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Bahrain executes three Shiites in first capital punishment since 2010

Any one who has doubt about the role of Bahraini security forces in killing the civilians should watch this clip which shows a Bahraini policemen admitting protestors are being deliberately targeted by the security forces.

Bahrain is an island and besides that home to one of the oldest civilizations in the world (Dilmun among others) which it shares with Eastern Arabia as a whole (modern-day Eastern Province in KSA and parts of Kuwait and Qatar).



Besides deserts come in all shapes and forms (mountainous, rocky, volcanic, sandy, fertile depending on the season etc.) and are very beautiful and famed for this especially those found in the Arabian Peninsula which come in all shapes and forms as the only place on earth.

Let me give you a few examples of this:



Volcano Madina Saudi Arabia by Dr. A. Alturaigy د.عبدالله الطريقي, on Flickr


Zyaan by Mohammed Albuhaisi, on Flickr


Saudi Arabia - Tabuk , by © Saud AL-Jethli, Photo, on Flickr


kasser by Dr. A. Alturaigy د.عبدالله الطريقي, on Flickr


وادي البردي-ينبع 2 by asim mawwad -عاصم معوض, on Flickr

Saudi Arabia Snow
by ABO_TMEEM, on Flickr


Riyadh Desert Saudi KSA Spring by Life-Style, on Flickr

Arabia is one of the most beautiful regions in the world and there can be no doubt about this.

Also all centers of civilization in the world be it in the Arab world (cradle of civilization) or elsewhere lie in arid climate zones so please continue to call us "desert dwellers". it is an honor.

The first alphabet in the world was founded by our Semitic ancestors in Sinai. By desert dwellers. Similar to how civilization itself was created by our ancestors, jungle dweller.

We much prefer that than what people call others (jungle dwellers, cave dwellers etc.).

Russia Today with their usual propaganda. I don't see them writing similar articles whenever "Sunni" criminals are executed anywhere.

Do you know the specific cases for you to say such a thing? Well, I don't know but if you do please share it with the rest of us.

As for sectarianism in the GCC and Arabia. Very limited compared to other hotspots in the Muslim world. When has there ever been a sectarian war or unrest in Arabia in recent eras or centuries? You will have to go back to the earliest times of Islamic history.

Oman is one of the most peaceful Muslim nations and home to the biggest Ibadi community in the world and a large Sunni minority and a tiny Shia minority. There are zero problems. Same story in Qatar and UAE where almost all locals are Sunnis however the migrant workers have different sects but there are no problems in this regard either.

Yemen despite being home to a large Zaydi minority (largest in the world) has never faced sectarianism historically and even today despite much unrest has no large problem in this regard.

Which leaves us with KSA, Bahrain and Kuwait. In most of KSA (95% of it) there is no trouble in this regard. The Shia communit in KSA (10-15% of the population) has suffered from 3-4 terrorist attacks in their entire history since modern-day KSA emerged back in 1932. All due to ISIS and all in the past 3-4 years. That is nothing.

In Hijaz (most populous region in KSA) Sunnis, Sufis and Shias have lived in peace side by side for 1400 years.

The hotspots for sectarianism politically is small Bahrain and Kuwait actually but even there you do not have widespread violence by any group.

Let alone us not suffering from any ethnic/political motivated violence.

Now compare that to the region and most of the Muslim world.

So no, we are fine for the time being. Could be many times worse. And what's better in KSA people have understood due to recent events in the region that sectarianism brings nothing good. Only the fringe groups and their supporters are interested in such discourse which is great news.

Indeed. Let alone the Mullah's long history of executing ethnic, religious and political minorities under the disguise of being "enemies of God" and other nonsense. Nobody comes even close in this regard and their execution rates are also many times higher. A funny world.

However Iranian bootlickers are heavily outnumbered worldwide for all it matters, lol. However I would prefer that the bootlickers found other hobbies to pursue in general.

Can you please stop marketing the land owned by all saud. I was talking about Bahrain. Further more what percentage is desert as opposed another topography ? To be not considered as desert ?

Secondly, its the mentality that I'm talking about associated with desert Bedouins not the geographical location lol.

If democracy was handed to Bahrain it would become another mullah dictatorship like Iran..
Let it become then ! Not that is support either fake custodians of Islam from desert to,mullah
I doubt it..I have met enough of these Jokers..they are extremely aggressive + sadistic and given slightest change..rivers of blood will be flowing..their obsession with settling scores and taking revenge on 1400 year old history makes them dangerous to global peace
Given your previous stances, it's no surprise, and it doesn't even matter tbh. Every decent human being can compare Syrian rebels/ISIS/Nusra to Bahrain protesters and also compare their violence, terrorism and 'aggressive' behavior and see that it's a comparison between day and night.
Well done.

Manama : The final death penalty sentence upheld against the convicts indicted in the Daih bomb blast was based on compelling evidence, said Haroun Alzayani, Attorney General affiliated with the Public Prosecutor’s technical office.

The evidence included the witnesses’ testimonies, the convicts’ own confessions, the material tools and telecommunication devices which were found with the executed convicts and others.

Results of forensic reports also corroborated with the verbal testimonies, material evidence as well as the circumstances that surrounded the Daih deadly explosion.

The High Criminal Court took into consideration the detailed compelling evidence in issuing the death verdict, which was upheld respectively by the High Court of Appeals and then by the Court of Cassation.

The convicts were caught with materials and substances which used in making the lethal explosives.

Human cells collected from one bomb which was defused at the scene of the blast were found to be matching with the DNA of one of the executed convicts.

Forensic examination of the mobile phones revealed that the convicts used a special programme in their communications. The taped conversations revealed that the trio used the same programme during the days before the blast.

The investigation revealed that the two mobile phones which were used in detonating the bomb that targeted the security forces had been tested the night before the blast.

The reports submitted by the coroner and the forensic experts matched with the convicts’ confessions, regarding the nature of the substances which were used to make the bomb and the detonation technique.

The convicts received fair public trials and all the legal guarantees, in the presence of their lawyers, who had access to the case before delivering their pleadings.

Twelve judges handled the case during the different stages of judicial litigation and found the evidence compelling, dismissing any presumed doubt and finding no
reason to grant the convicts mercy or commute the death penalty.


Killed Bahrain policemen


Manama : To implement their terrorist plot, the suspects planted three IEDs on the highway the evening before the crime. According to the plan, members were tasked with detonating the devices, others with monitoring the area and one with recording the explosions.

They carried out their plot, starting with staging riots to lure the policemen. A group member (sentenced to death) took up his place atop a building and detonated the explosive device.

“The other two IEDs were not detonated as one was damaged by the first explosion and the policemen did not get close to the place where the other one had been placed,” Al Hammadi said.


Manama : Six suspects were charged with joining the terror group Al Ashtar Brigades.

“They, along with the second suspect were charged with carrying out terrorist activities, killing and attempting to kill policemen, damage public properties, and possessing, storing and using explosive substances. Their aim was to carry out acts of terror, fund their terror group and finance its activities,” Al Hammadi said.

The High Criminal Court sentenced three defendants to death and the remaining suspects to life in jail.


Some of the defendants were also stripped off their nationality.

The defendants challenged the verdict and their lawyers presented memoranda explaining the reason for challenging the court rulings.

The verdicts were later upheld by the Court of Appeals.

The Public Prosecution referred the case to the Court of Cassation which cancelled the sentence and referred it back to the Court of Appeal on October 17, 2016 to re-consider it


The Appeals Court deliberated the case a second time on December 4, and upheld the sentence.

The appeals by the defendants were again reviewed by the Court of Cassation last Monday.

The Court upheld the initial ruling, and the death sentence was finalised leading to the execution.


This is no game that the evidence is not substantial and the courts give out death sentences. The case has been to different courts and the court of cassation cancelled the sentence and probably preferred a lenient punishment. But the court of appeals again reinstated the rightful initial judgement of execution. Blasting a bomb and killing government official is not a joke. They should be dealt with an iron fist. This is just one of the instances where justice has been served. There should be more of such examples. Human rights and other such organizations are casting doubts in peoples' minds that the investigation was not proper or the evidence was not substantial. Instead it culprits have been proven guilty by means of witnesses, DNA (from another undetonated bomb from the same scene), recorded conversations and confessions. Bahraini authorities are very competent and they do not present a case in front of a judge until it is solid.

Most of us here feel for the families of the executed but we also feel for the families of the policemen they killed. Justice needed to be served. No two ways about it.

Can you please stop marketing the land owned by all saud. I was talking about Bahrain. Further more what percentage is desert as opposed another topography ? To be not considered as desert ?

Secondly, its the mentality that I'm talking about associated with desert Bedouins not the geographical location lol.

Let it become then ! Not that is support either fake custodians of Islam from desert to,mullah

Jungle and slum dweller cretin. Bark elsewhere and mind your own business. You are too dumb to be responded to. Affairs in the GCC and Arabia concern locals and other Arabs first and foremost. Nobody else unless they are directly involved or impacted. We give no importance to ignorant and moronic views that come from non-locals and non-Arabs. Do you understand this or is the jungle and slum dweller logic hampering you?

I am just using your own vocabulary and logic that you began out of nowhere.

Wilayat al-Faqih Mullah terrorists should volunteer by going to Bahrain by free choice so we can send them back in coffins from wherever they came from. A cancerous tiny minority that must be dealt with harshly if they make trouble up in our lands.

Beautiful Bahrain will not be infested by the cancer.

Well done Bahrain :)..

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I don't agree with the death penalty, irrespective of the crime committed. They should be life sentences and the inmate should be made to work for free throughout his life/sentence to at least epay back what he took from the community.
Even though I understand that quite a few countries in the middle East carryout executions/death penalty with Iran and KSA leading the way as number 1 and 2 respectively.
However, that said, the crimes these guys committed were quite severe as well, killing a policeman will be met with the most severe punishment there is in any country in the world including European countries, U S, Russia etc. These guys should have known better.
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Well done.

Jungle and slum dweller cretin. Bark elsewhere and mind your own business. You are too dumb to be responded to. Affairs in the GCC and Arabia concern locals and other Arabs first and foremost. Nobody else unless they are directly involved or impacted. We give no importance to ignorant and moronic views that come from non-locals and non-Arabs. Do you understand this or is the jungle and slum dweller logic hampering you?

I am just using your own vocabulary and logic that you began out of nowhere.

Wilayat al-Faqih Mullah terrorists should volunteer by going to Bahrain by free choice so we can send them back in coffins from wherever they came from. A cancerous tiny minority that must be dealt with harshly if they make trouble up in our lands.

Beautiful Bahrain will not be infested by the cancer.

Says the slave of al saud. Who is the subject of his king. Too bad desert monkeys can't even defend themselves and have to beg for assistance every single time

Wisdom of your mother probably ?
Hahaha. So typical of badooo. Desert monkeys good for nothing
Errr your country ? Lol you're a bloody subject you moron try to something against uncle saud and see what happens you will become unexisted. Says a leeching kafeel who survives on others income
Can you say "ummah" three times :tongue:
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