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Azadi slogans raised by anti-CAB protesters in Assam

Why do you say that brother? People in Arunachal and Nagaland can speak better Hindi than say the South Indians, and we Assamese aren't far behind. Bengali is a State language in Assam, in Barak Valley. 6th Schedule and Autonomous Council areas like BTAD have their own Bodo language. We Assamese are welcoming to people of all ethnicities. Unlike South India, here you will find villagers atleast trying to converse with outsiders in broken Hindi. Every Indian citizen is our dear guest and will be welcomed to Assam. Our fight is only against illegal Bangladeshis, specifically miyas.

I can only laugh at the miya thread creator when he claims that our Joi Aai Axom is some kind of azaadi chant. These Bangladeshis never grow up.

The reference was to Hindi land people not Hindi language.

I heard somewhere on a TV show that people in Assam even consider people like Arnab Goswami as an outsider and there is a name/word for them.
The reference was to Hindi land people not Hindi language.

I heard somewhere on a TV show that people in Assam even consider people like Arnab Goswami as an outsider and there is a name/word for them.
Arnab Goswami is an Assamese Brahmin. There are other upper caste Assamese communities like Kalitas, Mahantas etc. They are as much Assamese as i am. Let me tell you that the person spearheading the AASU is an Assamese Brahmin himself. The Brahmins and other upper caste Assamese all derive lineage from North India and are a part of our greater Assamese cultural identity. These divisive policies don't work here. Marwaris, Sikhs, Biharis, Nepalis, Bengalis, Adivasis all form a part of our Assamese and Indian identity in Assam and are living in harmony since centuries. Please get your facts right. One of the doyens of Assamese literature and culture is Shri Jyoti Prasad Agarwalla, just an example. If we are proud of our Assamese identity, so are the Tamils, Marathis, Bengalis and the like. That doesn't diminish our Indianness, let these two cent keyboard warriors on PDF bark, they will be left disappointed as usual.
Arnab Goswami is an Assamese Brahmin. There are other upper caste Assamese communities like Kalitas, Mahantas etc. They are as much Assamese as i am. Let me tell you that the person spearheading the AASU is an Assamese Brahmin himself. The Brahmins and other upper caste Assamese all derive lineage from North India and are a part of our greater Assamese cultural identity. These divisive policies don't work here. Marwaris, Sikhs, Biharis, Nepalis, Bengalis, Adivasis all form a part of our Assamese and Indian identity in Assam and are living in harmony since centuries. Please get your facts right. One of the doyens of Assamese literature and culture is Shri Jyoti Prasad Agarwalla, just an example. If we are proud of our Assamese identity, so are the Tamils, Marathis, Bengalis and the like. That doesn't diminish our Indianness, let these two cent keyboard warriors on PDF bark, they will be left disappointed as usual.

Good thing about foreign exposure in exchange for soft power is that realities on the ground cannot be fabricated.

Assam is a State within the State where Indian Army is resigned to major road intersections with a full fledged guerilla warfare has raged in low heat for decades now.

Even mainstream media tactics of demeaning Assamese struggle for self determination have failed as home grown Assamese Army control trade and economics in large parts of the region.
Assam is a State within the State where Indian Army is resigned to major road intersections with a full fledged guerilla warfare has raged in low heat for decades now.
I think you are mistaking Assam for some tribal areas of North West Pakistan. The backbone of the low level insurgency in Assam was broken by us Assamese people couple of decades back when we saw through their devious designs.
Assamese struggle for self determination
:rofl: That struggle will stay intact till we send the last miya back to their hilsa desh.
Assamese Army
Assam Regiment of the Indian Army, you mean? Or our very dear Assam Rifles?
I think you are mistaking Assam for some tribal areas of North West Pakistan. The backbone of the low level insurgency in Assam was broken by us Assamese people couple of decades back when we saw through their devious designs.

:rofl: That struggle will stay intact till we send the last miya back to their hilsa desh.

Assam Regiment of the Indian Army, you mean? Or our very dear Assam Rifles?

Keep denying man. Youtube is not ISI owned nor are the volunteers who go to india inspired by marketed poverty
Youtube is not ISI owned nor are the volunteers who go to india inspired by marketed poverty
Why, what happened on YouTube? Did your ISI of Pakistan declare independence on behalf of Assam? Never knew that you guys were our well-wishers too..
Why, what happened on YouTube? Did your ISI of Pakistan declare independence on behalf of Assam? Never knew that you guys were our well-wishers too..

I was just catching up on Project Tiger after meeting one of the volunteers.

Nothing to do with the ISI
North East people do not like Hindi either. They are against all non locals (non North East people)

Yes. For all practical purposes North East India has always been a de facto country.

Non North East Indians from North or South or West or Eastern states of India need a visa/permit to visit North Eastern states and non North Eastern Indians cannot own any property in the North East Indian states.

Back in the 1970s, I visited Meghalaya on a Business trip for few months and I almost got killed as I was a South Indian. They hate none non locals.

What you said is true but this extension of ILP is still a significant development. Earlier only the most sensitive areas like Arunachal Pradesh or Nagaland had this travel restrictions. Now it's being extended to cover entire Northeast, this will pave the way for future separation.

Keep denying man. Youtube is not ISI owned nor are the volunteers who go to india inspired by marketed poverty

He is a Sanghi, don't take him seriously on Northeast issues. It's like branding opinions of Arundhati Roy on Kashmir as the general opinion of Indians.
He is a Sanghi, don't take him seriously on Northeast issues. It's like branding opinions of Arundhati Roy on Kashmir as the general opinion of Indians.

Only RSS Nazis have access to internet now in India. Why are you pointing out the obvious?
being a regular visitor of r/india id say we have the lowest of low despicable sob your average urine drinking cock worshipping sanghi on pdf their sole purpose in life is to hate Pakistan and Muslims but r/india there are good indians who talk of peace and they hate sanghis brand new shinny bhagwan made from cow tutti Siri Modi ki g!
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