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Baitullah Mehsud bites the dust, confirmed! :)

OMG i'm so happy and i wanted him dead long ago but People had pressure on Government before but this time Army has free hand and ISI provided whereabouts of him and he is Gone Amin Sumamin Now FM Mullah should be taken out and we should kill all of them ASAP. What a great day with Shabrat

I believe the best victory will be when we can kill TTP's political support, which has kept them safe. JI has been supporting the TTP during their gov. It will be interesting as to what they will do now to support them after this groundbreaking news.
great news (if its true).....
i still think destroyin a network is a lot different than killing the leader. i would prefer former.

for now lets celebrate................... yayyyyyyyy
Baitullah Mahsud got what he deserved

Its a good news for nation

Its time to distroy the net work of these thugs
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People who were saying that Mehsud is america's guy are wrong now if its confirmed. :agree:

A Pakistani official with knowledge of intelligence matters told CNN National Security Analyst Peter Bergen that the strike in Pakistan's South Waziristan tribal area was based on "solid intel"(by ISI?) And following the attack, "the Mehsud network has gone quiet as if in shock," the official said.
I think this is the best time army launch operation against Taliban’s. Their command structure is unstable at the moment. Strike them before they strike back.
The US intelligence and Media control outclassed Pakistan and their claims again. They (media) made him popular, the most wanted man in the region by both parties; Pakistan and US. There were speculations in media about BM that Pakistan wanted him alive and the US were after to kill him. Now the news reports are, he has been killed by US drones but Pakistan was after his arrest not death, which makes worries for Pakistan and make the claims true made by US that Pakistan is not doing enough and on the other hand they (US) won sympathies of the world opinion for the justification of their drone attacks.

Ek Teer Say Do Shikaar...hmmm

that's why ISPR is denying the news of his death and R.Malik and FM.Qureshi are singing the songs of joy of BM's death.
Pakistani Taliban leader 'killed'

There are growing indications that Pakistan's most wanted man, Taliban leader Baitullah Mehsud, has been killed by a US missile.

A Mehsud aide reportedly confirmed that he had died when a drone attacked the house where he was staying.

Pakistani Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Quresh said the government was seeking "ground verification".

Taliban leaders have gathered in South Waziristan to choose a successor, local sources have told the BBC.


Orla Guerin, BBC News, Islamabad
Mehsud's death would be seen in Pakistan as a huge step forward.

He has been the country's most wanted man, blamed for a string of suicide attacks and also accused of being behind the assassination of the former Prime Minister, Benazir Bhutto. He has also been on America's wanted list, with a price of $5m on his head. He is seen there as an al-Qaeda facilitator.

In the past month or so, both the Pakistanis and Americans have been working hard to tighten the net around him, with US drone strikes but also with air strikes by the Pakistani authorities.

If reports of his death are confirmed, this will be seen here as the elimination of a key enemy of this country and of a man who has caused the killing of hundreds of civilians.

Three names are under consideration says Abdul Hai Kakar, a BBC reporter based in Peshawar.

Hakimullah Mehsud, Maulana Azmatullah and Wali-ur-Rehman were all mentioned as possible successors.

People living close to the scene of the missile attack in South Waziristan told the BBC Baitullah Mehsud had been killed along with his wife early on Wednesday.

The remoteness of the location is contributing to the delay in establishing the facts, the BBC's Orla Guerin reports from Islamabad.

A US official said there was "reason to believe reports of his death may be true but it cannot be confirmed".

Previous reports of Baitullah Mehsud's death have proved to be unfounded.

South Waziristan is a stronghold of the Taliban chief, who has been blamed by Pakistan for a series of suicide bomb attacks in the country.

'Hit on the roof'

Kafayat Ullah, described as an aide to Baitullah Mehsud, told the Associated Press by telephone on Friday that his leader had been killed along with his second wife by a US missile. He gave no further details.

“ There is a sense of awe as this short, plump, bearded man greets us ”
Syed Shoaib Hasan BBC reporter on meeting Baitullah Meshud in 2008

The missile fired by the US drone hit the home of the Taliban chief's father-in-law, Malik Ikramuddin, in the Zangarha area, 15km (9 miles) north-east of Ladha, at around 0100 on Wednesday (1900 GMT Tuesday).

At the time of the attack, the Taliban leader was said to be on the roof, suffering from an illness for which he was taking medication, local people told our Peshawar reporter.

Some who had reportedly seen his body said that it had been half-destroyed by the blast.

Baitullah Mehsud was buried in the nearby village of Nardusai, the witnesses told our reporter.

Several of Baitullah Mehsud's relatives were also injured, local people told the BBC earlier.

Pakistan's foreign minister told reporters in Islamabad that "to be 100% sure [of the Taliban leader's death], we are going for ground verification".

One factor complicating verification of his death is the lack of photographs of the Taliban leader.

When the BBC's Syed Shoaib Hasan went to interview him in South Waziristan in May 2008, he found himself sitting down before a short, plump, bearded man, reluctant to allow his picture to be taken.

Pakistan's interior minister, Rehman Malik, told the BBC that even if DNA could be recovered at the scene, the authorities did not have a sample from a male relative of the Taliban leader to compare it with.

Story from BBC NEWS:
BBC NEWS | South Asia | Pakistani Taliban leader 'killed'
Congratulations to all! Let this satanic f*ck rot in hell.:pakistan:

Some jokes guys I have made up for occasion

What was the last thing going through Baituallah Meshud’s mind before he died?

A US hellfire missile.

Recreation of drone attack;

Drone strikes Meshud, as Meshud lies dying he looks up and sees a vision.

Meshud: Oh look Maulvi Faqir, the lord has sent a beautiful woman with wings to take me up to heaven for all the good deeds I have done. Bless this day!

Maulvi Faqir begins to run for the hills and shouts back;

Maulvi Faqir: Oh great leader, for as much as I love you, I have to say you are a complete jackass. That “woman” is the predator coming back to finish off your sorry ***.
People who were saying that Mehsud is america's guy are wrong now if its confirmed. :agree:

A Pakistani official with knowledge of intelligence matters told CNN National Security Analyst Peter Bergen that the strike in Pakistan's South Waziristan tribal area was based on "solid intel"(by ISI?) And following the attack, "the Mehsud network has gone quiet as if in shock," the official said.

What American plan was to make Pakistan excuse and leave Afghanistan but it’s not happening because of brave Pakistan soldiers and officers.

Baitullah Mehsud is American guy. Pakistan army is closing in on Taliban now it time for American to destroy evidences.
Many with in the Taliban in Pakistan are against mehsud because some member of TTP think he is working on Indians and Israeli agenda.
Intelligence reports confirm Baitullah dead: FM Qureshi

ISLAMABAD: Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi said intelligences reports stated that Taliban leader Baitullah Mahsud has been killed in drone attack in Waziristan on Wednesday.

“He has been taken out,” he told reporters after addressing youth parliament forum. He however said that the government was doing ground verification so as “to confirm 100 percent”.
People living close to the scene of the missile attack in South Waziristan told the BBC Baitullah Mehsud had been killed along with his wife early on Wednesday.

Not to rain on anyone's parade but I do feel bad about his wife. Let's hope no children were killed.

Collateral damage is always a sad reality.
Sir, cruise missile don't use laser guidance for hitting their target. Cruise missile has a separate targeting mechanism or should i say mechanisms.

Yeas, terrain hugging and something related to the Nap of the Earth. Laser guidance is required mostly for Beam Riders.

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