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Awami League implements anti Islam mob demand- arrested Amardesh editor


Dec 14, 2008
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Awami League implements anti Islam mob demand-arrested Amardesh editor

Atheist and fascist mob in Shahbagh under guise of “war crime” had been demanding arrest of popular Bangladeshi daily Amardesh editor. Awami League regime followed on anti Islam mob demand by arresting popular editor Mahmudur Rahman.

Bangladesh arrests editor of top pro-opposition daily

This is second time Awami League regime has arrested and tortured Daily Amardesh editor. First time Mahmudur Rahman was arrested for exposing wholesale corruption and looting by Awami League including Prime Minister son Sajeeb Wajed Joy. This time Awami League regime arrested him for exposing blatant Awami League interference and kangaroo court practice in so called war crime tribunal. Although, tribunal judge skype conversation about fixing judgement had been exposed by “The Economist”, Inquilab, another Bangladeshi newspaper and also readily available in the internet.

SKype Conversation between Nizamul Haque Nasim and Ahmed Ziauddin About Int'l War Crime Tribunal. - YouTube

David Bergman an international journalist also exposed blatant violation of law and kangaroo court practices by so called war crime tribunal. His detailed documentation of tribunal violation can be found here

Bangladesh War Crimes Tribunal

But most of all, Amardesh recently exposed Indo Awami League instigation attacking Islamic faith and value. Since Amardesh revelation of Awami League instigation, regime and its indian backers became desperate to silence Daily Amerdesh. After the biggest ever gathering of Bangladeshi Muslims against Awami League instigated anti Islam acts, regime nervousness was clearly visible.


In such backdrop Awami League went out on it legacy track by shutting out newspaper. It will obviously be cheered by Awami League and by anti Islam and anti Muslim media and their fans but vast silent majority population will resent yet another repressive act of Awami League.
Mahmudur on 13-day remand

”I know the bail petition won’t be granted …the remand won’t be rejected either because there’s direction from high-ups,” says Mahmudur

Dhaka: A Dhaka court on Thursday placed Amar Desh acting editor Mahmudur Rahman on a 13-day remand in three cases filed with Tejgaon Police Station.

Additional Chief Metropolitan Magistrate Sahidul Islam passed the order when police produced him before the court with a 24-day remand prayer.

At the court, Mahmudur defended himself without appointing any counsel and opposed the remand prayer. He even did not seek bail.

”I know the bail petition won’t be granted …the remand prayers won’t be rejected either because there’s direction from the higher authorities. So, there’ll be no effect if I seek bail,” Mahmudur told the court.

The court then granted a 7-day remand for him in a case filed under the Information and Communication Technology Act while 3-day each in two other cases.

He was shown arrested in a case filed under the Information and Communication Technology Act and two other cases filed for exploding crude bombs and obstructing police from performing their duties.

ICT prosecutor Shahnur Rahman filed the sedition case with the Tejgaon Police Station on December 13, 2012.

SI Sadekul Islam and SI Harun-ur-Rashid filed the two other cases with the Tejgaon Police Station for obstructing police exploding crude bombs from performing their duties.

Earlier in the morning, police arrested Mahmudur Rahman from his Karwanbazar office on charge of sedition.

The sedition case was filed against him and the newspaper’s publisher, Hasmat Ali, over publishing Skype conversations between former Chairman of the International Crimes Tribunal-1 (ICT-1) Justice Mohammed Nizamul Huq and expatriate Bangladeshi legal expert Ahmed Ziauddin, police said.

Mahmudur on 13-day remand | National | Rtnn.net
Intervene immediately to save the life of detained journalist Mr. Mahmudur Rahman

Today, 11 April 2013, the authorities in Bangladesh have arrested the Interim Editor of a prominent Bangladeshi daily, Daily Amardesh, Mr. Mahmudur Rahman. Officers raided Rahman's office at about 8:30 am and taken away by the Detective Branch of Bangladesh Police. Rahman's arrest is an attempt to stifle dissenting voice. Rahman is in a serious risk of torture and even extrajudicial execution. Rahman is not informed about the reasons for the raid, or arrest. The ministry of home affairs, however has claimed that there are "specific charges" against Rahman, which neither the ministry nor the arresting officers have informed Rahman, as required in law.

This is not the first time Rahman is subjected to intimidation for exercising his professional freedom as a journalist in Bangladesh. Rahman was arrested, tortured and unjustly convicted by the Supreme Court of Bangladesh in a controversial charge of contempt of court.

Rahman's arrest appears to be the continuation of large-scale and indiscriminate arrest and other forms of state-sponsored threats and intimidations against dissenting voices in Bangladesh. This pattern has alarmingly increased in the past 70 days. In the context of the rapidly deteriorating situation in Bangladesh, there is a high risk that Rahman and other voices of opposition in the country, who are in the custody of the state agencies may face 'executive elimination'. It is feared that the government will illegally detain and arrest more people, including those from the leading opposition parties, in the country within the coming days.

It is reported that the police and other security agencies are using brute force against unarmed civilians in their custody. Cases have been reported already of the police firing at persons in their custody, inside detention centers, using sub-machineguns and live ammunitions. Women, children and members of the ordinary public, amounting to an estimated 100 persons, have lost their lives at the hands of the state agencies in the past few weeks.

The government is illegally carrying out electronic and physical surveillance, including that of the human rights defenders. It is clear that the government has instructed its agencies to specifically target those, including human rights defenders, who have been critical against the government and its lack of respect for constitutional guarantees. While the space available for human rights work within Bangladesh has been shrinking for the past few years, the recent events have the potential to completely wipe out this freedom placing human rights defenders and their physical safety at extreme peril. The right to life and personal liberty of individuals as well as the freedom of expression and assembly are under serious threat.

This onslaught upon the fundamental guarantees of human dignity and freedom in Bangladesh is happening within days ahead of the Universal Periodic Review of Bangladesh at the United Nations. It clearly indicates the government's lack of commitment and respect for human rights, and its open negation of its voluntary pledge to the international community, that it would protect, promote and fulfil human rights guarantees.

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) along with a group of Asian jurists, who have come together, from 9-11 April 2013 at Bangkok, to discuss concerns regarding the independence of judges and lawyers in Asia, expresses serious concern about the deteriorating human rights situation in Bangladesh, most importantly concerning Mahmudur Rahman's safety whilst in state custody. Rahman's arrest is not only an attack upon media freedom but also is endangering the basic principles of democracy and the rule of law in Bangladesh.

The AHRC calls upon the international community as well as the global media, not to remain silent spectators of what is unfurling in Bangladesh. The AHRC further calls upon everyone concerned to intervene in their respective capacities to ensure safety and freedom of human rights defenders and journalists in Bangladesh.

BANGLADESH: Intervene immediately to save the life of detained journalist Mr. Mahmudur Rahman
AL history repeats it self.from 1973 to 1975 this is exactly what was going on.but PM should also learn from her fathers mistake.we all know what happened as this kind of autocratic action was taken by her father.(another topic but relevant-current AL gov: wants to stop further business of Tellenor aka Grameen phone in Bangladesh despite taking money for next fifteen yrs license of business. Is it any wonder shojib wajed joy is the owener of air tell in BD.)!!!
This is an ominous sign. Bangladesh no longer have democracy. It is the repeat of BAKSHAL fascism. AL and Hasina and their foreign supporters have crossed all limits.
Journos observed hunger strike demanding Mahmudur release

Dhaka, Apr15 (Just News): Journalists observed a hunger strike on Monday demanding the release of Amar Desh acting editor Mahmudur Rahman. The token hunger strike started at 10 am and continued till 2:30 pm on the National Press Club premises.

Bangladesh Federal Union of Journalists (BFUJ), Dhaka Union of Journalists (DUJ) and the staffs of Amar Desh arranged the strike programme.

Expressing solidarity with the journalists, president of Nagarik Committee poet Farhad Mazhar said, “Oppression on media means the fall of government. Government is leading the country to a fierce genocide creating serious crisis.”

Ruhul Amin Gazi, president of a faction of Bangladesh Federal Union of Journalists (BFUJ), said that they will continue their protest programme until their demands are met.

He also announced that they will hold a demonstration programme on Tuesday at about 11 am at the same venue.

The journalist leaders also demanded withdrawal of the cases filed against Mahmuda Begum, chairman of Amar Desh Publications and mother of Mahmudur Rahman, and acting editor of Daily Songram Abul Asad.

BFUJ general secretary Shawkat Mahmud, DUJ president Abdus Shaheed, and general secretary Baker Hossain, among others, addressed in the programme.

Dr Khanadakar Mosharraf Hossain along with other BNP leaders expressed solidarity with the journalists on behalf of the main opposition party BNP.

Just News editor Mushfiqul Fazal Ansari also expressed solidarity with the journalists.

Police arrested Mahmudur Rahman from his Karwanbazar office on charge of sedition on April 11. Later, he was taken on a 13-day remand in three cases.

Later, police raided the press of the vernacular daily in the city’s Tejgaon area on Thursday night and sealed off it.

Just News :: Journos observed hunger strike demanding Mahmudur release
Thousands of people all across Bangladesh protesting arrest of Daily Amardesh editor Mahmudur Rahman

How Jamaat manage people for procession or meeting!!! Leaked by Bangla leaks...

জামায়াতের কোন মিছিল-মিটিং-এ এত লোক কিভাবে আনা হয় জানতে চান?
জানতে চান কি, মাহমুদুর রহমান কিভাবে জামাতীদের সাপোর্ট নেন?
আর জামায়াত কি কি পন্থায় লোকজন আমদানি করে? কথোপকথনটি শুনুন, দেখুন তাদের কীর্তি। মানুষ আর এত বোকা না, মানুষকে কিভাবে লোভে ফেলা হয়, দেখুন। বাকিটা আপনাদের।

How Mahmudur Rahman was using Jamaatis to buy journalists .... leaked by Bangla leaks....

জামায়াত ২৮ তারিখের সাংবাদিক সম্মেলনে মাহমুদুর রহমানের পক্ষে কথা বলার জন্য কিছু সাংবাদিককে টাকার বিনিময়ে নিয়ে যাওয়া হচ্ছে।
মাহমুদুর রহমানের জন্য জামায়াত কেন টাকা খরচ করছে কিছু বুঝতে পারছেন? কেন লোকজন ভাড়া করে নিয়ে আসছেন সেটাও কি বুঝেছেন?
জামায়াত তলে তলে কিছু গণমাধ্যম কর্মীকে কেনার চেষ্টা করছেন, ভিডিওটি দেখুন, শুনুন, শেয়ার করুন।

MP3 ফরম্যাটঃ https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B9sIsfGuAXJ3U2dBLWNCT1N6REk/edit?usp=sharing

থাকবেন www.facebook.com/Bangla.Leaks.Page এর সাথে।

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Al-Jazeera reports on Mahmudur Rahman arrest

Al-Jazeera report:

Police in Bangladesh have arrested the acting editor of a pro-opposition newspaper on various charges.

Mahmudur Rahman was arrested in a raid on the office of the Bengali-language Amar Desh newspaper in Dhaka on Thursday.

Security officials would not immediately say what charges would be brought against him.

The Ekattor TV station said the editor would face eight charges, including sedition and cybercrime.

Police told local media that Rahman would appear before a Dhaka court later on Thursday.

Leaders of the government’s ruling party have accused the daily of inciting violence during recent political unrest.

Amar Desh is the leading opposition paper in the country. Its circulation and online audience have increased significantly due to recent investigative reports and its anti-government stand.

Human rights groups have accused the ruling Awami League party of harassment of Rahman and his paper.

Government officials filed charges including defamation and sedition against him in 2009, 2010 and 2012.

Al-Jazeera reports on Mahmudur Rahman arrest | Free Mans Land
AL history repeats it self.from 1973 to 1975 this is exactly what was going on.but PM should also learn from her fathers mistake.we all know what happened as this kind of autocratic action was taken by her father.(another topic but relevant-current AL gov: wants to stop further business of Tellenor aka Grameen phone in Bangladesh despite taking money for next fifteen yrs license of business. Is it any wonder shojib wajed joy is the owener of air tell in BD.)!!!

At last Tellenor aka Grameen phone in Bangladesh is going down :cheers:. Thanks for the good news. If it is not for Banglalink and other operators we may still would have to pay 7 taka per minute call charge. Grameen phone ak number dakait.
At last Tellenor aka Grameen phone in Bangladesh is going down :cheers:. Thanks for the good news. If it is not for Banglalink and other operators we may still would have to pay 7 taka per minute call charge. Grameen phone ak number dakait.

This is completely offtopic issue, don't attempt to derail this thread.
At last Tellenor aka Grameen phone in Bangladesh is going down :cheers:. Thanks for the good news. If it is not for Banglalink and other operators we may still would have to pay 7 taka per minute call charge. Grameen phone ak number dakait.

Grameenphone is the highest tax payer in Bangladesh. If you don't like their rates, avoid them and get airtel or any other operator. You are an idiot.
Grameenphone is the highest tax payer in Bangladesh. If you don't like their rates, avoid them and get airtel or any other operator. You are an idiot.

I don't use Grameen phone for ages. After Banglalink came to market i switched to it. I was talking about the time when Grameen Phone had the monopoly in the market, before 2005. As you are clearly more intelligent than me, next time please read first than give suggestion.

This is completely offtopic issue, don't attempt to derail this thread.

Sorry about that couldn't helped it.
Mahmudur on ‘hunger strike’

Published: 2013-04-17 16:10:58.0 Updated: 2013-04-17 16:10:58.0

Amar Desh Acting Editor Mahmudur Rahman went on a hunger strike three days ago over three demands, his lawyers and close associates said on Wednesday.

The demands include withdrawal of the case filed against his mother Mahmuda Begum and the Editor of Daily Sangram, the release of 19 press workers arrested from Al-Falah Printing Press and allowing the publication of Amar Desh.

A Dhaka court on Wednesday sent Mahmudur to jail when police produced him before it on completion of his five-day remand in the case filed for unlawful publication of reports on the alleged Skype conversation between former International Crimes Tribunal chairman Justice M Nizamul Huq and an expatriate Bangladeshi legal expert, Ahmed Ziauddin, last year.

It led to the resignation of the judge.

Mahmudur did not appeal for bail.

His counsels informed the court that Mahmudur went on the hunger strike during the police remand three days ago, and that he would also continue the strike in jail.

Convener of the Nagorik Odhikar Rakhya Committee and columnist Farhad Mazhar, who is against the Shahbagh uprising and has stood by Mahmudur, told a press conference at the National Press Club that the Bengali daily’s Acting Editor went on the hunger strike on Apr 15.

Police on Apr 11 arrested Mahmudur at his Karwanbazar office on charge of sedition and publishing reports on Skype conversation. He was also sued under the Information and Communication Technology Act 2006.

Later in the night, police raided the press of the BNP-leaning daily in the city’s Tejgaon and sealed it off.

Police seized 6,000 printed copies of Amar Desh from Al-Falah Printing Press of the Daily Sangram in city’s Mogbazar on Saturday night. Nineteen press workers were also detained during the raid.

The Editor and Publisher of Jamaat-e-Islami mouthpiece Sangram, Abul Asad, was sued on Apr 14 on charges of illegally printing copies of Amar Desh in his press, police say.

Amar Desh’s Publication Division’s Acting Chairman Mahmuda Begum, also Mahmudur’s mother, was also implicated in the case filed under the Printing Presses and Publications (Declaration and Registration) Act, 1973.

Farhad Mazhar told the press conference, “Mahmudur Rahman didn’t seek bail. He has said that he will continue the hunger strike until death if the three demands aren’t met.”

Mahmudur’s lawyers Sanaullah Miah and Masud Ahmed Talukder told the court that Mahmudur did not take anything except water in the last three days.

As he fell sick during the police remand, he was produced before the Court of Chief Metropolitan Magistrate on Wednesday. Judge Shahidul Islam ordered him into jail.

The jail authorities were also ordered to provide Mahmudur with proper treatment and first class division.

Speakers at the press conference urged for Mahmudur’s treatment outside the jail.

Ruhul Amin Gazi, President of a faction of Bangladesh Federal Union of Journalists (BFUJ), said, “I’m urging all the local and foreign human rights activists and organisations to protest against the violation of human rights by this government.”

Mahmudur on
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