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ban from thread and warnings for speaking truth

Arsalan 345

Nov 19, 2016
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i haven't violated any rule. people have made these climbers hero in their own imagination. this guy krash ban me from thread of climber discussion and i received warning also. this is not justified at all. pathetic krash where are you? you replied to my comments after you ban me so that i can't answer. here i am. real heroes aren't climbers. stop your pathetic approach. world doesn't revolve around these pathetic climbers.
@krash where are you? where i violated rule? where it's written that these climbers are our heroes? do you want every member to agree with your pathetic approach? talk to me. i want answers noob.


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It is insensitive to say the once in peril they are unimportant bro and probably died or dying in the freezing cold and it is technically insensitive to say they are unimportant.. Aside from that i don't you would have gotten a strike
It is insensitive to say the once in peril they are unimportant bro and probably died or dying in the freezing cold.. Aside from that i don't you would have gotten a strike
somebody who likes to climb mountains are our heroes. lol what about those who are defending borders? what about people who are sleeping on roads? who are poor? a country who make irrelevant people hero never rises. this guy krash has made them hero. i don't see any nishan e haider for them. i mean is this a joke? where is my inappropriate language? this is absolutely terrible. you can't ban someone from thread for sharing opinion. i even received warning. warning for what?
i haven't violated any rule. people have made these climbers hero in their own imagination. this guy krash ban me from thread of climber discussion and i received warning also. this is not justified at all. pathetic krash where are you? you replied to my comments after you ban me so that i can't answer. here i am. real heroes aren't climbers. stop your pathetic approach. world doesn't revolve around these pathetic climbers.
@krash where are you? where i violated rule? where it's written that these climbers are our heroes? do you want every member to agree with your pathetic approach? talk to me. i want answers noob.
everything is dangerous... F1 racing, swimming, running, weight lifting, etc...
Climbing mountains is a sport which has its own following. So you can't say it is time wasting. Also, whatever is the reason, a life is at stake, also Army reputation to rescue. Plus the guy was encouraging mountaineers from the world to come to Pak, so upholding soft image.
So everyone who is promoting Pak is hero. Sure, we can't appreciate like idk why people value art, it doesn't mean it is wasting of time.
May be in a year or so, you would give your own statement warning, I guess, as it is immature just due to you lack of perception.
looks like they don't like me. i don't know where i search for my next national hero? must be from film industry. these guys made this country a joke.
everything is dangerous... F1 racing, swimming, running, weight lifting, etc...
Climbing mountains is a sport which has its own following. So you can't say it is time wasting. Also, whatever is the reason, a life is at stake, also Army reputation to rescue. Plus the guy was encouraging mountaineers from the world to come to Pak, so upholding soft image.
So everyone who is promoting Pak is hero. Sure, we can't appreciate like idk why people value art, it doesn't mean it is wasting of time.
i agree with you but why calling them national hero? i mean soldiers died during waziristan operation. many died in balochistan. is this climber more important than fallen soldiers? a person who is not part of corruption is also a hero. ertugul ghazi was a hero months ago. who is next? what is next? after these climber, whose number is next?
this warning and ban from thread is not justified. there was no abuse, no racism. i will not change my perception just because krash wants it. he is moderator. he is using his powers. in fact, everyone in our country is using powers for inappropriate work.
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somebody who likes to climb mountains are our heroes. lol what about those who are defending borders? what about people who are sleeping on roads? who are poor? a country who make irrelevant people hero never rises. this guy krash has made them hero. i don't see any nishan e haider for them. i mean is this a joke? where is my inappropriate language? this is absolutely terrible. you can't ban someone from thread for sharing opinion. i even received warning. warning for what?

Who ever promotes the name of our country is our hero. There are long term benefits to Pakistan because of the work these climbers do both economically and as promoters of a positive image of the country.

Do you also think that swimmers, race car drivers, boxers/mma fighters etc etc are also "stupid" as there is also a risk of dying there?

If you did anything to promote Pakistan, then in my eyes you will be a hero too.
Who ever promotes the name of our country is our hero. There are long term benefits to Pakistan because of the work these climbers do both economically and as promoters of a positive image of the country.

Do you also think that swimmers, race car drivers, boxers/mma fighters etc etc are also "stupid" as there is also a risk of dying there?
please don't relate this climbing moutain to other sports. it may be a sport but in general, no country calls someone a hero before declaring him dead or missing. he is hero because he was promoting our country. hahaha are you serious? people dying on roads. people feed poor on roads. they are real heroes. if someone dies during a sport, it's a tragedy but we must not immediately call them hero. hero for what? they left their families behind. think about soldiers. they also left their families behind but they have a particular purpose and purpose is to defend country and not making records of climbing mountains.
who is our next national hero? i am giving all members three months to find out. hahahaha. what a joke.
@Arsalan 345
He made a video specially for people like you, go and learn a thing or two.
i don't care about videos. you watch it again and give him highest medal. after 3 months, select another hero. this is unstoppable cycle. you guys are out of your minds. who is next? let's start a poll for next pakistan hero. what a pity.
I hope this is what you are trying to get at.
English is tricky. It is so easy and common to use the same word for things of completely different values. While tossing around the word hero might diminish the word there really isn't a word to replace hero. We are left to make our own judgement as to the value of the word.
Same with the words love and hate. Friend is also a word that carries different values for different people. Like in that movie Tombstone....Doc Holliday went to kill Johnny Ringo ... friend had great value to Doc.
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please don't relate this climbing moutain to other sports. it may be a sport but in general, no country calls someone a hero before declaring him dead or missing. he is hero because he was promoting our country. hahaha are you serious? people dying on roads. people feed poor on roads. they are real heroes. if someone dies during a sport, it's a tragedy but we must not immediately call them hero. hero for what? they left their families behind. think about soldiers. they also left their families behind but they have a particular purpose and purpose is to defend country and not making records of climbing mountains.
who is our next national hero? i am giving all members three months to find out. hahahaha. what a joke.

So when you see this image don't you feel pride in your heart?


And none of us are taking anything away from the soldiers, they are also our heros and as for people feeding the poor, unless you have forgotten Abdul Sattar Edhi, we haven't and he was given the honors of a state funeral, he was our greatest hero.

Anyways whats your definition of a hero? mine is whoever promotes the name and image of Pakistan is my hero.
So when you see this image don't you feel pride in your heart?

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And none of us are taking anything away from the soldiers, they are also our heros and as for people feeding the poor, unless you have forgotten Abdul Sattar Edhi, we haven't and he was given the honors of a state funeral, he was our greatest hero.

Anyways whats your definition of a hero? mine is whoever promotes the name and image of Pakistan is my hero.
great achievement but still not a hero. it's just sports. have you seen artillery rounds near loc? fighting against bigger enemy is heroic. feeding poor is heroic. stay away from corruption is heroic. trying to convince people for right things is also heroic.
they will never unban me from thread. read krash comments. isn't inflammatory? he knows i can't comment. powerful people use resources, contacts to use poor as insects. this is what is happening in our country and this is a clear example of using extra powers by krash. anyway i don't mind. he is not a hero for me. i am not convinced. this country deserves wise people. this country deserves good people.
you guys start searching for next hero. i am going to bed. take care.
great achievement but still not a hero. it's just sports. have you seen artillery rounds near loc? fighting against bigger enemy is heroic. feeding poor is heroic. stay away from corruption is heroic. trying to convince people for right things is also heroic.
they will never unban me from thread. read krash comments. isn't inflammatory? he knows i can't comment. powerful people use resources, contacts to use poor as insects. this is what is happening in our country and this is a clear example of using extra powers by krash. anyway i don't mind. he is not a hero for me. i am not convinced. this country deserves wise people. this country deserves good people.
you guys start searching for next hero. i am going to bed. take care.

you didn't answer any of my questions, to me it seems like you are not here to discuss but just to force your opinion on others and ridicule others on their opinions, and then whine when you get warned.

Good day to you sir.
Yes Ertugrul is hero, like any movie and industry star. My hero is Thanos Tsolakis. do you know him? He does research in hydrogen reformer.

Your hero can be your dad, brother, a soldier, a lawyer, teacher, police, etc.

Climbing K2 is a feat. As there are 3 people who can do it out of 210 million people so at least he is dare devil and hero for many. It shows courage, determination and practice which he did and is true for any feat.

Plus even fallen soldiers are relative heroes. Shabir Sharif cannot be same to you as he is to Raheel Sharif. To me, Air Marshal Asghar Khan is the biggest hero after Quaid. He created an institution which saved us in every battle. For you it can be Aziz Bhatti. So it is not a binary system where you go 101010.
Stop being such a whiny a** bitch

Learn to keep your r*ndi r*na to yourself for a day. We lost a fellow Pakistani.

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