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Babri Mosque bench judge goes public with dissent note

The reason Pakistanis are involved in this discussion is because the Babri Masjid incident had a profound impact on Pakistan too. Muslim fundamentalists from Pakistan wrongfully attacked Hindu temples in Pakistan and destroyed many this way.

This incident just solidified Jinnahs argument on why Partition was necessary, imagine a united India where this incident might have occured.

The verdict of this trial should be one that is satisfactory to the victims.

We do not want to be affected negatively again by this incident, India can prove it's secular and democratic credentials with this verdict.

Agree 100% with your sentiments. I want the people who demolished that Mosque to be jailed.
One mosque demolished in 63 years, and all this nonsense about 'crime against Humanity'? India has a much much better record than Pakistan as far as protecting minorities is concerned. Much better. Off the back of my head I can think of 2-3 recent instances immediately, such as a gang of Pakistani Muslims lynching Hindu kids to death for drinking from a public tap. Too lazy to post the link, Google will bring this result immediately.

For all your bullshit on 'genocide', it always happens that in India, when there are communal riots (rare), both Hindus and Muslims die in large numbers. Unlike Pakistan, where Muslims gang up and kill minorities who are in hopelessly small numbers.
They demolished the mosque, won two elections. Indian public gave these criminals their backing through a democratic vote.
I disagree with the compromise, there is only one solution - rebuild the mosque and punish those who demolished it.

Compromising is akin to assuaging the Hindus over a heinous crime they committed.

Asim Akil, Here is an option for you.

Let the jews destroy your makka and madina and let them build a jewish temple over it. And after 200 years say some muslims bring down the jewish temple.

Will you now favour the Jews and their rebuilding of temple on makka-madina site thereof? And would you then ask crimial punishment for muslims who destroyed the jewish temple built on makka-madina?
Public feelings? Hindus sarr jayenge? I don't care, I say they even have to be punished, not just the rebuilding of the mosque. THey committed a crime and MUST pay for it.
Oh please, let us not act as if Pakistan has been a paragon of virtue in maintaining temples ; Pakistan has been destroying temples both in West Pakistan and in East Pakistan, brick by brick. The most notable one was during Operation Searchlight in Dhaka, the Ramna Kali Mandir. And even recently, miscreants notably destroyed a temple as an aftermath of the Babri Masjid incident. You can look it up here.
Two temples situated at Madh Wali Ban (pond) in Bhaun, Chakwal, are attributed to Shri Hanuman, a Hindu monkey god.

The temple on the bank of the pond is huge and fast coming apart. It is bigger than the nearby temple, which lies behind the government primary school. Both temples were built in 1894.

According to eminent expert Prof Anwar Beg Awan, the temples were built in the same period Ram Das built a temple in Chddaran Mohalla.

The temple that is more towering was greatly damaged by fanatics after the Babri Mosque incident. Prof Awan said, first of all, the people destroyed the statute of Hanuman.
So, i would advise you to preach tolerance to your fellow men before advocating justice.
For Pakistanis, the demolition of the mosque was a shocking reminder of what life would've been like under the tyranny of India's Hindus.

The Babri case is closely followed by all in Pakistan and much of the Muslim world. The only riot like situation the UAE has ever witnessed in its history was when the Babri Masjid was demolished.
What should be more shameful for you or any other (true) Muslim than the demolition should be the incident of the Grand Mosque Seizure, in which Juhaiman Al Utaibi and his cohorts forcefully tookover Al-Haram in Mecca ; Wasn't the Holy Mosque damaged in that incident ? Aren't you concerned about what happened then ? The problem is not with the fanatics outside, but the fanatics within Islam that you should be concerned.
What needs to be built there is a World class university!!! maybe call it Babri University?
Asim Akil, Here is an option for you.

Let the jews destroy your makka and madina and let them build a jewish temple over it. And after 200 years say some muslims bring down the jewish temple.

Will you now favour the Jews and their rebuilding of temple on makka-madina site thereof? And would you then ask crimial punishment for muslims who destroyed the jewish temple built on makka-madina?

Couldn't agree more. The attack on India by medieval terrorists like Babur, Tamer the Lame, Aurangzeb, Nadir Shah, etc. WAS A CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY destoying priceless artifacts, burning scared texts, the crime against civilians was absolutely horrendous.
Despite India being a majority Hindu country, they remained secular. And I find it only natural that they build what ORIGINALLY stood there.

Couldn't agree more. The attack on India by medieval terrorists like Babur, Tamer the Lame, Aurangzeb, Nadir Shah, etc. WAS A CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY destoying priceless artifacts, burning scared texts, the crime against civilians was absolutely horrendous.
Despite India being a majority Hindu country, they remained secular. And I find it only natural that they build what ORIGINALLY stood there.


So what was originally there ? Can you draw a picture as it was before it was destroyed ?
If you asked me should the Bamiyan statues have to be rebuilt or replaced with a mosque, I won't only support them being rebuilt, I would oppose the building of a mosque.

If you compromise, you legitimize India's own Talibanistic act.

You are talking about a hypothetical Bamiyan situation which is never ever going to happen. Hindus consider it a holy place. Like Kabbla for muslims . Will the muslims compromise on that? On the other hand, no muslim cared for Babri Masjid when it was standing. And Babur the king who built was one of the most brutal and tyrannical ruler ever to rule the sub-continent.

The question now is not about who wins over whom but how to live in peace.
For Pakistanis, the demolition of the mosque was a shocking reminder of what life would've been like under the tyranny of India's Hindus.

The Babri case is closely followed by all in Pakistan and much of the Muslim world. The only riot like situation the UAE has ever witnessed in its history was when the Babri Masjid was demolished.

It is funny that Muslims are so insecure and intolerant that they would take a cartoon or a book or an obscure mosque destruction to be the gravest danger to their belief. Do you seriously think that cartoon is going to affect the sanctity of your belief? If they stopped caring less about these minor issues, other would stop their criticism too. A little less religion and more humanity is good for all of us.
It is funny that Muslims are so insecure and intolerant that they would take a cartoon or a book or an obscure mosque destruction to be the gravest danger to their belief. Do you seriously think that cartoon is going to affect the sanctity of your belief? If they stopped caring less about these minor issues, other would stop their criticism too. A little less religion and more humanity is good for all of us.

The slaughter of Muslims and Sikhs affect your concious ? You know in India cow slaughter is banned, why don't they unban that ? Beef will not be served in CWG , why is that ?
The slaughter of Muslims and Sikhs affect your concious ? You know in India cow slaughter is banned, why don't they unban that ? Beef will not be served in CWG , why is that ?

First off we're not talking about the atrocities that Sikhs and Muslims faced, nor do we deny what had happened was wrong. That's a whole different topic right there.

As for the cow slaughter, I thought you would be smarter than that to understand that there are 80% of Hindus in India which most believe that cows are sacred and pious animals.
I could say the same thing about bangladesh, pakistan or any other muslim majority country of why pork and ham is not allowed. :disagree:
The slaughter of Muslims and Sikhs affect your concious ? You know in India cow slaughter is banned, why don't they unban that ? Beef will not be served in CWG , why is that ?

Yes slaughter of Muslims and Sikhs affect my conscience. It is awful that Hindu fanatics and congressmen did that. But that does not answer my question. Hindus have seen their share of insults from their religion. Hindus have the right to criticize their religion and they can be alive. The whole of Dravidian politics started by Hindu Bashing and they still came to power. We have seen Hindu deities on lingerie and flip flops in western countries. A Hindu organization will protest formally and try to resolve it.

And how are you comparing banning cow slaughter and killing people over a cartoon? By the way, lot of people in India eat beef and it is available. But the majority don't eat it so they wanted to be sensitive of it.

This is not about which religion is better but adapting to times ,trying to fit in and living peacefully.
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