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Azhar Mashwani abducted by Pak Army

French as a nation proud of their own history. They elect their leaders and bring them down when they see fit and resistance is their nations past time. Pakistan is nothing more than a Colonial outpost that has just realized its a colonial outpost.

Even the British imperialist when they used to rule even though they were cruel but at least they were honest, loyal to a cause and had integrity unlike the Kala saab they left to rule over us. These people are nothing more than treacherous vile Hippocrates who hold no loyalty whatsoever other than filling their own pockets and holding their hold on power. Now a rising middle class has threatened their hold on power and they have gone full attack mode because they feel threatened. The tides are against them sooner or later and they will fail and like Ergenekon they will be consigned to history.
Islamically, a revolution could only happen if there's a rival establishment to take down the old guard. Rasul'Allah (SAW) established a parallel order in Madina before systematically taking over the other Arab tribes. In fact, when you look at the American Revolution, French Revolution, Soviet Revolution, and even the Chinese Revolution, there's always a 'new guard' with pre-established government, institutions, and military to supplant the old one.

We'd literally need to see a new Pakistani gov't with its own assembly, constitution, and military rise up, and then forcibly supplant the old one. That would require sincere elites and generals to break from the status-quo's ranks.
I agree with you. There is probably some sincere people with power in Pakistan that can create a new parallel order. But the issue is there’s no one in Pakistan to lead it. There’s no one willing to do it. The ones who try create a parallel order with the littler support they have, are crushed before they can make a difference. Pakistani public and elite need to get into the revolutionary mindset and work towards overthrowing the failed system that has ruined the country for 75 + years.
I emphasize Islamic revolution because let’s be honest, in Pakistan it’s only them who have a realistic chance of creating a new parallel order and mobilizing people to fight against the current corrupt system. Pakistan is simply too diverse for any other ideology to make a difference. Some have tried to create a parallel system but were labeled as terrorists and suppressed while Pakistani public supported it.
IK is failing because he’s tryna bring chance while working in the system. The system is rigged to suppress anyone who tries to challenge the current order.
One thing is for certain, Pakistan is at a point where it’s no or never. Pakistani awam for the first time in history are calling out the leaders of the current system and exposing the current corrupt system. The Taghut in power right now are pushing back and trying to suppress the awam. If they win they will rule Pakistan with such an iron fist that there will be no change in the near future of rebelling against their order. However, if awam are successful they can save Pakistan.
When I say “Pakistan is in need of a revolution” I mean they need a new parallel order to overthrow the current corrupt one.
It is about time for common people to start hitting army wherever they see them. They will not understand otherwise.
These bastards will open fire.

French forces consider themselves as servants of french people whereas our armed forces consider us as subjects. They will simply murder us
In this situation there’s only 2 options.
Bow down or fight back.
Establishment is doing to Pakistanis what india is doing to Kashmiris.
Now we all understand the points of BLA, TTP, Manzoor Pashtine groups
now its time we all admit our mistakes and give them due respect they deserve.
Let the supreme court decision come, inshallah people will come out in millions in support for judiciary to hold elections on time
اس بار پاک پھوج کے ہچھواڑے بھی لال کی جائیں گے انشاللہ
In this situation there’s only 2 options.
Bow down or fight back.
Establishment is doing to Pakistanis what india is doing to Kashmiris.
...all for the payroll. There is NO inherent value or principle.
System runs because dependents take a paycheck from it!
They're invested in it's progression... for personal maintenance and perhaps advancement.

Question is, just like during direct colonial rule... Will the local deputies forego the check to uphold long forgotten kinship, values and principles?
And that was the reason then and remains concurrent today.
Name the unit or officer name who abducted him. Let’s see if this can be tracked in reality.

BLA used to blame the Army for the same, after that it was revealed these abducted people had joined BLA.

It’s easy to point everything at military or ISI and just say it’s the truth but it looks like it.
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Are you stupid or are you stupid?

Guy gets abducted by Plain Clothes people and you think they would go around introducing themselves first?

More abductions.

Not arrests but abductions.

Psychos have gone crazy !!!
Believe the media and calling me crazy ?

Last time a photo of a uniformed army officer in a Corolla was posted that ISI has come in this area so ISI is involved in this incident.

Bhai meray, which ISI officer wears army uniform ?
Believe the media and calling me crazy ?

Last time a photo of a uniformed army officer in a Corolla was posted that ISI has come in this area so ISI is involved in this incident.

Bhai meray, which ISI officer wears army uniform ?
begairti ka uniform visible nhi hota
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