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Baloch rebels inspire separatists in Sindh


Jul 30, 2011
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Bomb attacks on railway tracks across Sindh indicate the rise of a separatist movement that takes inspiration from the freedom movement in Balochistan


At least 16 bombs targeted railway tracks in various parts of Sindh on February 25, stopping all train traffic. Low-intensity explosives were planted on railway tracks in Karachi, Hyderabad, Benazirabad, Mirpur Mathilo, Pud Eaidan, Khairpur and Ghotki, damaging tracks in the entire province, according to a senior Pakistan Railways official. There were no trains close to the sites of explosion, he said, therefore there was no major damage and no casualties.

"The police found leaflets from the bombing sites in which Sindhu Desh Liberation Army (SDLA), an underground separatist outfit, claimed responsibility for the attacks," said Muzaffar Sheikh, a Railway Police officer. He said the group had bombed railway tracks in the past.

Denouncing alleged atrocities against the Sindhi people and vowing to continue its struggle until Sindh's freedom, SDLA's chief commander Darya Khan Marri asks other Sindhis, in the leaflet, to take up arms and join the movement. The SLDA says Sindhi separatists must get the same worldwide recognition as the separatists in Balochistan, and asks people to stand up against the "opportunist" People's Party government, the army, and the ISI.

Sindhi separatist groups, which have never been popular in the province, have taken strength from recent move by a group of US Congressmen calling for the right of self-determination for the Baloch people. "Because of bad governance, nepotism, corruption and incompetence of the politicians, there is a lot of frustration and disappointment among Sindhi people, especially the young," according to Imdad Soomro, a senior journalist who studies Sindh's ethnic politics. Some of them might be involved in subversive activities, he says, but a majority of them believe in a peaceful political and democratic struggle.

The PPP seems to have taken the threat seriously. "The bomb attacks on railway tracks in Sindh could be due to a sense of deprivation among the Sindhi people, a sentiment that is also prevalent in the province of Balochistan. This sense of deprivation has been created after the assassination of PPP chairperson Benazir Bhutto," Sindh home minister Manzoor Wasan told reporters. The government, he said, had been trying to tackle the problem by creating jobs.

The demand for the separation of Sindh from Pakistan has been made time and again, but the separatist movement has not posed a serious threat to the state so far. Low-scale insurgent attacks from the SDLA have been reported intermittently in recent years.

The SDLA is believed to be an offshoot of the Jeay Sindh Muttahida Mahaz (JSMM), a Sindhi nationalist political party headed by Shafi Muhammad Burfat. Some of its members also broke away from various factions of the Jeay Sindh Tehrik (JST), founded by prominent Sindhi ethnic leader GM Syed. The Crime Investigation Department (CID) of Sindh police has added Burfat to its Red Book, Sindh IG Ghulam Shabbit Sheikh told reporters on February 27, and was gathering information on him. Yaqoob Jatt, a senior officer in Hyderabad, said police believed the attacks were orchestrated by SDLA leader Lala Aslam Pathan, and carried out by suspects he identified as Shahnawaz Bhutto, Ramzan Jamali, Bashir Malah, and Faqir Najeeb Qureshi.

Sindhis are predominantly represented in parliament by the PPP, but Sindhi ethnic parties that follow the political ideology of GM Syed also have a strong influence on provincial politics. After the demise of GM Syed, his JST split into at least 11 political groups: Jeay Sindh Qaumi Mahaz (JSQM) Bashir Qureshi Group, Burfat's JSSM, JST led by Dr Safdar Sarki, JSQM-Arisar Group, Jeay Sindh Mahaz Riaz Chandio Group, Jeay Sindh Qaumparast Party led by Qamar Bhatti, Sindh United Party led by GM Syed's grandson Jalal Mehmood Shah, Jeay Sindh Mahaz (JSM) led by Abdul Khaliq Junejo, JSM Rasool Bux Thebo Group, JSM Sufi Hazoor Bux Group, and JST Shafi Karnani Group. Dr Qadir Magsi's Sindh Taraqqi Pasand Party, Rasool Bukhsh Paleejo's Awami Tehrik, and Amir Bhambaro's Sindh National Party were not aligned with GM Syed's ideology.

Burfat belongs to Tehni, a small village of Taluka Sehwan in Jamshoro district. He was a close associate of Dr Qadir Magsi in the late 1980s and early 1990s, and was accused along with Dr Magsi of orchestrating the September 30, 1988 carnage.

"Pakistan's intelligence agencies are targeting our leaders and activists only because we are demanding our fundamental political rights," said a JSMM leader in Hyderabad. He said the party's secretary general Muzaffar Bhutto had been picked up several months ago and its vice chairman Serai Qurban Khuhawar, leader Rooplo Choliani and central committee member Noorullah Tunio were killed in Sanghar on April 21, 2011. He accused intelligence agencies of creating "a Balochistan-like situation" in Sindh.

The SDLA emerged as a serious threat in February last year when it bombed several railway tracks, a CID official said. A suspected terrorist died on March 2 apparently trying to plant a bomb on a railway line near Jumma Goth in Karachi. After an accidental explosion in a house that killed SDLA-linked Zulfiqar Kulachi and injured Ismail Abubakr and Sardaruddin Allahdino when they were trying to make a bomb on March 7 2011, police seized SDLA literature and other evidence. Information gathered from the literature and questioning of the injured men led to a crackdown in which all key members of the group were arrested. Eleven months later, the group has resurged with new attacks, apparently after being inspired by Baloch separatists, according to CID officials. But the SDLA is not as popular as the Baloch separatists, and that is why law-enforcement officials believe they can bust the group before it becomes a major threat.

Report: Baloch rebels inspire separatists in Sindh by Zia Ur Rehman
ok this proves that they r terrorist they couldnt get support and success in their own province so they seek to help another long dead movement thinking both can be revived what kind of freedom fighter goes to the other province and tries to strengthen a dead movement apparently their thinking is to create problems everywhere....
Useless fuel for defeated aims which can't burn itself for long run.
these so called nationalist parties are professional robers and extortionist ... they dont represent a thing , most likely a deal went wrong with ppp
These guys cannot win even a councilor election even in the Sindhi majority areas of Sindh let alone liberating whole Sindh. Looks like BLA inspired someone who are failure like themselves.

ours is one of the most volatile part of the world.
no matter how small or big, weak or strong, the general decent will continue to take place throughout the subcontinent.

Sindhu daish movement doesnt have anything to do with BLA. they really dont give a toss about what zain Bughti and Atta Ulla Mengal are on about.

Sindhis actually hate these Baloch Sellout Sardars who fall in the lap of the highest bidders. currently Uncle Sam seems to be flashing a lot of dollars and promise of eternal life in the land of plenty so their necks are stiff like iron rods.

I am currently sharing my a property with a Sindhi gentleman from Jamshoro he hails from Patoli family and is as much of a nationalist as any Pashton is about Bacha Khan. he also talks foldly of the GM Syed but will pull the tongue out of anyone who says anything bad about Pakistan.

the news article has given more or less all the reasons that we know so well which causes dissent. mostly it is peaceful but in some cases the people pick up the gun.

its all quiet on the eastern side so the chaps from across the border are posting stories about our side. but this role can reverse any time because what we have on our side, India has it x5 no matter how much lid is put on it, the things keep boiling up underneath it.

its a wakeup call for the general public as well. if they dont stop voting the same leadership again and again, these troubles will keep resurfacing.

do you know that how much of the local and foreign aid actually reached the people of Sindh and Punjab? with the Sindhi leadership actually on the helm of the country its really unfair to blame the Punjab as usual. I am talking about the aid meant for the flood victims. most of that money went in the pockets of PPP leadership. so the terrorists and criminals are bound to take advantage.
by the way, the Sindhi robbers are also yet another element who might put the drape of separatists. In Swat that happened too when the criminals also started looting and harassing public in the name of TTP but lost their appetite when the cavalry arrived.

looks like the blame on ISI has suffered the fate of Ctrl C and Ctrl V here from the Baloch terrorists yappings.

I must repeat again

if you and people around you still vote the same lot then expect the Indians to post more threads like these ;)
Stupid thread started by an Indian... Only shows their wish...
Sindh cannot be inspired by Balochi rebels. All Sindhis regardless of what class they belong to, poor, middle class, rich, all support PPP, a party that is currently in power. lol, even the President of Pakistan right now, Asif Ali Zardari is Sindhi. If Zardari tells them to die for him, they will do that...
I am living in the Latifabad (Urdu speaking dominated area) area of Hyderabad, & keep going to Qasimabad (Sindhi speaking area) every now & then. I go to Jamshoro & Kotri everyday, so I am familiar with the situation in interior Sindh. I had written a detailed post on the current conditions of Sindh, the Jeay Sindh movement is a Sindhi nationalist movement, which is not separatist per se, but wishes to protect the integrity of Sindhi territory, &/or having it as an autonomous province inside Pakistan. They are a group of hoodlums that don't even have substantial support from the Sindhi people (the PPP still has a good amount of support from Sindhis, although it is declining substantially as well), forget about the support of non-Sindhis residing in Sindh.

One of the most interesting things I came across was how vocal many Sindhi Hindus & Muslims at my workplace have become in their criticism of the PPP, while lavishing praise on Musharraf. Musharraf took out political activism from the educational institutions, as well as the workplace. His tenure had resulted in good times for Sindh & the Sindhi people as well. Right now, the PPP has only shown it does not care for development of the Sindhi people, or for the people of Pakistan.
Dont worry about Sindh...
MQM is enough to counter act any separatist movement in the province..
This may be the only good thing about MQM.

Years ago, i watched a program on tv, Nawab Akbar Bughti being interviewed by a western media. This man claimed openly to kill a person for the first time at the age of 16. When asked how many people in total he has killed, he answers " i have lost count..."
LOL the fighter in the pic looks like a soft jalebi when compared to the Baloch or Pathan fighters...
Stupid thread started by an Indian... Only shows their wish...
Sindh cannot be inspired by Balochi rebels. All Sindhis regardless of what class they belong to, poor, middle class, rich, all support PPP, a party that is currently in power. lol, even the President of Pakistan right now, Asif Ali Zardari is Sindhi. If Zardari tells them to die for him, they will do that...

Sindhi Wadera is like a god for them

not sure if you have been to interior Sindh. these guys have their own jails and own laws. and your statement is very true.
these guys dont know anything about the coward who used to have the civilians killed and fired rockets on the cities and infrastructure then died in the cave when the armymen were convincing him to surrender.

irony is that a Punjabi is demanding a court proceeding over the death of the cavemaster Bughti.

---------- Post added at 10:36 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:34 PM ----------

LOL the fighter in the pic looks like a soft jalebi when compared to the Baloch or Pathan fighters...

no offence

looks can be deceiving my dear.

have you seen the LTTE fighters or the child gangs of Rio? you might want to reconsider your jalebi claim.

---------- Post added at 10:38 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:36 PM ----------

Too many of these southern Pakistanis working with enemy india.

Kill all these traitors.

yea, kill them all like the Yanks do
and they will keep coming and keep coming back

problem is, they are our own and we also belong to the same country. we wont by flying away to invade another country in the name of Oil and Corporate freedom.

you seriously need to have a rethink about your problem solving approach.
Stupid thread started by an Indian... Only shows their wish...
Sindh cannot be inspired by Balochi rebels. All Sindhis regardless of what class they belong to, poor, middle class, rich, all support PPP, a party that is currently in power. lol, even the President of Pakistan right now, Asif Ali Zardari is Sindhi. If Zardari tells them to die for him, they will do that...

Zardari is ethnically a Baloch but his family has been living in Sindh for centuries. Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto was 100% pure Sindhi and that is why all Sindhis vote for PPP. Sindh and Balochistan share geographical and historical ties. Almost half of all Baloch population in Pakistan live in Sindh province, but Baloch people are not as welcoming as Sindhis in Balochistan Province. Sindhis don't have a problem with anyone except for maybe MQM.
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