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Australia to buy 58 new F-35 fighter jets


Apr 28, 2011
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Australia to buy 58 new F-35 fighter jets
The F-35 is widely seen as one of the most advanced fighter jets in the world

Australia has approved the purchase of 58 new F-35 fighter jets worth 12.4bn Australian dollars ($11.5bn; £6.8bn).

The new order will take Australia's total F-35 tally to 72.

The government said it would also spend more than A$1.6bn on new facilities at two air bases in the states of New South Wales and the Northern Territory.

Prime Minister Tony Abbott said that the purchase would "ensure our edge as a regional power". He added the deal did not involve any "new spending".

"I want to stress that this is money that has been put aside by government over the past decade or so to ensure that this purchase can responsibly be made," Mr Abbott said.

He added that the government needed to make the purchases "to ensure that our nation's defences remain strong".

The F-35, also known as the Joint Strike Fighter (JSF), is built by Lockheed Martin Corp and is widely seen as one of the most advanced fighter jets.

It has been designed to avoid being detected by radar, making it a key asset to have while trying to penetrate enemy defences.

Australia ordered its first batch of 14 F-35 jets in 2009. The first of those aircraft are scheduled to enter service in 2020.
BBC News - Australia to buy 58 new F-35 fighter jets
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Can you please tell what is the total strength of AAF?
It is not the number alone because the number is quite small compare to other countries with similar GDP, but the quality they had
The eventual number the Aussies is going to purchase is 100 with another 24 optional.

That make the total RAAF strength to

24 FA-18F Super Horner
12 FA-18G Growler
100(+24) F-35 Lighting II

Still, looking at a defense force with 100 or so F-35 is not enough to cover all the sealane and air corridor in and out of Australia.
The eventual number the Aussies is going to purchase is 100 with another 24 optional.

That make the total RAAF strength to

24 FA-18F Super Horner
12 FA-18G Growler
100(+24) F-35 Lighting II

Still, looking at a defense force with 100 or so F-35 is not enough to cover all the sealane and air corridor in and out of Australia.

How many potential enemies do they have who can project airpower onto Australian shores? I suppose China, once it has carriers, can do so.
By 2015, we'll get the 2 initially ordered aircraft. And 116 remaining will be started to be delivered by 2016..:smokin:
How many potential enemies do they have who can project airpower onto Australian shores? I suppose China, once it has carriers, can do so.

If you count potential enemy, then none.

But does that mean we should disband Australian defense force because we have no potential enemy and it's just a waste of time and money??

When you talking about defending a country, you talking about defend ALL ENEMY. Not just anyone near. As you may know, we all may not have the comfort of living next door to North Korea and other crazy country.
Turkey is also buying these fighters.Looks like America will get back whatever it spent on F35.

Congratulations to Australia.!!
If you count potential enemy, then none.

But does that mean we should disband Australian defense force because we have no potential enemy and it's just a waste of time and money??

When you talking about defending a country, you talking about defend ALL ENEMY. Not just anyone near. As you may know, we all may not have the comfort of living next door to North Korea and other crazy country.

Don't gloat about it to me - I'm Indian, you know what that means as far as neighbours go.:rolleyes:

No, Australia shouldn't disband its forces, they may need them some time against someone. What I'm saying is that even if they have enemies in future, nobody can project aerial power onto Australian shores, barring the USA. No air force has the reach or range to threaten Australia, "down under". So the small number of very high quality jets they have may be enough, even though it is a large country. India is about the same size geographically, but needs eight times as many just to be safe from potential threats.

Why build a large air force if no other country's airpower can reach them?

Turkey is also buying these fighters.Looks like America will get back whatever it spent on F35.

Congratulations to Australia.!!
Get back? They will make a frigging helluva profit, as they always do with their succesful military hardware.
Don't gloat about it to me - I'm Indian, you know what that means as far as neighbours go.:rolleyes:

No, Australia shouldn't disband its forces, they may need them some time against someone. What I'm saying is that even if they have enemies in future, nobody can project aerial power onto Australian shores, barring the USA. No air force has the reach or range to threaten Australia, "down under". So the small number of very high quality jets they have may be enough, even though it is a large country. India is about the same size geographically, but needs eight times as many just to be safe from potential threats.

Why build a large air force if no other country's airpower can reach them?

Get back? They will make a frigging helluva profit, as they always do with their succesful military hardware.

Am I gloating? I thought I as asking a simple question. If you feel offended by it, then I am sorry for making you feel that way.

Problem with a small air force (Australia have a small air force) it's not just air space monitoring would be a problem, but also sea lane and even law enforcement effort on our EEZ would also be hindered.

The question itself should not be "Are there any air power can reach us?" But rather "If there are, can we detect and counter them on time?"

Even US can bomb Japan with surprise right after Pearl harbor which many in Japanese camp would think it's impossible, nothing is impossible. it's a matter of imagination and a will to make it come true. Now I am not saying any country would act suicidal and bomb us with a one way trip like that. But that is a scenario we would not want to discount when it does matter.

130-150 fighter for a landmass of Australia, you will most definitely find heck a lot of blind spot without coverage.
Am I gloating? I thought I as asking a simple question. If you feel offended by it, then I am sorry for making you feel that way.
I wasn't offended, that smiley was intended to convey the fact that I was making a light hearted comment.

Wouldn't the seven AEWACs and ground based radars help in ensuring coverage?
Was listening to ex vice Marshal RAAF today on radio, according to him it's not a good decision. Said something along the lines...

"F35 on its own is as good as dead, it needs to be supplemented by the likes of F22. Russian and Chinese fighters can eat F35 for breakfast".
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Was listening to ex vice Marshal RAAF today on radio, according to him it's not a good decision. Said something along the lines...

"F35 on its own is as good as dead, it needs to be supplemented by the likes of F22. Russian and Chinese fighters can eat F35 for breakfast".

but then if you say so, then Australia on its own is also as good as dead, Russian and Chinese Troop would eat Australian troop like breakfast, then why bother with the defense.

Or you can honestly look me in the face and say we have a chance alone if Russia or Chinese decided to invade Australia with full force?

I wasn't offended, that smiley was intended to convey the fact that I was making a light hearted comment.

Wouldn't the seven AEWACs and ground based radars help in ensuring coverage?

ground base radar only cover so much away from shore, after that the reading rate will degrade.

7 AWACS is not remotely enough to send thru a 360 degree perimeter. Do remember Australia is an Island, literally enemy can enter with all 360 degree field of opportunities
but then if you say so, then Australia on its own is also as good as dead, Russian and Chinese Troop would eat Australian troop like breakfast, then why bother with the defense.

Or you can honestly look me in the face and say we have a chance alone if Russia or Chinese decided to invade Australia with full force?

ground base radar only cover so much away from shore, after that the reading rate will degrade.

7 AWACS is not remotely enough to send thru a 360 degree perimeter. Do remember Australia is an Island, literally enemy can enter with all 360 degree field of opportunities
It doesn't have to be russia or china, their fighters are sold to many other countries.

I think the point he was trying to make was that we should try to get something else too. F35 on their own won't cut it!!
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