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That is a nice scene.

Very small/meagre start, but govt. has initiated a Hydrogen Energy Implementation initiative to popularize Hydrogen based fuel cell vehicles. Whether anything positive develops is anyone's guess. @jamahir bhai this may be up your alley...

It is positive news indeed. Hydrogen fuel cells can also be used in the under-development cyclorotor aircraft I posted in the other thread. The cyclorotors use electric motors to turn the blades and hydrogen fuel cells, such as in this Toyota car, with the generated electricity stored in zinc-ion batteries can be wonderfully used in the cyclorotors.

I hope Toyota has taken care of the safety issue. There is this comment on the page :
Shafiul azam Sayem 4 days ago

Some of hydrogen's properties require additional engineering controls to enable its safe use. Specifically, hydrogen has a wide range of flammable concentrations in air and lower ignition energy than gasoline or natural gas, which means it can ignite more easily. Consequently, adequate ventilation and leak detection are important elements in the design of safe hydrogen systems. Because hydrogen burns with a nearly invisible flame, special flame detectors are required. In addition, some metals can become brittle when exposed to hydrogen, so selecting appropriate materials is important to the design of safe hydrogen systems. In addition to designing safety features into hydrogen systems, training in safe hydrogen handling practices is a key element for ensuring the safe use of hydrogen.
But if unsafe lithium-ion batteries can be used for vehicles I don't see why can-be-made-safe hydrogen fuel cells can't be. :tup:

Bangladesh should get Toyota to mass produce buses and taxis with this type of fuel system.
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That is a nice scene.

Thanks Brother - that is one of the many small residential neighborhoods built recently in the North part of Dhaka, within the last decade. Other than this upper middle class neighborhood, Dhaka also now boasts many large high rise neighborhoods built by the govt. for lower middle income folks.


Bangladesh should get Toyota to mass produce buses and taxis with this type of fuel system.

I believe that is the plan. Govt. is looking at a pilot project to introduce Hydrogen Fuel infra in association with the Japanese Govt. which will mainly be used by public transport.
Transfer of two pilot vessels constructed for Payra Port at Khulna Shipyard
Nasim ul Alam

Two pilot vessels built at Khulna Shipyard have recently been handed over to protect the overall maritime communication including the preservation and development of Payra Port and adjacent waterways.

State Minister for Shipping Khalid Mahmud Chowdhury, as the chief guest, formally received the newly constructed vessels from the shipyard at a function organized on the occasion. Chairman Payra Port Authority Commodore M Jahangir Alam-BN and Khulna Shipyard MD Captain M Sajedul Karim-BN along with senior military and civilian officials were present on the occasion.

The draft of these pilot vessels is 6 feet, and the length and width overall are 120 feet and 25 feet respectively, These were built at a cost of about Tk. 52 crore. Equipped with two Mitsubishi 1,750 horsepower engines, these pilot vessels are capable of navigating about 1,200 kilometers of marine territory at a speed of about 30 knots. These are also equipped with two NPS diesel 105 kW generators and have a variety of survey equipment including sophisticated echo-sounders, radar and speed logs. The ships will have a manpower of 14 including 2 pilots.

Peerless Ventures Ltd. in Bangladesh provided all the auxiliary and sensor equipment of the two pilot vessels built to a Bureau Veritas compliant design. State Minister for Shipping Khalid Mahmood lauded the Khulna Shipyard for delivering the two vessels on time and recalled the company's contribution to the development of the country in the shipbuilding sector.

It may be mentioned that Khulna Shipyard has built medium to large warships as well as submarine tugs for Bangladesh Navy including \various types of utility and patrol boats/ships for Bangladesh Army and Coast Guard. The organization has also completed container ships, oil tankers, passenger ships, tourist boats, fire fighting boats and ferries at the civilian level.

The company was able to achieve a net profit of Tk. 61 crore with a pre-tax profit of around Tk. 138 crore in the last financial year.

In the last two decades, Khulna Shipyard has been able to earn a net profit of around Tk. 700 crore, thanks to the tireless work of the workers and management here,

Khulna Shipyard commenced builds of 3 diving boats for the Navy

Khulna Shipyard is building three diving boats for the Bangladesh Navy. Rear Admiral Ashraful Haque Chowdhury, Commander of Khulna Naval Area, inaugurated the construction work on Thursday.

In addition to assisting Navy divers in their operations and training, the three ships will be assisted in the overall operational work of the Navy, including various activities such as diving treatment. The three ships are 37 meters long, 90 meters wide and 2.2 meters deep. Maximum speed is 15 knots. Construction is scheduled to be completed within the next two years.

Commodore Abdullah Al Mamun Chowdhury, Commander Flotilla West and Commodore M Zakirul Islam, Managing Director Khulna Shipyard were present on the occasion.

It was informed at the ceremony that Khulna Shipyard Limited started its journey about 72 years ago. On 3 October 1999, the shipyard was handed over to the Bangladesh Navy as a non-profit organization. At present Khulna Shipyard is a for-profit company owned by the Navy. In the last five years, the yard has built ten small warships (350 ton Padma class IPV) and two large warships (large patrol craft LPC 700 ton class) and handed them over to the navy. Besides, altogether 630 ships were built and 2,363 ships were repaired in the yard over its lifetime. Construction of five more small patrol craft (Padma class IPV) for the Navy is underway at Khulna Shipyard.
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18 Meter Fire-Floats for Bangladesh

Photo: Robert Allan Ltd.
Photo: Robert Allan Ltd.

Robert Allan Ltd. has delivered a design of two unique fire-floats to Khulna Shipyard Ltd in Bangladesh.

The boats will measure 18.9 m x 5.3 m with a special hard chine semi-displacement hull designed for river service and fitted with twin open style skegs for debris protection. The all aluminum hulls will be powered by two 560 kW 6135SFM85 John Deere main engines for a speed of 20 knots.

Reduction gears will be Reintjes WAF 244 with 2.5:1 reduction ratio driving stainless steel shafts and bronze propellers. Engines are easily removed from vessel via matching hatches in main deck and overhead in-house top. Self-propelled CFD simulations run by Robert Allan Ltd. confirm the design speed of 20 knots is achievable. A single Westerbeke 23.0 EGED generator provides electrical power.

Two 2,000 liter/minute fire pumps will be fitted, each driven by a 55 kW IVECO diesel engine. The pumps are located low in the boat so priming systems are not required. Two 2,000 liter/minute fire monitors are located on the house top within view of the operators in the pilothouse. Foam concentrate capacity is 500 liters and six hydrants are located fore and aft on the main deck.

Most of the accommodation is on main deck level including an officer’s cabin with attached WC, galley, mess, and seating for 12 fire fighters in an air-conditioned deckhouse. Overnight berths for six persons are located in the foc’sle. The joiner work utilizes aluminum honeycomb paneling to reduce weight.

Two boats are currently under construction at Khulna Shipyard Ltd for the Bangladesh Navy.
Under construction Kalna Bridge on the way from Mawa to Khulna


Automated Car Parking at Dhaka Police Ramna officers quarters. This is akin to how Chinese, Japanese and Korean inner cities store cars in a small space.
Automated Rail Coach scrubber machines installed at Dhaka Main Railway Terminus. Will save tons of water.

Piling work ongoing at Jamuna Rail bridge (parallel to the old one)


Rooppur Nuclear Power Station critical milestone



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Captain Nowshad of Biman passed away in a heart attack but he made an emergency landing in India and saved the lives of all passengers in the Biman 738 first. His colleagues pay respects to him after the Janaza at the airport.



Payra Power station in test power transmission stage

Model Mosque example at Savar near Dhaka. A total of 560 model mosques and Islamic centres like these are to be built across the country.


@bluesky bhai, this one may be of interest to you.পদ্মা সেতু্র পিলার বেশ কয়েকবার ফেরীর ধাক্কা লেগেছে।

এই সেতু ডিজাইনে ব্যবহৃত হয়েছে ব্রিটিশ স্ট্যান্ডার্ডস (BS Code), ইন্ডিয়ান রেলওয়ে কোড (IRC), অ্যামেরিকান অ্যাসোসিয়েশন অফ স্টেট হাইওয়ে এন্ড ট্রান্সপোর্টেশন অফিসিয়ালস (AASHTO LRFD Code), বিএনবিসি (BNBC) ও আরো কিছু স্ট্যান্ডার্ড।

AASHTO কোডে ব্রীজের পিয়ারের সাথে কোন জাহাজ বা ফেরীর ধাক্কাকে ভেসেল কলিশন লোড বলা হয় (Extreme Events II). এটা একটা এক্সট্রিম ইভেন্ট লোড। মানে এটা ফ্রিকুয়েন্ট হবেনা। হঠাৎ করে হতে পারে এধরনের একটা লোড। ব্রিটিশ কোডেও ভেসেল কলিশন লোডের জন্য নির্দেশনা আছে।

পদ্মা ব্রীজের ডিজাইনে ভেসেল কলিশন লোড হরাইজন্টাল ডিরেকশনে ১০ টন, ট্রান্সভার্স ডিরেকশনে ৫০ টন ও ভার্টিকাল ডিরেকশনে ১৭.৫ টন ধরা হয়েছে।

কিন্তু আমাদের পদ্মা ব্রীজের ক্ষেত্রে কয়েকদিন পরপর একই ঘটনা ঘটছে। এতে ব্রীজের লংটার্ম পারফর্মেন্স কমে যেতে পারে। তাছাড়া লোকালাইজড কোন ড্যামেজ হয়েছে কিনা সেটা ইনভেস্টিগেশন করতে হবে।

১৯৬০ থেকে ২০০২ সাল পর্যন্ত পৃথিবীতে ৩১ টা মেজর ব্রীজ কলাপ্স করে ভেসেল কলিশনের কারনে।

আজ থেকে প্রায় ৪১ বছর আগে ১৯৮০ সালে এইধরনের ভেসেল কলিশনের কারনে আমেরিকার ফ্লোরিডার সানসাইন স্কাইওয়ে ব্রীজ নামক একটা ক্যাবল স্টেইড ব্রীজ কলাপ্স করেছিল। যাতে মারা গেছে ৩৫ জন মানুষ। এই ব্রীজের কলাস্প মেকানিজম নিচের চিত্রে সংযুক্ত করা হল। এই কলাপ্সের পর ১৯৮৮ সালে আমেরিকা বিশাল রিসার্চ প্রজেক্ট লঞ্চ করে ভেসেল কলিশন লোড ক্যালকুলেশনের জন। ১৯৯১ সালে AASHTO কোডে ভেসেল কলিশন লোড আডপ্ট করা হয়।

পদ্মা ব্রীজ আমাদের স্বপ্নের ব্রীজ। এটা আমাদের ইকোনমি , দেশের মানুষের জীবনযাপন ও যোগাযাগে বিশাল ভূমিকা রাখবে। এটাকে রক্ষা করার জন্য আমাদেরকে কার্যকরী পদক্ষেপ নিতে হবে।

Photo Courtesy: Florida DOT
Railway locomotive simulators installed in Dhaka for trainmaster training.


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Chittagong to Hatiya Island scheduled Ferry service (locally fabricated by Three Angle Marine -an example of "Good enough for govt. work")

They are probably not the best fabricator in Bangladesh but at least welders can do some work and can keep their heads above water
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@bluesky bhai, here are some Padma Bridge Piling related images for you.

View inside each pile, there are five to seven of these going down deep for every bridge footing. All piles were filled with solid concrete

Look at the footing and the size of the men

This is the Menck piling hammer, supposedly the world's largest

Crane suspending piling hammer above piles

Re-bar formwork for pile caps

Pile arrangement shown - see how the pilings splay outward like tripod legs
Low income housing provided to displaced populace from Padma bridge area. Many villages were built.

Vista point lookout at Sajek Valley, Rangamati

Mirpur Cricket stadium, Dhaka, Bangladesh

Rohingya Camp, Bhashan Char, Bangladesh
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