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Australian Massive Oil Discovery


May 29, 2013
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It is 6 times larger than the Bakken, 17 times the size of the Marcellus formation, and 80 times larger than the Eagle Ford shale.All told the recent discovery outside a sleepy Australian town contains more black gold than in all of Iran, Iraq, Canada, or Venezuela.

The current estimates of 233 billion barrels are just 30 billion barrels shy of the estimated reserves in all of Saudi Arabia.
Now, one renowned international energy expert predicts the proven reserves will be much bigger.
“The find may land at 300 or 400 billion barrels, making it one of the greatest unconventional oil discoveries any of us will see in our lifetimes,” says Dr. Kent Moors and advisor to six of the top 10 oil producers and active consultant to 20 world governments.
“It represents a bona-fide redrawing of the global energy map as we know it,” Moors says, “and the mainstream media is completely ignoring it.”
Where the Hell is Coober Pedy?
To the people who call this place home, the oncoming oil boom means nothing will ever be the same ($20 trillion worth of oil can do that to a town).
The boom is centered around a place called Coober Pedy, an inhospitable speck on the map in Southern Australia.
The big draw is the riches found in the region’s vast geological structure, the Arckaringa basin.
Encompassing an area in excess of 30,000 square miles, what’s buried within the basin is enough black gold to completely change the global oil landscape-not to mention the lives of early investors.
Analysts believe this is equivalent to investing in Saudi Arabia in the early 1950′s.
And according to this inner circle briefing by Dr. Moors, one little company controls the whole thing.

The Death Knell for OPEC
This massive find has been likened to the Bakken and Eagle Ford shale oil projects in the U.S., which have created legitimate boom times in Texas and North Dakota.
Even at the lowest estimate, Coober Pedy is set to make Australia a net oil exporter; at the higher estimate, Australia would become one of the world’s biggest oil exporters.
“What we’re seeing up there is a very, very big deposit,” says South Australia’s mining minister, Tom Koutsantonis, “This is a key part to securing Australia’s energy security now and into the future.

Massive Oil Discovery Is Deathblow For Saudis - Money Morning - Only the News You Can Profit From
I thought this was known a couple years ago? Or I'm confusing it with another country...:D
Much of it can't be extracted as its not 'recoverable shale'. It also needs a huge amount of water which isn't available.
Australia is supporting terrorism, Australia needs to be liberated with American democracy ....
according to latest reports, alqaeda is regrouping itself in australia and has made its base in Coober Pedy. :enjoy::usflag:

How much oil does the U.S. get from Iraq ?
enough for obama to take daily bath..... :rofl:
according to latest reports, alqaeda is regrouping itself in australia and has made its base in Coober Pedy. :enjoy::usflag:

enough for obama to take daily bath..... :rofl:

We got 'Star Wars' lame attempt at anti American 'humor'. You're even slower.:usflag:
So I heard Australia is funding Al Quaeda, has a hidden nuclear weapons program and Tony Abott is a bloodthirsty dictator violently oppressing the freedom fighting democracy seeking.... aborigines!
I find it boring to see "OMG! World has changed. Such massive oil recovery! Saudis are dead" ...and at the end, it turns out that the "discovery" was of some shale oil or something else that can not compete with current "oil" either in quality or feasibility.

Saudis produce oil at less than $3 per barrel....Come back to me when Australians find something closer...even $15 per barrel with similar quality would do. But tell then, cheers.
nobody knows the real saudi oil reserves.i dont think arabs will loose this edge in my life.but if they do.it will be a blessing in disuise.atleast there will be no american games in our region.

Ah yes, this old stupid chestnut where we pretend the U.S invades countries for oil when it can easily be bought. zzzzzz :disagree:

Australia is already a democracy.
i heard ausees are making and super secret chemical biological hyper destructive hydrogen powered heliam depleted blue water device to atack america.
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