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Bangladesh Defence Procurement Rumors & Speculations

When are those Su-30s coming?

According to tender it will be signed before year end. Putin is coming this month to BD and so hopefully then.
BAF desperately needs those Sukhois.Luckily the dumb Myanmarese are awaiting delivery of 16 JF-17s that will be prey to the Sukhois.

Defense Update Bangladesh
Published on Oct 6, 2017

Bangladesh Army choose chinese A-300 guided multiple launch rocket system to buy as the BA needs a new long-range rocket artillery system. For the contract China offered its various models but Bangladesh may only buy China ALIT A-300 GMLRS which is a 300mm rocket artillery system with 290 km range.
A-300 GMLRS is very much capable of hitting targets well behind the enemy lines of upto 290km. it is mainly designed to hit large area targets. Bridges, armored corps or large concentration of enemy troops, artillery and air defense batteries, command posts, ammunition depot and other military support facilities.
ব্রেকিংঃ সেনাবাহিনী জাহাজ বিধ্বংসী মিসাইল কিনছে | BD Army Getting C-802A Missiles System

Defense Update Bangladesh
Published on Oct 5, 2017
Bangladesh Army is going to buy Chinese C-802A land based anti-ship missile system to secure her mainland, the Army has sought to work together with Bangladesh Navy to protect the country and her interests. Bangladesh Army top most priority is to provide security to the motherland . Bangladesh Navy already have deployed C-802 AShMs in various surface warships. Besides C-802, Bangladesh also has an inventory of C-704 and Otomat Mk.II anti-ship missiles.

Defense Update Bangladesh
Published on Oct 6, 2017

Bangladesh Army choose chinese A-300 guided multiple launch rocket system to buy as the BA needs a new long-range rocket artillery system. For the contract China offered its various models but Bangladesh may only buy China ALIT A-300 GMLRS which is a 300mm rocket artillery system with 290 km range.
A-300 GMLRS is very much capable of hitting targets well behind the enemy lines of upto 290km. it is mainly designed to hit large area targets. Bridges, armored corps or large concentration of enemy troops, artillery and air defense batteries, command posts, ammunition depot and other military support facilities.
ব্রেকিংঃ সেনাবাহিনী জাহাজ বিধ্বংসী মিসাইল কিনছে | BD Army Getting C-802A Missiles System

Defense Update Bangladesh
Published on Oct 5, 2017
Bangladesh Army is going to buy Chinese C-802A land based anti-ship missile system to secure her mainland, the Army has sought to work together with Bangladesh Navy to protect the country and her interests. Bangladesh Army top most priority is to provide security to the motherland . Bangladesh Navy already have deployed C-802 AShMs in various surface warships. Besides C-802, Bangladesh also has an inventory of C-704 and Otomat Mk.II anti-ship missiles.

dude...if true great.... otherwise best to await for official confirmation.
Since more and more people in BD become China haters, these A300MLRS and VT5 light tank deals won't finalized soon!

May be BD would like to buy weapons from western world.
Dude none hates china , and who cares if its finalize or not . Still every people of this world have a negetive impact about the Chinese products.We wish same like you the deal shouldn't be finalize :).Then bd will search for serbian or russian stuffs.Much better than the chinese craps


Defense Update Bangladesh
Published on Oct 6, 2017

Bangladesh Army choose chinese A-300 guided multiple launch rocket system to buy as the BA needs a new long-range rocket artillery system. For the contract China offered its various models but Bangladesh may only buy China ALIT A-300 GMLRS which is a 300mm rocket artillery system with 290 km range.
A-300 GMLRS is very much capable of hitting targets well behind the enemy lines of upto 290km. it is mainly designed to hit large area targets. Bridges, armored corps or large concentration of enemy troops, artillery and air defense batteries, command posts, ammunition depot and other military support facilities.
ব্রেকিংঃ সেনাবাহিনী জাহাজ বিধ্বংসী মিসাইল কিনছে | BD Army Getting C-802A Missiles System

Defense Update Bangladesh
Published on Oct 5, 2017
Bangladesh Army is going to buy Chinese C-802A land based anti-ship missile system to secure her mainland, the Army has sought to work together with Bangladesh Navy to protect the country and her interests. Bangladesh Army top most priority is to provide security to the motherland . Bangladesh Navy already have deployed C-802 AShMs in various surface warships. Besides C-802, Bangladesh also has an inventory of C-704 and Otomat Mk.II anti-ship missiles.
These are some fake youtube channel's job without any valid source .C-802A is not a new thing to bd navy .shore based system will be operate by them too
Dude none hates china , and who cares if its finalize or not . Still every people of this world have a negetive impact about the Chinese products.We wish same like you the deal shouldn't be finalize :).Then bd will search for serbian or russian stuffs.Much better than the chinese craps

These are some fake youtube channel's job without any valid source .C-802A is not a new thing to bd navy .shore based system will be operate by them too

I would like to respectfully disagree with you.

we should criticise china in their support for the Burmese monkey, but lets keep things in perspective.

what has chinas track record been in BD. It has been mostly positive and I for one want this to continue. western weapons system we can not afford and comes with strings. Please lets not loose perspective, BD military progress is largely due to china.

India is a bully and we need to utilise china to control its regional ambition.

in the Rohingya issue we need to utilise US and EU to put pressure on the Burmese monkeys. The refugee crisis is not chinas doing so let us target our ire at the actual culprit.

China is a friend, we do not have to agree on everything and where criticism is due we need not shy away from it.

BD inaction against Burma caused the issue.... it is not china instigating anything. As others have said China is probably assisting BD in the background.... this may or may not be the case. China has interest in Burma that they are protecting, it is their prerogative.

We need to grow up and press our advantage with global powers and fight our corner and not expect anyone to do this for us.
BD arms kinbe shudhu atar news pai kintu konta je kena holo shetar news porimane kom karon kenar cheye kinbo shatar golpoi beshi hoi!
I would like to respectfully disagree with you.

we should criticise china in their support for the Burmese monkey, but lets keep things in perspective.

what has chinas track record been in BD. It has been mostly positive and I for one want this to continue. western weapons system we can not afford and comes with strings. Please lets not loose perspective, BD military progress is largely due to china.

India is a bully and we need to utilise china to control its regional ambition.

in the Rohingya issue we need to utilise US and EU to put pressure on the Burmese monkeys. The refugee crisis is not chinas doing so let us target our ire at the actual culprit.

China is a friend, we do not have to agree on everything and where criticism is due we need not shy away from it.

BD inaction against Burma caused the issue.... it is not china instigating anything. As others have said China is probably assisting BD in the background.... this may or may not be the case. China has interest in Burma that they are protecting, it is their prerogative.

We need to grow up and press our advantage with global powers and fight our corner and not expect anyone to do this for us.
Trump doesn't care about the rohingyas. Only uk supports rohingyas .You cannot use usa like you said .China and russia plays a double game here selling arms on both side .India is desperate to gain control over myanmar .This rohingya crisis bring alot hard truth infront .In real time crisis china will not support us . So buying arms from a non reliable sourse isn't fair and wise .Bd should serach for more arms source not just dependant on china only
Trump doesn't care about the rohingyas. Only uk supports rohingyas .You cannot use usa like you said .China and russia plays a double game here selling arms on both side .India is desperate to gain control over myanmar .This rohingya crisis bring alot hard truth infront .In real time crisis china will not support us . So buying arms from a non reliable sourse isn't fair and wise .Bd should serach for more arms source not just dependant on china only

What you say has merit but we need to be careful here.
BD has 2 main military threats - India and Myanmar.
For India, BD needs massive quantities of sophisticated arms at low prices and they can only
come from China. Russian arms cannot be trusted here as they sell so much to India.
For Myanmar, BD should source Russian arms like SU-30SMEs in the short-term but over the long term,
it's best bet is Turkey who are building a 5th generation fighter in partnership with UK who is also friendly to
BD, and they are also developing SAMs, armoured vehicles etc.
While imports are on going, BD needs to keep working with China for as much Tot to manufacture It's
own arms - BD just about to start construction of Type 056 corvette in partnership with China.
Trump doesn't care about the rohingyas. Only uk supports rohingyas .You cannot use usa like you said .China and russia plays a double game here selling arms on both side .India is desperate to gain control over myanmar .This rohingya crisis bring alot hard truth infront .In real time crisis china will not support us . So buying arms from a non reliable sourse isn't fair and wise .Bd should serach for more arms source not just dependant on china only
Brother what about the :pakistan:.Could be the most dependable and reliable source if you want.:D
Trump doesn't care about the rohingyas. Only uk supports rohingyas .You cannot use usa like you said .China and russia plays a double game here selling arms on both side .India is desperate to gain control over myanmar .This rohingya crisis bring alot hard truth infront .In real time crisis china will not support us . So buying arms from a non reliable sourse isn't fair and wise .Bd should serach for more arms source not just dependant on china only

You are absolutely correct in everything you said.

BD needs to develop own capabilities and not rely any one else.

Beyond Muslim countries we do not have friends.

BD needed to have aggressively responded to the Burmese monkeys. Our passivity dictates how other countries responds.

China did not create the situation. They are protecting their investments in Burma.

BD can bring about western sanctions against Burma, UN approval is not necessary. EU have already started the process and BD can lobby US and OIC countries. Sanctions takes time but is effective. Immature country like Burma has little leverage internationally and we can block their path of joining global economic system.

There are many ways to hurt Burma not all of it via direct confrontation. They have lost the media battle and Bangladesh will be pushing against open door to bring forth western sanctions.

Rohingya issue has received global spotlight, Burmese have no where to hide. FDI will slow down for them as they return to pariah state. Burma will learn the cost of genocide.

There are many games as play. I fundamentally believe that we have enough chips to join and win.

On the military front china offers technology, let's not overlook that. At the moment there are not many alternatives.
Wouldn't it be better to push through with sanctions ? Weapons embargo or the likes perhaps. I imagine that the Burmese military allowed "democratic" election to give the west the impression that they were changing, and the government who's in power is a "shallow" one without much influence on areas where it matters. So economic sanction would probably hurt the democracy, whilst weapons embargo would hurt the military.
Wouldn't it be better to push through with sanctions ? Weapons embargo or the likes perhaps. I imagine that the Burmese military allowed "democratic" election to give the west the impression that they were changing, and the government who's in power is a "shallow" one without much influence on areas where it matters. So economic sanction would probably hurt the democracy, whilst weapons embargo would hurt the military.

Full spectrum sanction is the only solution. I would not simply seek to apply a weapons embargo which is impractical given that Burmese monkeys only have relationship with a few countries.

The monkeys in my opinion have under estimated how global media works and have failed spectacularly. Every time the whore of Rangoon says she does not know why the rohingya are fleeing to BD they make the case for being international pariah themselves.

BD can not force the UN Security Council to impose sanctions. No matter it can exploit other avenues in the west.

Bangladeshi and the wider Muslim community and associated media and political clout has ensured U.K. has stopped all military aid. EU is following.

EU have started the initial route to sanctioning Burma and have delayed signing investment protocols with the monkeys.

US is responsive to global opinions and Nicky Haley and Rex tillerson have kept the issue alive.

Turkey is raising the issue in OIC.

BD needs to exploit all these avenues to bring pressure on the monkeys.

Chinese veto did not kill routes to sanctioning Burma.

BD needs to be completely aggressive on the diplomatic sphere. It should involve UN, ICJ, EU, US and OIC to expose the monkeys at every point. Genocide have been carried out, repercussion, accountability and justice can only come about if BD actively shine light on the action of the Neanderthals and present it front of the world.
Bd should go for turkey and join turkish arms development programs .To be honest with yall bros except turkey I trust none. The rohingya crisis gives us a big lesson .

Brother what about the :pakistan:.Could be the most dependable and reliable source if you want.:D
I have no problem make a tie with the pakistan ,even i am an awami dalal :dance3:

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