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Featured Azerbaijan Armenian War

Putin and Europe should worry about COVID that’s forcing lock down across their countries than the caucus.

Turkey is awakening and asserting itself slowly and hopefully these *** retarded Sheikhs in the gulf get the memo also

Yes it is time for a Muslim power to stand up to Europe and Russia. The last century has been enough of humiliation and blood for the Muslims.

Russia has great ties with AZ, as well as with ARM. Therefore, RU is not going to blindly attack AZ because that would involve TR getting involved which means a big regional HOT war. RU and TR both do not want that. The only way RU will get involved is if AZ attacks ARM proper.
Putin wants to punish pro-west Pashinyan and destroy his reputation so that Armenia distanses itself from west. That's why till now Russia is neutral.

I agree, however there are other factors to consider. 1) RU-AZ relations are good 2) RU knows the deal with NK and knows it is internationally recognized AZ territory, which further means that RU getting involved in NK would constitute a indirect attack on the Republic of AZ which would result in international backlash and sanctions. It would also force Baku to invite Turkey into the conflict. Even, hypothetically, if RU and the current ARM government were at great terms, RU wouldn't recklessly engage itself into a dangerous war and instead would be much more active in dialogue and diplomacy.
1) RU-AZ relations are good

Not as good as between Russia and Armenia. Armenia recognizes Crimea as Russian land. Azerbaijan recognizes Crimea as Ukrainian land. Russia supplies military hardware to Armenia at heavy discount or free. Azerbaijan buys military hardware from Russia at full market prices.

It is good for Britain to have Pakistan and India fight over Kashmir forever. Divide and conquer. It is good for Russia to have Armenia and Azerbaijan fight over Karakakh forever. Divide and conquer. This is how imperialists play post colonial countries like toys.
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Armenians fighting survival war against an enemy that is better armed and bigger then them and backed by bigger countries
Armenians fighting survival war against an enemy that is better armed and bigger then them and backed by bigger countries

They had been given chance to withdraw from the area of occupation for more than two decades, instead they invite more wrath from Turkey and Azerbaijan by inciting Sevres Treaty and demands more lands.
Fighting Survival war? or fighting to keep territory that legally belongs to another country?
It’s their territory if you read a book called history. And yes they are fighting against countries who try to Holocaust them.
They had been given chance to withdraw from the area of occupation for more than two decades, instead they invite more wrath from Turkey and Azerbaijan by inciting Sevres Treaty and demands more lands.
That’s their land and the only occupiers are the Altaic invaders.
It is kinda idiot for anyone hoping US to give more support toward Armenia beyond moral ones, Armenian is a legitimate Russian Ally in which hold Russian military base, and the most faithfull Russian supporter over Crimean annexation and Ossetia war, in which Ukraine and Georgia is close client of the US in the region. And in this case, Azeris got more support from Israel and many muslim countries like Turkey
It’s their territory if you read a book called history. And yes they are fighting against countries who try to Holocaust them.

That’s their land and the only occupiers are the Altaic invaders.

You should give your country lands
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It’s their territory if you read a book called history. And yes they are fighting against countries who try to Holocaust them.

That’s their land and the only occupiers are the Altaic invaders.

Well, lands to which Armenia has a historical claim to. If we all show our historical claims, where will we be?
Well, lands to which Armenia has a historical claim to. If we all show our historical claims, where will we be?
It’s not far historical claims it’s near historical claims Armenians always lived their unlike the Jews who remembered that they have land after 2000 years

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