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Awami League implements anti Islam mob demand- arrested Amardesh editor

Detained newspaper editor fatally tortured in police remand

The authorities in Bangladesh yesterday shifted the Interim Editor of the Daily Amar Desh, Mr. Mahmudur Rahman, to the Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University (BSMMU). Rahman has been held in detention at the Kashimpur Central Jail since 17 April 2013. The court had allowed Rahman to be detained in police remand for six days, before the police handed him over to judicial remand. It has been reported that Mr. Rahman had to be shifted to the hospital since he has been suffering from severe torture wounds, allegedly inflicted upon him by the police during custody. Rahman has been reportedly fasting in custody in protest against his illegal detention, inhuman torture, the arrest of his colleagues, illegal closure of the printing press of the Daily Amar Desh and implicating the vice-chairperson of the Amardesh Publications Limited, Mrs. Mahmuda Begum, who happens to be Rahman's mother, in a fabricated criminal case.

Since Rahman's arrest on 11 April 2013, the Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has been calling upon national as well as international civil society organisations to intervene in this case, to ensure that Rahman is not tortured in custody. The AHRC has written to the Inspector General of Police in Bangladesh, seeking the appropriate officers' supervision to ensure that Rahman is not tortured during interrogation. The AHRC also wrote to Mr. Frank La Rue, the UN Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of the right to freedom of opinion and expression, to ensure the government's constitutional and procedural mandates while undertaking the investigation of charges leveled against Rahman.

The AHRC has been informed that Rahman has undergone extremely cruel forms of tortures during custody resulting in serious physical injuries. AHRC has learned from several reliable sources that the torture took place on the second day of Rahman's police custody. Eye witnesses in Court have claimed that Rahman has numerous injuries on both of his legs, seemingly resulted from iron nails hammered into his fleshes and bones. Rahman has also undergone repeated electric shocks. He has been suffering from a heart condition that requires an immediate intensive medical attention, and failure in which may cost his life.

On 11 April, the government has sealed and closed the printing press of the Amardesh Publications. Rahman has been arrested on three separate charges. The first case, of sedition, has been lodged by a prosecutor of the "International Crimes Tribunal" (ICT) at the Tejgaon Police Station in Dhaka, accusing Rahman for reproducing a Skype conversation between a Judge of the ICT and a person living abroad concerning an ongoing trial. The Tejgaon police lodged the second case accusing Rahman of destroying vehicles on the road even though Rahman had been continuously living in his newspaper office. The third case against Rahman was filed on his alleged publication of an unverified letter along with a photograph. This is nothing new in Bangladesh, where judiciary has been almost destroyed due to high degree of political manipulation and the police are used as government's bonded thugs.

The police's forced closure of the printing press of Daily Amardesh, is arbitrary. There has been no court case or order from any court of law in the country directing the police to close down the press. To ensure publication of the Daily, the Interim Chairperson of the Amardesh Publication Limited, Mrs. Mahmuda Begum, made an alternative arrangement to print the newspaper at the Al-Falah Printing Press. However, a District Magistrate -- an executive officer and not a judicial magistrate -- prohibited the printing, prompting the police to arrest 19 workers of the press. The police also registered a case on 13 April against Mahmuda Begum and the editor and publisher of the Daily Sangram, a newspaper of the Bangladesh Jamaat-e-Islami party. Mrs. Mahmuda was granted an anticipatory bail from a High Court Division Bench after her application had been heard on 16 April.

Rahman, while in custody, went on a hunger strike to protest the closure of the press, demanding immediate release of the 19 persons arrested for helping Daily Amar Desh to print, and against registering the false case against Mahmuda Begum. Due to this, Rahman's health further deteriorated.

Rahman has reportedly informed his lawyers and colleagues that the Detective Branch of the Dhaka Metropolitan Police has cruelly tortured him in custody that includes electric shocks and several methods. The lawyers and those who were present in court, when Rahman was produced in court, have claimed that Rahman was finding it difficult to sit in court and that he had fresh flesh wounds on his legs. His dress was reportedly bloodstained.

On 18 April, a writ petition was filed at a High Court Division Bench challenging the order of sending Rahman in police remand. Rahman's lawyers allege that placing Rahman in police remand without adequate measures in place to ensure the detainee's physical health, violates the High Court's directives concerning under-trial detention. According to the High Court Division's directives, every detainee has a right to be examined by a qualified medical practitioner prior to remand and for regular medical examinations during the entire period of detention. The person is also entitled for a medical examination before release.

The understandable rationale of the High Court directives is meant for the court to ensure the physical safety of a detainee and to prevent torture in custody. None of this was followed in Rahman's case. When this was brought to the attention of the court, the Attorney General of Bangladesh, Mr. Mahbubey Alam, objected the submissions, alleging that the High Court Division's directives are not applicable in this case. In fact, the government had earlier filed an appeal against the order of the High Court Division concerning medical examination of detainees to the Appellate Division, which was dismissed by the Appellate Division. However, in Rahman's case, the High Court Division chose to ignore its own jurisprudence, once again affirming Rahman's allegation, which he made when he was produced first in the Court, that the judiciary in Bangladesh is acting as directed by the government and that it is no more independent.

The AHRC therefore wishes to recall its earlier statements regarding the vindictive arrest and arbitrary detention of Rahman. The AHRC once again wishes to urge domestic and international civil society groups, as well as the UN Special Rapporteurs on the promotion and protection of the right to freedom of opinion and expression; and on torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, to intervene in this case.

BANGLADESH: Detained newspaper editor fatally tortured in police remand
It cruel of me to say so-but Mahmudur Rahman needs to die in police custody to prove that AL is destroying BD with a blueprints in hand from which nobody is safe unless dead.
It cruel of me to say so-but Mahmudur Rahman needs to die in police custody to prove that AL is destroying BD with a blueprints in hand from which nobody is safe unless dead.

It does not need any explanation to understand what type perverted and barbaric world you live in.
It does not need any explanation to understand what type perverted and barbaric world you live in.

What about the death of the guy killed in front of live TV by awami goons. Didn't people then understood that these people are corrupted to the core?:cheesy: Please refrain from calling someone's death be it your enemy.:no:
It cruel of me to say so-but Mahmudur Rahman needs to die in police custody to prove that AL is destroying BD with a blueprints in hand from which nobody is safe unless dead.

Are you ok? You are wishing for the death of Mahmudur Rahman? Why? Just so AL can be proven without a doubt as a murderous regime? Have they do not proved with 170 dead protesters and thousands of others before that in political killings? What more prove do you need?
Oh man,how did all of you got the wrong end of the stick?the last line in BANGLA should have given you enough clue to understand it was not meant figuratively.my wishing has nothing to do with the fact that with a heart condition he Wii eventually die in police custody if court gives permission for another round of interrogation. The first part was for the moron loving so called atheist s in this PDF.sorry for the unintentionally choice of words.
This is must read specially for those cheering Awami League regime brutality and fan of Prothom Alo and Daily Star.

????? ?????? : ???? ??????? ???????? ??????? ?????? ? ??????? ????

Timely editorial article by Shafiq Rehman. He is warning people in govt. currently involved with torture and holding of Mahmudur Rahman in prison under false fabricated charges, that during the Hunger Strike, if he dies, everyone involved will be held responsible for his death and may be under trial in the future for their crimes. Hope they heed his advice and take proper care of Mahmudur Rahman.

People of Bangladesh are watching, not just BNP, Jamaat, Hefajat-e-Islam, but the teeming masses, whose wrath no one can escape.
Attorney General Attacks Family's Right to Represent Prisoners

April 22, 2013

On 18 April 2013, the Attorney General for Bangladesh Mr. Mahbubey Alam participated in the hearing of a writ petition before a High Court Division Bench of the Bangladesh Supreme Court. The writ was filed by Mrs. Firoza Mahmud, wife of Daily Amardesh's Interim Editor Mahmudur Rahman. Mrs. Mahmud had challenged the order of the Chief Metropolitan Magistrate's Court, Dhaka, for sending Mahmudur to police remand in violation of the jurisprudence of the Supreme Court.

The petitioner's counsel, Mr. A.J. Mohammad Ali, former Attorney General for Bangladesh submitted that the High Court Division, in its judgment, had passed a set of directives regarding sending Mahmudur to police remand. He alleged that the Magistrate’s Court did not abide by the directives of the High Court Division while entertaining the police application for taking Mahmudur in 'remand', and that the Magistrate's Court granted 13 days police remand in violation of the jurisprudence of the High Court Division.

A report published in the online edition of New Age, a Bangladesh daily newspaper, on 19 April 2013, cites the arguments of the Attorney General. According to the report, Attorney General Mahbubey Alam,

“[P]leaded for summarily rejecting the writ petition saying that it was not maintainable as it was filed by Mahmudur Rahman’s wife who was not aggrieved. Mahbubey argued that the High Court had issued the 15 directives regarding remand, arrest and interrogation on a writ petition challenging the legality of arresting suspects under section 54 of CrPC (suspicion) and the judgment would not be applicable in the case of Mahmudur Rahman who was arrested on specific charges brought against him in three cases.”

When any person is detained, she or he is deprived of the possibility of making applications to Court, for bail or any other matter. The detainee is not at liberty to move out of jail / remand prison and appear before Court in order to make an application on her or his own behalf. A detainee is also not at liberty to meet with her or his lawyers and to give instructions for her or his release. She or he is also not able to gather all the information and documents needed to file such applications in Court. Besides being a prisoner, immobile, she or he does not have the resources to pay for lawyers or to pay for obtaining documents and other materials, or for any other matter linked to the filing of applications before Court.

Therefore, the prisoner has to depend on others at liberty to file applications before Court for bail or any other matter. Prisoners must either be aided by others or they will be deprived of the ability to bring to any matter before the notice of the Court. If a detainee is prevented from getting the help of outsiders for filing applications in Court for bail etc., the result would be that the person will fail to seek and avail any kind of relief or redress from the Court.

In a legal system based on the rule of law, no person can be deprived of the right to request the Court for relief. To create any kind of obstacle for a prisoner, preventing her or him from seeking relief from the Court and informing the Court about any relevant matter, amounts to reducing a human being to that of a slave. It snatches away from the detainee all the rights she or he has as a legal person. Slaves are the only category of human being not considered by law as legal persons. When a prisoner is deprived of the right to resort to Court, she or he is reduced to the state of being a 'non-person'.

It is also universally recognised that nearest kith and kin are most entitled to make an application for those whose liberty has been suppressed and are unable to come to Court directly. Amongst kith and kin, a wife or a husband, are the closest. The right of a wife or husband to approach a Court on behalf of their spouse, who is temporarily deprived of liberty, is a principle known to the whole world where the right to resort to a Court is recognised.

The deprivation of the liberty of an individual affects not only the detainee's own self but their family, especially their closest kith and kin. Depriving them of the right to seek relief on behalf of their detained family member, who is deprived of liberty, is an affront, to both the detainee and the family members. It is a direct assault on the very notion of the family itself.

It is strange that the Attorney General of Bangladesh is unaware of these basic principles that are respected under all legal systems where there is some respect for the rule of law. A person who could utter in Court that a prisoner's wife does not have the right to file a writ petition on his behalf is surely unfit to hold any legal position, let alone the post of Attorney General.

On the other hand, if the Attorney General knows of the gravity of the rights involved in the situation of the imprisonment of a family member, and deliberately tries to mislead the Court then isn’t this worse? An Attorney General's role is not to mislead the Court but to assist the Court to come to proper legal findings. If the Attorney General is a misleader, then he is undermining the whole legal structure.

It may be that today political affiliations and loyalties have become much more important than the law and legal obligations. The Attorney General may have become a mere pawn in the hands of powerful politicians and thus find himself unable to represent proper legal positions before the Court. Do political loyalties compel him to lie and mislead the Court?

The implications become more grave in this case, as the Attorney General could presumably know that the detainee in question, Mahmudur Rahman, is likely to have been tortured in custody. In circumstances where a person has suffered torture, the duty of the Attorney General is not to act as the victim’s enemy, but to act as the highest legal officer representing the true principles of law. If the Attorney General regards himself as an enemy of any citizen, he is not fit to hold this important role.

Political slavery has perhaps even led to the point where the rights of a prisoner to represent himself through his spouse are being challenged, not only by the regime in power, but also by the Attorney General, the highest legal officer in the country.

On 21 April 2013, the High Court Division Bench rejected the writ application made on behalf of Mahmudur Rahman. If the reasoning behind the Court’s rejection includes acceptance of the Attorney General’s argument that the wife of the petitioner has no locus standi to make bail application on behalf of her husband, then the decision would negate some basic principles on which the rights of prisoners are enshrined in common law.

BANGLADESH: Attorney General Attacks Family's Right to Represent Prisoners
^^^ AL govt. is becoming more of a dictatorial regime, while being "democratic" in name only, where "due process" and "rule of law" is no longer being upheld.
Now do you see?my bad joke from two days back has coming true.wait till you read tomorrows news papers.
Now do you see?my bad joke from two days back has coming true. wait till you read tomorrows news papers.

Oh man,how did all of you got the wrong end of the stick?the last line in BANGLA should have given you enough clue to understand it was not meant figuratively.my wishing has nothing to do with the fact that with a heart condition he Wii eventually die in police custody if court gives permission for another round of interrogation. The first part was for the moron loving so called atheist s in this PDF.sorry for the unintentionally choice of words.

Still AL chamcha allover the PDF will deny.my question is if this company is already had a questionable reputation in India why did world bank allowed them in the first place?AL I understand wanted some one who know how to bribe.but why didn't the heads(with no brains it seems)of this project inside world bank didn't see this before? Then is what some ppl say also true?did world bank had some hidden agenda regarding Padma bridge?

Plz clearly post your points. Whom do you refer what. Your unnecessary whinning and rants are useless.
Increase your credibility.
Those are my posts about related threads.if you asks for specifications then you need to read the said threads.which of my words gave you the idea that I was whining? On the contrary, I was actually laughing when I wrote last one.and credibility for what?which statement is wrong? Please specify.
Now do you see?my bad joke from two days back has coming true.wait till you read tomorrows news papers.

Your joke sounded like a death wish for a good and valuable man for Bangladesh, that is why it sounded borderline tasteless for many. But your point is understood. Lets hope that things will turn out ok for Mahmudur Bhai, who has made so much sacrifice for his country and people. People never forget those who care for them.

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