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Babar Awan Shows Interior of One Property of Nawaz Sharif


Dec 23, 2014
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Shahzaadey ka mini mahal tow check karain! And this is not even Raiwind mahal yet. This is just a secondary residence of Sheikh ul-Pakistan, Mian Muhammad Nawaz Sharif.

More extravagant and lavish lifestyle than that of 10 Downing Street or even the White House.

Now I'm not an unreasonable person. I will agree that some pictures shown in the program were fake (different famous mansions) but in the pics which you see Nawaz Sharif sitting and the pic of two stuffed lions guarding the door, it is quite evident what Nawaz Sharif's lifestyle is like.

More from the BBC:

And here is Imran Khan's house. The difference between Nawaz Sharif's shehzaada palace and Imran Khan's house is day and night.

So now a corrupt PPP politician and fraud 'Dr' Babar Awan is Imran Khan's Lawyer. Wow just Wow.
And here is Imran Khan's house. The difference between Nawaz Sharif's shehzaada palace and Imran Khan's house is day and night.

Wrong comparison......IK's never known to be a billionaire, or come from a family with many millions of dollars worth of businesses.......the Steel mill these guys had (which I visited for business many years ago), was about 5-6 miles wide and had separate train tracks. This is before NS was even in politics. So 5-6 miles large piece of land by itself in bigger cities like NY, Mumbai, Beijing, Lahore or Karachi would be worth hundreds of millions.

What's such a big deal about it? You have plenty of rich people who live much more lavishly than these guys.....who cares?
So now a PPP politician, corrupt and fraud 'Dr' Babar Awan is Imran Khan's Lawyer. Wow just Wow.

Yes, he is hired as a LAWYER. Some people can actually separate their political differences from professional conduct. I guess that difference is lost on you.

10 Downing Street or the White House are not Business Places. The right comparison of the White House or the 10 Downing Street is your Prime Minister Secretariat or the PM House !!!

The video showed his personal residence. They are one of the richest families in Pakistan. I can't imagine spending a couple of millions of dollars on homes would be such a big deal. If you compare these guys with some of the American multimillionaires or billionaires, the lifestyle is similar. You got the money, you can use it too....who cares?
Wrong comparison......IK's never known to be a billionaire, or come from a family with many millions of dollars worth of businesses.......the Steel mill these guys had (which I visited for business many years ago), was about 5-6 miles wide and had separate train tracks. This is before NS was even in politics. So 5-6 miles large piece of land by itself in bigger cities like NY, Mumbai, Beijing, Lahore or Karachi would be worth hundreds of millions.

What's such a big deal about it? You have plenty of rich people who live much more lavishly than these guys.....who cares?

Its not about how much money you have, its about how you use that money and what kind of lifestyle you pursue. Nawaz Sharif's filthy rich, extravagant lifestyle is no good for a poor country like Pakistan especially when the guy barely pays any taxes, gets land for cheap, receives business commissions and kickbacks to get more rich.

Maybe you don't care, but other people do.

10 Downing Street or the White House are not Business Places. The right comparison of the White House or the 10 Downing Street is your Prime Minister Secretariat or the PM House !!!

The video showed his personal residence. They are one of the richest families in Pakistan. I can't imagine spending a couple of millions of dollars on homes would be such a big deal. If you compare these guys with some of the American multimillionaires or billionaires, the lifestyle is similar. You got the money, you can use it too....who cares?

The right comparison would be Obama's home, his personal house or British Prime Minister David Camron's personal house. They would be nowhere near what Nawaz Sharif's Raiwind palace looks like.
Its not about how much money you have, its about how you use that money and what kind of lifestyle you pursue. Nawaz Sharif's filthy rich, extravagant lifestyle is no good for a poor country like Pakistan especially when the guy barely pays any taxes, gets land for cheap, receives business commissions and kickbacks to get more rich.

Maybe you don't care, but other people do.

See the bold above. It also seems like you are upset because you don't have this kind of money. And if he doesn't pay the right amount of taxes, take him to the court....? Your or others silly posts won't make his money disappear or change his lifestyle......

Yes I don't care as its everyone's right to live the way they want to. There are plenty of other businessmen and rich people in Pakistan and elsewhere who live just as lavishly. Why bash one person for personal and politic reasons?

With the economy growing and education spreading, I think time has come for Pakistani people to act mature and apply the same in politics. How big of a house one lives in or what not, has nothing to do with actual, real issues in life!

The right comparison would be Obama's home, his personal house or British Prime Minister David Camron's personal house. They would be nowhere near what Nawaz Sharif's Raiwind palace looks like.

Again, you can go elsewhere and try to run your little propaganda shop and try to make people fools. This forum has smart and mature people who can see the propaganda vs. real life issues.

Neither Obama, nor David Cameron came from a billionaire family. If you'd like to go compete NS's house with the likes of Bill Gates or other rich people, you'd be shocked to find out the types of homes these guys live in. NS's home would look like a reminder of 1900's to you.
See the bold above. It also seems like you are upset because you don't have this kind of money. And if he doesn't pay the right amount of taxes, take him to the court....? Your or others silly posts won't make his money disappear or change his lifestyle......

Yes I don't care as its everyone's right to live the way they want to. There are plenty of other businessmen and rich people in Pakistan and elsewhere who live just as lavishly. Why bash one person for personal and politic reasons?

With the economy growing and education spreading, I think time has come for Pakistani people to act mature and apply the same in politics. How big of a house one lives in or what not, has nothing to do with actual, real issues in life!

Since you don't care, why are you here responding to my posts? I should be none of your concern nor my scorn for Nawaz Sharif's billions of $$$. Time for you to get a life and move on from this thread since saying 'you dont care' and then responding non-stop to my posts is a bit hypocritical. Your posts are getting sillier by the minute.

Again, you can go elsewhere and try to run your little propaganda shop and try to make people fools. This forum has smart and mature people who can see the propaganda vs. real life issues.

Neither Obama, nor David Cameron came from a billionaire family. If you'd like to go compete NS's house with the likes of Bill Gates or other rich people, you'd be shocked to find out the types of homes these guys live in. NS's home would look like a reminder of 1900's to you.

Looks like I hurt your patwari feelings. lol
So now a corrupt PPP politician and fraud 'Dr' Babar Awan is Imran Khan's Lawyer. Wow just Wow.
Anqilabi andas are extremely confused.
Mubshir Luqman, Fawad Chaudry, Moeed Pirzada, Nadeem Malik and now Babar Awan....

Yes, he is hired as a LAWYER. Some people can actually separate their political differences from professional conduct. I guess that difference is lost on you.
Professional conduct han? Encouraged by the PPP leadership, the same lawyer used to degrade the court on coming out of hearing,chanting "Notice milya kuch na hilya...." and the day PPP abandoned him, he took about turn in the same courts he used to degrade....Some Professional conduct...
Nawaz Sharif is a rich bastard, no doubt, he made his money through haram means, no doubt about it, but in Allah's book every pharaoh has a fall..
Nawaz Sharif is a rich bastard, no doubt, he made his money through haram means, no doubt about it, but in Allah's book every pharaoh has a fall..
Kabhi Allah, Kabhi Umpire....Extremely confused cult.
He had a fall, nobody in 2000 could think him making it back ever, but he's back.....A rise from the fall.....
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