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Australia in hot water over 'very serious breach'

... Another idiot who posts nothing of substance but just screams "RACIST RACIST" There is nothing "racist" about stopping criminals.

Countries like Indonesia think they can get their way by screaming "Racist" to try to shame western countries into going there way, but it simply doesnt work.

What's the going price for a dead Aborigine/Asian versus one captured alive these days?
Indonesian Government must first arrest the human smugglers who are operating from their land & carrying the refugees from their home countries by boats & smuggling them into Australia for money.
Research on what? You sound desparate for OZ acceptance. Preet Bharara brown sepoy syndrome.
Acceptance? Ha, I'm an Australian Citizen & happily placed too. But I've seen some people just blabbing their mouths off without a clue of the situation.
Acceptance? Ha, I'm an Australian Citizen & happily placed too. But I've seen some people just blabbing their mouths off without a clue of the situation.
I can see the effect of your citizenship dude. Have some self esteem. The least you can do is lay off such topics so you dont embarrass yourself.
I can see the effect of your citizenship dude. Have some self esteem. The least you can do is lay off such topics so you dont embarrass yourself.
What esteem are you talking about? we are discussing Indonesia & Australia. Where do you fit in? You flaunting your limited knowledge & racial slur is an insult to the Indians
Research on what? You sound desparate for OZ acceptance. Preet Bharara brown sepoy syndrome.

I would rather be a Brown Sepoy, than support a family implicated in cases of corruption and Human right violations.
Sure, but they are not suppose to be assisting criminal organizations in smuggling them through our borders. Indonesian police and military openly assist these criminals in exchange for payments and refuse to stop them.

We happily accept refugees that go through the propper channels. We reject illegal fake refugees who come by boat from Indonesia with the assistance of criminals. If we were to get out of the convention, we would be labled "racist"

Here we go with the racism once again. Race doesn't have anything to do with this topic, nor is Australia a "white" country. You clearly have no idea about Australia.

We take in 13,000 refugees a year. We however don't accept illegal bogus refugees that breach our borders by boat. You are once again WRONG.

We are bigots because we don't allow people to breach our borders? Yeh right. Indonesia are bigots, you don't even take in any asylum seekers but instead use them as a money making tool.

Bogus asylum seekers who are smuggled into Australian waters illegally by Indonesian criminal people smugglers will never be accepted. Our border sovereignty has been restored, Indonesia can yell and scream all it wants. End of story.

Another idiot who posts nothing of substance but just screams "RACIST RACIST" There is nothing "racist" about stopping criminals.

Countries like Indonesia think they can get their way by screaming "Racist" to try to shame western countries into going there way, but it simply doesnt work.

FYI, 90% of those boat people are found to be genuine refugee, not bogus as you claim. See: Boat people genuine refugees

What do you mean by proper channel? The UNHCR has stated they were not criminals but asylum seeker. The convention has clearly stated that asylum seeker coming without VISA or permit are not illegal. Indonesia did not sign UN convention and does not guarantee their rights and in legal terms, they receive no freedom.
Article 31:
. The Contracting States shall not impose penalties, on account of their illegal entry or presence, on refugees who, coming directly from a territory where their life or freedom was threatened in the sense of article i, enter or are present in their territory without authorization, provided they present themselves without delay to the authorities and show good cause for their illegal entry or presence.

2. The Contracting States shall not apply to the movements of such refugees restrictions other than those which are necessary and such restrictions shall only be applied until their status in the country is regularized or they obtain admission into another country. The Contracting States shall allow such refugees a reasonable period and all the necessary facilities to obtain admission into another country.

Austalia contradict the very convention it sign.

As legal experts from Monash University said:

Explainer: the legal implications of 'tow-backs'
"As discussed in a previous article, refugees have differing rights under the convention depending on their connection to Australia. Certain rights are triggered only when refugees are in Australia or even when they are lawfully in Australia (for example, when they are given a visa).

Other rights, however, come into play at the point when Australia starts to exercise power over refugees. During “tow-backs” at sea, this point could be reached when Australia transfers refugees onto its own vessels or takes control of boats that the refugees are travelling on. At the point Australia takes control of the refugees, it exercises “jurisdiction” over them and becomes responsible for them.

Rights owed by Australia to refugees it tows back (on the high seas or even in Indonesian waters) include the right of access to the courts of Australia and the right of refugees to elementary education. The most important right, however, is the right to be protected from being returned to persecution.

Australia is prohibited from sending refugees back to a place where their lives or freedom would be threatened. Australia is also prohibited from sending refugees back to a place that may not protect them.
That is, Australia cannot take refugees back to Indonesia because Indonesia is not a party to the Refugee Convention. There is therefore nothing stopping Indonesia from returning the refugees to their home countries where they face persecution. As such, Australia cannot simply wash its hands of the individuals it tows back."
What esteem are you talking about? we are discussing Indonesia & Australia. Where do you fit in? You flaunting your limited knowledge & racial slur is an insult to the Indians
No you shallow human being. We are discussing the larger issue of white Australias reluctance in accepting people into their country. People who have far more moral and territorial rights to that continent than the white trash that rules it. try and get that through your think outer shell.

Indians who can afford college there and settle there need to grow a pair of balls and start acting like equal citizens and not be subservient slaves. Stop towing around white australias human rights bullshit lines and call a spade a spade.
Yeah. About time Australia disbanded Army and accepted Indian suzerainity. :big_boss: . That is the best way to protect Indonesian territorial claims.
I would rather be a Brown Sepoy, than support a family implicated in cases of corruption and Human right violations.
Yes most PIO's living abroad would. Its more convenient to be passive. And please dont drop hints on laws in the west. I've lived and worked there enough to know that even Mr. Preet Bharara himself is nothing more than a second class citizen serving his white master (btw, so is Obama). I paid New York State taxes for 5 bloody years till it came the time to sign an application for a greencard. Tore it up and came back here. Because I understand the misery of a subservient life. Enjoy it all you PIO's. After all you only have to dodge your own guilt. You dont have to defend it in court.;)
No you shallow human being. We are discussing the larger issue of white Australias reluctance in accepting people into their country. People who have far more moral and territorial rights to that continent than the white trash that rules it. try and get that through your think outer shell.

Indians who can afford college there and settle there need to grow a pair of balls and start acting like equal citizens and not be subservient slaves. Stop towing around white australias human rights bullshit lines and call a spade a spade.

This is exactly what I said earlier your knowledge on the subject is limited. In fact you don't seem to know anything about Australia except maybe what the sensational seeking media has fed you. For your information there is less of racial discrimination here than what is found in India & other countries in the South Asia. But of'course I don't expect the likes of you to know that.
Australian Prime Minister should immedeately fly to Delhi and explain to the Indian PM the reasons behind this unacceptable behavior!
Thats your response to the points I made. That I am ill informed? How shallow are you man?

This is exactly what I said earlier your knowledge on the subject is limited. In fact you don't seem to know anything about Australia except maybe what the sensational seeking media has fed you. For your information there is less of racial discrimination here than what is found in India & other countries in the South Asia. But of'course I don't expect the likes of you to know that.
Thats your response to the points I made. That I am ill informed? How shallow are you man?
We are talking about human smugglers based in Indonesia trafficking people illegally for money into Australia (most of these are not refugees but those who want to come here illegally) just like the Bangladeshi influx into India. If you justifies this, then you should be okay with the Bangladeshis crossing illegally into India.

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