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Azadi slogans raised by anti-CAB protesters in Assam

@PaulSimon you should read the title of this thread again..
Anyway you twist it facts remain the same.. people are dying protesting against CAB..
Nope, people died in Assam too. Each loss of human life(of our Assamese brothers) is regrettable but that is expected when one is involved in vandalism and arson- of public property.

I understand but @JonAsad was alluding to 25 people being killed. The closest number that we have for that is from UP and not Assam. People died in Karnataka & Assam but they are smaller in number when compared to UP.

@PaulSimon you should read the title of this thread again..
Anyway you twist it facts remain the same.. people are dying protesting against CAB..

Firstly it is not CAB any more. It is CAA.

People may die if they indulge in violence. That's a good lesson to learn before participating in any protests in general.
Crazy amounts of hatred in India at the moment

Indians just want each other murdered on the street :lol::cheesy:

What has become of India

What is funny is that all these protesters can't even articulate what they are protesting for or about.

These are a bunch losers partying on the roads in the name of protests to bunk/skip their school classes.

At least the people of Assamese and North East have clarity on their demands and why they are protesting.
Assam se Assamio ko bhagao, azadi. NE se chinio ko bhagao, azadi. Tum jo bhi karlo, azadi. Hum leke rahenge, azadi :toast_sign:
Assam the 5th BD after WB, A&N and Tripura :bunny:
Lol, savage Assamese :astagh:
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Actually Assam protest is alltogether different.They do not want any one into Assam irrespective of the religion
You can burry your head in sand as much as you want it will not change the facts on the ground.
What is funny is that all these protesters can't even articulate what they are protesting for or about.

These are a bunch losers partying on the roads in the name of protests to bunk/skip their school classes.

At least the people of Assamese and North East have clarity on their demands and why they are protesting.

It's simple

NRC is planned across India

NRC in Assam however was a failure from a hindutva point of view because it sweeped up shit loads of Hindus

So how do you initiate NRC to specifically target Muslims but not catch millions of Hindus

Answer = CAB
You make a biased law giving automatic citizenship to Hindus and not Muslims
So when you do NRC you can have two people and Hindu gets protection under CAB but Muslim loses voting rights, property rights etc

Indian Muslims have just had enough of being targeted
It's simple

NRC is planned across India

NRC in Assam however was a failure from a hindutva point of view because it sweeped up shit loads of Hindus

So how do you initiate NRC to specifically target Muslims but not catch millions of Hindus

Answer = CAB
You make a biased law giving automatic citizenship to Hindus and not Muslims
So when you do NRC you can have two people and Hindu gets protection under CAB but Muslim loses voting rights, property rights etc

Indian Muslims have just had enough of being targeted


CAA is only applicable to illegals. It has nothing to do with citizens of India.

Now can someone tell me why are people in Hyderabad protesting?

In the olden days, students use to skip classes to watch a movie. Now the trend is trend is to sit and party in middle of the roads. What a bunch of losers.

You can burry your head in sand as much as you want it will not change the facts on the ground.
View attachment 595001

Do you know what implement Assam accord means? It is euphemism for "kick out illegal Bengalis from Assam"
In the olden days, students use to skip classes to watch a movie. Now the trend is trend is to sit and party in middle of the roads. What a bunch of losers.
you are naive to think students only interesting in watching movies.. the youth dying on your streets are your brethren fellow indian hindu muslim alike .. your attitude is disgusting all modi bhakts have become animals..

Do you know what implement Assam accord means? It is euphemism for "kick out illegal Bengalis from Assam"
kicking out illegals make sense.. as long as it is for all not only muslims..
If you are cut off from reality the protesters are protesting CAB implementation across India which clearly discriminates against Muslims alone..
Hinduvata like you will never understand.
Localized protests my ***..
Azadi from illegal Bengalis?. the indian contributors here need to get their brains checked.probably they don't know the context of word 'azadi'.
you are naive to think students only interesting in watching movies.. the youth dying on your streets are your brethren fellow indian hindu muslim alike .. your attitude is disgusting all modi bhakts have become animals..

My kids are older than the those students who are protesting. I am all for protesting but there should be a goal, cause and reason. Also, They should first attend their classes and protest over weekends. They have their priorities all messed up. I feel for their parents.

kicking out illegals make sense.. as long as it is for all not only muslims..
If you are cut off from reality the protesters are protesting CAB implementation across India which clearly discriminates against Muslims alone..
Hinduvata like you will never understand.
Localized protests my ***..

How is CAA impacting these protesters outside of Assam and North East?

Another one of your blatant shameless lies...

Assam CAA protest: 4 dead in police firing, 175 arrested, more than 1400 detained

You said 25 people died. Show me proof that 25 people died in Assam.
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