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Bangladesh heading for fastest economic growth in FY17

Government's rampant corruption highlighted by Chief Justice.
সরকারের লুটপাটের চিত্র তুলে ধরলেন প্রধান বিচারপতিও
  • May 18, 2017

অ্যানালাইসিস বিডি ডেস্ক

ব্যাপক আর বিস্ময়কর উন্নয়ন উন্নয়ন বলে সরকারের মন্ত্রী-এমপিরা এতদিন ধরে যে চাপাবাজি আর গলাবাজি করে আসছে, এবার এসব নিয়ে হাটে হাড়ি ভেঙ্গে দিলেন প্রধান বিচারপতি এসকে সিনহা।

সরকারের ব্যাপক উন্নয়নে বিএনপি-জামায়াত দিশেহারা। দেশের জনগণ যখন উন্নয়নের সুফল ভোগ করছে তখনই এই উন্নয়ন বাধাগ্রস্ত করতে বিএনপি-জামায়াত ষড়যন্ত্রে লিপ্ত রয়েছে। সরকারের উন্নয়ন ঠেকাতে তারা হরতাল-অবরোধের নামে মানুষ ও গাড়ি পুড়িয়ে নাশকতা সৃষ্টি করে। প্রধানমন্ত্রী শেখ হাসিনা থেকে শুরু করে সরকারের মন্ত্রী-এমপিরা দীর্ঘদিন ধরে এমন বক্তব্যই দিয়ে আসছে। এমনকি এসব ভাসমান উন্নয়নকে বিস্ময়কর আখ্যা দিয়ে মার্কিন প্রেসিডেন্ট ট্রাম্প ও স্ত্রীকে এই উন্নয়ন দেখে যেতে বাংলাদেশে আসারও আমন্ত্রণ জানিয়েছেন প্রধানমন্ত্রী।

তবে, বিএনপি-জামায়াতের পক্ষ থেকে বরাবরই বলা হচ্ছে যে সরকার উন্নয়নের নাম করে লুটপাটে ব্যস্ত। আর সরকারের মন্ত্রী-এমপিদের দুর্নীতি-লুটপাট নিয়ে এখন প্রায় প্রতিদিনই সংবাদপত্রে নিউজ ছাপা হচ্ছে। কিন্তু, সরকার এসব অভিযোগ সব সময়ই অস্বীকার করে আসছে। এবার উন্নয়নের নামে সরকারের দুর্নীতি ও লুটপাট নিয়ে মুখ খুলেছেন রাষ্ট্রের প্রধান বিচারপতি।

মঙ্গলবার রাতে টাঙ্গাইলে একটি অনুষ্ঠানে প্রধান বিচারপতি এসকে সিনহা বলেছেন, বর্তমানে উন্নয়ন প্রকল্পে একশ টাকার মধ্যে ৪০ টাকার কাজ হয়। আর বাকী ৬০ টাকার কোনো হদিস থাকে না। এটা হলো বর্তমানে দেশের বাস্তব চিত্র।

প্রধান বিচারপতি এসকে সিনহা তার এ বক্তব্যের মাধ্যমে সরকারের উন্নয়ন নিয়ে হাটে হাড়ি ভেঙ্গে দিয়েছেন বলে মনে করছেন সচেতন মানুষ। আর রাজনীতিক বিশ্লেষকরা মনে করছেন, প্রধান বিচারপতি এবার সরকারের নাড়ী ধরে টান দিয়েছেন। সরকারের দুর্নীতি-দু:শাসনের বাস্তব চিত্রটিই তিনি তুলে ধরেছেন।

তারা মনে করছেন, বিদেশে ৮০ হাজার কোটি টাকা পাচারের যে তথ্য প্রকাশিত হয়েছে এগুলো সবই রাষ্ট্রীয় সম্পদ। বিগত আট বছরে সরকারের মন্ত্রী-এমপিরা বিভিন্ন উন্নয়ন প্রকল্পের নামে যে লুটপাট ও দুর্নীতি করে যে টাকা জমা করেছিল, সবই তারা বিদেশে পাচার করেছে। যদিও প্রধানমন্ত্রী এখন সাধু সাজার চেষ্টা করছেন।

অন্যদিকে ফ্লাইওভার নির্মাণেও লুটপাটের পসরা সাজিয়েছে আওয়ামী লীগ সরকার। নির্মান কাজ সরকার পরিকল্পিতভাবেই নির্ধারিত সময়ে শেষ করেনি। লুটপাট করতেই সময়ের সঙ্গে বাড়ানো হয়েছে পাঁচ দফা নির্মাণ ব্যয়। এ প্রকল্প থেকে হাতিয়ে নেয়া হচ্ছে হাজার হাজার কোটি টাকা। এখন আবার উত্তরা থেকে মতিঝিল পর্যন্ত ২০ কিলোমিটার মেট্রোরেল নির্মাণের কাজ শুরু হয়েছে। অন্যান্য দেশের তুলনায় নির্মাণ ব্যয়ও ধরা হয়েছে কয়েকগুণ বেশি।
View attachment 398079

Very reliable source you have quoted there. "Analysisbd"
Very reliable source you have quoted there. "Analysisbd"

Just try to defame a Chief Justice for at least once, and watch where you land up. "Contempt of court and defamation charges should be framed against the publisher, only if the news is false.
Just try to defame a Chief Justice for at least once, and watch where you land up. "Contempt of court and defamation charges should be framed against the publisher, only if the news is false.

These online portals have defamed everyone from the president to hasina to khaleda, and 99% of the time got away with it
You are the one who made the claim. Its up to you to put some weight behind it. Show some documents if you can. Otherwise you better gtfo

Btw @M_Saint you tell me what is Bangladesh's GDP per capita income now. Has it fallen behind USD200?
I wasn't the one that glorified BD's economic progressed by fudging, lying and cheating data to start with. And I usually don't entertain Dalal/Er Bacchas but the following link from FAO would show that I wasn't wrong...

http://lcgbangladesh.org/Agriculture/presentations/FAO on wheat and rice production.pdf
These online portals have defamed everyone from the president to hasina to khaleda, and 99% of the time got away with it

Subjected to routine illegal pressure imposed by the present government through coercion, threats,shutting down of Print/Electronic media,arresting of eminent journalists/forceful abductions, murders, (remember Sagar-Runi and other related incidents?), widely circulated by most of the International media,and repeated serious concerns expressed Globally, what other options are left for the journalists?

Due to the life threatening situations, online Social sites,i.e, FB,Twitter, Blogs are now resorted to, as these are presently the only remaining option left, to express the prevailing real situation in Bangladesh.
These on line sites are also being monitored 24/7, and shut down/blocked regularly. The Judiciary has also challenged these oppressive measures and has instructed the government to ensure "FREEDOM OF PRESS". Such has been the state of our nation for the last few years.

Had the press been allowed their due freedom,we wouldn't necessarily need to indulge in expressing their thoughts, as we are neither journalists nor TV presenters.
We created Bangladesh by fighting our glorious war of liberation in 1971, you all were probably not even embedded in your biological mother's womb during those times. Grow up kids,it's high time. Residing in Japan and enjoying western culture, and towing political affiliation, turns you a into partisan parasite.

Instead, reflect the needs of the common masses, their aspirations along with their deprivation inflicted upon them by our so claimed elite class. Those were the objectives that inspired us to take up arms in 1971, economic emancipation for the downtrodden,social equality,equi distribution of resources and wealth,etc,not for accumulation of wealth and power in the hands of a few corrupt individuals, learn to call spade a spade.

Afsoos, peski little maggot questioning your patriotism. You do realize bunch of Ehsan foramosh lurking around in Bd.

I do not know about economic growth. If Bd doing good, Alhumdulillah.
These online portals have defamed everyone from the president to hasina to khaleda, and 99% of the time got away with it


12:00 AM, May 19, 2017 / LAST MODIFIED: 01:53 AM, May 19, 2017
Tk 60 out of every Tk 100 stolen in dev project: CJ


Our Correspondent, Tangail

Chief Justice Surendra Kumar Sinha has said if Tk 100 is allocated for any development purpose in the country, Tk-40 is spent and Tk-60 is stolen.
“This is the real picture. As chief justice, I don't want to say more,” he told a judicial conference at Tangail circuit house Wednesday night.

The chief justice said martial law was promulgated at different times since the Pakistani regime, expanding corruption each time.

Corruption was very limited before the martial law regimes—there was some corruption in jails and a little in the police force, he said. But anomalies have increased so much that they have been extended to the judiciary, he added.

The chief justice said the rule of law was inevitable for the development of a country, and coordination among all departments including the police, administration, judiciary and magistracy was needed to establish the rule of law.

Everybody has to be aware of his works and perform his duties properly without blaming the government, he said.

Speaking at a views exchange meeting at Tangail Bar Association yesterday, the chief justice said injustice and corruption would be reduced to a large extent if all had faith in the constitution and respect to people involving the judiciary.

The constitution is an institution and not honouring the judges is equal to dishonouring the constitution, he said.

“I will say to all of the state that if you believe in the constitution, if you have any faith in the constitution and the judiciary, you speak with respect about the people in the judiciary, and you will see much of the injustice and corruption will go away,” he said.

“I can say with the example of every country in the world that the head of the state -- no matter how much powerful he or she might be -- bows to the law. Nobody is above the law. Judges are also not above the law.”

The judiciary is independent in the country but the judges are under control, he said.

“We, the judges, have some ethics and rules, and we cannot go beyond them. We cannot do anything beyond the law as our powers are limited by the law. We interpret laws to enforce them for protecting the rights of the people. It will be wrong if anybody in the administration feels this interpretation was not correct because the constitution has empowered the higher court to give interpretations of the law,” he added.


Very reliable source you have quoted there. "Analysisbd"
Kindly check this site,hope this satisfies your query.
Bangladesh economy: Projected growth not reflected in reality
Farah Masum, May 25, 2017

When the new crop of rice enters the market in Bangladesh, price of food grain falls. At least that is how it has always been in the past. This boro season, however, prices have been escalating despite rice production increasing by 2.5 percent.

Last week, coarse rice sold at Tk 43 per kg in the wholesale market. Fine rice was Tk 52 per kg. According to the state-run Trading Corporation of Bangladesh (TCB), the price of coarse rice is 36 percent more than last year.

Traders say that this year as the price of paddy is high, there is little chance of a fall in rice prices. Every year in the country about 3.5 crore tonnes (35 million tonnes) of rice is produced. Last season 1 crore 89 lakh tonnes (18.9 million tonnes) boro rice was produced. Early rains flooded the haor areas (marshes) this year, damaging the crops before the harvest. This will probably bring the total rice output down by 600 thousand to 700 thousand tonnes less than target. That is why rice prices are high at the very outset of the season, traders say.

The traders say that up in North Bengal, paddy is selling at Tk 1000 to Tk 1100 per maund in the new season. This was within Tk 800 last year.

The government’s bureau of statistics claims that food production has increased this year. The question then is, if production has increased even more than last year’s bumper crop, then why are prices so high?

There have been significant changes to Bangladesh economy over the past three years. There was a time when agriculture contributed to one third of the economy. In the 2016-16 fiscal, agriculture contributed to 14.79 percent of the national economy. According to the Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS), there has been a 3.4 percent growth in the agricultural sector. Increased food production, according to the bureau, has increased by 2.5 percent.

In Bangladesh, 60 percent of the food grain is produced during the boro season. The remaining 40 percent comes from the aus and aman crops. Aus production has fallen by 7 percent. Aman is the same as last year. Hit by natural disaster and the haor floods, boro production has fallen by 6 to 7 tonnes. So, in no way could there be an increased food production this year.

Given the circumstances, it is not realistic to see positive growth in agriculture. Yet such statistics are being generated about Bangladesh’s economy. Both the finance minister and the planning minister have said at the end of 2016-17 that the GDP has seen a record 7.24 percent growth. This has exceeded the target mentioned in the budget. The World Bank, IMF and ADB economists find it hard to work out this calculation.

Other than agriculture, BBS reports that there was been a 6.26 percent growth in the industrial sector. Of this, production in the manufacturing has increased by 10.96 percent. Overall, the industrial sector contributes to 32.5 percent of the economy. Of this, 22 percent comes from manufacturing.

Exports are higher than the domestic demand for industrial products, yet while it is being said that industrial production is up by 11 percent, exports have only increased by a little over 3 percent. L/Cs for the import of raw materials has gone up by 1.5 percent.

The World Bank does not agree that Bangladesh’s economic growth will exceed the 7.2 percent target this fiscal. There is no such reflection in the basic economic indicators.

Pointing to just two statistics of the BBS, the World Bank Chief Economist in Dhaka, Zahid Hossain, said “The difference between the government’s budget calculations and that of the BBS is equal to 1.5 percent of the national income. If this 1.5 percent is deducted, the GDP falls to 5.75 percent. Dr Zahid said, Bangladesh economy has a satisfactory progression. Given the state of global economy, a 5.5 to 6 percent growth rate is very satisfactory. But there is debate over the growth rate.
The BBS data is questionable. It says the government’s investment is Tk 1 lakh 42 thousand crore (Taka 1.42 trillion). But in the main budget, the government capital expenditure allocation (including the Annual Development Program) is Tk 1 lakh 32 thousand crore (Taka 1.32 trillion). Calculating loans of government institutions and staff, and adding expenditure of autonomous bodies, the government capital stands at Tk 1 lakh 26 thousand crore (Taka 1.26 trillion). The difference is Tk 16 thousand crore (Taka 160 billion).

“Allocations in the public administration and the defence sectors exceed Tk 69 thousand crore (Taka 690 billion). Yet according to BBS, expenditure in this sector exceeds Tk 80 thousand crore (Taka 800 billion). Even if the budget is fully implemented, the difference will be about Tk 11 thousand crore (Taka 110 billion), that is .6 percent of the GDP.”

There are many such discrepancies. There is no reflection of high growth in Bangladesh real economy. Then again, economists like Stiglitz and Amartya Sen maintain that growth alone cannot ensure economic development. They stress the need for inclusive or equitable distribution for economic development. This imbalance in distribution has been highest over the past one decade.

Updated statistics of employment in Bangladesh is not available. BBS data shows that even after an average 6 percent growth, the number of unemployed and semi-employed is on the rise. In the past there would be 100 applications for a single job; that now stands at 500. Even a decade ago, new shopping centres were sprouting up all over the country, including in the capital Dhaka. That has slowed down. Demand for shops in Dhaka’s big shopping centres has fallen. Yet according to BBS, Bangladesh’s per capita income in the last fiscal was US$ 1528. According to Purchase Power Parity (PPP), this stands at around US$ 4500. So where is all this wealth going?

The recently published Global Financial Integrity (GFI) report created quite a stir in Bangladesh. The report stated that in 2014 a total of Tk 72 thousand crore (Taka 720 billion) was smuggled out of the country. This is about 4 percent of the GDP.
If 4 percent of the 7 percent GDP takes flight, how can the growth have any significant impact? That is why perhaps Dr Zahid commented that, “Corruption is big problem in this country. If those responsible to stop the flight of capital themselves are corrupt, then nothing can be done.” Possibly little is being done in concrete terms of Bangladesh’s economic development. The discrepancies persist.
. . .
Another sign of awami league economic success.

Offshore banking units’ NPLs rise fourfold in first quarter

The amount of classified loans of offshore banking units (OBUs) of different banks swelled more than four times or Tk 3.08 billion in the first quarter (Q1) of the current calendar year.

The volume of non-performing loans (NPLs) that were offered in terms of foreign currencies rose to Tk 4.10 billion during the January-March period of this year from Tk 1.01 billion in the preceding quarter, according to the central bank’s latest statistics.

In Q1 of this year, the figure of classified loans was earlier stated at Tk 11.90 billion as a leading private commercial bank (PCB) wrongly reported NPL of Tk 7.81 billion in their OBU operations.

Later on, the PCB had sought apology from the Bangladesh Bank (BB)'s department concerned and requested to drop the figure from the BB's report, according to a senior BB official.

"There is no scope to drop the figure right now because the report has already been sent to different departments of the central bank as well as the government," the central banker explained.

He also said it will be corrected in the next quarter report on classified loan and provisioning of the OBUs.

"The OBU's classified loans jumped during the period under review because a substantial amount foreign currency loan of a first generation PCB entered troubled credit territory," the BB official said while explaining the rising trend in NPLs with OBUs.

The share of classified loans on total outstanding also rose to 0.98 per cent during the period under review from 0.26 per cent three months ago.

The NPLs cover substandard, doubtful and bad/loss of total outstanding credits which reached Tk 419.72 billion as of March 31 from Tk 393.30 billion in the final quarter of last calendar year. It was Tk 311.77 billion as of September 30, 2016.

The OBUs are allowed to provide foreign currency loans to their customers.

It also allowed carrying on transactions in specified foreign currencies. The suggested currencies are US dollar, British pound, Canadian dollar, Deutsche mark, Japanese yen, Swiss franc, the Netherlands guilder, French franc, Swedish kroner and Singaporean dollar.

Talking to the FE, another BB official said the central bank is not empowered fully to monitor and supervise the OBU operations closely due to legal constraint.

As part of persuasion, the central bank now asks the banks which have OBU operations to keep provision on such loans and collects information on assets and liabilities of each OBU on weekly basis for assessing their financial risks, if any, especially with transactions in terms of foreign currencies.

Currently, 35 commercial banks out of 57 are running their OBUs across the country as per a directive issued by the Banking Control Department of BB on December 17, 1985.

Under the directive, the OBUs have been allowed exemption from the purview of certain provisions of the Banking Companies Ordinance 1962 as per the government notification.

Besides, the OBUs will also be considered for exemption from Article 36(1) of the Bangladesh Bank Order 1972 on such terms and for such period as may be deemed fit by the government.

It means the OBUs are exempt from maintaining CRR (cash reserve requirement), SLR (statutory liquidity ratio) with the central bank of Bangladesh against their liabilities.

The OBUs are free to accept deposits from outside Bangladesh and borrow from abroad. They are also free to make advances/investments abroad and also make permissible transactions with industries in the export processing zones (EPZs).

"There will not be any restriction on the physical location of the OBUs. These may be located both in the EPZs or any other convenient location outside-even existing branches of banks may be allowed to operate such units through a completely separate counter," the governing bank had said in the directive.

Meanwhile, the central bank had started preparations to bring the functions of OBUs under regular monitoring by amending the existing provisions on operation and establishment of the OBUs operations in Bangladesh.

The BB's latest moves-meant for averting any bubble-came against the backdrop of a rising trend in loans and advances provided by the OBUs in recent years.

As part of the moves, the central bank has already sought cancellation of the SRO (statutory regulatory order) relating to OBU operations in Bangladesh from the Law Ministry.

"We'll issue a fresh directive aiming to mitigate the risk of OBU operations in Bangladesh through strengthening monitoring and supervision after cancellation of the SRO," the BB official said while replying to a query.

Talking to the FE, a senior official of a leading private commercial bank said the demand for foreign-currency loans from OBUs has been on a gradual increase after the opening up of private-sector credits allowing entrepreneurs to borrow from overseas sources.

"The OBUs are now playing a significant role in the credit market in Bangladesh following the higher demand for foreign loans, mainly due to lower interest rates on such lending," the senior banker explained.

He also said the central bank should issue a policy in this connection immediately and conduct audit to each OBU to assess their actual financial position.

The central bank is working since 2015 to issue the directive to monitoring and supervise the OBU operations properly.

Ruling awami league propaganda about GDP growth and development got caught again. Article details how low income people are suffering and even eating less because of afford ability disappeared. Article took interview of Mahananda Biswas, who works in a leather shop, can no longer can afford to eat full meal.

ভাত কম খাচ্ছে নিম্ন আয়ের মানুষ!

08 Jun, 2017

মহানন্দ বিশ্বাস এখন দুপুরে আধপেটা খেয়ে কাটান, রাতে খান পেটভরে। দুপুরে হোটেলে এক থালা ভাত খেতে দাম দিতে হয় ১২ টাকা। আগের চেয়ে প্রতি থালা ভাতের দাম ২ টাকা বেড়েছে, ভাতের পরিমাণও কমেছে। ফলে এখন ভরপেট খেতে গেলে এক বেলায় ভাতের পেছনেই ব্যয় হয় কমপক্ষে ৩৬ টাকা। বিপরীতে রাতে মেসের খাবারের বিল ৫০ টাকা। এ টাকায় মেলে এক পদ তরকারি, এক বাটি ডাল। আর ভাত খাওয়া যায় ইচ্ছেমতো।

মহানন্দ বললেন, রাজধানীর মিরপুর ১ নম্বর সেকশন এলাকায় জুতা সেলাইয়ের কাজ করে দিনে ৪০০ টাকার বেশি আয় হয় না। ফলে দুপুরে ৬০-৭০ টাকা খরচ করে পেটভরে খাওয়ার কোনো সুযোগই নেই। চালের দাম বেড়ে যাওয়ায় এখন আবার যশোরের শেখহাটিতে থাকা স্ত্রী-সন্তানের জন্য বাড়তি খরচ পাঠাতে হয়। কিন্তু আয় বাড়েনি।

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ডিজিটাল বাশ দিয়েছে
আ.লীগ হচ্ছে সেই সরকার, যার আমলে ব্যাংক থেকে ১লক্ষ কোটি লোপাট ও পাচার সাড়ে ৬লক্ষ কোটি টাকা: ব্যারিস্টার রুমিন ফারহানা

Price of rice broken all previous record, lowest quality rice are nor 50 taka/kg. Ruling awami league regime promised people 10 taka/kg. Meaning, people are paying 5 times of the price promised. That is the awami league development story, 5 times inflated than the reality. Its not economy, its price of food and necessities are growing at fastest rate.



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