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Audio leaks saga: Latest clip features PTI's Yasmin Rashid, Lahore CCPO


Sep 26, 2018
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A new audio clip, purportedly featuring Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) leader Yasmin Rashid and Lahore Capital City Police Officer (CCPO) Ghulam Mahmood Dogar, surfaced on Saturday — the latest in the audio leaks saga.

The audio leak comes a day after the cop's reinstatement by the Supreme Court to the Lahore CCPO's post with the suspension of his transfer orders issued by the Punjab caretaker setup.

A woman, believed to be Rashid, is heard asking the second voice of a male, believed to be Dogar, how he was and if he was doing okay. The man responds that he is well.

The woman then asks if there was any "good news" and if the "order" had been placed, to which Dogar responds that the orders had not been received yet.

She responds that she is only asking to find out what "their intention is". Making an apparent reference to PTI Chairman Imran Khan, she says he was "concerned" about Dogar's reinstatement.

The man assures the woman that he had his "man [sitting] at the apex court".

Here is the remaining transcript of the conversation:

Yasmin: ‘I said… I said that according to my reports, he hasn’t received [orders] as yet’.

Dogar: ‘Yes, not yet.. it will come [received] at night, the post will come after signing’.

Yasmin: ‘Will our night pass in silence? I’m just asking […]’.

Dogar: ‘Yes, Allah will do better’.

Yasmin: ‘I said [I asked] a difficult question to you as soon as I came'.

The conversation concluded with greeting remarks between the two.
A new audio clip, purportedly featuring Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) leader Yasmin Rashid and Lahore Capital City Police Officer (CCPO) Ghulam Mahmood Dogar, surfaced on Saturday — the latest in the audio leaks saga.

The audio leak comes a day after the cop's reinstatement by the Supreme Court to the Lahore CCPO's post with the suspension of his transfer orders issued by the Punjab caretaker setup.

A woman, believed to be Rashid, is heard asking the second voice of a male, believed to be Dogar, how he was and if he was doing okay. The man responds that he is well.

The woman then asks if there was any "good news" and if the "order" had been placed, to which Dogar responds that the orders had not been received yet.

She responds that she is only asking to find out what "their intention is". Making an apparent reference to PTI Chairman Imran Khan, she says he was "concerned" about Dogar's reinstatement.

The man assures the woman that he had his "man [sitting] at the apex court".

Here is the remaining transcript of the conversation:

Yasmin: ‘I said… I said that according to my reports, he hasn’t received [orders] as yet’.

Dogar: ‘Yes, not yet.. it will come [received] at night, the post will come after signing’.

Yasmin: ‘Will our night pass in silence? I’m just asking […]’.

Dogar: ‘Yes, Allah will do better’.

Yasmin: ‘I said [I asked] a difficult question to you as soon as I came'.

The conversation concluded with greeting remarks between the two.

The country is bankrupt that is from your khawaja asif, now these audio leaks aren't going to help your cause, people need to eat and stay alive that is what matters most.
Whole PDM is corrupt to the core and dozens of videos and audios with judges and criminals, hence they are all killable
A new audio clip, purportedly featuring Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) leader Yasmin Rashid and Lahore Capital City Police Officer (CCPO) Ghulam Mahmood Dogar, surfaced on Saturday — the latest in the audio leaks saga.

The audio leak comes a day after the cop's reinstatement by the Supreme Court to the Lahore CCPO's post with the suspension of his transfer orders issued by the Punjab caretaker setup.

A woman, believed to be Rashid, is heard asking the second voice of a male, believed to be Dogar, how he was and if he was doing okay. The man responds that he is well.

The woman then asks if there was any "good news" and if the "order" had been placed, to which Dogar responds that the orders had not been received yet.

She responds that she is only asking to find out what "their intention is". Making an apparent reference to PTI Chairman Imran Khan, she says he was "concerned" about Dogar's reinstatement.

The man assures the woman that he had his "man [sitting] at the apex court".

Here is the remaining transcript of the conversation:

Yasmin: ‘I said… I said that according to my reports, he hasn’t received [orders] as yet’.

Dogar: ‘Yes, not yet.. it will come [received] at night, the post will come after signing’.

Yasmin: ‘Will our night pass in silence? I’m just asking […]’.

Dogar: ‘Yes, Allah will do better’.

Yasmin: ‘I said [I asked] a difficult question to you as soon as I came'.

The conversation concluded with greeting remarks between the two.
Honestly, what is so special about this leak...She asked if police action against her party...

Latest audio leak aimed at sabotaging JIT probing Wazirabad attack: Imran Khan

February 19, 2023

<p>Former prime minister Imran Khan and PTI leader Dr Yasmin Rashid in a televised address on February 19, 2023.  — Screengrab</p>

Former prime minister Imran Khan and PTI leader Dr Yasmin Rashid in a televised address on February 19, 2023. — Screengrab
Former prime minister Imran Khan said on Sunday that an audio clip featuring a conversation between Dr Yasmin Rashid and ex-Lahore police chief Ghulam Mahmood Dogar was aimed at sabotaging the Joint Investigation Team (JIT) probing the attempt on his life.

In the leaked audio, the PTI leader is speaking to the police officer asking if he had received the posting orders after he was reinstated as the Lahore capital police officer (CCPO) by a Supreme Court bench on Friday. As per the audio clip, the police officer replied that no orders had reached him.

The former Punjab health minister, without naming anyone, stated that she had made the phone call to find out what “their intentions are”. Making an apparent reference to Imran, she conveyed that he was “concerned” about the issues surrounding the reinstatement of the former Lahore police chief.

Dogar replied that the files would be signed after the court time and his people were sitting there to receive the orders. She said that she had told Imran that Dogar had yet to receive the orders.

In the conversation, Rashid asked the police officer if “their night would be passed quietly”. As Dogar hesitated for a moment, the PTI leader quickly quipped that she had posed a “difficult question right at the outset”.

The police officer responded that hopefully, everything would be fine.

It is pertinent to mention that this audio clip was the latest addition in the series of audio leaks surrounding Dogar, as only a couple of days former chief minister Chaudhry Parvez Elahi’s conversation with his lawyer about Dogar’s case was leaked on social media.

In a televised address on Sunday, the PTI chairman linked the audio clips to an attempt to sabotage the investigation into the attack on his life in Wazirabad last year.

Speaking alongside Rashid, he said that all the officials included in the JIT were removed and some were “blackmailed into resigning” but Dogar stood his ground and told the court that there were three attackers involved in the incident.

It should be noted that several PTI leaders, including Imran, have reiterated that the attack was a part of a “well-coordinated” plan executed by at least three shooters to eliminate the former premier.
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