I already did, if our relations improve, I don't see why it wouldn't be possible. Pakistan may not be a viable option for some time, but if things improve on that front I'm sure that could work too. We could consider an economic union loosely along the lines of the European Union, India, Bangladesh, Sri-Lanka, Nepal, Bhutan and maybe even Afghanistan to begin with, and sooner or later the Pakistanis could hop on board.
We also have a slight advantage over other regions because most of us can speak a common language, so that might make it easier for people to conduct business.
What you guys need to keep in mind is that South Asia is the poorest region in Asia, not second or third but THE poorest. If we work together I'm sure we could turn that around rather quickly. There are many things India could help Bangladesh with, like IT, generic drugs, etc. We are neighbors whether we like it or not, so it's senseless to keep bickering and pointing fingers, I'd rather focus on finding ways to work together.
India and Bangladesh have no major disputes, if you guys could even consider reconciliation with Pakistanis after '71, then India hasn't ever done anything along those lines, we should have been best buddies a long time ago. There is nothing we can't sit down and work out, which is what both governments are doing by the way, that's something you should support rather than oppose. That's the only way we'll ever see any kind of stability and prosperity.