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Julie Bishop apologises to Indonesiaover breach of territorial waters

January 18, 2014

Foreign Minister Julie Bishop has personally apologised to her Indonesian counterpart, Dr Marty Natalegawa, over revelations Australian ships repeatedly breached Indonesian territorial waters in asylum seeker operations.

Indonesia said on Friday it would send a navy frigate to bolster its southern defences, and demanded Australia immediately stop turning asylum seekers' boats back to its territory.

In Perth, Ms Bishop confirmed she had contacted Dr Natalegawa to express Australia's regret for its actions.


HMAS Stuart is believed to be one of three Australian navy ships to have entered Indonesian waters.

"I have contacted him in writing," Ms Bishop said.

"I've sent a written apology on behalf of the Australian Government and also personally."

She would not discuss the contents of the letter, beyond saying she had apologised for the "inadvertent breaches" of Indonesia's territorial waters.


Staying tight lipped over the incursions: Lieutenant-General Angus Campbell, left, and the Immigration Minister Scott Morrison. Photo: Andrew Meares

"It is Australian government policy to respect Indonesia's territorial waters and that is our intention, that is what we will do," she said.

Anger is growing in Indonesia after it was revealed Australian ships repeatedly breached Indonesian territorial waters.

Australian navy and customs ships are suspected of having crossed Indonesia's 12-nautical-mile limit at least five times in the past month.

In response, Indonesia on Friday said it would step up its own maritime patrols in a move that could heighten the risk of confrontation.

"The government of Indonesia has the right to protect its sovereignty and territorial integrity in accordance with international laws and the charter of the United Nations," said Agus Barnas, the spokesman for the Co-ordinating Ministry of Political, Legal and Security Affairs.

The English-language newspaper Jakarta Globe ran a front-page headline thundering "A Deplorable Act", and observed: "In self-defence: Indonesia sends more naval vessels to its southern borders after Australian ships breach Indonesian waters".

Asked whether she was tiring of apologising to Dr Natalegawa, Ms Bishop said: "We are in regular communication. We are working together for the shared purpose of ensuring the people smuggling [model] is dismantled but also that the Australia-Indonesia relationship can strengthen. That's our shared purpose."

Meanwhile, Indonesian president Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono has revealed in a new book he felt betrayed by Tony Abbott over November's spying affair, describing Mr Abbott as his best friend.

In the book, titled Selalu Ada Pilihan (There is Always a Choice), President Yudhoyono writes of a deep sense of regret over the spying controversy, which emerged in November, when relations between Indonesia and Australia were on a high.

"When my best friend Tony Abbott made several statements before the Australian parliament suggesting the case was normal and refused to apologise, I could no longer stay silent," Dr Yudhoyono wrote in the book.

with AAP

Julie Bishop apologises to Indonesia over breach of territorial waters
95% of Australia's land is uninhabitable.......
Oh...said someone who came from the region where "these people" came from. The core of the problem lies within the countries where these people came from, most of them are south asians + some of countries with "an" and "tan" in the end of their countrys name.. If only their government could keep its people from fleeing, that would be great.

Anyway, Indonesia has a strong reason to let go of this people, I mean we already have 240 million people and we are not even a continent, we are not interested in adding that number. Meanwhile a vast empty continent to our shout is only populated by some 20-25 million people. Why so greedy?

Are you for real ? Is Australia forced to take in immigrants just because they have landmass? GTFO !! It's their country and they can close the borders to arriving boats whenever they want.
Are you for real ? Is Australia forced to take in immigrants just because they have landmass? GTFO !! It's their country and they can close the borders to arriving boats whenever they want.

No idiot, that's more like a moral question regarding Australian govt acts towards asylum seekers.

And so is Indonesia, Indonesia has every right to let these boat people get the **** out of our borders, eventhough it means letting these refugees enter Australian waters.
Indonesia clearly doesn't respect Australias sovereignty. Luckily Australia has a new government that has a backbone and will stop these criminal people smugglers from smuggling bogus refugees illegally into our country.
Indonesia clearly doesn't respect Australias sovereignty. Luckily Australia has a new government that has a backbone and will stop these criminal people smugglers from smuggling bogus refugees illegally into our country.

We respect your sovereignity, since at least the 70's Indonesia had never officially and intentionally incursed Australian borders but Indonesia is not your front office, nor has Indonesia any responsibility (not a signatory of Refugee Convention) from preventing Asylum seekers enter Australian water.

In contrast to Indonesia, Australia has intentionally and officially (since navy is an official organ of a government and there's nothing happened with the navy without Canberra knowing it) incursed Indonesian border and that happened after the downturn of diplomatic relation between two countries 4 months ago. And also Abbot's rethorics have been offending Indonesia more than Indonesia could take.

So, who is not respecting who, you tell me.

But I do congratulate Australia, its Abbot has succeeded in excalating the scrutiny between Indonesia and Australia.

Navy strengthens patrols at border with Australia | The Jakarta Post
Air Force casts its eyes on borders with Australia | The Jakarta Post

Should we call for it Konfrontasi 2.0 ?
Let's starting a new arm races huh? since 1965 Indonesia has sleep so soundly, Indonesia right now must flexes her muscle once again, oh yes we had an election in April, maybe some hardliner candidate will fill it. How about we call it Trikora 2.0? :chilli:
It's clear that Indonesia is moving to a hostile footing as it refuses to stop sending boats to breach Australia's territory and is now building up its marine corps which are used as a first off the boat invasion force.

The U.S should immediately stop providing Indonesian with military equipment and Australia should immediately stop training Indonesian special forces as Indonesia is making its hostile intentions clear.

According to The Jakarta Post , Indonesia is greatly expanding its Marine Corps.

The nation is reportedly awaiting the delivery of 30 F-16 fighters, a dozen Apache attack helicopters and 103 Leopard battle tanks from the US and Germany, and is purchasing a dozen Russian submarines armed with cruise missiles.

We respect your sovereignity, since at least the 70's Indonesia had never officially and intentionally incursed Australian borders but Indonesia is not your front office, nor has Indonesia any responsibility (not a signatory of Refugee Convention) from preventing Asylum seekers enter Australian water.

Actually Indonesia does have a responsibility. Indonesia is allowing criminal organizations to breach our border by using Indonesian Territory as a launching pad for the boats.

if roles were reversed and boats were coming from Australia with illegal immigrants, the Australian government would make every effort to stop them. Australia makes every effort to stop criminal drug smugglers from smuggling drugs into Indonesia, imagine if the Australian government said "meh, not our problem, it's your problem" and allowed drug smugglers to freely fly to Indonesia with drugs?

But I do congratulate Australia, its Abbot has succeeded in excalating the scrutiny between Indonesia and Australia.

It's not Abbots fault. Indonesia is purposely chest thumping and escalating things because of the upcoming Indonesian election. Australia is acting civil and not Hostile but then Indonesia responds with hostility as proven by these recent reports that Indonesia is now building up it's military.

Indonesia will just need to accept that Australias borders will never ever be controlled by Indonesian criminal people smugglers.
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It's clear that Indonesia is moving to a hostile footing as it refuses to stop sending boats to breach Australia's territory and is now building up its marine corps which are used as a first off the boat invasion force.

Indonesia is obligated under non-refoulement clause to not send asylum seekers back to their country of origins. It is Australia who breached international agreement. Why did Australia sign the UN Convention regarding refugee in the first place? If you don't want them, withdraw from the convention. Australia just want to position its image of noble white countri, while in fact they don't want to accept refugee from Sri Lanka and Middle East. The Tampa affair has shown the world how bigotted is Australia pointing finger to Indonesia even East Timor, while as UNHCR said it was the Australia pime responsibility.

Explainer: the legal implications of 'tow-backs'
"Australia has voluntarily signed and ratified the United Nations Refugee Convention, which gives certain rights to refugees “towed-back” by Australia. The convention defines a refugee as an individual who is outside his or her country and is fleeing persecution. This may be as a result of his or her race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group or political opinion.

Asylum seekers who do not have a well-founded fear of persecution are not granted any rights under the convention. However, until asylum seekers have undergone a fair and effective process to accurately identify whether or not they are refugees, they should all be granted rights under the convention. This is to ensure that those asylum seekers who are indeed refugees are not wrongly denied rights

Actually Indonesia does have a responsibility. Indonesia is allowing criminal organizations to breach our border by using Indonesian Territory as a launching pad for the boats.

Indonesia consider them asylum seekers, as long as they have not been determined the status, they're protected by the UN convention regarding refugees right. As a non-signatory country, Indonesia has a commitment of non-refoulement not to send them back to their country of origin, nor will Indonesia intercept their journey towards signatory country like Australia.
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Indonesia are obligated under non-refoulement clause to not send asylum seekers back to their country of origins.

Sure, but they are not suppose to be assisting criminal organizations in smuggling them through our borders. Indonesian police and military openly assist these criminals in exchange for payments and refuse to stop them.

Why did Australia sign the UN Convention regarding refugee in the first place? If you don't want them, withdraw from the convention.

We happily accept refugees that go through the propper channels. We reject illegal fake refugees who come by boat from Indonesia with the assistance of criminals. If we were to get out of the convention, we would be labled "racist"

Australia just want to position its image of noble white countriy,
Here we go with the racism once again. Race doesn't have anything to do with this topic, nor is Australia a "white" country. You clearly have no idea about Australia.

while in fact they don't want to accept refugee from Sri Lanka and Middle East.
We take in 13,000 refugees a year. We however don't accept illegal bogus refugees that breach our borders by boat. You are once again WRONG.

The Tampa affair has shown the world how bigotted is Australia pointing finger to Indonesia even East Timor, while as UNHCR said it was the Australia pime responsibility.

We are bigots because we don't allow people to breach our borders? Yeh right. Indonesia are bigots, you don't even take in any asylum seekers but instead use them as a money making tool.

Bogus asylum seekers who are smuggled into Australian waters illegally by Indonesian criminal people smugglers will never be accepted. Our border sovereignty has been restored, Indonesia can yell and scream all it wants. End of story.

Racist Australia as always.

Maybe the ethnic Europeans can go back to their beloved countries and take care of their queen?

Another idiot who posts nothing of substance but just screams "RACIST RACIST" There is nothing "racist" about stopping criminals.

Countries like Indonesia think they can get their way by screaming "Racist" to try to shame western countries into going there way, but it simply doesnt work.
They'll manage. Insecure much?

These convicts have no issues allowing any number of whites into their country giving them instant citizenship, but when a poorer race wants to get in, not enough land.
They'll manage. Insecure much?

These convicts have no issues allowing any number of whites into their country giving them instant citizenship, but when a poorer race wants to get in, not enough land.

I think you better do some research before you blabber. Don't need to increase your posts by posting silly things in a thread where knowledge is nil.
Indonesia clearly doesn't respect Australias sovereignty. Luckily Australia has a new government that has a backbone and will stop these criminal people smugglers from smuggling bogus refugees illegally into our country.
Do Indonesia and Australia share common territorial water boundary? If not, then Indonesia is just letting people go to International waters, not to Australian territorial waters.
I think you better do some research before you blabber. Don't need to increase your posts by posting silly things in a thread where knowledge is nil.

Research on what? You sound desparate for OZ acceptance. Preet Bharara brown sepoy syndrome.

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