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Baitullah Mehsud bites the dust, confirmed! :)

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Hamid Mir

US drone attacks are not popular in Pakistan but it is the first time that a big number of Pakistanis are happy over a news report that the head of Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan, Baitullah Mehsud, was killed in a drone attack on Aug 5 in South Waziristan. Baitullah Mehsud was the most wanted and the most ruthless man in Pakistan who was responsible for dozens of suicide attacks across the country. Government of Pakistan has not officially confirmed his death yet. (The Taliban have denied his killing.)

News of his death first came through American media sources on Aug 7. Pakistani Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi also confirmed his death by quoting intelligence sources but Interior Minister Rehman Malik is careful. A senator from South Wazirastan told him in the morning of Aug 8 that Baitullah is not dead and that was why Rehman Malik never confirmed the death of the most wanted man to media. Many Pakistanis think that if Baitullah is dead just few days before the 62nd independence day of Pakistan then it is a great gift from a US drone but common Pakistanis are also raising some questions.

Pakistani security establishment started saying last year that Baitullah was actually working for Americans and Indians and that was why US drones never attacked him. The reason behind this conspiracy theory was the rising suicide attacks against Pakistani security forces. ISI requested CIA many times in 2007 to target Baitullah Mehsud but CIA never obliged ISI. CIA was under the impression that ISI is not helping it in hunting down the militant leaders like Maulvi Nazir, Hafiz Gul Bahadar and Sirajuddin Haqqani who are attacking US troops in Afghanistan. Pakistani government made peace agreements with these militants who were only fighting in Afghanistan while Baitullah was fighting against Pakistani security forces. Situation started changing after the removal of Musharraf from the top Army command.

Well coordinated joint efforts to defeat Taliban and Al Qaeda were started just few months back. US announced 5 million dollars and Pakistan announced 50 million rupees as a head money for Baitullah. Some problems were still there. Few weeks ago a rebel militant from South Wazirastan Qari Zainuddin Mehsud gave interviews to Pakistani media and claimed that Baitullah was working for Americans and Indians. This rebel militant was backed by the security establishment and his claim created lot of misunderstandings. Within few days of these interviews, Baitullah killed Qari Zinuddin on June 23, 2009, in Dera Ismail Khan and gave a message that he can target his enemies anytime and anywhere in Pakistan.

Just few weeks after the death of Qari Zainuddin, Pakistani intelligence sources are now claiming that Baitullah have been killed in a US drone attack. Question is that will the Pakistani government pay Rs50 Million to CIA for eliminating the most wanted man in the country? US drones cannot target anyone in Pakistani territory until someone from Pakistan is not ready to share intelligence with CIA. Now who will get 5 million US dollars from CIA in Pakistan? Will our president and prime minister say openly "Thank You America?" or they will again condemn the US drone attack in Pakistan? It is now proved that despite some trust deficit in the past, currently US and Pakistani intelligence agencies are working closely with each other. Pakistani security forces encircled Baitullah Mehsud from three sides in South Wazirastan and someone provided information of his movement to CIA and that was how the head of Pakistani Taliban was targeted by a US drone. There is no doubt now. US drones are attacking targets in Pakistan with the secret cooperation from some Pakistanis but our government always condemned these drone attacks. Pakistan today needs a transparent and bold policy for fighting terrorism. If we are coordinating US drone attacks in our own country then our government should not condemn drone attacks in Pakistan publicly. It is only creating misunderstandings. Common Pakistanis cannot be fooled. It is the Pakistani government which is losing credibility. A government without credibility cannot defeat terrorism. If Baitullah is really dead and our government is happy then US drone attacks in Pakistan will be legitimised and we will not be in a position to condemn these attacks in the future. May be that is the reason Interior Minister Rehman Malik told me that "even if Baitullah Mehsud is killed i condemn US drone attacks in Pakistan."

We must learn lessons from our past mistakes. We must admit that Baitullah Mehsud was actually created by our own establishment. We used Brig (R) Qayyum Sher in January 2005 to win the support of Baitullah Mehsud against Abdullah Mehsud. Lt Gen Safdar Hussain approved the first peace agreement with Baitullah Mehsud in February 2005 and Pakistan Army agreed to withdraw its troops from the areas under Baitullah control. After the withdrawal of the Army from his areas, Baitullah broke the peace agreement in July 2005. He kidnapped 243 Pakistani soldiers from his area in August 2007 and Musharraf was forced to release these soldiers again through another secret deal with Baitullah on Nov 4, 2007. Pakistani establishment again struck a deal with him in January 2008 but it was broken in a few weeks. All these deals were secret. We don't need secret deals with militants anymore. If we need peace deals then discuss these deals first in the parliament.

And the most important lesson. We should not form any private militias against other private militias to fight in our own country. Read Article 256 of the Constitution of Pakistan which says "no private organisation capable of functioning as a military organization shall be formed, and any such organisation shall be illegal." Unfortunately we are again forming private militias in Swat, Buner and Dir. These militias may produce some more Baitullah Mehsuds.

I still believe that we must not celebrate the reported death of Baitullah Mehsud. His network is still intact. If he is dead then his network will organise brutal attacks in our cities soon. His physical elimination is not a victory. I think that the real victory will be establishing the writ of Pakistani state in the whole of South Wazirastan. Unfortunately we don't have control in that area. We are not sure that Baitullah is dead or alive. For me he is still alive. I will consider him dead when the national flag of Pakistan will be hoisted on the buildings of all the schools in South Wazirastan and students will celebrate Aug 14 without any fear.
I had put in front of S-2 out of many, the pic of a headless few months old baby killed with american supplied weapons by israeli maniacs in Lebanon, S-2 had no regrets about it.
American nation no matter how much education they get, how many degrees they get from any prestigious university will stay heartless b*******.

The US -- ahem UN -- imposed sanctions on Iraq killed 5000 babies every single month for ten years. Almost everyone in charge of the program resigned in protest. Yet, when asked about it, Madeleine Albright said, "If it achieved our objectives, then it was worth it".
OTOH, these Mexicans don't seem to generally return to Mexico to fight an insurgency with base camps and sanctuary established with our Tex-Mex, etc. Most take back dollars.

Finally, it's our choice to allow such. Even in this down economy I see temporary workers everywhere.

Terrorism killed 3000 Americans in 2001.
Illicit drugs (mostly through Mexico and Florida) kill 17000/year.

Who's got their priorities skewed?
Of course, fighting the drug war doesn't benefit the military industrial complex and it doesn't help the Zionist-controlled foreign policy agenda...

Imagine what could have been achieved if 1 trillion dolars had been spent on hospitals, drug education and securing the Mexican border!

But I agree that Pakistan should not support the Taliban. Most Pakistanis don't support the extremist ideology of the Taliban and would prefer that we counter the Indian controlled puppet-dork Karzai by fielding our own democratic puppet.

We are making the classic mistake that the Americans have been making for the last 100 years. Instead of supporting and, erm, educating the people to our point of view, we are supporting the power brokers.

Now we don't expect the Indians or their complicit American allies to admit to Indian control of Afghanistan, but that's neither here nor there...
"I had put in front of S-2 out of many, the pic of a headless few months old baby killed with american supplied weapons by israeli maniacs in Lebanon, S-2 had no regrets about it."

Taimikhan, this is a lie. I made no comment as such.

"no problem about it" indeed.:angry:

Produce the post where I made such comment...
"Terrorism killed 3000 Americans in 2001.
Illicit drugs (mostly through Mexico and Florida) kill 17000/year.

Who's got their priorities skewed?"

Who's introducing irrelevancies to the topic at hand? Don't dissemble.

"it doesn't help the Zionist-controlled foreign policy agenda..."

Oh boy! Another one. So much for your credibility...:disagree:

"Now we don't expect the Indians or their complicit American allies to admit to Indian control of Afghanistan, but that's neither here nor there..."

As opposed to Pakistan and her complicit American ally admitting to Pakistani control of Afghanistan through their afghan taliban allies?:D


Sour grapes.

Pakistanis appear to make miserable diplomats. Afghanistan hasn't one rational reason to look at your country in any other light, frankly, than as one of an enemy.

You've been out-manuevered by good-will. All you can offer is poison. No-brainer on those choices.
"I had put in front of S-2 out of many, the pic of a headless few months old baby killed with american supplied weapons by israeli maniacs in Lebanon, S-2 had no regrets about it."

Taimikhan, this is a lie. I made no comment as such.

"no problem about it" indeed.:angry:

Produce the post where I made such comment...

Sir, I did not claimed that u made any comment in writing otherwise i would have pasted your comments too, but just ignoring pics & my repeated requests from you to express your views were more then enough to show that you did not care or had any regret for the deaths of innocent children & people on the hands of Israel by US supplied weapons.

Anyway Sir, sorry for bothering u and hope u keep posting ur useful posts neglecting the atrocities done by US and its backed Israeli State of Barbarians.
"Terrorism killed 3000 Americans in 2001.
Illicit drugs (mostly through Mexico and Florida) kill 17000/year.

Who's got their priorities skewed?"

Who's introducing irrelevancies to the topic at hand? Don't dissemble.

The drug trade is relevant because it shows where the US government is putting its resources. The issue was one of border management and national threats. Apparently, the US still doesn't consider 17000 deaths/year deserving of the same attention as a one time 3000 death incident.

3000 deaths - 1 trillion dollars
17000 deaths/year - chump change, comparatively

"it doesn't help the Zionist-controlled foreign policy agenda..."

Oh boy! Another one. So much for your credibility...:disagree:

Nothing wrong with my credibility. All of America's recent misadventures are tied to its Middle East policy. If you really believe that AIPAC and Zionist agenda has nothing to do with American foreign policy, then you truly are clueless beyond belief.

"Now we don't expect the Indians or their complicit American allies to admit to Indian control of Afghanistan, but that's neither here nor there..."

As opposed to Pakistan and her complicit American ally admitting to Pakistani control of Afghanistan through their afghan taliban allies?:D

If you mean the mujahideen, then that was a war time alliance against a common enemy - the Soviets. As for the Taliban, the Indian infiltration happened after the Soviets left when Pakistan/KSA supported the Taliban against the Indian/Iranian backed Northern Alliance.

Pakistanis appear to make miserable diplomats.

No argument there!

We are not as accomplished in diplomacy and manipulation like India to get you to support a pro-Iranian Northern Alliance in Afghanistan.

Nor can we claim to match the Israelis who hoodwinked you into fighting their dirty wars for them and to sacrifice thousands of US soldiers in Lebanon and Iraq.

Of course Indian diplomacy, inasmuch as it is geared against Pakistan, gets full support from the entrenched Zionist machine in Western countries.

Afghanistan hasn't one rational reason to look at your country in any other light, frankly, than as one of an enemy.

You've been out-manuevered by good-will. All you can offer is poison. No-brainer on those choices.

We countered Indian military proxies (Northern Alliance) with our own (Taliban). But I agree that we failed to counter Indian democratic proxies with our own democratic puppets. Also agree that we should have countered Wahhabi and extremist influences from Al Qaeda into the Taliban. We would have been in a much better moral position vis-a-vis the Afghan people.
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The US -- ahem UN -- imposed sanctions on Iraq killed 5000 babies every single month for ten years. Almost everyone in charge of the program resigned in protest. Yet, when asked about it, Madeleine Albright said, "If it achieved our objectives, then it was worth it".

And I suppose that Saddam building palace after palace and buying military supplies with the money for food and medicine had nothing to do with it. There were no limitations on how much Iraq could spend on food and medicine..
"Terrorism killed 3000 Americans in 2001.
Illicit drugs (mostly through Mexico and Florida) kill 17000/year.

Who's got their priorities skewed?"

Who's introducing irrelevancies to the topic at hand? Don't dissemble.

"it doesn't help the Zionist-controlled foreign policy agenda..."

Oh boy! Another one. So much for your credibility...:disagree:

"Now we don't expect the Indians or their complicit American allies to admit to Indian control of Afghanistan, but that's neither here nor there..."

As opposed to Pakistan and her complicit American ally admitting to Pakistani control of Afghanistan through their afghan taliban allies?:D


Sour grapes.

Pakistanis appear to make miserable diplomats. Afghanistan hasn't one rational reason to look at your country in any other light, frankly, than as one of an enemy.

You've been out-manuevered by good-will. All you can offer is poison. No-brainer on those choices.

People involved in drugs know the riski and deserve what they get,,,,the 3000 americans murdered in cold blood didnt.....and Pakistan is not going to solve it problems by blameing every thing on India.
"...S-2 had no regrets about it."

Seems clear enough and by your own words cannot support such-

"Sir, I did not claimed that u made any comment in writing otherwise i would have pasted your comments too..."

Mindreader, are you?

Taimikhan, you are a liar.

Because I choose not to even view your "photos" is no basis to posture that I've EVER held such a view as above.

Please don't EVER reference me again in one of your posts so that I'm not further libeled. Don't post to me. Don't respond to my comments.

Heed my words.
And I suppose that Saddam building palace after palace and buying military supplies with the money for food and medicine had nothing to do with it. There were no limitations on how much Iraq could spend on food and medicine..

Check out the Wikipedia article: Iraq sanctions - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Keep in mind that Wikipedia editors are notoriously anti-muslim so the truth is likely to be even worse than presented by Wikipedia.
"...S-2 had no regrets about it."

Seems clear enough and by your own words cannot support such-

"Sir, I did not claimed that u made any comment in writing otherwise i would have pasted your comments too..."

Mindreader, are you?

Taimikhan, you are a liar.

Because I choose not to even view your "photos" is no basis to posture that I've EVER held such a view as above.

Please don't EVER reference me again in one of your posts so that I'm not further libeled. Don't post to me. Don't respond to my comments.

Heed my words.

Self Deleted in respect of Our Honored S-2 Sir.
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"P.S. BTW, how exactly your OSINT is progressing here on PDF, mind to share your EEIs some day via PMs??"

OSINT- Open source intelligence

EEI- Essential elements of information


You first.;)
By: Mastan Khan. As the mujahideen decided to support Saddam and iraqi invasion much to the dismay of the u s---the support for the afghan casue weaned away in the american senate and congress. As the afghanis decided to go their own way---it gave the americans the oppurtunity to walk away as well.

IIRC i read in a book named military lessons of gulf war published in 91 or 92 (i read the one printed by services books club) that a few hundred troops from afghanistan were part of the coalition at that time.

I don't have the exact numbers as i don't have the book anymore.

This was the book. If someone has it now then he can confirm the numbers.

Amazon.com: Military Lessons Of The Gulf War: Bruce W., Bruce George, Peter Tsouras an: Books
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