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Australia Backs Sri Lanka CHOGM

Lankan Ranger

Aug 9, 2009
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Australia Backs Sri Lanka CHOGM

Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott won't be joining other world leaders in a boycott of the Commonwealth summit, saying Australia shouldn't be giving lectures to other countries about human rights.

British PM David Cameron have resisted domestic political pressure not to make the trip, arguing it is better to engage Sri Lanka rather than isolate it.

Abbott, who will be in Colombo on Friday after the first week of parliament in Canberra, said he respected the Commonwealth as an institution.

"I certainly don't want us to trash one of the very long-standing and important bodies that we are a senior member of," Abbott said on Monday.

Sri Lanka had been through a horrific civil war involving atrocities on both sides, but he was "not inclined to go overseas and give other countries lectures".

"My understanding is that ordinary civil society is resuming in the Tamil parts of Sri Lanka," he said.

"I will be urging the Sri Lankan government to respect everyone's rights but I will also be acknowledging a lot of progress has been made." Abbott said Sri Lanka had been cooperative with Australia needed to maintain the "best possible relations" with the country.

The foreign affairs minister, Julie Bishop, who will also be in Colombo this week, said she was encouraging all Commonwealth nations to attend the CHOGM and engage with Sri Lanka. "Progress has been made, but there's clearly more to be done," she said.

Australia won’t give other countries HR lectures: Abbott | Breaking News
I find Australian approach more coherent and respectful. Sure there were atrocities from both sides. But how else to finish a long-running & bloody civil war, particularly when LTTE was unsparing and very ruthless.

I think that Canada has some ethnic Tamil population for whose sake Canadian PM is shunning this conference. As far as Manmohan Singh's troubling conscience is concerned, it can smell votes from Tamil Nadu.
I find Australian approach more coherent and respectful. Sure there were atrocities from both sides. But how else to finish a long-running & bloody civil war, particularly when LTTE was unsparing and very ruthless.

I think that Canada has some ethnic Tamil population for whose sake Canadian PM is shunning this conference. As far as Manmohan Singh's troubling conscience is concerned, it can smell votes from Tamil Nadu.

Not "some" Mate.. Freaking 400,000 alone riding in Toronto, Scarborough and Mississauga districts alone.. Maybe another 300,000 all over the rest of Canada (LTTE Diaspora not Indian Tamils).. And Elections are early next year and Harper is playing the gallery for the votes

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