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Back to the past: Scientists 'reverse time' using quantum mechanics

Baby Leone

Aug 25, 2011
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Scientists have found a way to reverse the direction of time with the help of a quantum computer, according to a breakthrough study.

The study obviously contradicts the basic law of physics while it also shows an advancement in the understanding of the quantum computer.

With the use of electrons and quantum mechanics, scientists were able to turn back time in an experiment that was as impossible as causing a broken rack of pool balls to go back in their original formation.

Anyone watching the computer would see the event as if time was moving backwards.

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The research includes Lead researcher Dr Gordey Lesovik, head of the Laboratory of the Physics of Quantum Information at the Moscow Institute of Physics & Technology (MIPT) who was helped by colleagues in Switzerland and the US. The researchers hope that the technique will improve with time and eventually be more reliable and precise.

“We have artificially created a state that evolves in a direction opposite to that of the thermodynamic arrow of time,” said Lesovik.

The second law of thermodynamics describes the progression from order to disorder.

If you were to see a video of someone breaking an arranged triangle of pool balls into a mess, then watching that backwards would obviously look absurd.

The new experiment, however, is like giving the pool table such a perfectly calculated regression that the balls roll back into an orderly pyramid.

As the time machine is described in the Scientific Reports consists of a quantum computer which is made up of electron qubits. A qubit is a unit of information described by a zero, one or can be a mix of both the states in which case it becomes a superposition.

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In the experiment, the qubits were made to form a complex changing pattern of zeros and ones during which the order was lost and they were all scattered. The program modified the state of the quantum program in such a way that it went back from chaos to an ordered pattern. This state meant that the qubits were rewound back in its original starting pattern.

The scientists have found that working with only two qubits makes time reversal more achievable with a success rate of 85 per cent but when more than two qubits are involved, the chances of it forming a time reversal modified pattern lessens to 50 per cent.

With time, scientists and researchers are hoping to use better devices to reduce discrepancies in results.

This story originally appeared on The Independent.
What time ref did they use as a reference for it to go back in time?
Giving some molecules a math formula to spread and then , using a reverse math formula to rearrange the formation of particles is not time travel

We had the rewind button in movie tapes/dvd long time ago

You can press the rewind button and see stuff move backward but that is still not time travel

I strongly believed on Allah and science .. Allah said i invented this universe for u to conquer... Everything is possible friends nothing is impossible in this universe .
aging of matter cannot be stopped so time cannot be reversed old man cannot become young again it is natural phenomena which cannot be reversed
Nope, but we can move some place outside earth and return back at a later time. While time may have moved years on earth, but it could only be months for the person. :)
it has no benefit unless it stops aging of a person .All humans experience almost same pattern of aging which shows that time cannot be reversed there is no example of any person currently living who has reversed his age and time
Nope, but we can move some place outside earth and return back at a later time. While time may have moved years on earth, but it could only be months for the person. :)
it has no benefit unless it stops aging of a person .All humans experience almost same pattern of aging which shows that time cannot be reversed there is no example of any person currently living who has reversed his age and time
What happens when you move to a planet (in the future) because of time dialation it'll have passed 150 years on earth. You'll be gone for like 5 years and back. You'll be nearly 180 years old on earth.

We don't have to reverse time, we just have to slow it down with respect to earth.
age of man will pass in same manner like it is passing on earth if you call 50yrs equal to one year it will not matter and human will live in this example only around 2yrs each equalling 50yrs of age as on earth

age of man will pass in same manner like it is passing on earth if you call 50yrs equal to one year it will not matter and human will live in this example only around 2yrs each equalling 50yrs of age as on earth
What happens when you move to a planet (in the future) because of time dialation it'll have passed 150 years on earth. You'll be gone for like 5 years and back. You'll be nearly 180 years old on earth.

We don't have to reverse time, we just have to slow it down with respect to earth.
age of man will pass in same manner like it is passing on earth if you call 50yrs equal to one year it will not matter and human will live in this example only around 2yrs each equalling 50yrs of age as on earth
Time will not go forward everywhere in the universe like the earth. You said you believe in science, well that's the science. You might have heard astronomers aging less compared to people on earth.
I not think astronomers aging less they have similar body processes and aging like other humans there is some difference between aging of different humans but not much to regard it as reversal of time
Time will not go forward everywhere in the universe like the earth. You said you believe in science, well that's the science. You might have heard astronomers aging less compared to people on earth.
aging of matter cannot be stopped so time cannot be reversed old man cannot become young again it is natural phenomena which cannot be reversed

I want to be young forever, I do not want to die, and I want to live forever!

The bitter Truth is, the more you read, the more you come closer to Almighty Allah, and you realize that you cannot escape from HIS jurisdiction!
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