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Bangladesh heading for fastest economic growth in FY17

Here is another exposure of FAKE economic growth story ruling awami league cooking. For year 2017-18 4 trillion taka was shown. Out of 4 trillion 1.64 trillion is projected for debt serving. Another word, only 2.36 trillion taka will be left for everything else.

Debt servicing pushes up charged expenditure
Payments come to Tk 1.53 trillion in outgoing fiscal
Jasim Uddin Haroon

Government's charged expenditure has risen significantly in recent years, mainly for an alarming increase in domestic debt servicing.

Official documents show the amount of such spending at Tk 1.53 trillion in the outgoing fiscal year (FY) 2016-17.

The expenditure is set to rise to Tk 1.64 trillion in the next financial year, beginning July 01, according to budget documents of demands for grants and appropriations for financial year 2017-18.

It was Tk 1.4 trillion in 2013-14.

চূড়ান্ত হিসাবে প্রবৃদ্ধি ৭.২৮%, মাথাপিছু আয় ১৬১০ ডলার: মন্ত্রী

গত অর্থবছরের চূড়ান্ত হিসাবে মোট দেশজ উৎপাদন (জিডিপি) প্রবৃদ্ধি ও মাথাপিছু আয় প্রাক্কলিত হিসাবের চেয়ে বেড়েছে বলে পরিকল্পনামন্ত্রী আ হ ম মুস্তফা কামাল জানিয়েছেন।

২০১৬-১৭ অর্থবছরে জিডিপি প্রবৃদ্ধি ৭ দশমিক ২৪ শতাংশ থেকে বেড়ে ৭ দশমিক ২৮ শতাংশ; মাথাপিছু আয় একহাজার ৬০২ ডলার থেকে বেড়ে একহাজার ৬১০ ডলার হয়েছে।

মঙ্গলবার রাজধানীর শেরেবাংলা নগরে জাতীয় অর্থনৈতিক কমিটির নির্বাহী পরিষদের বৈঠক শেষে সংবাদ সম্মেলনে এ তথ্য জানান পরিকল্পনামন্ত্রী।

“চূড়ান্ত হিসাবে গত অর্থবছরে বাংলাদেশের মোট জিডিপির আকার দাঁড়িয়েছে ২৪ হাজার ৯৮৬ কোটি ডলার বা প্রায় ২০ লাখ ৮৭ হাজার ৫৮০ কোটি টাকা। জিডিপির আকার ১০০ বিলিয়ন ডলার ছুঁতে বাংলাদেশের ৩৪ বছর লেগেছে। বাকিটা শেখ হাসিনার নেতৃত্বে বর্তমান সরকারের অবদান।

বাংলাদেশ ছাড়া বিশ্বের দেশগুলোর মধ্যে ইথিওপিয়া ও কম্বোডিয়া ৭ শতাংশের বেশি জিডিপি প্রবৃদ্ধি অর্জন করেছে বলে জানান পরিকল্পপনামন্ত্রী।

“কৃষি খাতে ২ দশমিক ৯০ শতাংশ, শিল্প খাতে ১০ দশমিক ২২ শতাংশ এবং সেবা খাতে ৬ দশমিক ৬৯ শতাংশ প্রবৃদ্ধি হয়েছে। ২০২০ সালের মধ্যে ৮ শতাংশ প্রবৃদ্ধি অর্জনের লক্ষ্য থাকলেও এখন যে গতিতে রয়েছে তাতে ২০১৯ সালের মধ্যে লক্ষ্যে পৌঁছে যাবে।”

পরিকল্পনামন্ত্রী জানান, অক্টোবরে সার্বিক গড় মূল্যস্ফীতি হয়েছে ৬ দশমিক শূন্য ৪ শতাংশ, যা আগের মাসে ছিল ৬ দশমিক ১২ শতাংশ। এর পেছনে ‘চালের দাম কমা ও শীতকালীন শাকসবজির আগমনের’ কারণে কাঁচাবাজারে জিনিসের দাম কমায় মূল্যস্ফীতি কমেছে।”

এর আগে এপ্রিলে মাথাপিছু আয় ১ হাজার ৬০২ ডলার ও জিডিপি প্রবৃদ্ধি বাজেটের প্রত্যাশা ছাড়িয়ে ৭ দশমিক ২৪ শতাংশ হবে বলে প্রাক্কলন করে বাংলাদেশ পরিসংখ্যান ব্যুরো।

বিবিএসের চূড়ান্ত হিসাবে ২০১৫-১৬ অর্থবছরে জিডিপি প্রবৃদ্ধি হয়েছিল ৭ দশমিক ১১ শতাংশ; মাথাপিছু আয় ছিল ১ হাজার ৪৬৫ ডলার।

প্রায় এক দশক ৬ শতাংশের বৃত্তে ‘আটকে’ থাকার পর গত ২০১৫-১৬ অর্থবছরে বাংলাদেশের অর্থনৈতিক প্রবৃদ্ধি ৭ শতাংশের ‘ঘর’ অতিক্রম করে। এর পর গত জুনে ২০১৬-১৭ অর্থবছরের বাজেটে ৭ দশমিক ২ শতাংশ প্রবৃদ্ধির লক্ষ্য ঠিক করা হয়।

03:39 PM, November 14, 2017 / LAST MODIFIED: 03:56 PM, November 14, 2017
GDP growth 7.28% in 2016-17: Govt

Star file photo of Chittagong port.
Star Online Report
Bangladesh has ascertained its growth for the last fiscal at 7.28 percent, highest ever in history of the country’s economy and more than what was targeted.
Planning Minister AHM Mustafa Kamal disclosed the updated and finalised statistics in a press briefing held at the planning commission this afternoon.

Previously, the government had determined a primary growth of 7.24 percent. The full and final statistics will be disclosed in detail on Thursday, Minister Kamal said.

Bangladesh government had set a growth target of 7.2 percent for 2016-17 fiscal.

Also, the planning minister disclosed the inflation statistics for September, which stood at 6.04 percent – marginally higher than the 6.02 percent in August.
The inflation statistics included the overall food and non-food items.
Related Topics
Bangladesh economy
GDP growth
Before reaching a final conclusion,lets be patient for a while, awaiting the reports of WB,ADB,etc and the detailed analysis by the reputed Economists.
Before reaching a final conclusion,lets be patient for a while, awaiting the reports of WB,ADB,etc and the detailed analysis by the reputed Economists.
They'll accept the govt figure. That's been the case lately.
Here is another exposure of FAKE economic growth story ruling awami league cooking. For year 2017-18 4 trillion taka was shown. Out of 4 trillion 1.64 trillion is projected for debt serving. Another word, only 2.36 trillion taka will be left for everything else.

Debt servicing pushes up charged expenditure
Payments come to Tk 1.53 trillion in outgoing fiscal
Jasim Uddin Haroon

Government's charged expenditure has risen significantly in recent years, mainly for an alarming increase in domestic debt servicing.

Official documents show the amount of such spending at Tk 1.53 trillion in the outgoing fiscal year (FY) 2016-17.

The expenditure is set to rise to Tk 1.64 trillion in the next financial year, beginning July 01, according to budget documents of demands for grants and appropriations for financial year 2017-18.

It was Tk 1.4 trillion in 2013-14.


I dune I would urge caution on reaching such conclusion even when taking into consideration BAL corruption.

BD has had a conservative monetary policy since inception. We are spending a lot on infrastructure development with the hope of future acceleration of of the economy and greater tax receipt. In the medium term increase in debt servicing burden is natural byproduct.

Our debt is fairly low for the size of the economy. You are right to worry. Prescription is to implement better tax management and inward flow.

One area to consider is to start bringing the foreign workers under the tax net.
I would urge caution on reaching such conclusion even when taking into consideration BAL corruption.
One area to consider is to start bringing the foreign workers under the tax net.
2:00 AM, November 17, 2017 / LAST MODIFIED: 02:27 AM, November 17, 2017
Record growth in tough year
Agriculture sector grows despite huge crop loss; service sector contributes most to 7.28pc GDP growth
Rejaul Karim Byron

Bangladesh has achieved a record economic growth of 7.28 percent in the last fiscal year despite a fall in rice production and also in industrial growth.
The gross domestic product rose by 0.17 percentage points in fiscal 2016-17 from 7.11 percent in the previous fiscal year, according to Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics data.

The country attained the feat riding on the faster growth of the service sector. In the final count, the GDP growth increased by 4 basis points from the BBS' provisional estimate of 7.24 percent.

Planning Minister AHM Mustafa Kamal unveiled the data of the state-run statistical agency at a press conference at the National Economic Council auditorium yesterday.

Bangladesh secured more than 7 percent GDP growth for the last two consecutive years. “Only three countries, including Bangladesh, achieved such a feat,” he said.

The BBS data shows that the agriculture sector grew 2.97 percent in the last fiscal year, lower than the provisional estimate of 3.4 percent. The growth was 2.79 percent in FY 2015-16.

Flash Floods in the north-eastern haor region during the last Boro season and fungal attack inflicted extensive damages on the agrarian economy.

The BBS data says floods and heavy rainfall caused the rice production to fall by more than nine lakh tonnes to 3.38 crore tonnes in FY 2016-17 compared to the previous fiscal year.

The agriculture sector's contribution to the GDP is 14.74 percent.

Kamal said the rice production was low because of floods and rains, but the overall growth in the agriculture sector was not negative.

Providing data on other crops, including potato, jute and maize, BBS Secretary KM Mozammel Haque said the overall production of crops has increased.

Contacted, Zahid Hussain, lead economist at the World Bank Dhaka office, said, “I see two significant improvements in the final estimates relative to the provisional estimates. The agricultural growth estimate has been revised down to 2.97 percent, compared with the 3.4 percent in the preliminary estimate.”

“The revision takes much better account of the losses suffered due to haor floods and the blast fungus attack. Second, the statistical discrepancy between the expenditure and value added estimates is reduced from over 1 percent of the GDP in the preliminary estimate to 0.1 percent of the GDP. Private consumption and private investment share in the GDP are correspondingly higher in the final estimate relative to the preliminary estimates,” he noted.

After the BBS provisional estimate was released in May, the World Bank raised questions about it in September. The WB estimated that the GDP would grow by 6.4 percent in fiscal 2016-17.

Yesterday, WB economist Zahid said, “The larger puzzle -- the inconsistency between the 7.3 percent GDP growth estimate and the growth related high frequency indicators -- remains unresolved.”

He further said, “Public investment to the GDP has increased by 0.75 percentage points in a year when the ADP implementation rate is 3 percentage points lower than last year.

“How could manufacturing growth be nearly 11 percent in a year when LC settlement for import of industrial raw materials grew by only 3.5 percent and exports in nominal dollar terms increased by only 1.7 percent? How could construction grow by nearly 8.8 percent when LC settlement for the import of construction materials declined by 0.5 percent,” he asked.

“There are also directional inconsistencies. For instance, growth in wholesale and retail trade, transport and real estate sectors increased relative to last year while growth of credit to the private sector decreased.”

The WB economist pointed out, “This does not necessarily mean that the reported numbers are wrong. But they do raise a lot of questions which the final estimates do not help answer.”

According to the BBS data, the industrial sector grew 10.22 percent in FY 2016-17 against 11.09 percent in the previous fiscal year.

Natural gas and petroleum production, large and medium-scale industries, and electricity generation saw a fall in growth.

On the other hand, there was an increase in growth of small-scale industry and the construction sector.

The contribution of the industrial sector to the GDP was 32.42 percent.

But it was the service sector that made the highest contribution -- 52.85 percent -- to the GDP.

In FY 2016-17, the service sector grew 6.69 percent which was 6.25 percent in the previous year.

There was also an increase in growth of wholesale and retail trade, hotel and restaurants, transport and communication, financial intermediation, real estate and business activities, says the BBS data.

However, the public administration and education sectors saw a drop in growth.

Kamal said Bangladesh's economy has been growing steadily over the last several years. “We never lagged behind. We are always advancing in a sustainable way."

Replying to a query, the minister said the steady growth was possible because of an increase in per capita productivity.
He also noted that there may be questions over the BBS figures but the state-run agency did the calculations in a transparent way.
The same methodology, used last year and the year before, was applied this year as well, he added.
Related Topics

GDP growth


Yesterday, WB economist Zahid said, “The larger puzzle -- the inconsistency between the 7.3 percent GDP growth estimate and the growth related high frequency indicators -- remains unresolved.”

He further said, “Public investment to the GDP has increased by 0.75 percentage points in a year when the ADP implementation rate is 3 percentage points lower than last year.

“How could manufacturing growth be nearly 11 percent in a year when LC settlement for import of industrial raw materials grew by only 3.5 percent and exports in nominal dollar terms increased by only 1.7 percent? How could construction grow by nearly 8.8 percent when LC settlement for the import of construction materials declined by 0.5 percent,” he asked.

“There are also directional inconsistencies. For instance, growth in wholesale and retail trade, transport and real estate sectors increased relative to last year while growth of credit to the private sector decreased.”

The WB economist pointed out, “This does not necessarily mean that the reported numbers are wrong. But they do raise a lot of questions which the final estimates do not help answer.”


Yesterday, WB economist Zahid said, “The larger puzzle -- the inconsistency between the 7.3 percent GDP growth estimate and the growth related high frequency indicators -- remains unresolved.”

He further said, “Public investment to the GDP has increased by 0.75 percentage points in a year when the ADP implementation rate is 3 percentage points lower than last year.

“How could manufacturing growth be nearly 11 percent in a year when LC settlement for import of industrial raw materials grew by only 3.5 percent and exports in nominal dollar terms increased by only 1.7 percent? How could construction grow by nearly 8.8 percent when LC settlement for the import of construction materials declined by 0.5 percent,” he asked.

“There are also directional inconsistencies. For instance, growth in wholesale and retail trade, transport and real estate sectors increased relative to last year while growth of credit to the private sector decreased.”

The WB economist pointed out, “This does not necessarily mean that the reported numbers are wrong. But they do raise a lot of questions which the final estimates do not help answer.”

I said this many times before; ruling awami league fairy tale GDP growth does not add up to reality. Awami league cheer leading band in this forum can not answer some basic questions about GDP growth fairy tale and only an one trick phony (pun intended).


Yesterday, WB economist Zahid said, “The larger puzzle -- the inconsistency between the 7.3 percent GDP growth estimate and the growth related high frequency indicators -- remains unresolved.”

He further said, “Public investment to the GDP has increased by 0.75 percentage points in a year when the ADP implementation rate is 3 percentage points lower than last year.

“How could manufacturing growth be nearly 11 percent in a year when LC settlement for import of industrial raw materials grew by only 3.5 percent and exports in nominal dollar terms increased by only 1.7 percent? How could construction grow by nearly 8.8 percent when LC settlement for the import of construction materials declined by 0.5 percent,” he asked.

“There are also directional inconsistencies. For instance, growth in wholesale and retail trade, transport and real estate sectors increased relative to last year while growth of credit to the private sector decreased.”

The WB economist pointed out, “This does not necessarily mean that the reported numbers are wrong. But they do raise a lot of questions which the final estimates do not help answer.”

Thanks, this will go in the compilation I am gathering.


The most ridiculous thing that BD has officially published is that it has sustainable processing (slaughter) rate of 75% of its cattle population each year. The BAL/BBS loving ppl have so far avoided trying to explain how its possible...
Last edited:
বিডিচোখ-BDchokh video.
23. Bangladesh (2016 ranking: 31)
Another impressive rise in the rankings, Bangladesh is forecast to have the world's 23rd biggest economy in 2050, up from the 31st in 2016. This growth is nevertheless dependent on the government enacting economic reform and improvements to the country's education system, according to PwC. l

20. Vietnam (2016 ranking: 32)

Out of all 32 countries analyzed, Vietnam is poised to be the highest mover. Its economy is projected to be the 20th biggest in the world in 2050, up a massive 12 places compared to 2016. As is the case with Bangladesh, however, this explosive growth will be reliant on economic and educational reforms.

16. Pakistan (2016 ranking: 24)

Along with Egypt, Pakistan is forecast to experience the fastest population growth of any country featured in the report, averaging 1.4% a year. These shifting demographics should help push the economy into 16th place by 2050, up from 24th in 2016.

11. Turkey (2016 ranking: 14)

Emerging economies, particularly powerful E7 nations such as Turkey, stand to perform the best over the next 33 years, thanks to strong population and GDP growth. Turkey is projected to have the world's 11th biggest economy by 2050, up three places from 2016.

4. Indonesia (2016 ranking: 8)

A major player by 2050, Indonesia is expected to boast the world's fourth largest economy by the middle of the century, up from the eighth most powerful in 2016.

2. India (2016 ranking: 3)

India steps into America's spot by 2050, up from the third to the second largest economy in the world. At 7.7% a year, the country is projected to have the highest GDP growth rate in dollar terms of all 32 countries covered in the report.
ovemoney staff survey


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