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Bangladesh executes Mujib killers

They are shaeed because they have demise a great saitan faraun and save the nation from slavery. What seem right today by many was not wrong in the event of 75. Whole nation welcomed their bravery and said Alhumdulillah with jolt of relief. No one took part of thug Mujib’s janaza yet ungrateful nation forgot the deed of these brave Mujahid.

These are true. Even my dad and grand dad were happy in Mujib's death who tortured by Pak army in 71 for 15 days in jail and supported for BD's liberation in 71!
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How BD people explain those people who were support BD's liberation in 71 but later said it was a mistake?

Are the Razakar?! - No not at all.

BTW, Razakars (except those Razakars who helped Pak army directly to kill BD people brutally) has at least one reason to be proud, that is they wanted to see united Pak as a citizen of Pak and they loved their countries both BD and Pak. Which dose not mean that they were enemy of BD. They were also true Bangladeshi who wanted and still want to see prosperous BD.

But what about Dalals? Are they truly love BD who work for others nation's interests?
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I hope god does not make me so pious that I start calling murderers of children and women heroes of my nation.

Only regret of 75 coup is that two venomous snakes survived and now it has become burden for the nation.
Only regret of 75 coup is that two venomous snakes survived and now it has become burden for the nation.

So you welcome the killing of pregnant women and children? No need for rhetorical sophistry, a simple yes or no will do.

PS - I find it hilariously ironic that you, while living in the US, bemoan the troubles faced by your nation. If you're so patriotic, why don't you leave the US and come back to live in Bangladesh?
:disagree: indians are talking about killings of women and childern
they killed millions of muslims migrating to pakistan including muslim punjabis from punjab an those punjabis whoes majority districts ferozpur,gurdaspur and amritsir were awarded to india and were forced to leave and urdu speakers from all around india.
sikhs kill and raped more than 50,000 muslim women
muslims of jammu who were migrating to pakistan were also killed
and today in indian occuiped kashmir still huriyat conference celebrate martyers of jammu day.
india killed thousends of muslim kashmiris and rape muslim kashmiri women.
and funny thing is that they are talking abt east pakistan.
:sniper:our beloved prophet said that muslim is a brother of muslim
and that u will find muslims like a body.that when one part is hurting others are also in pain.
what abt destruction of babri mosque in bombay india??
what abt thousends of muslims who were killed in bombay riots after that incident???:sniper:
what abt destruction of babri mosque in bombay india??
what abt thousends of muslims who were killed in bombay riots after that incident???:sniper:

'Babri mosque in Bombay'......? Wah, ustad, hats off to your general knowledge skills!
Maybe its not your fault, maybe the Geography teacher in your Madrassah misled you, who knows.......
Only regret of 75 coup is that two venomous snakes survived and now it has become burden for the nation.

I understand.

Those who mention god in every sentence are most likely to support murder of women and children under some excuse or other. they mention god because they like to play god.Thats just how it is, you are no different.
When will you bharatis stop refer Mujib as father of nation? We do not have father of nation.
Wikipedia states him as father of your nation.

How do you measure majority and do not give this crap about Awamis forge victory of last election. Do you see countrywide celebration by mess people after this execution beside AL activist lurking around malaun mujib grave? Do you see major political parties other than AL and leftist making any positive comments on this? Sifar, Nada, zip, zero……get it. No majority what’s so ever..
Correct. A elected government is what represents will of people. So we belive that majority of people support this considering we have not seen any protests on street.

The majority support was there when these brave soldiers executed faraun mujib with his thug sons
Small children and unarmed women were executed in the COUP. None were spared. None. This is definitely not brave.

You bharatis were not there thus do not come up with this BS father of nation garbage.
We have been told he is officially recognized as such in your constitution of 72. Is this incorrect ?
Stumper, It is too early to judge our leaders like, Mujib, Gandhi, Neheru, Netaji or Jinnah. We need to wait another 100 years for doing so. Lincoln was the all time unpopular president of USA and 5 of his brother in laws died fighting against him in American civil war. There were no few people who would had skinned him alive and eventually he had to give his life for the cause he faught for for his entire life. But after 200 years of his death he lived and others just erased from the history. Al-Zakir is no different and decades from now people will not even remember that there were sillies ever existed.


Correct Iaj. Once during a heated debate with my dad i got support from my mom and which i remember to date. She said "Kid, whenever you base your debate on historic data - just remember this - try two witness to describe a accident and be amazed at how different each version will be. So think twice before debating with information extracted from history books written by guys - years after the event happened - sitting in a place far away".
:sniper:our beloved prophet said that muslim is a brother of muslim
and that u will find muslims like a body.that when one part is hurting others are also in pain.

our dear prophet peace be upon him also said to behave justly and well with non-muslim religious minority.

When a Muslim does unjust to another Muslim because the other belongs different ethnicity, he is a munafik and worse than a kafir in regards that a munafik's place would be below Kafir in Jahannam. Your people surely did not pay any attention to Prophet peace be upon him's words in 1971.
Shukrana munajat held across country
Star Online Report

Shukrana munajat was offered in all mosques across the country after Jum’a prayers on Friday expressing gratitude to the Almighty Allah following the execution of the death sentence of five Bangabandhu killers.

Special prayers were also offered in other worship places of the country at their convenient times, ATN Bangla reports.

Of Thursday, the Ministry of Religious Affairs urged all concerned to arrange the special doa and shukrana munajat seeking divine blessings for salvation of those assassinated on August 15, 1975.

Five convicted killers of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman were hanged at Dhaka Central Jail early Thursday.
:disagree: indians are talking about killings of women and childern
they killed millions of muslims migrating to pakistan including muslim punjabis from punjab an those punjabis whoes majority districts ferozpur,gurdaspur and amritsir were awarded to india and were forced to leave and urdu speakers from all around india.
sikhs kill and raped more than 50,000 muslim women
muslims of jammu who were migrating to pakistan were also killed
and today in indian occuiped kashmir still huriyat conference celebrate martyers of jammu day.
india killed thousends of muslim kashmiris and rape muslim kashmiri women.
and funny thing is that they are talking abt east pakistan.

One more in ignore list :)
our dear prophet peace be upon him also said to behave justly and well with non-muslim religious minority.

When a Muslim does unjust to another Muslim because the other belongs different ethnicity, he is a munafik and worse than a kafir in regards that a munafik's place would be below Kafir in Jahannam. Your people surely did not pay any attention to Prophet peace be upon him's words in 1971.

Though as it seem, you are more in love with hindus and hinduani than Islam. You depict Pakistanis and other Muslims in general as evil while praise Hindus. Islam strongly discourages Mumin to over socialize with mushrik because it may have shirk effect in mumin mindset so we can see the effect in your mind. It’s well known phenomena in bd that most Awamis is obsess with their Hindu masters and socialized more with Hindus than Islamic personal. Your party is the symbol of anti-Islam yet you are talking about Islam. Munafiqi at it best.

Is it any wonder why all prominent Islamic scholars refer your party as Islam aar musalmander kula dusman?
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