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Australia Urges UN Court to Ban Japan Whale Hunt

The ban is in place- whaling is illegal, however what is lacking is any kind of real enforcement. The Japanese claim their whale hunt is for "scientific/research purposes" with an annual quota of 1000+ whales to be hunted.

As much of the whaling goes on in international waters- no one is really enforcing the ban.

Anyone interested in this should look up the "SEA SHEPARD" group- they're doing great work in disrupting these activities of the Japanese.
My point was that species extinction and global warming are both moral issues.

If one opposes whaling because of species extinction, then the other side can make a case for banning cattle farming because of global warming.

They sure can, but Japan is a big producer and consumer of beef too, so, no moral high ground exists.
I think the worst thing about it is that they pretend the whale hunt is for scientific purposes. also it's happening in Australian Antarctic waters.
The ban is in place- whaling is illegal, however what is lacking is any kind of real enforcement. The Japanese claim their whale hunt is for "scientific/research purposes" with an annual quota of 1000+ whales to be hunted.

As much of the whaling goes on in international waters- no one is really enforcing the ban.

Anyone interested in this should look up the "SEA SHEPARD" group- they're doing great work in disrupting these activities of the Japanese.

Sea Shepard... are a joke, they have their shitty reality show whale wars. And the captain lied about being shot to get ratings.

Loved the south park adapation of it thou.
Sea Shepard... are a joke, they have their shitty reality show whale wars. And the captain lied about being shot to get ratings.

Loved the south park adapation of it thou.

I've watched a few episodes,that captain is a retard,the crew are a bunch of idiots,they never manage to stop the japanese just taggle along and talk big...morons all of them!
Whales are already endangers species.

WTF is with Japanese trying to finish them off?
I asked One of aussie who was chanting anti japan slogan what he eaten in lunch? He said 'Hey Mate, i ravaged beef and pork in lunch'.... Thats funny. Beef and pork eaters fighting for whale. Hights of idiotism.... Australians eats everything. Beef, pork, kangaroo, crocodile etc etc and they against whale eating? Australia not a right country to protest.... And if a aussie says the whale population going down and cow pig croc kangaroo goat population going up so aussie have a right to eat them than please mr smart let us all know where human population going? Up or falling down? If its going up than let us know would aussies eat humans too? Australia aint right country. They are meat eaters. Day and night they eat meat....
I asked One of aussie who was chanting anti japan slogan what he eaten in lunch? He said 'Hey Mate, i ravaged beef and pork in lunch'.... Thats funny. Beef and pork eaters fighting for whale. Hights of idiotism.... Australians eats everything. Beef, pork, kangaroo, crocodile etc etc and they against whale eating? Australia not a right country to protest.... And if a aussie says the whale population going down and cow pig croc kangaroo goat population going up so aussie have a right to eat them than please mr smart let us all know where human population going? Up or falling down? If its going up than let us know would aussies eat humans too? Australia aint right country. They are meat eaters. Day and night they eat meat....

When Human start breeding whale for consumption, your comment will make sense. Just FYI Kangaroo are considered a pest in parts of Australia.
I asked One of aussie who was chanting anti japan slogan what he eaten in lunch? He said 'Hey Mate, i ravaged beef and pork in lunch'.... Thats funny. Beef and pork eaters fighting for whale. Hights of idiotism.... Australians eats everything. Beef, pork, kangaroo, crocodile etc etc and they against whale eating? Australia not a right country to protest.... And if a aussie says the whale population going down and cow pig croc kangaroo goat population going up so aussie have a right to eat them than please mr smart let us all know where human population going? Up or falling down? If its going up than let us know would aussies eat humans too? Australia aint right country. They are meat eaters. Day and night they eat meat....

oh look, its the crazy guy who rants about Australia being controlled by Aliens etc. You've been away for a while.

Maybe you should go away for longer? :disagree:
I think the worst thing about it is that they pretend the whale hunt is for scientific purposes. also it's happening in Australian Antarctic waters.

That's the shameless pretense “for scientific purposes”, I don't think 2000 whales every year for "scientific purposes", search what??? search how to eat whale? any Achievement?When one hunt a whale out sea, it will die in hours, a dead whale has little "scientific meaning" except on dinner table.

Eating beef chicken or other meat is different from eating Wild animal,especially wild rare animals, we can produce as many beef as we can in farm, but we can't make 1 whale while we eat one.
I asked One of aussie who was chanting anti japan slogan what he eaten in lunch? He said 'Hey Mate, i ravaged beef and pork in lunch'.... Thats funny. Beef and pork eaters fighting for whale. Hights of idiotism.... Australians eats everything. Beef, pork, kangaroo, crocodile etc etc and they against whale eating? Australia not a right country to protest.... And if a aussie says the whale population going down and cow pig croc kangaroo goat population going up so aussie have a right to eat them than please mr smart let us all know where human population going? Up or falling down? If its going up than let us know would aussies eat humans too? Australia aint right country. They are meat eaters. Day and night they eat meat....

I love kangaroo meat :D

And did you know scientists believe homo sapiens got their superior intellect (compared to previous human genomes) because they ate so much meat? :D
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