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Australian billionaire to rebuild the Titanic in China


Jan 31, 2011
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United Kingdom
CNN) -- An Australian mining magnate has commissioned a Chinese shipyard to build a replica of the ill-starred Titanic; complete in every detail but equipped with modern technology to prevent a repeat of the original's fateful maiden voyage 100 years ago.

Clive Palmer, a Queensland mining billionaire with strong links to China, told Australian media that he had signed a memorandum of understanding with CSC Jinling Shipyard to build the ship.

He said construction of the luxury cruise ship would begin next year and the ship would be ready to sail in 2016.

"It will be every bit as luxurious as the original Titanic but of course it will have state-of-the-art 21st century technology and the latest navigation and safety systems," he said in a statement.

The new vessel is due to make its maiden voyage from London to New York in late 2016. The cost of the construction of the new vessel has not been revealed, a spokesman for Palmer told Australian media.

"Of course, it will sink if you put a hole in it," Palmer told a press conference. "It is going to be designed so it won't sink. But, of course, if you are superstitious like you are, you never know what could happen.''

The original Titanic -- the largest ship of its type at the time - sank 100 years ago this month when it struck an iceberg on the night of April 15, 1912, on its maiden voyage from Southampton to New York. More than 1,500 people perished in the disaster which captured the popular imagination since the ship had been vaunted as "unsinkable".

The mining magnate from Queensland owns a luxury resort on Australia's Sunshine Coast and plans to build a fleet of luxury liners.

Australian billionaire to rebuild the Titanic in China - CNN.com
"Of course, it will sink if you put a hole in it," Palmer told a press conference. "It is going to be designed so it won't sink. But, of course, if you are superstitious like you are, you never know what could happen.''

As opposed to the older ships that were designed specifically to sink ......:D
the original one had design flaws that did actually that.

A design flaw?? I beg to differ....... ship builders do not take into account a glancing blow at full speed into an iceberg as one of the design criteria......

now we can argue ad nauseam about it, but I hope you get my point
A design flaw?? I beg to differ....... ship builders do not take into account a glancing blow at full speed into an iceberg as one of the design criteria......

now we can argue ad nauseam about it, but I hope you get my point

Oscar is right you know. Older generation of ships had design flaws that ensured their failure. There have been instances of USN, RN ships breaking apart for no specific reason during the word wars.
Oscar is right you know. Older generation of ships had design flaws that ensured their failure. There have been instances of USN, RN ships breaking apart in for no specific reason during the word wars.

What are you talking about? Humans have been building ships for thousands of years before the Titanic......

Spin it as you wish, but the fact remains Titanic did not sink due to a design flaw, it sunk cos it hit a ******** iceberg........
A design flaw?? I beg to differ....... ship builders do not take into account a glancing blow at full speed into an iceberg as one of the design criteria......

now we can argue ad nauseam about it, but I hope you get my point

Incorrect steel tempering, flood gate design flawed.
Those flaws
What are you talking about? Humans have been building ships for thousands of years before the Titanic......

Spin it as you wish, but the fact remains Titanic did not sink due to a design flaw, it sunk cos it hit a ******** iceberg........

It wasn't a design flaw. Most people did not sink anyway - most of them froze to death. This is because the maritime regulations of that time did not require rescue boats based on # of passengers - they required rescue boats based on tonnage of the liner. Obviously a stupid rule which was changed after this mishap.
What are you talking about? Humans have been building ships for thousands of years before the Titanic......

Spin it as you wish, but the fact remains Titanic did not sink due to a design flaw, it sunk cos it hit a ******** iceberg........

It was a design flaw it didnt take into account iceberge can hit your ship side way or they never thought of reinforce the structure of the ship 3 or 10 feets above if i remember correctly
If you want a replica head toward China :P

Incorrect steel tempering, flood gate design flawed.
Those flaws
The phrasing 'design flaws' are wide open for interpretation, especially in hindsight. Suffice to say that in dealing with (not against) Nature, nothing of man is invulnerable. It would be tough to argue that the designers/builders deliberately ignored the availability of information for them at that time to build what everyone believed to be the best.
Oscar is right you know. Older generation of ships had design flaws that ensured their failure. There have been instances of USN, RN ships breaking apart for no specific reason during the word wars.

There's definitely a reason. The steel formulation they used has a ductile to brittle phase transition temperature near the temperature of cold water. When the steel becomes brittle, it cannot take the stresses that water waves give to them without breaking, so they uh, break.
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