি কলকাতার পত্রপত্রিকায় খুঁজলাম। একটি হরফও পেলাম না। অথচ ঢাকার মূলধারার গণমাধ্যম যেসব খবর প্রচার করেছে তাতে আতঙ্কিত না হয়ে পারা যায় না। রাজনৈতিক ফায়দা তোলার জন্য এসব মিডিয়া একপেশে খবর ছেপেছে। যাতে বাংলাদেশ সম্পর্কে ভিন্ন বার্তা গেছে আধুনিক দুনিয়ায়। বাংলাদেশের মানুষ সামপ্রদায়িক নয়। তারা রাজনীতি নিয়ে লড়াই করতে পারে। বেছে নিতে পারে হিংসার পথ। কিন্তু কখনও সামপ্রদায়িকতাকে প্রশ্রয় দেয়নি। বরং জান দিয়ে রুখে দিয়েছে। এখনও তা করবে। জামায়াতে ইসলামী পত্রিকায় বিজ্ঞাপন দিয়ে বলেছে তারা মন্দির কিংবা হিন্দু সমপ্রদায়ের বাড়িতে আগুন দেয়ার সঙ্গে জড়িত নয়। বিরোধী নেত্রী বেগম জিয়াও বিবৃতি দিয়ে নিন্দা করেছেন। তদন্ত দাবি করেছেন। সরকার এ নিয়ে রাজনীতি করছে। পররাষ্ট্রমন্ত্রী দীপু মনি আরেক ধাপ এগিয়ে। তিনি বর্তমান অবস্থাকে ১৯৭১ সালের সঙ্গে তুলনা করছেন। বাস্তব অবস্থা কি তাই! দেশের বেশির ভাগ না হলেও অর্ধেক মানুষ কি এই জঘন্য খেলায় মাততে পারে! রাজনৈতিক বিরোধিতার মানে কি স্বাধীনতার বিরোধিতা। দেশে দেশে এমন ঘটনা ঘটছে। কিন্তু সেসব দেশের শাসকদেরকে বলতে শোনা যায় না এরা রুয়ান্ডা, সিরিয়া, মিশর কিংবা তিউনিসিয়ার স্বাধীনতা-সার্বভৌমত্বের বিরোধী। এখন রাজনীতির সময় নয়। সংখ্যালঘুদেরকে যে কোন হিংস্র হামলা থেকে বাঁচাতে হবে। খুঁজে বের করতে হবে কারা এই হামলা করছে। পরিস্থিতি ঘোলাটে হচ্ছে প্রতিনিয়ত। এখন মিডিয়াকে দায়িত্বশীল ভূমিকা পালন করতে হবে। আসল সত্যটা প্রচার বা লিখতে হবে। একটি ইংরেজি দৈনিকের সম্পাদকীয় দেখে কিছুটা আশ্বস্ত হলাম। এতে বলা হয়েছে জরুরি ভিত্তিতে সংলাপে বসতে হবে। বলেছে, সমস্যাটি রাজনৈতিক। তাই শক্তি প্রয়োগ না করে রাজনৈতিকভাবে মোকাবিলা করতে হবে। আরেকটি প্রভাবশালী বাংলা দৈনিকের সম্পাদকীয়তেও একই ভাষা ব্যবহার করা হয়েছে। বলা হয়েছে, মনে রাখতে হবে সমস্যাটি নিছক আইনশৃঙ্খলাজনিত নয়। রাজনৈতিক সমস্যা সবাইকে সঙ্গে নিয়েই সামাল দিতে হবে। ইলেকট্রনিক মিডিয়াকে এ ধরনের খবর প্রচারে বেশি সতর্ক থাকা জরুরি। কারণ, এখন একটি খবর আমাদের সব অর্জন ওলট-পালট করে দিতে পারে। বিপন্ন হতে পারে গণতন্ত্র। ঝুঁকিতে পড়তে পারে স্বাধীনতা-সার্বভৌমত্ব।
দেশের বিভিন্ন স্থান থেকে সর্বদলীয় বৈঠকের যে খবরাখবর এসেছে তা সত্যিই আশাব্যঞ্জক। তাতে মনে হয় নোংরা প্রচারণার মধ্যে বিবেক হারিয়ে যায়নি। দুর্ভাগ্যজনক হলেও সত্য, সাংবাদিকরা দলীয়ভাবে বিভক্ত হওয়ার কারণে আমরা একবাক্যে বলতে পারছি না, রুখে দাঁড়াও বাংলাদেশ। একটি অভিন্ন সম্পাদকীয় লেখার কোন উদ্যোগও নেয়া যাচ্ছে না। সম্পাদকদের কোন ফোরাম নেই। সাগর-রুনি হত্যাকাণ্ডের মধ্য দিয়ে সাংবাদিকরা ঐক্যবদ্ধ হয়েছিলেন। সামপ্রতিক রাজনৈতিক হিংসা হানাহানির জের ধরে ভেঙে গিয়েছে সেই ঐক্য। সরকার অনেক কিছুই বুঝতে পারে না অন্ধ দলবাজি আর মোসাহেবির কারণে। তাই বলে সাংবাদিকরা কেন বুঝতে পারবেন না বাংলাদেশ এখন কোন পথে হাঁটতে শুরু করেছে। মানুষই বা কি ভাবছে। নির্বাচিত সরকার বাদ দিয়ে যখন ‘গণজমায়েত’কে বিকল্প সরকার ভাবা শুরু হলো তখন থেকেই পরিস্থিতি অন্যদিকে মোড় নিয়েছে। মিডিয়া যদি বিশ্বাসযোগ্যতা হারায় তাহলে গণতন্ত্রের ভবিষ্যৎ যে অনিশ্চিত এটা বোধ করি কাউকে বলতে হবে না। তাই সময় এসেছে সাদাকে সাদা বলার।
Yellow Journalism By The Daily Star

Shame on you Daily Star !
OK, this is gross. Its not about mutilated corpses or charred out human remains or popped out eyeballs. Its much more than that. Its yellow journalism. Let us see what The Daily Star has cooked up today.

In a news post that establishes new lows to which the Daily Star will swoop to in order to dish out propaganda, it says in its new report labelled " Banglastan! " that,

“In this subcontinent, if we [Bangladesh] and Pakistan unite, we won’t have to care about Malaun [Hindu], atheist and Nasara [Christian],” says a Facebook post of Basher Kella posted on Sunday.
“We will name this Islamic country as Islamic Republic of Banglastan or join with Pakistan where only Muslims will live,” it adds.
The administration of Basher Kella, which is run by Jamaat-Shibir activists, also asks the followers of the page to hit the like button should they like the idea.
It was referring to a post which was posted on the facebook page named Baserkella, which has about 3500 likes. The post to which it refers is this,


The words which the Daily Star refers to seem to be in order. But wait! What is this ?
The Daily Star further adds. "Currently, as the page shows, over 100,000 users are following and visiting Basher Kella, which the Jamaat-Shibir describes as its alternative media to give directions to activists." Now look at this,


The first part of the picture shows the facebook page Basherkella (more than 100,000 likes), while second page in the inset shows the facebook page Baserkella (3557 likes).

If the Daily Star was talking about the first page (more than 100,000 likes), then why did it post from the 2nd page?

It is mentionable that Basherkella (the more popular one) has given an answer it a facebook post on the 5th of March last Tuesday, the picture of which is given below,

Translated into English, it says, "Our Basherkella was always one page and will always be one page. They are making fake pages and spreading confusion through such fake pages. Please do not be fooled by such pages. Please go to the search option, find such fake pages and report them. The likes of such fake pages wont exceed 3297. There are atleast 10/12 fake Basher Kella pages. Here is given a sample of their negative propaganda"

So what can we say to the Daily Star ? Is this the sample of "People's Right to Know" part they always try to market ? Should not a great news agency like the Daily Star have done more credible investigation before stooping to such lows?

Shame on you, Daily Star !

This is not yellow journalism. This is media terrorism.
I am not against equal rights for all people to practice their own faith!But,is there any document that says we fought for secularism in 1971 as BAL claims??Socialism works.....on paper!

Bob Lutz(Former Vice Chairman of General Motors) to Chinese Vice Prime Minister:I thought you guys believe in Communism!But I see China moving towards Capitalism!What's your goal?
Chinese VP:We will do whatever works and call it Socialism!
@LaBong, Amardesh sale and popularity is sky rocketing now. It gets sold out within 10-11 O'clock now a days even after situation forced them to hike price to Tk12. It has a demand of more then 3 lacs now and struggling to keep up with the staggering rise in demand. This excludes the increasing millions of people viewing the online version of the paper.

???? ???-?? ???????????? ? ??? ???????? : ??????? ????? ?????? ???? ??? ??????
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One of my colleague's recent post in FB:

After watching the news during the recent events, I have come to the conclusion that we are totally incapable of sorting out differences in a modern democratic way. We settle our differences by traditional fighting, which we used to do long time ago during the middle ages. Unfortunately we have mixed modern urban warfare with middle age battles which is making the lives of neutral people like me very unsafe. I should not happen that way. One should stick to either modern democratic or middle age battle methods to sort out differences. As we are inclining more towards the middle age methods, I most humbly suggest the following changes:

1. All parties - AL, BNP, Jamaat, Chhatra Dal, Chhatra League, Shibir, Shahbagi or whoever else should wear uniforms. Our respected police force already wears uniform, if the others wear it too it will be much easier for the police to fight alongside ruling party against opposition party and they will not attack ruling party out of confusion.

2. All parties should choose a well defined battle ground - and that should be outside of Dhaka or Chittagong or any other densely populated cities and should be in some remote area. But it should not too remote so that our respected news crews can comfortably and obligingly live telecast the fight without having to go far from Dhaka.

3. All parties should be allowed to take whatever weapons they want to take - that may range from pepper sprays to ramda chapati to automatic rifles or more. They should be allowed vehicles too in lieu of horses or carriages- like motorbikes or jeep.

4. All parties should carry banners under which they can unite during the battle. They already use various banners during processions, they can just reuse those banners.

5. They should fix a particular date for the fight. Instead of calling press conference they can just send emissaries to other parties and fix a date. Fighting should start after day break and end at dusk. Government can of course stadium flood lights if they want the fight be extended after day end.

6. Leaders of each party should be behind their army in a stage - motivating them with their fiery sincere truthful speeches against the other armies. Huge pictures of their past leaders should adorn all sides of that stage, inspiring the army. I think it will be quite easy for them as they have a lot of practise.

7. Mobile companies can set up a FOUR digit number, smsing to which will provide latest update of the battle. TV Channels can set up live talkshows or provide live coverage. Cricket commentators including Choudhuri Zafarullah Sharafat can do running commentaries on the battle.

8. Last but the most important point - whether they win, lose or tie in the battleground, die,live or get injured, they should bloody leave the general neutral public alone, in their home, workplace or streets, safe and sound.

Urbor moshtishko :D .
One of my colleague's recent post in FB:

After watching the news during the recent events, I have come to the conclusion that we are totally incapable of sorting out differences in a modern democratic way. We settle our differences by traditional fighting, which we used to do long time ago during the middle ages. Unfortunately we have mixed modern urban warfare with middle age battles which is making the lives of neutral people like me very unsafe. I should not happen that way. One should stick to either modern democratic or middle age battle methods to sort out differences. As we are inclining more towards the middle age methods, I most humbly suggest the following changes:

1. All parties - AL, BNP, Jamaat, Chhatra Dal, Chhatra League, Shibir, Shahbagi or whoever else should wear uniforms. Our respected police force already wears uniform, if the others wear it too it will be much easier for the police to fight alongside ruling party against opposition party and they will not attack ruling party out of confusion.

2. All parties should choose a well defined battle ground - and that should be outside of Dhaka or Chittagong or any other densely populated cities and should be in some remote area. But it should not too remote so that our respected news crews can comfortably and obligingly live telecast the fight without having to go far from Dhaka.

3. All parties should be allowed to take whatever weapons they want to take - that may range from pepper sprays to ramda chapati to automatic rifles or more. They should be allowed vehicles too in lieu of horses or carriages- like motorbikes or jeep.

4. All parties should carry banners under which they can unite during the battle. They already use various banners during processions, they can just reuse those banners.

5. They should fix a particular date for the fight. Instead of calling press conference they can just send emissaries to other parties and fix a date. Fighting should start after day break and end at dusk. Government can of course stadium flood lights if they want the fight be extended after day end.

6. Leaders of each party should be behind their army in a stage - motivating them with their fiery sincere truthful speeches against the other armies. Huge pictures of their past leaders should adorn all sides of that stage, inspiring the army. I think it will be quite easy for them as they have a lot of practise.

7. Mobile companies can set up a FOUR digit number, smsing to which will provide latest update of the battle. TV Channels can set up live talkshows or provide live coverage. Cricket commentators including Choudhuri Zafarullah Sharafat can do running commentaries on the battle.

8. Last but the most important point - whether they win, lose or tie in the battleground, die,live or get injured, they should bloody leave the general neutral public alone, in their home, workplace or streets, safe and sound.

Urbor moshtishko :D .
:lol:your brah has too much time in his hands.
. . .
One of my colleague's recent post in FB:

After watching the news during the recent events, I have come to the conclusion that we are totally incapable of sorting out differences in a modern democratic way. We settle our differences by traditional fighting, which we used to do long time ago during the middle ages. Unfortunately we have mixed modern urban warfare with middle age battles which is making the lives of neutral people like me very unsafe. I should not happen that way. One should stick to either modern democratic or middle age battle methods to sort out differences. As we are inclining more towards the middle age methods, I most humbly suggest the following changes:

1. All parties - AL, BNP, Jamaat, Chhatra Dal, Chhatra League, Shibir, Shahbagi or whoever else should wear uniforms. Our respected police force already wears uniform, if the others wear it too it will be much easier for the police to fight alongside ruling party against opposition party and they will not attack ruling party out of confusion.

2. All parties should choose a well defined battle ground - and that should be outside of Dhaka or Chittagong or any other densely populated cities and should be in some remote area. But it should not too remote so that our respected news crews can comfortably and obligingly live telecast the fight without having to go far from Dhaka.

3. All parties should be allowed to take whatever weapons they want to take - that may range from pepper sprays to ramda chapati to automatic rifles or more. They should be allowed vehicles too in lieu of horses or carriages- like motorbikes or jeep.

4. All parties should carry banners under which they can unite during the battle. They already use various banners during processions, they can just reuse those banners.

5. They should fix a particular date for the fight. Instead of calling press conference they can just send emissaries to other parties and fix a date. Fighting should start after day break and end at dusk. Government can of course stadium flood lights if they want the fight be extended after day end.

6. Leaders of each party should be behind their army in a stage - motivating them with their fiery sincere truthful speeches against the other armies. Huge pictures of their past leaders should adorn all sides of that stage, inspiring the army. I think it will be quite easy for them as they have a lot of practise.

7. Mobile companies can set up a FOUR digit number, smsing to which will provide latest update of the battle. TV Channels can set up live talkshows or provide live coverage. Cricket commentators including Choudhuri Zafarullah Sharafat can do running commentaries on the battle.

8. Last but the most important point - whether they win, lose or tie in the battleground, die,live or get injured, they should bloody leave the general neutral public alone, in their home, workplace or streets, safe and sound.

Urbor moshtishko :D .

Epic, better than the UFC matches. I would get pop corn and coke to watch it myself. Infact through those disgraceful RAB and journalists to the field too, i say. After their death, confiscate their properties and become middle income country by default :lol:
. .

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