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Ban on PressTV, HispanTV: Zionist octopus at work

Hasbara Buster

Aug 17, 2010
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Ban on PressTV, HispanTV: Zionist octopus at work

By Ismail Salami

It seems that the West is sloughing over its established definition of freedom of expression when the Iranian channels HispanTV and Press TV come under brutal censorship by the Israel-friendly satellite companies in Europe.

Evidently spearheaded by the Zionists, Spain’s satellite provider Hispasat has ordered Overon to take Press TV and Hispan TV off the air. No wonder, the illegal move created extreme joy in the Zionist organizations such as the American Jewish Committee (AJC).

“This is an important development in the worldwide effort to contain the defiant regime in Tehran, one we have been watching carefully for months and discussing with our friends in Spain,” said AJC Executive Director David Harris.

“Hispasat did the right thing,” Harris continued. “No satellite company in the Western world should enable the dissemination of propaganda from an Iranian government that denies human rights, supports terror organizations and is determined to achieve nuclear weapons capability. That Hispasat’s action triggered such an angry response in Tehran tells us all we need to know about its significance.”

Overon says as the EU has blacklisted the head of the Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting, Hispan TV and Press TV must be taken off the air. It should be noted that Hispan TV is officially registered in Spain and operates under the country’s media laws. Besides, the EU has confirmed to Press TV that its anti-Iran sanctions do not apply to the country's media.

From a legal point of view, this move runs counter to the European Convention of Human Rights (ECHR). Article ten of the ACHR says, “Everyone has the right to freedom of expression. This right shall include freedom to hold opinions and to receive and impart information and ideas without interference by public authority and regardless of frontiers. This Article shall not prevent States from requiring the licensing of broadcasting, television or cinema enterprises.”

Hispasat is partly owned by Eutelsat whose French-Israeli CEO is widely believed to be the architect of attacks on Iranian media in Europe.

Without even Michel de Rosen being the Zionist CEO of Eutelsat, the European media is so pathetically caught up in the claws of the Zionists that they would readily give in to their demands especially when they are directly aimed at dispelling the political sway of the Islamic Republic.

On the one hand, the Zionists keep depicting themselves in the light of a nation so viciously persecuted in the course of history at the hands of the Europeans, an excuse which they use as a way of emotional blackmail. This, the Europeans sadly buy and seek to make up for the ‘holocaust’, an inflated issue, a political ace in the hole for the Zionists.

On the other hand, Europe is infernally prone to smother any voice coming from Iran and that which is in defense of the Islamic Republic as the Europeans are fearful of alternative channels such as Press TV, Hispan TV and RT which deliver a truthful report of the public discontent in the European community. The fact is that Europe is crumbling from within and there is no economic salvation in sight and Europe prefers media blackout. Further to that, the Zionist lobby is so powerful in Europe that they prefer to cave to their wanton demands, ignore the very basis principles upon which the European Convention of Human Rights is built, and avoid withering criticism or political isolation from Washington.

In point of fact, Europe is plunging into financial abysm largely on account of its reliance on US imperialism and its support of the Zionist regime. The role these alternative channels play in raising intellectual awareness and political insight is an irrefutable reality which serves as a resounding slap in the face of Europe. To put it in better terms, these channels hold a mirror to the European audience wherein the reality is reflected as it should. And this is exactly what harrows Europe with fear and wonder.

What is currently happening to the Iranian media is not just limited to Iran or to the Iranian community. These channels and like news outlets are the inalienable rights of the world citizens who are entitled to have an alternative voice different from theirs and choose to hear.

In fact, depriving the international community from these channels is stripping the people across the globe of the choice to hear. It is not ‘kosher’ and amounts to an act of intellectual abacination.

PressTV - Ban on PressTV, HispanTV: Zionist octopus at work
Conspiracy theories create confusion among people. And we all know how people believe anything. :D
and it might also wake some people form their sleep... it teaches to them to ask why and how... since many people here think the western media is the only true source.... and we know how the western media all report the same lies...
and it might also wake some people form their sleep... it teaches to them to ask why and how... since many people here think the western media is the only true source.... and we know how the western media all report the same lies...

You are right,But the difference is west has a culture of openness which allows their media to be scrutinized for increasing amount of transparency.False reporting and deliberate cover ups are always criticized.Same can't be said about Press TV or any other Iranian Channel.
You are right,But the difference is west has a culture of openness which allows their media to be scrutinized for increasing amount of transparency.False reporting and deliberate cover ups are always criticized.Same can't be said about Press TV or any other Iranian Channel.

How would westerns know the truth if all of there media reports the same lies?? how they know what's going overseas ? they can't travel there to check news??
my point is.. the westerners believe they have freedom... which in reality they don't... they are controlled by banks and the media...
How would westerns know the truth if all of there media reports the same lies?? how they know what's going overseas ? they can't travel there to check news??
my point is.. the westerners believe they have freedom... which in reality they don't... they are controlled by banks and the media...

You are wrong, and your perception of freedom is also wrong.Their is a difference between bias and lies.Of course, western media has bias liberal bias, conservative bias, mainstream bias, and corporate bias etc.But there are also a variety of watchdog groups that attempt to find the facts behind both biased reporting, and unfounded claims of bias,and research about media bias is a subject of systematic scholarship in a variety of disciplines.

At the end Western people have the freedom to make up their mind by making use of all these information available to them.That's the real freedom.No banks or media can change that.Can you say same about Iran???
If people watch PressTV they might think that all Iranians are morons and liars. Therefore banning PressTV is good for Iran.
Conspiracy theories create confusion among people. And we all know how people believe anything. :D

And for us,most of news agencies who have representatives in Iran,are bs. Like Washington post,Reuters and etc.Should we kick them out?What a lame excuse.Believe me,if Presstv.didn't have viewers and was childish,they wouldn't ban it.

I'm not saying everything presstv says is true.Of course not.but show me a media who is like that.who only reports true and honest information and news.Why isn't Foxnews banned?Why not Al-Arabiya that is full of $hit?
It's all political,and all that freedom of speech blabbering,is just pure bs. It's like that : You are free to say anything you wish,unless we don't like it'.

If people watch PressTV they might think that all Iranians are morons and liars. Therefore banning PressTV is good for Iran.
So,you are telling me,all those who read Debka,Ynet and other Israeli news think you are all morons? interesting.
If people watch PressTV they might think that all Iranians are morons and liars. Therefore banning PressTV is good for Iran.

The first time I have ever agreed with a zionist. Quoted for truth. :rofl:

So,you are telling me,all those who read Debka,Ynet and other Israeli news think you are all morons? interesting.

Those news sources are sometimes full of sht but presstv blows the roof off of looney.

Everyone knows Foxnews and Al Arabiyah is full of sht as well. Nobody takes foxnews seriously besides some bible thumpers here in the states.
Even though I do not like Press TV myself , but can somebody tell me where is the " freedom of expression " gone at the moment ? :azn:
today's media is largely deviating from its role..duty of media is only to report... interpretation must be left to the people.but we find all kinds of dramas in the news channels..be it west or east..media has NO RIGHT TO OPINE OR TO ADJUDICATE..people must be free to form opinions and only courts must have the authority to adjudicate..
It shows us how much west countries are Hypocritical. They put other world countries under pressure by blathering about human rights and freedom and... but they do whatever they want, where are that Yankee presidents who were coming near soviet union borders and made a speech about this is the border of Free World!
as we can see This is the free world, support terrorists if they are fighting with countries who are not your puppet. banned medias that dont say what you like, then come and talk about free world and human right!

whatever pressTV says, they have no right to ban it.
And for us,most of news agencies who have representatives in Iran,are bs. Like Washington post,Reuters and etc.Should we kick them out?What a lame excuse.Believe me,if Presstv.didn't have viewers and was childish,they wouldn't ban it.

I'm not saying everything presstv says is true.Of course not.but show me a media who is like that.who only reports true and honest information and news.Why isn't Fox news banned?Why not Al-Arabiya that is full of $hit?
It's all political,and all that freedom of speech blabbering,is just pure bs. It's like that : You are free to say anything you wish,unless we don't like it'.

So,you are telling me,all those who read Debka,Ynet and other Israeli news think you are all morons? interesting.

Your government already engages in one of the largest and most strict censorship programs in the world.I am surprised their is anything left to ban in your country.Press TV is being extremely hypocritical here.If they are really worried of censorship,Their protest must start from home.
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