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Automobile sector stares at 40-60pc skid in sales, 150,000 job cuts


Aug 4, 2015
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Automobile sector stares at 40-60pc skid in sales, 150,000 job cuts


LAHORE: Automobile sales may witness a steep downslide of 40-60 percent in fiscal year 2019/20, rendering about 150,000 people jobless, industry forecast suggests.

Auto industry had forecasted to increase its sales to 0.3 million by 2021 and half a million units by 2022; however, changes in the policy, new taxes with increasing input cost and unpredictable surge in rupee-dollar parity resulted in jacking up car prices, which ultimately cut down sales.

Industry sales tumbled against its forecast for the last three months. Similarly, the car and LCV sales went down by 7 percent during the last fiscal to 240,335 units from the previous year. There has been a drastic cut in tractor production also. But more worryingly, the downslide is not stopping in near-to-medium term at least, say market insiders.

From one of the best performing sectors in recent years to the currently bleak scenario, the industry has been prompted to make major revisions in manufacturing plan by the main players and new entrants.

It is based on these factors pointing to 40 percent cut in present level of manufacturing that industry representatives on condition of anonymity point to 100,000 to 150,000 job losses within a year.

As an important indicator, the growth of the auto sector reflects progress of the whole economy. Keeping in view, many believe that the nosedive in auto manufacturing is not an economic slowdown as being anticipated earlier, but a meltdown of the national economy.

The major contributing factors in unprecedented fall in vehicle sales are massive devaluation, new duties and taxes and high energy and interest rates.

The levy of duty in budget 2019-20 is however being termed as counterproductive.

Industry cannot bear the huge impact of five percent Advance Customs Duty (ACD) on all raw materials and imposition of 2.5-7.5 percent Federal Excise Duty (FED), which have badly affected sales and forced major players of the industry to halt production.

Hike in input cost pushed car prices up and resultantly decreased sales. This compelled Honda Atlas to shut down its plant for 10 days with piled up inventories of 2,000 units. Similarly, Indus Motor Company was also planning to stop car production for eight days, two days every week, sources in the industry said.

Another major player Pakistan Suzuki Motor Company would take decisions to reduce production after analysing industry dynamics, market equilibrium and sales trends that would determine the booking orders during the present month.

“It is predictable that Suzuki will also take the same decisions as the overall industry outlook will not change for Suzuki, as Honda and

Toyota in tandem resorted to laying off hundreds of employees after such adverse effects,” sources said.

Talking about demand of auto industry from the government to arrest ongoing declining trend in vehicle sales, an official working with a leading Sindh-based manufacturer said, government should take back recent taxes imposed on auto sector and tighten its control on exchange rate.

He feared vehicles sales plunging 60 percent from earlier levels in the short run. Regarding anticipation of industry about imminent slump in demand, he said auto industry knew that there might be a slowdown, but such drastic meltdown was definitely not being anticipated.

Almas Hyder, one of the top manufacturers of autoparts said present sluggish trend in vehicles sales has been contrary to earlier projections and poses completely new challenges to the industry. Especially, cost escalation due to huge depreciation has been beyond imagination, rendering industry clueless as far as curbing costs was concerned.

Hyder added that the bigger problem with dollar-rupee parity was uncertainty and volatility, hurting sentiments in auto-industry the most. He demanded the government to withdraw taxes and duty announced in budget 2019-20, as these proved counterproductive. Tax collection would not increase as sales were already plummeting due to increase in prices. “The prudent way is to rationalise tax rates to help increase sales by reducing cost of production of auto industry,” he said.

A CFO working with a new entrant in the manufacturing arena said if the government was committed to facilitate the industry, there should be some major decisions, including withdrawing ACD on all imports and FED on assembled cars. Moreover, for the growth of the industry Auto Industry Development Programme (AIDP) 2016-21 should be followed in letter and spirit so the industry could predict and plan accordingly. One after another policy shift could never produce positive results.

Restriction on used vehicles import has been nullified due to negative developments relating to cost of production, he observed on condition of anonymity.

Nabeel Hashmi, one of the leading vendors of export-quality auto parts, expressed serious concerns on up to 35 to 40 percent decline in sales of 1300cc or above engine vehicles. This category was a benchmark for the sector and any dent in these sales was not a good omen for the entire industry. However, he noted lower CC vehicles have not shown such a drop yet.

Probably the current taxation drive was adversely affecting the high-end income groups who were now reluctant to buy a car, said Hashmi, ex-chairman of Pakistan Association of Automotive Parts and Accessories Manufacturers (PAAPAM). Auto parts’ vendors have reduced working days and cut down to single shift operations due to prevalent negative sentiments, while replacement and further hiring has also been stopped.

Another serious issue confronting the auto parts industry is that their part prices are not being increased as rapidly as the rupee devaluations or as quick as the cars, motorcycle or tractor manufacturers raised their own selling prices. This delay is cutting their cash flows seriously and may result in bank defaults soon. OEM’s should ease their price increase rules and the government should help the market utilise the now idle capacities for export purposes, he stressed.

The auto parts domestic aftermarket has turned stagnant with the government-traders tussle, he observed. Job losses were imminent and in progress, he said, adding precise estimate in this regard was too early to suggest.
India’s auto sales in downturn

The Central government might soon call a meeting with automobile industry stake-holders to discuss measures to arrest the continuous decline in the sector’s sales, sources privy to the development said.

The sales downturn is expected to have a drastic impact on the jobs market and the FDI inflows into the sector.

In recent days, senior officials from various ministries have held a range of discussions on the issue to come up with measures to arrest the sales decline.

According to sources, the Central government might bring in a proposal to lower GST rate on automobiles which is currently in the highest 28 per cent tax bracket. Alternatively, the cess over GST slab rate applicable on automobile may be lowered.

“Other incentives are also on the cards to boost liquidity that will aid sales. Scrappage policy is another step in this direction and the government might call a meeting with all the stake-holders soon to discuss these urgent steps.” The development comes after the ongoing sales slowdown showed little signs of abating. Apart from the slowdown, a weak monsoon and liquidity constraints have hampered sales. The automobile sector has been impacted the hardes among major manufacturing sectors due to a consumption slowdown and the weak monsoon might just accentuate this trend.

Industry insiders opined that the slowdown is a culmination of high GST rates, farm distress, stagnant wages and liquidity constraints.

Figures from the Society of Indian Automobile Manufacturers (SIAM) showed that domestic passenger car sales in June went down by 24.07 per cent to 139,628 units.

The passenger car market in many countries has shrunk this year, including China.

Economic growth in a large number of countries has also slowed or even stagnated.

The current global economic situation is not optimistic.
The passenger car market in many countries has shrunk this year, including China.

Economic growth in a large number of countries has also slowed or even stagnated.

True but this is too early for it too happen in Pakistan's case given its per capita production level and also low reliance on any exports of automobiles.

The big hurt is coming from the devaluation of the PKR which has increased the price of component import/SKU/CKU....which is of course passed to the consumer in the end and affects sales.
True but this is too early for it too happen in Pakistan's case given its per capita production level and also low reliance on any exports of automobiles.

The big hurt is coming from the devaluation of the PKR which has increased the price of component import/SKU/CKU....which is of course passed to the consumer in the end and affects sales.

Janab, these looters have sucked the blood of Pakistanis for many decades now. We are still having Euro 2 standard cars at the same price we pay else where in the world for Euro 5 standard. Even in your country india you guys have euro 4 standard soon to be jumped to Euro 6 standard.

These companies failed to target export market, why? If they used Pakistani plants to export cars to Middle East, imagine how many units would've been sold. Whatever number of cars Pakistan assemble in an entire year, indians export 5 times more. See the incompetence.

I equally blame the employees working in higher posts in these assembling plants. In all these decades they failed to unite and create a single Pakistan manufactured car industry? I won't be sorry 1 bit if these jokers get fired from their jobs, as they were involved in this mess.
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Janab, these looters have sucked the blood of Pakistanis for many decades now. We are still having Euro 2 standard cars at the same price we pay else where in the world for Euro 5 standard. Even in your country india you guys have euro 4 standard soon to be jumped to Euro 6 standard.

Yes its a cartel-like condition. Oligarchs will always first set up where there is biggest profit margin and then from there expand to other sectors....then whole economy gets stuck to them over time and dependency cycles is perpetuated. It will not be easy task or any leader to address this in 1 term, needs at least 2...and also good follow up after it.
Janab, these looters have sucked the blood of Pakistanis for many decades now. We are still having Euro 2 standard cars at the same price we pay else where in the world for Euro 5 standard. Even in your country india you guys have euro 4 standard soon to be jumped to Euro 6 standard.

These companies failed to target export market, why? If they used Pakistani plants to export cars to Middle East, imagine how many units would've been sold. Whatever number of cars Pakistan assemble in an entire year, indians export 5 times more. See the incompetence.

I equally blame the employees working in higher posts in these assembling plants. In all these decades they failed to unite and create a single Pakistan manufactured car industry? I won't be sorry 1 bit if these jokers get fired from their jobs, as they were involved in this mess.
Honda Atlas made Euro 5 cars since 2015 and Euro 4 since 2008
it will result in decrease in oil imports so balance of payments will become better as cars will reduce in future
some want car business to die down, some are pointing out how much profits, with sub standard cars, these companies made etc., etc., -- but nobody is worried about those 150k who will become jobless.

it will result in decrease in oil imports so balance of payments will become better as cars will reduce in future
What will we do with this improved balance of payment when there will be thousands out there jobless?
How much tax companies pay on Rs4.5 million car in Pakistan?
Mr. Wowda will be employing 10 million people soon. There need not worry.
Proton is entering the market and others as well. This Auto Mafia paid off rulers to stop newcomers and now this blackmailing of laying off staff.

It may be the end of these 3 if they don't stop this greed.
many believe that the nosedive in auto manufacturing is not an economic slowdown as being anticipated earlier, but a meltdown of the national economy.

Those "many" are mistaken. There is no meltdown allowed. If they are not mistaken, it is the fault of the previous government. If it is not the fault of the previous government, this is a clever plan to fix it very very soon.

Now that that is clear, the real causes have to do with documenting the sources of incomes used to purchase cars, which remains anathema to the majority of the "patriotic" Pakistanis.

Of course, others should their part as long I do not have to do this. :D
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