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Awami League's Strategy

Sure, Bangladesh had the potential to give a run for their money. It could have given a run for anyone's money for that matter.
But it's too late at present.

It's never too late man! The economy is still moving forward despite the political uncertainties and the lack of a good leadership, that's a miracle in itself. Our biggest problem is our mentality, we love to underestimate ourselves and this needs to be changed.

Let's ask ourselves, why do we have such violent student politics at grassroots level? It's simple, lack of recreational opportunities and activities. Let alone realizing them. Freedom of the mind and doing what one likes to do is very important for a society to move forward. And it must be positive.

It's more than that. None of the students really do those things with their own will, they are forced to do so. Just apply for a seat in the residential halls, you won't get one unless you work for the student wing of the ruling party.
It's never too late man! The economy is still moving forward despite the political uncertainties and the lack of a good leadership, that's a miracle in itself. Our biggest problem is our mentality, we love to underestimate ourselves and this needs to be changed.

I didn't deny Bangladesh's economic progress even in the midst of violent and confrontational poolitics (yes, I spelled it that way on purpose).

I said it from a technical point of view so that Bangladesh could have been more self-sufficient and has a more stronger footing in every aspect of the nation. One needs to be good at something, and by that, I don't just mean operating a gargantuan tailoring shop.

It is knowledge that should be treasured so that it becomes self-sustaining. Knowledge generation leads to technology that can add more value to the country. And this is what the country really badly needs now, and the future. Even India is at least 10 years ahead of us in the technological field.

That must have the commitment from both the government and the private sector. And of-course, its citizens. In every aspect, such as politics, culture, society, economy and technology.

That was partly how the South Koreans did it. And that makes neighbors like Russia, and China to think twice before doing anything stupid against them. Though, they do have strong backing from the Americans. They are already giving the Japanese a run for their money in the automobile and electronics sectors.

All that achieved in post-war Korea. Which by the way, was a very dark and a bloody war. And their people went through a lot of hardship in the post-war scenario. Probably even more so than our's.

Did I mention Japan being what it is now after being nuked twice?

That dear, is no miracle. That is the result of hard work, knowing what to do and dedication. None of that which are present in our leadership at least.

Timing is everything. Every dollar worth today would have more value tomorrow. The earlier you start generating knowledge in any field, the better. And that was why I mentioned biotechnology (which is still in infancy stages). There's nanotechnology, and many others.

Being good at something pretty advanced, and something that is difficult to duplicate. It needs to hold on to it. And something that gives a unique value. That is what will give Bangladesh a strong footing so that none can dominate it too easily. And something that cannot be destroyed.

Recall back in the mid 90's when the AL was in power. Our beautiful ceramics industry was completely leveled, and never reached its full potential. This is the same thing they are trying to do with our RMG industry.

All I'm saying is that Bangladesh needs to diversify its economy into more advanced levels. Not just another 't-shirt' age.

It's more than that. None of the students really do those things with their own will, they are forced to do so. Just apply for a seat in the residential halls, you won't get one unless you work for the student wing of the ruling party.

That actually makes sense. And the consequences for society in general, are catastrophic. You will never see that in any other country. Never.

Young people are not supposed to do all that. They are supposed to have fun. And it absolutely criminal to force them. Worse than criminal!

The 'Minus-2' strategy could have worked, but was hijacked by a small group of traitors within our army. Yes, including Gen. Moeen. Though, the CTG was technically illegal as well.
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I said it from a technical point of view so that Bangladesh could have been more self-sufficient and has a more stronger footing in every aspect of the nation. One needs to be good at something, and by that, I don't just mean operating a gargantuan tailoring shop.
It is knowledge that should be treasured so that it becomes self-sustaining. Knowledge generation leads to technology that can add more value to the country. And this is what the country really badly needs now, and the future. Even India is at least 10 years ahead of us in the technological field.
That must have the commitment from both the government and the private sector. And of-course, its citizens. In every aspect, such as politics, culture, society, economy and technology.
That was partly how the South Koreans did it. And that makes neighbors like Russia, and China to think twice before doing anything stupid against them. Though, they do have strong backing from the Americans. They are already giving the Japanese a run for their money in the automobile and electronics sectors.
All that achieved in post-war Korea. Which by the way, was a very dark and a bloody war. And their people went through a lot of hardship in the post-war scenario. Probably even more so than our's.
Did I mention Japan being what it is now after being nuked twice?
That dear, is no miracle. That is the result of hard work, knowing what to do and dedication. None of that which are present in our leadership at least.
Timing is everything. Every dollar worth today would have more value tomorrow. The earlier you start generating knowledge in any field, the better. And that was why I mentioned biotechnology (which is still in infancy stages). There's nanotechnology, and many others.
Being good at something pretty advanced, and something that is difficult to duplicate. It needs to hold on to it. And something that gives a unique value. That is what will give Bangladesh a strong footing so that none can dominate it too easily. And something that cannot be destroyed.
Recall back in the mid 90's when the AL was in power. Our beautiful ceramics industry was completely leveled, and never reached its full potential. This is the same thing they are trying to do with our RMG industry.
All I'm saying is that Bangladesh needs to diversify its economy into more advanced levels. Not just another 't-shirt' age.

Our poor leadership is the only thing that made the difference. But then, nothing is permanent. When something reaches the nadir, there is no way but to go up and we are almost at this very point as far as leadership is concerned.

The good thing is that people has somehow learned to move forward without depending on the government. Sectors other then RMG like Ship building, Pharmaceuticals, ICT are showing huge potential and that too without any government assistance.

That actually makes sense. And the consequences for society in general, are catastrophic. You will never see that in any other country. Never.
Young people are not supposed to do all that. They are supposed to have fun. And it absolutely criminal to force them. Worse than criminal!
The 'Minus-2' strategy could have worked, but was hijacked by a small group of traitors within our army. Yes, including Gen. Moeen.

What we need is some guidelines and policies regarding student politics. The political parties should be barred from using the students in their activities by strict laws. But then, don't know if it will ever be implemented or not.
Khali mathe goal{making goal in the empty field}! Really here is hidden the gay pride of BAL and its adherents.
Khali mathe goal{making goal in the empty field}! Really here is hidden the gay pride of BAL and its adherents.

NOT only BAL but those elites and closet BAL folks who are concern about comfort zone.
India and Awami League now contemplating attacking US and western diplomat and blame that on Jamaat and other Islamic entities. This is new sabotage plan india hatched to prove its propaganda.

বিদেশীদের হামলা করে জামায়াতকে দোষারোপের ষড়যন্ত্র

বাংলাদেশে অবস্থানকারী আমেরিকান অথবা ইউরোপীয় ইউনিয়নের কূটনীতিক অথবা তাদের স্বার্থ সংশ্লিষ্ট স্থাপনার ওপর সরকারের তরফে হামলা চালিয়ে জামায়াতের ওপর দোষ চাপানোর ষড়যন্ত্রে কথা ফাঁস হয়েছে।

জামায়াতে ইসলামীর বিরুদ্ধে মার্কিন এবং ইউরোপীয় ইউনিয়নের প্রশাসনসহ সমস্ত বিদেশী শক্তিকে ক্ষেপিয়ে তোলার জন্য সরকার এ ধরনের নাশকতার ষড়যন্ত্র করছে বলে জানিয়েছে সূত্র।

সূত্র জানিয়েছে সরকার শীঘ্রই জামায়াতকে সম্পূর্ণরুপে নিষিদ্ধ এবং সমূলে দমন ও উৎখাতের পরিকল্পনা নিয়েছে। এ লক্ষ্যে সরকার জামায়াতকে বৈদেশিকভাবে বন্ধুহীন করতে চাচ্ছে। বিদেশী কোন শক্তি যাতে এ ব্যাপারে বাঁধা হয়ে না দাড়ায় সেটা নিশ্চিত করতে চাচ্ছে। এ জন্যই তারা বাংলাদেশে অবস্থানকারী মার্কিন এবং ইউরোপীয় ইউনিয়নের কূটনীতিকদের ওপর হামলার পরিকল্পনা নিয়ে জামায়াতের ওপর দোষ চাপানোর জঘন্য একটি পরিকল্পনা নিয়ে এগুচ্ছে।

বিদেশীদের হামলা করে জামায়াতকে দোষারোপের ষড়যন্ত্র
Why are there no reasonable Male role models in East Pakistan/Bangladesh politics , I have been seeing these ladies mentioned for decades don't they ever retire and give some forward thinking modern male representative to move country forward with relations to world countries
Now Hasina compare Awami League symbol "boat" to Nuh (Alaihis salaam) boat (ark).
এই নৌকা নূহ নবীর সেই কিস্তি: শেখ হাসিনা


26 Dec, 2013 ‘আওয়ামী লীগের এই নৌকা নূহ নবীর সেই কিস্তি যা দিয়ে তিনি মানবজাতিকে উদ্ধার করেছিলেন’ বলে মন্তব্য করেছেন প্রধানমন্ত্রী শেখ হাসিনা।

বিডিটুডে.নেট:এই নৌকা নূহ নবীর সেইকিস্তি: শেখ হাসিনা
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