Read the OP before displaying more of your ignorance. It is staring at your face and it is a direct quote.
LOL. So ? Media publishes all sort of "direct quotes" taken out of context. That is how they create a hype. But I guess you only get what is staring at your face. All other nuances is lost on you.
Why would Indians be ashamed of the colonial past like the Germans are of Hitler? Do you even have any brain to see the difference? They were outsiders who somehow managed to capture the country by exploiting internal divides between the states. Anything they did under the raj was their own responsibility. Am I missing something here? Are dumbasses starting to own up British mistakes/atrocities?
Colonial Raj is nothing to be proud off. Anyone with an ounce of self respect will not take pride in anything as obscene as the british Raj. You are missing plenty here .... which is not surprising considering that dumbass attitude.