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Attack on Saudi Aramco: what does it mean.?

hassan zohaib

Feb 11, 2012
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Yesterday, two drones attack Saudi Aramco assets, halt half of oil production of Kingdom, send reverberation around the oil market n strategic commands center of the world. So lets analyze how this is important n a Strategic failure for SA.

SA is one of the highest military spender since 2010. It has been investing in its militarily capabilities but this attack only prooves just one thing that by spending huge amounts on your defense you can't make yourself "war prepared".

This is also important in sense that US simply alleged iran for carrying these out, keeping in mind the Iran-us president meeting in the sidelines of UNGA. Can we call it a pressure tactic by US to pressure Iran beforehand or someone else is trying to take benefit of US-Saudia-Iran acrimony. Decision is yours.

This is also important in sense that Aramco was gonna b listed in domestic market soon, keeping in mind that it announced to get listed in other markets as well especially London n New York Stock exchanges but reports were that it preferred to delay listing amidst falling oil prices n US possible disclosure of Personality allegedly involved in 9/11. Here also decision is yours.

Last but not least, we should also consider the role n pressure on Alliance of ISLAMIC countries against Terrorism under the leadership of Gen Raheel Shareef. Agree or not but this is something which has put pressure on this organization's capabilities to counter Terrorism. So how things will unfold here, future will tell but right now a huge pressure is being observed on multiple stakeholders especially this organization.

Now, your turn.
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This is just my prima-facie analysis based on the info available. The drones did not fly all the way from Iran or Yemen since that requires a large UCAV of the category of MALE since the site is more than 500 km from the nearest Yemeni border. A large drone of MALE size would have been downed by Saudi air defence systems or airforce much before it could reach the the target. I guess the smaller drones were used and by some terrorists who were near the site and this kind of strike is very difficult to detect and even more difficult to stop due to very short reaction time.
And Houthis have claimed that the attack was carried out with the help of the people inside. Hence it was a sabotage attack and represents an intelligence failure. I think it will be returned in kind.
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This is just my prima-facie analysis based on the info available. The drones did not fly all the way from Iran or Yemen since that requires a large UCAV of the category of MALE since the site is more 500 km from the nearest Yemeni border. A large drone of MALE size would have been downed by Saudi air defence systems or airforce much before it could reach the the target. I guess the smaller drones were used and by some terrorists who were near the site and this kind of strike is very difficult to detect and even more difficult to stop due to very short reaction time.
And Houthis have claimed that the attack was carried out with the help of the people inside. Hence it was a sabotage attack and represents an intelligence failure. I think it will be returned in kind.
What if this attack was carried out from Iraq??

In some publications, it was reported that drones flew from Iraq.
What if this attack was carried out from Iraq??

In some publications, it was reported that drones flew from Iraq.
The closest city of Iraq to the site is Al Wafrah and it is 340 km from the site which is pretty long distance. I don't know exactly what kind of drone has been used. A small drone can definitely not travel to such distances. It has to be something large.
The closest city of Iraq to the site is Al Wafrah and it is 340 km from the site which is pretty long distance. I don't know exactly what kind of drone has been used. A small drone can definitely not travel to such distances. It has to be something large.
Wherever it has been carried out from, thing is it's an act which will increase the already Deep chasm b/w Iran n SA.
I'm just waiting the response from SA n Iran, both r taking time to react, perhaps reading the actual impacts...
Wherever it has been carried out from, thing is it's an act which will increase the already Deep chasm b/w Iran n SA.
I'm just waiting the response from SA n Iran, both r taking time to react, perhaps reading the actual impacts...
Of course it is a bad development.
Here i'm thinking that I missed out a good opportunity for buying an electric car; because where we're going, we won't have any gasoline for vehicles.
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