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Bangladesh Army likely to buy Russian Tanks

This might explain why Bangladesh is considering purchasing the T-90 MS rather than the Armata -

Cold Start: India to Deploy Massive Tank Army Along Border With Pakistan

The Indian Army plans to deploy almost 500 main battle tanks along the India-Pakistan border.

By Franz-Stefan Gady

The Diplomat - January 20, 2017

The Indian Army is set to deploy over 460 new T-90SM main battle tanks (MBTs) along India’s border with Pakistan, senior Indian defense officials told IHS Jane’s Defense Weekly on January 19.

The new T-90SM MBT (other designations T-90AM or T-90MS) is the latest and most modern version of the T-90 (which in turn is a modernized variant of the T-72 MBT), and has specifically been designed for export by Russia.

According to IHS Jane’s Defense Weekly, the newly ordered MBTs will supplement 850-900 license-built T-90S Bhishma tanks, divided into 18 regiments, and currently deployed in the Indian states of Rajasthan and Punjab. It is unclear how many T-90S and T-90SM in total are currently in service with the Indian Army. (Estimates vary from 800 to 1,200 MBTs in various stages of operational readiness.)

The new MBTs will be equipped with new thermal imagining sights and will be divided up into ten new regiments.

India has been mulling the purchase of 464 T-90SM MBTs for the past year. According to an Indian media report from November 2016, the contract “will include a Make-in-India element for integration at the Heavy Vehicles Factory in Avadi near Chennai.” However, the purchase has not yet been cleared by the Defense Acquisition Council, headed by Indian Defense Minister Manohar Parrikar.

The Indian Army already maintains a sizeable tank force along the India-Pakistan border. However, the recent news that New Delhi intends to modernize its tanks formations along the border could indicate that India continues to methodically implement its so-called Cold Start Doctrine of limited conventional war with Pakistan.

This doctrine, which as The Diplomat reported has never been officially acknowledged until recently, calls for swift and decisive conventional offensive operations into Pakistani territory before the international community can intercede, and before Pakistan would feel compelled to launch tactical nuclear retaliatory strikes in the event of an invasion.

Tanks play a pivotal role in Cold Start as they are the key offensive assets to launch limited but rapid armored thrusts into Pakistani territory supported by mechanized infantry formations and air power within 48-72 hours at the outset of a military confrontation with Islamabad.

A number of military maneuvers over the past decade has shown that the Indian Army’s reliance on its so-called three Strike Corps (each consisting of two armored and one infantry division with approximately 450 MBTs per corps) to conduct Cold Start offensives took away the surprise element–the key ingredient in such Blitzkrieg-style operations–given that they were slow to mobilize and stationed too far in the interior of India.

As a result, the Indian Army decided to implement structural and organizational changes. First, it decided to prop up its defensive corps (so-called Pivot Corps) stationed along the border with Pakistan with new offensive elements: division-sized integrated battle groups (IBG) consisting of artillery, armor, and aviation elements capable of limited offensive operations.

Second, the Indian Army also decided to disaggregate the three strike corps into division-sized IBGs and station them closer to the border. These IBGs, equipped with artillery, armored personnel carriers, MBTs, and infantry fighting vehicles, would be capable of launching limited strikes (50-80 kilometers deep) into enemy territory supported by air power.

To date, these changes have only partially been implemented due to a number of reasons including logistical problems and shortages of key equipment (e.g., self-propelled artillery). It is likely that the newly ordered T-90SM MBTs will be used for the IBGs. However, the MBTs alone will not suffice to put the Cold Start Doctrine from what up till now primarily appears to be a concept into actual reality.

India Considers Changing Military Doctrine


Pakistan Threatens to Use 'All Weapons' in Case of India's Aggression

@MBI Munshi
Theres only one reason why we preferred it over the T-14 Armata.That is - Armata is not even available for export untill 2020-2025.

The Army wasn't so pleased with the performance of VT-1A/MBT-2000-Al Khalid,so they did not procure any more ( yes,we had plans to purchase them in large numbers ) and now we are going for T-90MS Tagol/Proryv.

@Mohammed Khaled
Atleast the Al-Zarrars are hella better than obselete T-59s which used WW2 techonology.It had no proper armour,non-automatic main gun,no targeting sensors or compurterization.Pretty much WW2 style tank.

Randian medicine!! oh u mean yaba? u r right this is ur Indian no. one medicine feed it ur Randians who are disable to good talk but we don't need this.:cheesy:

Yoor small body will not be able to accommodate your big ago. Take it easy. You will have abnormality.
It's a major twist in our armore fleet. We didn't bought any Russian tanks for 40 years. Our fleet consists of Chinese version of Russian mbt. Thought T-90MS is great tank and will be great addition to our Armour Corp's but as induction will be from 2019 it would be great if we could have the Armata.

Its not really a major twist tbh. Most of our armoured fleet has been either donated[1] or sold to us at a very cheap price because of goodwill/military assistance[2]. Even the russian weapons we bought a couple of years back was bought on loan. If this purchase is bought without any loans, it signifies that bangladesh economy is getting stronger and there is an emphasis on quality, since we can afford them.

As for armata i really doubt russia will sell them to us that fast, considering that we are not strategic allies. Plus t-14 isnt battle proven yet. We should at least check how well it performs before we buy it.
Heres a basic comparison between the two.
View attachment 370125
T-90MS Tagil
Crew 3 men
Dimensions and weight
Weight 48 t
Length (gun forward) ~ 10 m
Hull length ~ 6.8 m
Width ~ 3.5 m
Height ~ 2.3 m
Main gun 125 mm smoothbore
ATGW 9K119M (AT-11 Sniper-B)
Machine guns 2 x 7.62 mm
Elevation range - 6 to + 14 degrees
Traverse range 360 degrees
Ammunition load
Main gun 40 rounds
Machine guns 2 800 rounds
Engine V-92S2F diesel
Engine power 1 130 hp
Maximum road speed 72 km/h
Range 550 km
Gradient 60%
Side slope 40%
Vertical step 0.8 m
Trench 2.85 m
Fording 1.2 m
Fording (with preparation) 5 m

View attachment 370126

Crew - 3 men
Dimensions and weight
Weight 52 t
Length (gun forward) 10.1 m
Hull length ~ 7 m
Width 3.5 m
Height 2.4 m
Main gun 125-mm smoothbore
ATGW 9K119 Refleks (AT-11 Sniper)
Machine guns 1 x 12.7-mm, 1 x 7.62-mm
Elevation range ?
Traverse range 360 degrees
Ammunition load
Main gun 38 rounds
Machine guns 500 x 12.7-mm, 3000 x 7.62-mm
Engine diesel
Engine power 1 300 hp
Maximum road speed 67 km/h
Range 500 km
Gradient 60%
Side slope 40%
Vertical step 1.2 m
Trench 2.7 m
Fording ~ 1.2 m
Fording (with preparation) 4 - 5 m

More deeper comparison.

View attachment 370130
The T-90MS is the latest version of the RussianT-90 main battle tank. It is also referred as Tagil or Proryv. It is a modernized version and has a number of improvements and improved operational capabilities over its predecessor. This tank was first revealed in 2011. It is being proposed for the Russian Army and possible export customers. India approved procurement of 464 of these main battle tanks. If the deal comes through, these could be delivered within the next 3-4 years.

The T-90MS Tagil MBT has an improved turret. Survivability of the tank was improved by adding a turret bustle. This combat machine has new composite armor as well as built-in Relikt explosive reactive armor (ERA) in place of the previous Kontakt-5. The Tagil is fitted with side skirts with built-in Relikt ERA. It provides protection against tandem warheads and reduces penetration of APFSDS rounds by over 50%. There is also a Shtora-1 countermeasures system, which significantly reduces the chance of being hit by enemy anti-tank guided weapons with semi-automatic guidance. As usually this tank is fitted with NBC protection and automatic fire suppression systems. Interior is lined with spall liner.

The T-90MS is armed with new 125 mm high-accuracy smoothbore gun. This gun has longer range than the previous 2A46M gun of the baseline T-90. It fires APFSDS, HE and HE-Frag rounds. The Tagil also fires 9K119 Refleks (NATO designation AT-11 Sniper-B) anti-tank guided missiles in the same manner as ordinary munitions. These missiles have a range of 4-5 km and can also engage low-flying helicopters. A total of 40 rounds a carried for the main gun. The T-90MS uses a proven carousel-type autoloader. As with its predecessor 22 rounds are stored in the autoloader and are ready to use. However remaining rounds are stored in a new turret bustle rather than a crew compartment in order to avoid risks of explosion.

Secondary armament consists of coaxial 7.62 mm machine gun and a remotely controlled weapon station, also armed with a 7.62 mm machine gun. Both machine guns are operated under armor.

The T-90MS Tagil has new Kalina fire control system and updated observation and aiming devices. This Russian tank has a hunter-killer engagement capability. Tank commander uses a panoramic sight with thermal vision to search for targets. Once the target is selected the gun is laid on the target automatically and the gunner completes al the aiming and firing process. During that time commander looks for the next target. Furthermore target acquisition system tracks selected targets automatically. It is claimed that the new tank is 15-20% more accurate than its predecessor.

This main battle tank has a crew of three, including commander, gunner and driver.

The T-90MS Tagil is powered by a new V-92S2F turbocharged diesel engine, developing 1 130 hp. Engine is coupled with an automatic transmission with 7 forward and 1 reverse gear. It is a milestone in the Russian tank development, as all previous Russian tanks were fitted with manual transmissions. The new tank also has improved suspension and drivetrain. Maximum road speed of this tank has improved over its predecessor. The Tagil is also fitted with auxiliary power unit, which powers all systems when the main engine is turned off. This combat vehicle is fitted with a deep wading kit, that can be installed by tank's crew within 20 minutes. With a deep wading kit attached it can ford water obstacles up to 5 m deep. The tank is also fitted with a self-entrenching blade and can prepare itself an emplacement within 12-40 minutes, depending on the ground type.

View attachment 370129
The MBT-3000 is a recent Chinese main battle tank, developed specially for export. It is also referred as VT-4. It is being marketed by NORINCO. It is an improved version of VT1A. The MBT-3000 is similar to the Type 99Gwhich is currently in service with the PLA, but has downgraded capabilities such as sights, propulsion and gun. A model of this MBT was publicly presented in 2012. First pictures of this new tank appeared in 2013. It seems that the MBT-3000 was proposed for Pakistan as an Al Khalid Mk.2. In 2016 Thailand ordered a first batch of 28 VT-4 tanks. Deliveries were planned to be completed between 2016-2018. Future Thai orders could reach 150 units.

This tank is not an entirely new design. It owns its existence to the Soviet T-72 of the Cold War era which has been around for over 30 years. The T-72 proved to be reliable but not too effective in combat. In the 1980s China obtained this tank from Romania and cloned it. The MBT-3000 is the culmination of decades of fine-tuning many tank systems that have been of Soviet origin. Also this tank shows some Western influence in its design. A number of improvements over the previous Chinese designs is substantial, however none of them greatly improved tank's performance.

The MBT-3000 uses proven technology and is cost-effective. This tank is being proposed for developing countries, interested in upgrading their inventory. The MBT-3000 is a superior and more expensive alternative to the VT2, that is another Chinese design for export. However this tank is no match for modern Western MBTs.

This Chinese tank has a low silhouette. It is a key T-72 feature. Hull and turret of the MBT-3000 is of welded steel construction with a layer of composite armor over the front arc. Official sources claim that side skirts are also made of composite armor. Also there are modular add-on explosive reactive armor blocks. The MBT-3000 has a redesigned turret with a wedge-shaped armor, similar to that of the Type 99G. Front arc protection has been improved comparing with the previous VT1A. Side skirts can be fitted with reactive armor. The tank has an NBC protection system. It is also fitted with new fire extinguishing and explosion suppression systems.

This machine is also fitted with passive countermeasures system. It links laser threat warning reviver with smoke grenade launching. It reduces the chance of being hit by enemy anti-tank guided weapons.

The MBT-3000 is armed with a fully-stabilized 125-mm smoothbore gun. The gun is fed by an automatic carousel-type loader. The autoloader reduces the tank crew to three and allow to reduce dimensions of the vehicle. Both the gun and autoloader were copied from the Soviet T-72. Loading speed is 8 rounds per minute. This tank fires APFSDS, HEAT and HE/HEF rounds. It is also compatible with gun-launched anti-tank guided missiles. These are Russian 9K119 Refleks (AT-11 Sniper) missiles, produced in China under license. Missiles are launched in the same manner as ordinary munitions. Missiles have a maximum range of 5 000 m. Typically four missiles are carried. This anti-tank guided missile capability is not common in Western designs. A total of 38 rounds are carried for the main gun. 22 of them are loaded into the autoloader and are ready to use. Other rounds are stored inside the hull.

There is also a coaxial 7.62-mm machine gun. Also the is a roof-mounted 12.7-mm machine gun. Initially it was manually operated by the vehicle commander. Later it became remotely controlled from inside of the tank. So the tank commander no longer has to expose himself to enemy fire.

The tank is fully digitalized and is fitted with a battlefield management system. Gunner and commander use a second-generation cooled thermal imagers. It seems that these sights were jointly developed with ASELSAN of Turkey. Fire control system has a hunter-killer capability. This tank can fire accurately on the move. Vehicle is also fitted with a GPS navigation system.

The MBT-3000 has a crew of three, including commander, gunner and driver.

It is claimed that this main battle tank is fitted with an indigenous turbocharged diesel engine, developing 1 300 hp. However it might actually be of Ukrainian origin. It is worth mentioning that the Chinese Army Type 99G is powered by a more powerful engine, developing 1 500 hp and based on a German design. Some sources report that the MBT-3000 might be also fitted with a more powerful diesel, developing 1 500 hp. Engine is mated to an automatic gearbox. This MBT has a deep fording capability. Auxiliary fuel tanks can be fitted for extended range.

Look at the words how it demean MBT3000 by using T72 tanks technology, and collaborating with Turkey? I just wanna laugh at the source.

T90 is an ultimate update version of T72 tanks, and MBT3000 is a brand new design derived from T99 tanks. Don't confuse people.
@MBI Munshi
Theres only one reason why we preferred it over the T-14 Armata.That is - Armata is not even available for export untill 2020-2025.

The Army wasn't so pleased with the performance of VT-1A/MBT-2000-Al Khalid,so they did not procure any more ( yes,we had plans to purchase them in large numbers ) and now we are going for T-90MS Tagol/Proryv.

@Mohammed Khaled
Atleast the Al-Zarrars are hella better than obselete T-59s which used WW2 techonology.It had no proper armour,non-automatic main gun,no targeting sensors or compurterization.Pretty much WW2 style tank.

al zarrars aren't completely new tanks... more like tank upgrades... fitting a new enging, adding some kontakt 5 and adding a bigger gun... features of modern MBT is still missing.
and while we are talking about mbt-2000... can someone elaborate why the hell did the army even buy that if they arent satisfied with the performance? i mean they could have tested it like pakistan before purchasing... and the govt. surely doesnt chooses what the military is going to get... the military puts up the list of things they want. so thats the real question. why
The lead tanks can be like T-90MS but we should still have ToT to manufacture lighter tanks to field a large number of them. Don't know how long we can keep the modernized T-59's before they are obsolete....................
al zarrars aren't completely new tanks... more like tank upgrades... fitting a new enging, adding some kontakt 5 and adding a bigger gun... features of modern MBT is still missing.
and while we are talking about mbt-2000... can someone elaborate why the hell did the army even buy that if they arent satisfied with the performance? i mean they could have tested it like pakistan before purchasing... and the govt. surely doesnt chooses what the military is going to get... the military puts up the list of things they want. so thats the real question. why
I had seen lots of tries to demean Chinese tanks in this forum. Do you think it's possible that Bangladesh army will agree to buy a tank with cash they never fell satisfied in test and they don't think is capable enough? This kind of rumor only for 3 years old kid to believe.

The 44 units of MBT2000 bought from China for Bangladeshi army is paid cash, not loan.

I wonder what was wrong with our MBT 2000. Pakistan also was dissatistied with the MBT 3000 performance. I found a link here which shows some quality issues with Chinese T 96B tanks. check-
Even Japanese type 96 armor vehicle lost one its wheel in a showcase. In tank contest held by Russia, T96B finished the race and shots with good scores even lost one of its road wheel. The test is held by Russia, and all the sets and barrier there is for their training concept! China got very good ranks in those competition, you can google it. Next time we will hold tank competition in China, we will show our Ability it's further then. Believe me, if Russian want to win a competition in its home, you must be second no matter how hard you try.The claim of China lost half of the tank battalion in a exercise due to mechanical failure is the most devil slander against Chinese weapon I be ever heard of. :hitwall:
If our tank is so inferior, then we are sitting ducks in front of Indian army. Leave the rumor along, and We have to move on.
Thailand royal army had sighed a contract for buying 50 MBT3000 from Norinco China( beat the Russian T90MS offer), we will see the result in Pakistan soon. Buy me a beer if we win the contract of Pakistan.

VT4 performance clips and other armor vehicle of Norincohttp://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNzc1NTQ3NDg4.html?from=s1.8-1-1.2&spm=a2h0k.8191407.0.0

VT4 can turn 360 degree fixedly, can T90MS? Just an old chassis of T72 technology.

Latest Video of T99A2 MBT in excercise http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNzY2N...5~1~3!4~5~5~A&from=y7.2-1-91.3.4-1.14-1-1-3-0
Don't worry @wanglaokan - I don't see our Army buying Russian tanks. India is getting T-90MS, so our getting them may be a larger issue,
Don't worry @wanglaokan - I don't see our Army buying Russian tanks. India is getting T-90MS, so our getting them may be a larger issue,
Bilal my brother, I just want to prove that no matter per political or technical, VT4 is an advisable choice for BD army. Chinese is not some aggregate Barhatis to shove some shoddy OPV to you by force. If you go for T90MS, I will just simply feel glad for you as well, cause T90MS is a fine tank.
I had seen lots of tries to demean Chinese tanks in this forum. Do you think it's possible that Bangladesh army will agree to buy a tank with cash they never fell satisfied in test and they don't think is capable enough? This kind of rumor only for 3 years old kid to believe.

The 44 units of MBT2000 bought from China for Bangladeshi army is paid cash, not loan.

Even Japanese type 96 armor vehicle lost one its wheel in a showcase. In tank contest held by Russia, T96B finished the race and shots with good scores even lost one of its road wheel. The test is held by Russia, and all the sets and barrier there is for their training concept! China got very good ranks in those competition, you can google it. Next time we will hold tank competition in China, we will show our Ability it's further then. Believe me, if Russian want to win a competition in its home, you must be second no matter how hard you try.The claim of China lost half of the tank battalion in a exercise due to mechanical failure is the most devil slander against Chinese weapon I be ever heard of. :hitwall:
If our tank is so inferior, then we are sitting ducks in front of Indian army. Leave the rumor along, and We have to move on.
Thailand royal army had sighed a contract for buying 50 MBT3000 from Norinco China( beat the Russian T90MS offer), we will see the result in Pakistan soon. Buy me a beer if we win the contract of Pakistan.

VT4 performance clips and other armor vehicle of Norincohttp://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNzc1NTQ3NDg4.html?from=s1.8-1-1.2&spm=a2h0k.8191407.0.0

VT4 can turn 360 degree fixedly, can T90MS? Just an old chassis of T72 technology.

Latest Video of T99A2 MBT in excercise http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNzY2N...5~1~3!4~5~5~A&from=y7.2-1-91.3.4-1.14-1-1-3-0

I think Norinco makes great tank and fulfill most of the battle field requirement. I am not sure about the crew comfort which is in many times gives negative ratings. I am sure BD military will order more tanks from Norinco in the future as our entire tank armament are based on Chinese tanks.

T-90MS is the leading tank in the world with a lots of optional systems which can be incorporated. We dont have to bring dikk measuring contest in everything that comes at our way. T-90MS will be great addition to our inventory.
I had seen lots of tries to demean Chinese tanks in this forum. Do you think it's possible that Bangladesh army will agree to buy a tank with cash they never fell satisfied in test and they don't think is capable enough? This kind of rumor only for 3 years old kid to believe.

The 44 units of MBT2000 bought from China for Bangladeshi army is paid cash, not loan.

The rumor that our army personnel are not satisfied with the MBT-2000 is......rumor. It doesn't make it a fact.

So, let's just leave it there. Even this T-90 news is nothing solid.

This might explain why Bangladesh is considering purchasing the T-90 MS rather than the Armata -

Cold Start: India to Deploy Massive Tank Army Along Border With Pakistan

The Indian Army plans to deploy almost 500 main battle tanks along the India-Pakistan border.

By Franz-Stefan Gady

The Diplomat - January 20, 2017

The Indian Army is set to deploy over 460 new T-90SM main battle tanks (MBTs) along India’s border with Pakistan, senior Indian defense officials told IHS Jane’s Defense Weekly on January 19.

The new T-90SM MBT (other designations T-90AM or T-90MS) is the latest and most modern version of the T-90 (which in turn is a modernized variant of the T-72 MBT), and has specifically been designed for export by Russia.

According to IHS Jane’s Defense Weekly, the newly ordered MBTs will supplement 850-900 license-built T-90S Bhishma tanks, divided into 18 regiments, and currently deployed in the Indian states of Rajasthan and Punjab. It is unclear how many T-90S and T-90SM in total are currently in service with the Indian Army. (Estimates vary from 800 to 1,200 MBTs in various stages of operational readiness.)

The new MBTs will be equipped with new thermal imagining sights and will be divided up into ten new regiments.

India has been mulling the purchase of 464 T-90SM MBTs for the past year. According to an Indian media report from November 2016, the contract “will include a Make-in-India element for integration at the Heavy Vehicles Factory in Avadi near Chennai.” However, the purchase has not yet been cleared by the Defense Acquisition Council, headed by Indian Defense Minister Manohar Parrikar.

The Indian Army already maintains a sizeable tank force along the India-Pakistan border. However, the recent news that New Delhi intends to modernize its tanks formations along the border could indicate that India continues to methodically implement its so-called Cold Start Doctrine of limited conventional war with Pakistan.

This doctrine, which as The Diplomat reported has never been officially acknowledged until recently, calls for swift and decisive conventional offensive operations into Pakistani territory before the international community can intercede, and before Pakistan would feel compelled to launch tactical nuclear retaliatory strikes in the event of an invasion.

Tanks play a pivotal role in Cold Start as they are the key offensive assets to launch limited but rapid armored thrusts into Pakistani territory supported by mechanized infantry formations and air power within 48-72 hours at the outset of a military confrontation with Islamabad.

A number of military maneuvers over the past decade has shown that the Indian Army’s reliance on its so-called three Strike Corps (each consisting of two armored and one infantry division with approximately 450 MBTs per corps) to conduct Cold Start offensives took away the surprise element–the key ingredient in such Blitzkrieg-style operations–given that they were slow to mobilize and stationed too far in the interior of India.

As a result, the Indian Army decided to implement structural and organizational changes. First, it decided to prop up its defensive corps (so-called Pivot Corps) stationed along the border with Pakistan with new offensive elements: division-sized integrated battle groups (IBG) consisting of artillery, armor, and aviation elements capable of limited offensive operations.

Second, the Indian Army also decided to disaggregate the three strike corps into division-sized IBGs and station them closer to the border. These IBGs, equipped with artillery, armored personnel carriers, MBTs, and infantry fighting vehicles, would be capable of launching limited strikes (50-80 kilometers deep) into enemy territory supported by air power.

To date, these changes have only partially been implemented due to a number of reasons including logistical problems and shortages of key equipment (e.g., self-propelled artillery). It is likely that the newly ordered T-90SM MBTs will be used for the IBGs. However, the MBTs alone will not suffice to put the Cold Start Doctrine from what up till now primarily appears to be a concept into actual reality.

India Considers Changing Military Doctrine


Pakistan Threatens to Use 'All Weapons' in Case of India's Aggression


Bangladeshi troops will not go fight for India over Kashmir.
I think Norinco makes great tank and fulfill most of the battle field requirement. I am not sure about the crew comfort which is in many times gives negative ratings. I am sure BD military will order more tanks from Norinco in the future as our entire tank armament are based on Chinese tanks.

T-90MS is the leading tank in the world with a lots of optional systems which can be incorporated. We dont have to bring dikk measuring contest in everything that comes at our way. T-90MS will be great addition to our inventory.
Sure. I heard that Norinco plan to export Vt4 to GCC, they even install a air con on it.

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