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Bangladesh Developing Ballistic Missiles For Army''

Bengal Tiger 71

Dec 23, 2016
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Bangladesh working to develop Short-Range Ballistic Missiles (SRBMs) to safeguard its sovereignty and peace in the region. Military sources claim that the project being proceeded with following all international regulations & laws. As a peace lover nation Bangladeshis has reputation to long serve in the United Nations Peace Keeping Missions abroad. But the Government of Bangladesh decided to have some deterrent power to maintain peace and stability of the country as well as in the region. Some recent regional incidents make Bangladesh Armed Forces to acquire such deterrence capabilities.

Still it is not known the name of the program or any other details about the weapons system. But it’s obvious that Bangladesh needs foreign assistances to make this project successful. The country don’t have any such industrial capabilities in public sector. So, the whole program being conducted under the BOF supervision. The exact range and payloads is completely secret. It’s a strong guess that China helping Bangladesh in the respective sector. For more information we must wait for few more months.

Burma has some decades old North Korean Hwasong-6 short range ballistic missiles. As per Wikipedia burmese army has 6–8 such missile. The CEP of those Hwasong-6 missiles are 500 meter to 1000 meter. But it still can pose a threat to the civilian casualties. Hence, Bangladesh must have her own systems to kill burmese threat. Besides burmese threats Bangladeshi tactical SRBMs will increase country’s deterrent power.

A joint-venture between Bangladesh and China will evade most sanctions and controversy as Bangladesh Armed Forces is a defensive force to ensure country’s sovereignty over any foreign aggression. It’ll also help to maintain peace in the region while myanmar posing a great risk of outbreak an unacceptable war. So, Bangladesh’s decision to make Short-Range Ballistic Missiles is a great initiative.

However, Bangladesh has recently declared to procure multi rule aircrafts like SU 30, 35 ; Mig 35, or JF 20 etc. Besides, Bangladesh has a plan to procure kilo class submarines from Russia very recently for its navy. Bangladesh has also plan to procure near future stealth warships and aircrafts. Bangladesh is going to procure more modern weapons from foreign countries like China, Russia, Surbiya etc. Bangladesh gradually has been procuring more modern weapons, for this reason neighboring country like India is worried Bangladesh’s defense capability. Recently India is pressuring Bangladesh to enter into a defense treaty with India. After procuring submarines for BD Navy ,India defense minister including vice army ,air and Naval chief came in Bangladesh for the first time for 46 years.

On the other hand, Recently Bangladesh-China defense relation as been reached as strategic partner which was started in 1975 to present and Bangladesh has joined military alliance with Saudi Arabia where Pakistan ,turkey, and other Muslims countries are remain in alliance .
Bangladesh working to develop Short-Range Ballistic Missiles (SRBMs) to safeguard its sovereignty and peace in the region. Military sources claim that the project being proceeded with following all international regulations & laws. As a peace lover nation Bangladeshis has reputation to long serve in the United Nations Peace Keeping Missions abroad. But the Government of Bangladesh decided to have some deterrent power to maintain peace and stability of the country as well as in the region. Some recent regional incidents make Bangladesh Armed Forces to acquire such deterrence capabilities.

Still it is not known the name of the program or any other details about the weapons system. But it’s obvious that Bangladesh needs foreign assistances to make this project successful. The country don’t have any such industrial capabilities in public sector. So, the whole program being conducted under the BOF supervision. The exact range and payloads is completely secret. It’s a strong guess that China helping Bangladesh in the respective sector. For more information we must wait for few more months.

Burma has some decades old North Korean Hwasong-6 short range ballistic missiles. As per Wikipedia burmese army has 6–8 such missile. The CEP of those Hwasong-6 missiles are 500 meter to 1000 meter. But it still can pose a threat to the civilian casualties. Hence, Bangladesh must have her own systems to kill burmese threat. Besides burmese threats Bangladeshi tactical SRBMs will increase country’s deterrent power.
If Burma has only 6-8 of these really old missiles with a huge CEP between 500m to 1000m then that's not really a major threat that needs to be countered...instead Bangladesh can prioritize and spend its defense resources on other more needed assets.

However if these missiles must be countered then SAMs are the way to go and not a tactical ballistic missile. A tactical ballistic will not shoot down another ballistic missile. An SRBM will give u some limited offensive capability...not defensive.
A joint-venture between Bangladesh and China will evade most sanctions and controversy as Bangladesh Armed Forces is a defensive force to ensure country’s sovereignty over any foreign aggression. It’ll also help to maintain peace in the region while myanmar posing a great risk of outbreak an unacceptable war. So, Bangladesh’s decision to make Short-Range Ballistic Missiles is a great initiative.
That's not how it works. U can't simply claim to be a defensive force and JV with other nations on all kinds of stuff and avoid sanctions just bcuz of ur claim to be a defensive force. In this case China will follow MTCR(as it has been voluntarily) regulations. Bangladesh and China will be able to have a JV(if they so choose) for a short range ballistic missile without any problems as long as the range of that missile stays within the limits imposed by MTCR.
However, Bangladesh has recently declared to procure multi rule aircrafts like SU 30, 35 ; Mig 35, or JF 20 etc.
JF 20 doesn't exist. There is J20(Chinese jet not for export). There is FC 20(J10 Chinese jet which is available for export). I assume u meant the FC20?
Besides, Bangladesh has a plan to procure kilo class submarines from Russia very recently for its navy. Bangladesh has also plan to procure near future stealth warships and aircrafts. Bangladesh is going to procure more modern weapons from foreign countries like China, Russia, Surbiya etc.
Bangladesh gradually has been procuring more modern weapons, for this reason neighboring country like India is worried Bangladesh’s defense capability. Recently India is pressuring Bangladesh to enter into a defense treaty with India. After procuring submarines for BD Navy ,India defense minister including vice army ,air and Naval chief came in Bangladesh for the first time for 46 years.

On the other hand, Recently Bangladesh-China defense relation as been reached as strategic partner which was started in 1975 to present and Bangladesh has joined military alliance with Saudi Arabia where Pakistan ,turkey, and other Muslims countries are remain in alliance .
Bangladesh must chart its own path...free from the sphere of influence of India.
That's not how it works. U can't simply claim to be a defensive force and JV with other nations on all kinds of stuff and avoid sanctions just bcuz of ur claim to be a defensive force. In this case China will follow MTCR(as it has been voluntarily) regulations. Bangladesh and China will be able to have a JV(if they so choose) for a short range ballistic missile without any problems as long as the range of that missile stays within the limits imposed by MTCR.

You're too naive dude. It won't be regarded as a ballistic missile officially rather a rocket artillery or something to get away with the MTCR regulations. Producing ballistic missiles are no big deal to be honest.

Btw thread already existing, https://defence.pk/pdf/threads/bangladesh-developing-tactical-ballistic-missile.539015/
common man we are brothers take it . do not break kids heart :toast_sign:











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You're too naive dude. It won't be regarded as a ballistic missile officially rather a rocket artillery or something to get away with the MTCR regulations.
I'm naive? Ok if u say so...

All u r doing here is assuming that it will be classified differently and hence somehow that would be a loophole...that's just assumptions...by that reasoning we can assume anything like aliens would come down and give u the tech to develop that SRBM.
Producing ballistic missiles are no big deal to be honest.

Btw thread already existing, https://defence.pk/pdf/threads/bangladesh-developing-tactical-ballistic-missile.539015/
If it's no big deal then go ahead and develop it. Neither did I say it is a big deal nor did I say Bangladesh can't do it by itself. I merely replied to the OP about Bangladesh and China doing a JV to develop an SRBM.
I'm naive? Ok if u say so...

All u r doing here is assuming that it will be classified differently and hence somehow that would be a loophole...that's just assumptions...by that reasoning we can assume anything like aliens would come down and give u the tech to develop that SRBM.

If it's no big deal then go ahead and develop it. Neither did I say it is a big deal nor did I say Bangladesh can't do it by itself. I merely replied to the OP about Bangladesh and China doing a JV to develop an SRBM.

No, not just an assumption. China is offering SY-400 with a range of 400km for export, marketing it as guided artillery rocket system to get away with MTCR.
No, not just an assumption. China is offering SY-400 with a range of 400km for export, marketing it as guided artillery rocket system to get away with MTCR.
In that case it would be an import and not a JV as the OP was suggesting. What exactly does Bangladesh gain in terms of indigenous missile building capability by an import?

In case of JV with China as far as missile development goes...China will publicly follow MTCR as it has in the past.

Whether or not they help BD secretly extend the range beyond MTCR restrictions then that's even better for u guys...but PUBLICLY(as known by u, me and the rest of the world), a JV regarding missile development with China will be bound to MTCR restrictions...anything else(short of having inside information) would be just guesses and assumptions.
Within 20220-21 Bangladesh will lunch for testing short range missiles it is confirmed.
Within 20220-21 Bangladesh will lunch for testing short range missiles it is confirmed.
20220-21 Bangladesh will lunch for testing short range missiles it is confirmed

fully agree sir

Please change the names!!! BD folks don’t consider Aybek, Ghori, Ebdali etc. as their heroes!!!
i can not sir . i am not son of haram :lol: i have one father :D

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