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Attack on Srilankan cricket team in Lahore

I don't know why it has to be india. Behind this act of terror.
And even if India is involved lets wait for the investigation to finish. Before making hateful remarks to Indians.
I for myself can tell you i was in my gym today and there were 50 people who got around the television. out of those 2 people said look what pakistan has done and rest all said - This is hype and pakistan should fight abck. everybody condemned this act of terror.
Statement currently being issued says:

The security arrangement was good enough to halt the attack but we didn't expect such a heavy attack, neither that many attackers fully equipped with modern weaponry, rocket launchers, gernades, machine guns, etc.. It was a well planned attack and investigation is currently being done..its too early to give any statements on who is responsible or behind the attack.

Well take the easy route, learn from your elder sister (India) and blame India just like India blames us Pakistani's for every act of terrorism.....hell they blame us for all unwanted pregnancies in their country as well so why can't we blame them for something that only India stood to gain?
Let me take the opportunity to salute the Heroism of the five Police Jawans, who were martyred in this attack.

Their bravery certaily saved the lives of some of the Sri Lankans and other Pakistani civilians.

Everything possible must be done for their families.
The Australian Cricketers’ Association said the attack on the Sri Lankan team would have a “lasting impact” on the game in Pakistan.

"It is one of those things, you know the risk is pretty large in that part of the world in Pakistan, but there has always been a belief that sports people will not be targeted and I am just stunned," ACA’s chief Paul Marsh told AFP. "It is very sad that it has come to this for all the cricketers and Pakistan cricket in particular. This is not their doing but I am sure the fallout from this is going to have a lasting impact on Pakistan cricket and the future of the game in Pakistan."
I don't know why it has to be india. Behind this act of terror.
And even if India is involved lets wait for the investigation to finish. Before making hateful remarks to Indians.
I for myself can tell you i was in my gym today and there were 50 people who got around the television. out of those 2 people said look what pakistan has done and rest all said - This is hype and pakistan should fight abck. everybody condemned this act of terror.

Your sentiments are.......appreciated. But your insight leaves a lot to be desired. Who in their right minds can truly and honestly say that this was the work of anybody or any country other then RAW and India? Honestly!
hmm, the RPG were used?

The RPG all missed though! Could have been intentional. Unless they're incompetent terrorists.

The goal wasn't to kill the Sri Lankan players imo. The goal was to scare away cricket, and hit the Pak economy. It worked.

The footage I've been watching has been showing something that looked like a LAW instead of an RPG. It could've been a Mortar tube, but it was quite pixelated because I'm following the news on live Internet Tv.
Well take the easy route, learn from your elder sister (India) and blame India just like India blames us Pakistani's for every act of terrorism.....hell they blame us for all unwanted pregnancies in their country as well so why can't we blame them for something that only India stood to gain?

No one will take you seriously, only credibility Pak has is action. This denial has gotten yout into this mess. Continue to blame India, and you'll begin losing support in the subcontinent. Thanks to Pakistan we have now also lost the world cup.
Nabeel Gabool- the provinicial minister says that we have no doubt about it that india is involved...its on Geo-tv.

where are we heading?
Could be Tamil Tigers, but be also advised that Tamil Tigers are trained and equipped by RAW to destabilize Sri Lankan Govt., It is highly possible that RAW killed 2 birds with a very small arrow!

None of the international teams were willing to visit Pakistan. Australia and India had recently canceled their trips at which point the Sri Lankan team came to rescue Pakistan. They, in the process, invited the wrath of India yet continued with their plans of tour facing considerable opposition. And RAW decided to teach them a lesson. It was the perfect opportunity and they have served a crippling blow with minimal force.

So much for our intelligence and elite police units! They may just as well serve as practice targets!

Now ISI must ensure that Cricket never takes place in India for as long as it doesn't take place in Pakistan!

come on guys,

We just play cricket ,nothing else.If we want to held ICC tournament in our sub continent,we(sri lankan,Pakistanis & Indians) have to work as brothers.As a srilankan ,I and my country is suffering with what happens today.NO NEED OF ANY MORE.Anyway,We ,sri lankans won't allow u to be isollated.
Long live Pakistan:cheers:
Nabeel Gabool- the provinicial minister says that we have no doubt about it that india is involved...its on Geo-tv.

where are we heading?

silly on his part to comment without any proof.
Your sentiments are.......appreciated. But your insight leaves a lot to be desired. Who in their right minds can truly and honestly say that this was the work of anybody or any country other then RAW and India? Honestly!

It can be LTTE or Indian mujahidin or al quida or lashkar e toiba kind of organizations ( for making a statement about Pakistani response to mumbai attack.
And sir for your information Pakistan is not a small country who will let it happen and forget it.
This is wound right on Pakistan's pride or self respect i bet pakistan wont let it go and If any Indians are involved they wont be spared!!!!!!
Wether Bharat supports tthese terrorists or not, is not the Question. The fact is, that the pepetrators seem to be from our country, living in our country and are hell bent on destroying our country.

IMRAN KHAN, today you might have had to eat your words. People like him, who are apologists for the terrorists, should be put in jail. And all such journalists, and do gooders. Only when these fifth columnists are silenced, can the security forces go ahead and do their job.
come on guys,

,We ,sri lankans won't allow u to be isollated.
Long live Pakistan:cheers:

So do we.

I remember when Pakistani embassy was attacked in Sri Lanka, the Sri Lankan force personnel sacrificed their lives to save our envoy.

Here our brave policemen sacrificed their lives and saved Sri Lankan cricketers.

Inshallah despite efforts of war mongers Pak-Sri Lanka will continue their cooperation against terrorists.
NDTV.com: BJP condemns attack on Sri Lankan team
BJP condemns attack on Sri Lankan team
Condemning the attack on the Sri Lankan cricket team in Pakistan, BJP on Tuesday said it is high time that the world recognises the concerns raised by India all along.

The party said the incident will force the global community to declare Pakistan as a terrorist state.

"The world will be compelled to recognise Pakistan as a terrorist state after this attack. Our party was the first to oppose sending Indian team to Pakistan," BJP spokesman Rajiv Pratap Rudy said.

"We condemn the attack. It is not only an attack on cricket but also on the peace loving world fraternity. The incident signifies the urgency for the world community to recognise the concerns which India has always been raising," he said.

Terrorists attacked the touring Sri Lankan team in Lahore, leaving five policemen dead and injuring six players.

Congress on Tuesday termed the attack on the Sri Lankan cricketers in Pakistan as "horrendous" and "unbelievable."

"If Pakistan has become the epicentre and fountainhead of terror, then every country in the world must unite against this scourge by isolating the country (Pakistan) and demanding immediate concrete results," AICC spokesman Abhishek Singhvi said.

"This is horrendous and unbelievable," he added. Twelve terrorists targeted the touring Sri Lankan cricket team in Lahore, killing five escorting policemen and injuring six players.

I doubt this will help pakistan's sight toward india and - to provide help to mumbai attacks
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