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I heard someone say that at time of Nooh AS there were no other nations established yet. The global flood hence destroyed only that nation, Nooh AS also called 2nd Adam AS. How far is the era between Adam AS and Nooh AS?

Even if the nations were not established fact is humans as species existed. Even to this day we have tribes living in remote places on earth who have lived total absolute isolation. When they were originally discovered they were so primitive in technology they hadn't discovered wheel, agriculture. I am talking about Amazonian tribes just past 30 years ago. They were/are still living hunter gatherer life style. So civilisation even if not existed does not mean there were no humans on earth.

No one really knows when Nuh alayhis salam was around. Based on idols worshipped I say about 5000 to 10000 years ago and maybe even longer. Note the idols worshipped by them were worshipped by people of Arabia during life of Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa aalihi was'sallam. Adam alayhis salam I cannot say because there is no evidence. We don't know the gap because we don't have any data in Quran/Hadith about when they were alive.
Honestly if they fight without international support not only will they lose but many will die

Why are they fighting for very sparaly populated region with populace of leas then 140,000 with just 100,000 armenians...

The war causality will run in 10,000s

Local govt of NK should negoatiate autonomy within azeribijan and allow return of azeris kickes out in 1990s...seems to be the moat rationale decision

Not many Azeri want to return. NK is poor mountain, the plains are not developed either. Those refugees in Baku rather remain in heaven enjoy life.
Local govt of NK should negoatiate autonomy within azeribijan and allow return of azeris kickes out in 1990s...seems to be the moat rationale decision

This would be the rational thing to do, people live in multi ethnic states all over the world with reservations for minority rights, and autonomous regions, georgia has such regions. Its normal to have some ethnic groups living in states other than a nation state, there are azeris for example in Iran. but it seems the Armenian leadership has some sort of irredentist obsession and an ethno nationalist fetish. There is actually a very reasonable solution, that the minsk group came up with, called the madrid principles b/c they https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Madrid_Principles but the armenians dont really with negotiate, i guess they feel they hold all the cards and they can rely on russian backing and lobbies in france and US and use general antagonism towards turkey as a prop, to hold the status quo.

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Why did the Turks slaughter over 1.5 million Armenians?


Pulat Tacar

Why did the Turks slaughter over 1.5 million Armenians?

Hüseyin Sermet
Hüseyin Sermet, Ph. D. from C. N.S.D.M.D.Paris École Normale Supérieure de Musique de Paris (1974)
Updated Sun
There are thousands of answers and this often repeated question is becoming tiring. Let me try to help your curiosity: Turks, during the first ww were so bored by having nothing interesting to do, to accomplish in their lives that they have decided, completely out of the blue, to have fun by killing some Armenians?!?Does it make sense? Not so much i’m afraid. Armenians and Turks lived for thousand year in perfect harmony and peacefulness. They were given the title of Milllet-i Sâdıka by the Ottoman Empire and they weren’t soldiers. That means that the Armenians didn’t have to become soldiers and to fight. A privilege given only to Armenians. When Turks arrived to Anatolia, they were helped by Armenians and Armenians fought against Byzance with Turks because despite being Christians, they were badly, unjustly treated by Byzance. At the end of 19th century, Occidental powers decided to use Christian minorities against the ailing empire. France, Russia and all the others used the usual tactics of “Divide and rule”. All of the men being in the army due to the ww, villages were left with women, children and extremely old men. The first years of the war Russians had captured a portion of Turkish territory which was retaken to only find out that Armenians had attacked, raped and then burned mosques with the entire populations in the mosques. Of course the Armenian terrorists had retreated with Russians. Ottoman Empire decided immediately to send the Armenian population of the area to Syria and to evacuate Armenians from the region for security reasons. During their way to Syria, many terrible things occurred such as Armenian women raped, stolen, killed etc. But for sure there wasn’t a hint of genocide. The number of Armenians reaching Syria shows and proves it.By the way, Armenians living in the western part of the empire didn’t have any problem. Strange genocide indeed?!?!? Armenians have started to talk about 150.000 victims first. Then quickly they have reached 300.000. They stayed with 300.000 for a longtime but as some countries want to use this as a political tool, they are still encouraging Armenians to have claims.Being encouraged so much by some, they ended up reaching the fantastic and purely fantasy number of 1.500.000.(Nearly all of the Armenians.) What is the purpose? Some nurtured the idea of Great Greece. Megalo idea. They have been seriously beaten and punished in a way. Later on, same people have nurtured the idea of Enosis. They have received another lesson. Territories claimed to be Armenian are under PKK-YPG-TAK attack nowadays. Kurdish terrorism. All of them helped and maintained by money and arms coming from Turkey’s official allies such as the U. S. Why? Because behind the curtains there is another dream which is called Eretz Israel and which would like to take a sizeable part of Turkish territory pretending that God had promised?!!?We, Turkish people, are very much aware of what is going on and why the pityful show is going on!!! There is not an Armenian genocide and we shall never bow to such a ridiculous demand. There is a regrettable course of events due to Armenian betrayal. We regret the casualties but we are looking forward to see Armenians to start regretting what they did too. As long as they accept to be expendable political tools in some power’s game, they will only encounter frustration.(Exactly like the way PKK-YPG-TAK is “mis”used nowadays) But of course, the choice is theirs and here in Turkey, strictly no-one will move the little finger to try to convince them to behave more intelligently by diving into the real events, by reading and learning about the truth instead of believing in self-made convenient legends which, once more, reduces them into artificial victims and definite political loosers.

1.3k views · View Upvoters · Answer requested by Richard Wallace​
25 comments from Hüseyin Sermet, Ahmet Soper, Anmol Singh and more

Emre Pinar, lived in Turkey
Answered Apr 16
To prevent this:

I am not proud of what happened in 1915 nor am I going to justify it, but this is the reason.
190 views · View Upvoters · Answer requested by Richard Wallace
15 comments from Richard Wallace, Charles Penny and more

Utku Aras
Answered Apr 16
They didnt. It was war time and armenians allied with france and slaughter Turks. Turks only attacked back. Turkey applied twice to prove war crimes armenians did and made a request to open archieves. Armenia refused twice. Turkey opened some of its archieves. The photos on İnternet is from Turkish goverment archieves. There isnt a single proof that it occured yet I dont understand why People are believing something without proof. Historians says otherwise.. It didnt occur and what happened innocent untill proved otherwise. France as you can guess why the biggest support of this wrong belie…
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Related Questions More Answers Below

  • How many Turks did the Armenians kill during their rebellion against the Ottomans prior to 1915? Armenians often claim genocide but they are d…
  • If Turkey acknowledges the 1915 massacre of the Armenians was an act of genocide, what have they got to lose?
  • How is it possible that 2 million Armenians died in the genocide, when a nearly contemporary Ottoman census had only 1.3 million Armenians liv…

Henrik Vardumyan
Updated Apr 21
Most People commenting here are amateurs who have never actually spent any of their free time reading historic documents. Its a complicated topic and pros, by that I mean people who have spent their entire life studying history have conlcuded it was a genocide.
By asking why? We have to least go back at least 1000–2000 years. Recently this video on youtube did a great job telling the entire history of Anatolia.

317 views · View Upvoters
Görkem Sırma, Huge Turkic history buff
Answered Apr 16
Over the decades, there was constant friction between the ethnic minorities and the Turks, and some of these ethnic minorities hat their friction among themselves. It was more of a Mexican standoff of some sort.
Even though different governments tried do deal with Armenians for decades (this includes violent methods) the problems were still there.
During that time, there was a political faction was in charge through a military coup, in Turkish historiography, it is called “İttihat ve Terakki”( Committee of Union and Progress), in western historiography, it is usually called Young Turks(That’s…
1 comment from Ben Nazari

3 Answers Collapsed (Why?)

Related Questions

  • How many Turks did the Armenians kill during their rebellion against the Ottomans prior to 1915? Armenians often claim genocide but they are d…
  • If Turkey acknowledges the 1915 massacre of the Armenians was an act of genocide, what have they got to lose?
  • How is it possible that 2 million Armenians died in the genocide, when a nearly contemporary Ottoman census had only 1.3 million Armenians liv…
  • What were the circumstances that allowed Turkey to execute 1.5 million Armenians in 1915?
  • Why is the Turkish government trying to conceal the Armenian Genocide it committed in 1915 exterminating 1.5 million Armenians?
  • Why did the Ottoman Empire kill Armenians?
  • Why do Turks not recognize or deny the Armenian genocide? Is it just not talked about in Turkey?
  • How many Armenians really died in the genocide? Was it 1.5 million or less?
  • Is it a genocide or a fiction that Mustafa Kemal Ataturk forces wiped out 1.5 million Ottoman Greeks in Anatolia Turkey?
  • What were the causes of the Armenian genocide, and who led it?
  • Will Turkey ever acknowledge the Armenian genocide?
  • An atheist in heaven asked God, why do children get cancer? He said that they were paying for their evil deeds in their past lives, and that e…
  • On what basis do the Armenian people say 1.5 million Armenians were killed in the genocide in 1915?
  • When did Turkey start denying the Armenian genocide?
  • How did Anatolian Seljuks successfully Turkify the Central Anatolia in 200 years but the Ottomans didn’t in the Balkans for 400-500 years?

Related Questions

  • How many Turks did the Armenians kill during their rebellion against the Ottomans prior to 1915? Armenians often claim genocide but they are d…
  • If Turkey acknowledges the 1915 massacre of the Armenians was an act of genocide, what have they got to lose?
  • How is it possible that 2 million Armenians died in the genocide, when a nearly contemporary Ottoman census had only 1.3 million Armenians liv…
  • What were the circumstances that allowed Turkey to execute 1.5 million Armenians in 1915?
  • Why is the Turkish government trying to conceal the Armenian Genocide it committed in 1915 exterminating 1.5 million Armenians?
  • Why did the Ottoman Empire kill Armenians?
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Biggest miscalculation from armenians has been international response which wont happen given turkish shield..

Without turkey strong will this wont succeed

Having said that..whats the importance of this region? Why such war on a sparsly populated mountain range

It is a sovereign territory of Azerbaycan which was occupied by Armenians, a point of great sadness and pain for the Azeris. They were massacred on their own lands and forced to flee.

Armenia saw the defeat and subjugation of Azerbaycan as its first step to recover an ancient empire and to rid the world of Turks and Muslims for all.

Azerbaycan is a front line state fighting the forces of evil and villany of heinous Kuffar, much like Pakistan is a vanguard of Islam in relation to Indian fascism, and India's nefarious dreams to finish Islam.
If you are ignorant about a subject it's better to stay silent. Don't embarrass yourself. As an agnostic, non muslim Turk your claims are just childish. the head of greek orthodoxy lives in istanbul for gods sake. In Turkey we have citizens of armenian decent that all Turks love they are part of our country as much as anybody Adile Nasit. Every turkish child raised by her movies. She is our auntie. Hayko Cepkin even though I dont like his music he is a well known rock singer. Besiktas soccer teams fan group carsi's leader Alen Markaryan has armenian roots.so much celebrities can't count them all. After greco turkish war there was a population exchange between countries that is why our christian and greece's muslim population decreased.

I stated above I am a Turk and non muslim, never was. Even though I do not like the actions of this government because of their anti secular policies claims such as yours are total nonesense. Just visit Turkey once than make some bold statements.

Whoever lost a war againts us make such claims. Greeks, Armenians etc etc. It is the only way to get international sympathy and to motivate their younger generations. So maybe I should not respond these crybabies since they wont be over it.

Regardless of your faith, you are our brother. Türk, Azerbaycan, and Pakistan have a strong alliance which has stood the test of time.

Anytime it is needed, we will defend each other from our enemies as one united front.

Glad to have you on this forum.

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Why did the Turks slaughter over 1.5 million Armenians?


Pulat Tacar

Why did the Turks slaughter over 1.5 million Armenians?

Hüseyin Sermet

Hüseyin Sermet, Ph. D. from C. N.S.D.M.D.Paris École Normale Supérieure de Musique de Paris (1974)

Updated Sun

There are thousands of answers and this often repeated question is becoming tiring. Let me try to help your curiosity: Turks, during the first ww were so bored by having nothing interesting to do, to accomplish in their lives that they have decided, completely out of the blue, to have fun by killing some Armenians?!?Does it make sense? Not so much i’m afraid. Armenians and Turks lived for thousand year in perfect harmony and peacefulness. They were given the title of Milllet-i Sâdıka by the Ottoman Empire and they weren’t soldiers. That means that the Armenians didn’t have to become soldiers and to fight. A privilege given only to Armenians. When Turks arrived to Anatolia, they were helped by Armenians and Armenians fought against Byzance with Turks because despite being Christians, they were badly, unjustly treated by Byzance. At the end of 19th century, Occidental powers decided to use Christian minorities against the ailing empire. France, Russia and all the others used the usual tactics of “Divide and rule”. All of the men being in the army due to the ww, villages were left with women, children and extremely old men. The first years of the war Russians had captured a portion of Turkish territory which was retaken to only find out that Armenians had attacked, raped and then burned mosques with the entire populations in the mosques. Of course the Armenian terrorists had retreated with Russians. Ottoman Empire decided immediately to send the Armenian population of the area to Syria and to evacuate Armenians from the region for security reasons. During their way to Syria, many terrible things occurred such as Armenian women raped, stolen, killed etc. But for sure there wasn’t a hint of genocide. The number of Armenians reaching Syria shows and proves it.By the way, Armenians living in the western part of the empire didn’t have any problem. Strange genocide indeed?!?!? Armenians have started to talk about 150.000 victims first. Then quickly they have reached 300.000. They stayed with 300.000 for a longtime but as some countries want to use this as a political tool, they are still encouraging Armenians to have claims.Being encouraged so much by some, they ended up reaching the fantastic and purely fantasy number of 1.500.000.(Nearly all of the Armenians.) What is the purpose? Some nurtured the idea of Great Greece. Megalo idea. They have been seriously beaten and punished in a way. Later on, same people have nurtured the idea of Enosis. They have received another lesson. Territories claimed to be Armenian are under PKK-YPG-TAK attack nowadays. Kurdish terrorism. All of them helped and maintained by money and arms coming from Turkey’s official allies such as the U. S. Why? Because behind the curtains there is another dream which is called Eretz Israel and which would like to take a sizeable part of Turkish territory pretending that God had promised?!!?We, Turkish people, are very much aware of what is going on and why the pityful show is going on!!! There is not an Armenian genocide and we shall never bow to such a ridiculous demand. There is a regrettable course of events due to Armenian betrayal. We regret the casualties but we are looking forward to see Armenians to start regretting what they did too. As long as they accept to be expendable political tools in some power’s game, they will only encounter frustration.(Exactly like the way PKK-YPG-TAK is “mis”used nowadays) But of course, the choice is theirs and here in Turkey, strictly no-one will move the little finger to try to convince them to behave more intelligently by diving into the real events, by reading and learning about the truth instead of believing in self-made convenient legends which, once more, reduces them into artificial victims and definite political loosers.

1.3k views · View Upvoters · Answer requested by Richard Wallace
25 comments from Hüseyin Sermet, Ahmet Soper, Anmol Singh and more

Emre Pinar, lived in Turkey
Answered Apr 16
To prevent this:

I am not proud of what happened in 1915 nor am I going to justify it, but this is the reason.
190 views · View Upvoters · Answer requested by Richard Wallace
15 comments from Richard Wallace, Charles Penny and more

Utku Aras
Answered Apr 16
They didnt. It was war time and armenians allied with france and slaughter Turks. Turks only attacked back. Turkey applied twice to prove war crimes armenians did and made a request to open archieves. Armenia refused twice. Turkey opened some of its archieves. The photos on İnternet is from Turkish goverment archieves. There isnt a single proof that it occured yet I dont understand why People are believing something without proof. Historians says otherwise.. It didnt occur and what happened innocent untill proved otherwise. France as you can guess why the biggest support of this wrong belie…
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promoted by QuantInsti

What are the most available online courses to learn algorithmic trading and quantitative finance?

Related Questions More Answers Below

  • How many Turks did the Armenians kill during their rebellion against the Ottomans prior to 1915? Armenians often claim genocide but they are d…
  • If Turkey acknowledges the 1915 massacre of the Armenians was an act of genocide, what have they got to lose?
  • How is it possible that 2 million Armenians died in the genocide, when a nearly contemporary Ottoman census had only 1.3 million Armenians liv…

Henrik Vardumyan
Updated Apr 21
Most People commenting here are amateurs who have never actually spent any of their free time reading historic documents. Its a complicated topic and pros, by that I mean people who have spent their entire life studying history have conlcuded it was a genocide.
By asking why? We have to least go back at least 1000–2000 years. Recently this video on youtube did a great job telling the entire history of Anatolia.

317 views · View Upvoters
Görkem Sırma, Huge Turkic history buff
Answered Apr 16
Over the decades, there was constant friction between the ethnic minorities and the Turks, and some of these ethnic minorities hat their friction among themselves. It was more of a Mexican standoff of some sort.
Even though different governments tried do deal with Armenians for decades (this includes violent methods) the problems were still there.
During that time, there was a political faction was in charge through a military coup, in Turkish historiography, it is called “İttihat ve Terakki”( Committee of Union and Progress), in western historiography, it is usually called Young Turks(That’s…
1 comment from Ben Nazari

3 Answers Collapsed (Why?)

Related Questions

  • How many Turks did the Armenians kill during their rebellion against the Ottomans prior to 1915? Armenians often claim genocide but they are d…
  • If Turkey acknowledges the 1915 massacre of the Armenians was an act of genocide, what have they got to lose?
  • How is it possible that 2 million Armenians died in the genocide, when a nearly contemporary Ottoman census had only 1.3 million Armenians liv…
  • What were the circumstances that allowed Turkey to execute 1.5 million Armenians in 1915?
  • Why is the Turkish government trying to conceal the Armenian Genocide it committed in 1915 exterminating 1.5 million Armenians?
  • Why did the Ottoman Empire kill Armenians?
  • Why do Turks not recognize or deny the Armenian genocide? Is it just not talked about in Turkey?
  • How many Armenians really died in the genocide? Was it 1.5 million or less?
  • Is it a genocide or a fiction that Mustafa Kemal Ataturk forces wiped out 1.5 million Ottoman Greeks in Anatolia Turkey?
  • What were the causes of the Armenian genocide, and who led it?
  • Will Turkey ever acknowledge the Armenian genocide?
  • An atheist in heaven asked God, why do children get cancer? He said that they were paying for their evil deeds in their past lives, and that e…
  • On what basis do the Armenian people say 1.5 million Armenians were killed in the genocide in 1915?
  • When did Turkey start denying the Armenian genocide?
  • How did Anatolian Seljuks successfully Turkify the Central Anatolia in 200 years but the Ottomans didn’t in the Balkans for 400-500 years?

Related Questions

  • How many Turks did the Armenians kill during their rebellion against the Ottomans prior to 1915? Armenians often claim genocide but they are d…
  • If Turkey acknowledges the 1915 massacre of the Armenians was an act of genocide, what have they got to lose?
  • How is it possible that 2 million Armenians died in the genocide, when a nearly contemporary Ottoman census had only 1.3 million Armenians liv…
  • What were the circumstances that allowed Turkey to execute 1.5 million Armenians in 1915?
  • Why is the Turkish government trying to conceal the Armenian Genocide it committed in 1915 exterminating 1.5 million Armenians?
  • Why did the Ottoman Empire kill Armenians?
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Thanks for the share brother.
Honestly if they fight without international support not only will they lose but many will die

Why are they fighting for very sparaly populated region with populace of leas then 140,000 with just 100,000 armenians...

The war causality will run in 10,000s

Local govt of NK should negoatiate autonomy within azeribijan and allow return of azeris kickes out in 1990s...seems to be the moat rationale decision
Arrogance. Armenians expected a repeat of the 90's...when the Azeri were poor and had little military capacity. The Azeri today have a larger economy, more men, more material and are backed by two regional powers. The Armenians were prepared to fight the last war, The Azeri are fighting a 21 century war.
. . . . . .
Here is 2 image that tells a lot about the state of things.

Armenian soldiers clears rust protection agent from outdated soviet era rifles. That means they are running low on supplies and old soviet era depots have been opened.


Here is one of the missles that was fired to mingecevir power plant last night. It was failed to dentonate. 3 missles were fired. 1 landed and detonated 1 was shot in the air and 3rd one which is this landed and failed. Yeaterday I saw a missle just like that in ganja attack. In ganja There were 4 missle strikes. So that shows you in 2 attacks sucess rate ( if missles beat air defence and dont miss their target) 4/3 or 3/2. 75% at best. when you apply air defence and poor hit radius of these missles it is even lower. I am not even taking into account of those that failed to launch. All these weapons over due their "best use by" date. Rotten equipment. Armenia has so much ambition given her capabilities.

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. .
Israel is buying of Azeri oil, nothing more
Are you avoiding saying the truth or you just don't know how deep Israel's ties with Azerbaijan runs? Lol.
For your information Azerbaijan is the most pro Israel Country in the entire Muslim world. In fact it's actually one of the most pro Israeli country in the world itself and they host Israeli military facilities. They have deep economic, strategic, military and scientific ties. Saying Israel just buys Azerbaijan oil is quite wrong.

In fact, i don't see anything wrong in this. In fact I admire Azerbaijan pragmatic approach to following it's interests irregardless of religion. Those that are surprised and angry with this relation are mostly those who are blinded by religion, emotion and hate. Geo politics doesn't work that way. National interests ALWAYS comes first.
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