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Bangladesh Economy: News & Updates

Ok. Bangladesh rules in textile industry! Our Ship building and medicine industry is also flourishing. I want to know what other optiones we have? If we want to become a developed nation within 2050, what other industries should we develop taking all available resources and geography in consideration?

Software indusrty...it could be leading one if we step forward in an organized manner.
But! But! Daily Star says that the AL is ahead of BNP according to a recent survey!

We are doomed :cry:

Does anyone see something wrong here, or is it just me? :confused:

Clueless Masses...the main reason behind the huge populariity of two thugs associations (BAL,BNP) and their two bitches.
US discount retailer to double its import from Bangladesh

Published : Sunday, 20 January 2013

Monira Munni

The second largest US discount retailer Target's market expansion plan in Cananda has come as a blessing for Bangladeshi garment manufacturers as the company said it will double its import from the country.

But it did not mention any timeframe for increased import from Bangladesh. Manufacturers said Target imports only five per cent of its total apparel import from Bangladesh while 60 per cent from China and the rest from Cambodia.

The disclosure came at a time following the latest United States Trade Representative's (USTR) move relating to the review of Bangladesh's GSP (generalised system of preferences) facilities in US market after the recent devastating fire incident at Tazreen Fashions Ltd that drew huge attention around the world.

The fire that took place on November 24 last year at Tazreen in Ashulia claimed lives of 112 workers and injured several others.

Manufacturers said the Target's top official's visit to Bangladesh was also part of an initiative to oversee its supply chain following the compliance issues in garment factories.

"Target will double its import from Bangladesh as part of its expansion plan in Canada where Bangladeshi apparel products get duty free access," Vice President of Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers and Exporters Association (BGMEA) Faruque Hassan told the FE Saturday.

Tim Mantel, president of the US-based retailing company, on a three-day visit to Dhaka, held meeting Friday with the apparel manufacturers who supply products to that company in the capital city. During his stay in Dhaka he also visited three factories. Participants at the meeting said Mr Mantel discussed the issue of GSP, trade union in garment factories, TICFA signing, occupational and health safety of the workers and better workplace.

Financial Express :: Financial Newspaper of Bangladesh
Indian foreign minister due in mid-Feb
Dhaka, Delhi likely to reach consensus on transit issue
Published : Friday, 25 January 2013

Doulot Akter Mala

Bangladesh and India are likely to reach a consensus on the long-standing transit issue next month during the upcoming visit of Indian External Affairs Minister Salman Khurshid to Dhaka, officials said.

The Indian minister is scheduled to visit the country in mid-February.

Sources said the transit issue would get priority among other issues on the agenda of the meeting with Salman Khurshid. They said the government has planned to prepare an integrated policy framework on the transit issue before the upcoming visit of the Indian minister.

The international affairs adviser to Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, Dr. Gowher Rizvi, said the issues to be on the agenda at talks during the upcoming visit by the Indian external affairs minister were yet to be finalised.

He said the government was yet to discuss the visit by the Indian minister formally.

On the transit issue, Mr Rizvi said infrastructure was of limited capacity at the major points of transit.

"Ashuganj needs a container port and also Akhaura-Agartala rail link is under construction. The Indian government has already offered grant for the infrastructure," he said.

Infrastructure will be developed step by step to make the transit facility operational, he said.

Responding to a query on transit fees, Adviser Rizvi said fees would be determined on the basis of expenditure for infrastructure development.

"The transit agreement is there. Now it will be made operational after infrastructure development," he added.

Indian ships last year availed the transit facilities on trial-run basis through Ashuganj river route under the river protocol. The river transit remained closed as the shipping ministry found the infrastructure at the port inadequate to handle transit goods.

Following instruction from the Prime Minister's Office (PMO), the foreign ministry is now dealing with the transit issue. The government has deferred the transit-related responsibilities twice. It first shifted the responsibility to the shipping ministry from the commerce ministry and later to the foreign ministry.

Earlier, a core committee, headed by the then Bangladesh Tariff Commission (BTC) chairman Dr Md. Mozibur Rahman, placed a report to the higher authorities on transit after a one-year study. Officials said the planned integrated draft report would be prepared on the basis of the main report that had been submitted one year back.

Talking to the FE, Mozibur Rahman, who is now Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Bangladesh Foreign Trade Institute (BFTI), said there should not any inconsistency in the integrated policy framework on transit.

"All matters relating to transit will be addressed in the framework," he added.

He said the government would form a new committee to prepare the integrated framework on transit.

Earlier, India sought transit facilities piecemeal from different ministries including shipping and commerce, and the National Board of Revenue (NBR).

Arms deal with Russia would have little impact on IMF loan: Experts
Published : Friday, 25 January 2013

Financial experts believe that recent deal with Russia to buy arms would have little impact on loan disbursement from the International Monetary Fund (IMF), reports BSS.

The IMF is scheduled to disburse the second installment of $141 million by January as part of its $987 million ECF (Enhanced Credit Facility) support to Bangladesh to help the country maintain a comfortable balance of payment. The IMF has not made any statement regarding this issue, but a section of media already reported that the loan installment was delayed due to the arms deal.

"The IMF did not place the proposal in its recent board meeting for releasing the second installment of ECF. But it is not a big problem and IMF would be able to place the proposal in its next board meeting for its nod and then there would be no barrier to release the second installment," said economist Ahsan H Mansur, Executive Director of Policy Research Institute of Bangladesh (PRI), a local think-tank. He also worked with the IMF as a mission chief and in various capacities with it in many countries.

Explaining, Mr Munsur said after signing of the big loan deal, Bangladesh has exceeded the credit guarantee ceiling as per the IMF's procedure, which is now around $1.0 billion for non-concessional loan.

He, however, was confident that IMF would adjust the ceiling following its own procedures and then it would be able to place the proposal on the ECF in its next board meeting.

"It takes one more month to get the second installment," he said brushing aside the claim that the IMF would not release the remaining part of ECF due to signing of arms-purchase deal with Russia.

Echoing the same opinion, Bangladesh Bank's Senior Adviser Allah Malik Kazmi said the arms deal would not have any negative impact on the ECF loan.

"The IMF so far did not convey to the central bank any of its concern after signing of the arms deal. It, however, can ask the government for information about the agreement, which would not impact the loan disbursement process of the ECF," Mr Kazmi said.

He explained that the interest of the loan for buying arms would not be higher than the market though it was not concessional.

"Would anyone can get concessional loan for buying arms"! he wondered.

A source informed that the IMF review team, which visited Dhaka in December, would place the loan proposal at its next board meeting.

The IMF on April 12, 2012, approved $987 million loan under the ECF to be disbursed in six installments in the next three years.
‘Bangladesh has huge potential to earn remittances’

Staff Correspondent

Bangladesh has huge potential to earn remittances as its workers are going to places all over the globe, Xpress Money vice-president Sudhesh Giriyan said on Thursday.
There are people who say that Bangladeshi workers are only there in countries like Saudi Arabia or the UAE, but in reality they are everywhere now, the Indian said at a press conference at Hotel Sonargaon in the city.
Although some global phenomenon had made the situation tight for Bangladesh in the last few years, the remittance inflow increased uninterruptedly, said Sudhesh.
‘So it proves that the workers are working harder and Bangladesh is also promoting its workforce to the world,’ Sudhesh added.
He said on an average a Bangladeshi worker sends home $1,672 per year.
Last year expatriate Bangladeshis sent home remittances worth $700 million through Xpress Money, he said, adding, ‘We are hoping this will increase to $1 billion this year.’
Xpress Money, a money transfer service provider, runs operation in 135 countries with a promise to serve its clients at a minimum charge.
‘Like for transferring money from the UAE to Bangladesh, we only charge $4 for $300 and any amount more than that,’ he said.
Xpress Money senior officials were also present on the occasion.
Bangladesh second to Sri Lanka

Staff Correspondent bdnews24.com

Published: 2013-01-18 10:50:14.0

Bangladesh is second in South Asia, just behind Sri Lanka which tops the region in economic growth during 2012, an UN report says.

The report “World Economic Situation and Prospects 2013” says that growth in South Asia in 2012 was the slowest in the region in the last ten years – due to inflation, political uncertainity, energy crisis and weakening investor confidence.

Growth in South Asia – placed at 4.4 percent in 2012 -- was the lowest in the region during the last ten years – all because of inflation, political uncertainty, fuel and investment crisis, says a United Nations report putting expectations at it to speed up in 2013.

The report said that exports from South Asia slackened due to recession in developed and other developing countries.

It forecast a 6.3 percent growth for Bangladesh in 2013 and 5.7 percent in 2014.

The report said Bangladesh has had strong growth in private investment and consumption backed by steady rise in remittance inflow that boosted growth.

The growth of India, the biggest economy of South Asia, fell from 9 percent in 2010 to 5.5 percent in 2012 – the lowest in 10 years. As India contributes to three-fourth of the regional GDP, this adversely affected growth across South Asia.

The report mentioned fall in total investment in Pakistan for four consecutive years.

It said although Bangladesh and other countries had netted higher remittance inflow, South Asia is struggling with ‘deep-rooted’ structural challenges in labour markets caused by low-productivity jobs, low female participation, unemployment and large number of working poor.

The report concluded that global and regional economic weakness will continue to challenge South Asia’s economy.

It says that a crash of America or China’s economy will adversely affect exports from South Asia and also hinder remittance inflow.

Bangladesh second to Sri Lanka - bdnews24.com
Local motorcycle manufacturing sector growing by 25pc every year

Completely locally manufactured motorcycles are currently holding 35 per cent of the total market share with a 25 per cent growth every year, industry sources said.

The market share of motorbike assembling companies is gradually being grabbed by local-made complete build units (CBUs) and within next five years the motorcycle market is likely to be dominated by local manufacturers.

Due to the immense potentiality of the sector, large investments are going to be made by two big local companies.

According to sources, the country's leading two conglomerates -- Pran-RFL and Jamuna groups -- are to invest millions of takas in manufacturing motorcycles locally.

The existing Walton Hi-Tech Industries Limited and Runner Automobile Industries Limited are jointly meeting 35 per cent demand of the motorcycle market.

In the year 2010-11 the market shares by Walton and Runner were 11 and 14 per cent respectively and during the last fiscal it was 15 and 17 per cent respectively.

Walton Hi-Tech Industries Limited Chief of International Marketing Lokman Hossain Akash said due to growing market share for local CBUs, assembling shares are declining.

He said as local motorcycle products are attracting buyers and prices and quality are better than those of assembling units, it is expected that within a few years the motorcycle industry would be fully dominated buy local products.

Currently the assembling companies namely Bajaj, Uttara, Atlas, Russel Industries, HPN Automobile Industries, Road Master, Butterfly and Singer and New Grameen are assembling motorcycles on the semi knocked down (SKD) and complete knocked down (CKD) basis.

The assemblers are still occupying 60 per cent market share. According to statistics, in the calendar year 2011 a total of 284,000 units of motorcycles, both assembled and manufactured, were sold in the local market and in the year 2012 the figure was 290,000 units.

The data also shows that the market share for import of CBU and assembling under SKD and CKD in the year 2011 was 75 per cent and in the year 2012 it was 68 per cent.

Runner Automobile Limited Chairman Hafizur Rahman said as locally made motorcycles are getting popularity in the market due to better quality and competitive prices, within next five years domestic manufacturers will dominate the motorcycle industry.

The Walton international marketing chief said prices of locally built motorcycles range from Tk 60,000 to Tk 130,000 and those of assembled ones range from Tk 120,000 to Tk 300,000.

Jamuna Group Chairman Nurul Islam Babul said, "We are going to invest Tk 4.0 billion in manufacturing motorcycle, television, refrigerator and air conditioners."

He said the capacity of Jamuna motorcycle plant with technical collaboration of China's Haojin will be 150,000 units per year.

Mr Babul said as there is opportunity to tap motorcycle market by locally built units, so there is hope to go for bigger investments in the automotive industry.

Amjad Khan Chowdhury, Chairman of Pran RFL Group, said, "We have a plan for large-scale investment in motorcycle manufacturing industry and our market study and assessment are going on."

The Walton official also said, except engines, all the necessary parts are now being manufactured locally as there is a strong backward linkage industry in manufacturing motorcycle parts.

He said the parts are fully manufactured by using raw materials and there are no imported components and parts that are being used in manufacturing.

Mr Hafizur Rahman said the current market size for motorcycle industry is Tk 25 to 30 billion and this could be fully grabbed by local manufacturing companies.

He said the government should support this industry and tax and other VAT-related obstacles should be reduced to help the sector flourish.Rahman said to support manufacture of motorcycle locally the government's SRO (statutory regulatory order) 213 on VAT is effective until June 2014 and demanded extension of the order for another five years.

Financial Express :: Financial Newspaper of Bangladesh
More foreign operators to get 3G licence
Published : Thursday, 31 January 2013

More than one new foreign cellular phone operators would get 3G licence, as the telecom regulator decided to rearrange the slot for spectrum assignment of the mobile broadband technology, said officials, reports BSS.

They said the telecom ministry has decided to incorporate the provision for more foreign operators in the final 3G Guideline against one fixed in the draft guideline.

Abubakar Siddique, secretary (In-Charge) of post and telecommunication said the regulator will offer a 5- Megahertz (MHz) slot for spectrum that would pave the way for more foreign investors in 3G licensing.

"The new slot of spectrum would not only help the small operators commercially, but it also paves the way for more foreign operators who are keen to invest here," he said.

Siddique said they want to sell the entire spectrum assigned for 3G through open auction. "We don't want to keep any unsold spectrum."

The secretary informed that all the cellular phone operators have given their consent to the latest initiative.

Officials said the regulator-Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission (BTRC) -- has decided to offer 5-Megahertz (MHz) slots for the spectrum of Third Generation (3G) services instead of 10-MHz that was earlier decided. Recently the finance ministry fixed US$ 20 million for per MHz spectrum.

In the draft guideline, the regulator had allocated a total of 50 MHz spectrum in 2100 band for 3G that would suppose to be distributed among five operators through action. Of the total, four licences would be awarded from the existing six operators while another would be new foreign operator, the draft guideline proposed.

State owned cellular phone operator Teletalk would enjoy the services by default without participating in auction rather it will get the licence through paying the lowest bidding money.

Meanwhile Teletalk is providing the 3G services on trial from October 14 last year, as the Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina inaugurated the services.

The telecom secretary said the latest initiate taken by BTRC will create a total of 10 slots of the spectrum and each will be 5MHz that might help the small operators in terms of user number. "Now, the auction would be held for eight slots instead of four slots."

Big operators could buy two slots in the auction, he said, adding "We've kept option for the operator to buy additional slot if there is any unsold slot after auction."
Financial Express :: Financial Newspaper of Bangladesh
Nod for 5 power projects

The top economic policymaking body of the government on Tuesday approved five projects costing Tk 52.98 billion in the power sector to increase electricity generation and facilitate its transmission.

The go-ahead was given at a regular meeting of the Executive Committee of the National Economic Council (ECNEC) held at the NEC conference room in the capital's Sher-e-Bangla Nagar with Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina in the chair.

Briefing reporters after the meeting, Planning Division Secretary Bhuiyan Shafiqul Islam told reporters that six other development projects were also endorsed in the meeting. The 11 projects involve Tk 64.59 billion, he said.

According to Bhuiyan, three of the five power sector projects are combined-cycle, which will be energy-efficient.

An official handout of the Planning Division said three of the five power sector projects aimed to increase production and the two others to ensure smooth transmission and supply.

Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), Asian Development Bank (ADB), Islamic Development Bank (IDB) and European Investment Bank will provide Tk 42.33 billion and the remaining Tk 10.65 billion will come from the exchequer for the power projects.

They are ‘Upgradation of Khulna 150-Megawatt Peaking Power Plant to 225-Megawatt Combined Cycle-Power Plant Project’ (Tk 8.33 billion), ‘Conversion of 70-Megawatt Shahjibazar Gas Turbine Power Plant to 105-Megawatt Combined-Cycle Power Plant Project (Tk 3.2 billion), ‘Conversion of 150-Megawatt Sylhet Gas Turbine Power Plant to 225-Megawatt Combined-Cycle Power Plant Project’ (Tk 7.08 billion), 132-Kilovolt Grid Network Development Project in Eastern Region Project’ (Tk 9.87 billion) and ‘National Power Transmission Network Development Project’ (Tk 24.27 billion).

The other projects include ‘BSCIC Industrial Park, Sirajganj Project’, under which some 570 plots will be developed for export-oriented industrial units.

Nod for 5 power projects - bdnews24.com
All-out campaign in US sought for getting trade preference

Published : Saturday, 16 February 2013

Nizam Ahmed

Business leaders and analysts have made strong pleas for an all-out campaign by the Bangladesh diplomatic mission, US-based businesses and leading expatriate citizens for ensuring preferential trade facilities in the United States.

"Our major products like ready-made garments and shrimp should get US preferential treatment", they said on Friday.

Bangladesh needs to activate its embassy, its staff and leading expatriate citizens living in the US to convince the administration in Washington on this issue, they said.

Simultaneously, Bangladesh should also improve working conditions, allow workers' rights and ensure work-place safety to draw positive attention of big importers like those in the US.

"Individual influence of diplomats, officials and business leaders often work more strongly than paid lobbyists," former adviser to the past caretaker government Dr Hossain Zillur Rahman told the FE.

A regular interaction of the concerned officials and leading expatriate citizens in the US with government leaders and key persons may also bring about a positive result, said the former adviser who is also one of the country's leading economists.

Citing an instance, traders pointed out, some embassies of Bangladesh in the Gulf region played a good role in sending more workers to different countries like Oman, which recruited some 500,000 workers from Bangladesh over the last four years.

"Our embassy officials should play more proactive role mainly in the US to realise trade preference for all exportable goods from Bangladesh," Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers and Exporters Association (BGMEA) Senior Vice President Nasir Uddin Chowdhury said.

Further growth of exports to the European Union (EU) also depends much on the efforts of the Bangladesh embassy officials, who can take a lead role about advertising and promoting Bangladeshi products.

"There should be concerted efforts by all concerned including business people and diplomatic personal to secure business and related trade preferences from big markets including the US," the BGMEA senior vice president said.

A proposal to engage lobbyists in the US for getting trade preference came into focus after a US Congressional delegation visited Bangladesh in January to review the labour issues.

The United States Trade Representative (USTR) undertook the review, following a disastrous fire at a garment factory in Dhaka that killed 112 workers last November.

Following the deadly fire incident, the US also hinted that Bangladesh might lose GSP facilities that are now available for some non-traditional items.

Foreign Minister Dipu Moni, while briefing reporters following talks with the Congressional delegation, led by Rep. Jack Kingston, said the group was in favour of Bangladesh getting dutyand quota-free access to the US market.

The delegation also told her that countries that had engaged lobbyists were getting better results in the US.

Bangladesh will appear before the USTR-hearing next month (March 28) with its specific action plan related to the RMG sector.

Meanwhile, the Federation of Bangladesh Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FBCCI) in a submission late last month told the USTR that the country had no child labour.

Workers in Bangladesh also enjoy freedom of association and have access to tribunals to protect their rights in conformity with international standards, it said.

However, in its submission, the apex trade body informed that only 3.2 per cent of the total exports of Bangladesh to the US enjoyed GSP facilities in the fiscal year (FY) 2011-12.

The RMG, which constitutes 95 per cent of Bangladesh's total export to the US, is subjected to 15.3 per cent tariff entailing an annual aggregate duty burden to the tune of to $680 million as against less than 5.0 per cent tariff payable on the US exports to Bangladesh.

Bangladesh exports goods over $4.0 billion to the US a year.

Financial Express :: Financial Newspaper of Bangladesh

@Banglar Bagh
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